Chapter 201 Like Hugging a Big Stove
Seeing her standing still, Xiao Jinyan urged, "What are you doing in a daze?"

Shen Chuwei was a little embarrassed, "Your Highness, I want to go conveniently."

Xiao Jinyan paused when he heard the words, "Go."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Shen Chuwei wiped the soles of his feet with oil, ran out in a hurry, and closed the door carefully before leaving.

Xiao Jinyan looked at her in a hurry, but she was just waiting for her to take a bath, so she was so shy.

Shen Chuwei ran out all the way, pushed open the door of the hut and went in.

She really wanted to be convenient, because it was caused by nervousness.

Why did Xiao Jinyan suddenly want to wait for him to take a bath?

Doesn't he dislike being watched by others?

After solving her physical problems, she returned to the guest room with doubts.

At this time, Xiao Jinyan was almost done taking a bath, and when he saw Shen Chuwei came back, he chuckled lightly: "Why are you only here now?"

Shen Chuwei said with a guilty conscience: "My concubine has a stomachache."

Xiao Jinyan was noncommittal, "Let someone else take a bath."

Shen Chuwei asked someone to change the water, stepped into the bathtub, surrounded by warm water, not to mention how comfortable it was.

The fatigue of traveling for days has also subsided a lot.

Xiao Jinyan's voice suddenly came from behind the screen, "Xiao Jiu, have you got your clothes yet?"

Shen Chuwei was taken aback, and hurriedly went to look at her clothes, only to find that she had taken them all, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness, I have taken all the clothes."

Xiao Jinyan lay on the bed, smiled faintly, "That's good."

Shen Chuwei came out of the shower and saw Xiao Jinyan on Xiao Jinyan's bed, showing a tired state.

She came over, took off her shoes, and climbed into bed.

Xiao Jinyan could never tire of watching Shen Chuwei crawling on the bed, every time she thought it was fun to climb on the bed with her buttocks up.

Shen Chuwei pulled back the quilt and lay down, revealing a small head, "Your Highness, go to sleep."

"Hmm." Xiao Jinyan blew out the lamp, then lay down, pulled him into his arms, nestled his cheek into her neck, and sniffed her exclusive sweet fragrance.

Shen Chu didn't dare to move even slightly, as if there were some big stoves attached to his back, it was extremely hot.

What happened all this time?
Why does Xiao Jinyan have the habit of sleeping with things in his arms?

Every time I hug myself, I can't fall asleep in seconds.

It affects sleep very much.

Is the habit of sleeping with things inherited?
Shen Chuwei fell asleep after thinking about it.

Although the beauty is in his arms, Xiao Jinyan has some ideas, but he is a little tired after traveling for days.

He didn't want to consummate the room with Shen Chuwei casually.

The next morning, the group continued on their way, and finally arrived at Yongqian City this afternoon, which was also the purpose of this trip.

The streets of Yongqian are prosperous and occupy a very large area.

Wei Chi found the largest restaurant, Yongxing Restaurant.

After a few days' journey, everyone had enough food and drink, and slept soundly tonight.

The next day
Shen Chuwei fell asleep until the sun was high, and when he opened his eyes, Xiao Jinyan was no longer on the bed.

Chunxi came in to wait for her to wash up.

Shen Chuwei asked: "Do you know where your Highness is going?"

Chunxi shook her head, "I don't know, I took Wei Chi and Qin Xiao out early in the morning."

After washing up, Chunxi brought out the breakfast.

Shen Chuwei was already hungry by now. Seeing that the food in front of him looked good, he ate a lot and tasted good.

After eating and drinking, Shen Chuwei hugged the snow ball and went to the yard to bask in the sun.

"I don't know what the master is doing this time. This is the first time this servant has traveled so far." Chun Xi's meeting was not as fresh as it used to be, but instead became more and more excited.

"I have never traveled far. I heard that Yongqian City is considered the second city in Daxia. The location is prosperous and there must be a lot of snacks. It would be great if I have the opportunity to go out tonight."

Hearing what Xiao Jinyan and they heard when they met her at this time, I was looking forward to going to the snack street at night.

Just when Shen Chuwei was looking forward to it, a thin-faced man walked up to him, and he saluted with a smile on his face, "Young master, I heard your conversation just now, doesn't seem like a local?"

Shen Chu took a few glances at the man in front of him. He was dressed in green and looked like a scholar, just like Xiao Jinyu, with a folding fan in his hand.

She nodded, "Well, what's the matter?"

"I'm a local, surnamed Qian, and I'm very familiar with this place. The snack street is in the southeast alley, and there are many people during the day. If you want to go, my young master, I can show you the way." Mr. Qian said?
Chunxi refused, "Thank you for your kindness, the master is not here, we can't go out easily."

Mr. Qian smiled and continued: "Didn't you say that your master is out? The snack street is not far away, just a few steps away."

Shen Chuwei was a little tempted, "It's really only a few steps?"

Mr. Qian patted his chest and reassured, "That's natural. How could I lie to my young master?"

Shen Chuwei held Chunxi's hand, a little excited, "Chunxi, let's go and see."

Chunxi was a little worried, "Little master, how can we leave if the master hasn't come back yet? If the master comes back and finds that we are not there, he will be angry."

"It's okay, let's go back quickly." Shen Chuwei pulled Chunxi to stand up, "Please lead the way."

Mr. Qian smiled triumphantly, and finally took the hook.

"Okay, please follow me."

Shen Chuwei followed Mr. Qian out of Yongxing Restaurant.

After walking for a while, the more I walked, the more I walked.

Chunxi was a little worried: "My lord, I feel something is wrong."

Shen Chuwei pointed to the wall in front and said, "There is something wrong, there is a dead end ahead."

"Young master, the ones are so tender and tender, they can be sold for a good price." Mr. Qian laughed, looking at them as if he saw money.

Two burly men walked up behind him, who could be identified as thugs at a glance.

Chunxi's legs trembled in fright, but she still stood in front of Shen Chuwei, "You are bold, you can't arrest my master."

Mr. Qian ordered: "Arrest them."

The two burly men didn't know how to take pity on them, and they didn't take them seriously, so they went up to arrest them.

Shen Chuwei pulled Chunxi behind her, grabbed the two's wrists and squeezed them hard, only to hear a scream.

Shen Chu pinched the acupuncture points slightly, the force was precise and ruthless, even a cow couldn't stand it.

Immediately, she raised her foot again and kicked the two of them in the jaws, with two clicks, a tooth was broken in sevens and eights, and the blood flowed profusely.

Seeing this, Mr. Qian turned around in fright and wanted to run, but Shen Chuwei picked up the bricks on the ground, and hit Mr. Qian on the back of the head accurately, and fell unconscious on the ground.

Shen Chu patted the ashes on his hands slightly, "Do you really think I'm such an easy bully?"

Chunxi felt that she could only blink an eye, so she beat the three big men to the ground. She looked at Shen Chuwei with admiration, "My lord, you are so amazing."

Shen Chu smiled, "Of course, what if you don't know how to do some kung fu when you come out?"

The two walked out of the alley and inquired about the snack street by the way, only to realize that the distance was a bit far, so the two had no choice but to go back home.

Xiao Jinyan didn't come back until it was time to light the lamp.

At the dinner table, Shen Chuwei did not dare to mention what happened during the day, for fear that Xiao Jinyan would be angry.

After dinner, Xiao Jinyan asked someone to prepare hot water for a bath.

Shen Chuwei didn't even have a chance to open his mind to go out for a snack.

While waiting, Xiao Jinyan's slightly deep voice suddenly came from behind the screen, "Xiao Jiu, I forgot to take my clothes."

 First update [-], and there are [-] daytime updates, which can ensure that the heroine's bedtime is among the [-] updates.

  ...Young master made a mistake about the limited exemption time, thinking it was the 20th.


  Good night, babies.

  Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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