Chapter 202 Are you on fire~
Forgot your clothes?
Shen Chuwei glanced around the room, and finally stopped on the bed, where neatly folded clothes were placed on the clean bedding.

Xiao Jinyan remembers to take the clothes every time, why did he forget this time?
She came to the bed and picked up the clothes. The material of the clothes worn by the prince felt soft and smooth in the palm of her hand, and she could tell at a glance that they were high-quality materials.

Although she doesn't know the fabric, she can still feel it.

Shen Chuwei came to the screen with doubts, walked in, heard a "crash", and saw Xiao Jinyan stand up from the bathtub.

She froze on the spot. She, who should see no evil, stared straight at Xiao Jinyan.

The abdominal muscles that I hadn't seen before, but this time I can really see them, the abdominal muscles are firm, the texture lines are perfect, not exaggerated, but very seductive.

Sexy mermaid line, without a trace of cover...

She couldn't help sighing in her heart, Xiao Jinyan's figure is really super good, even...

Her gaze moved down involuntarily... Xiao Jinyan had already wiped the water droplets off her body with a towel.

The important parts are naturally covered.

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes and looked at Shen Chuwei standing there motionless, but those eyes kept staring at him, as if he saw something extraordinary.

Her fair cheeks turned red at an obvious speed, as red as a ripe apple.

He called out in a low voice: "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei reacted slightly, and said awkwardly: "Your Highness, my concubine has brought you clothes."

After talking about putting the clothes on the stool, he turned and ran.

The speed was so fast that Xiao Jinyan didn't have time to call her.

This would be so embarrassing, what should I do when I serve the bed?

Shen Chuwei held the snowball in his arms, and while patting it, he calmed down that he saw something he shouldn't have just seen.

She really didn't intend to look at it just now, who made him stand up suddenly from the bathtub?
The figure is still so good, I can't help but want to admire it a few times.

Xiao Jinyan listened to Shen Chuwei's inner drama while putting on his clothes, and looked down at his figure, noncommittal.

He put on his clothes and came out from behind the screen, and saw Shen Chuwei sitting on a small stool with a snowball in his arms, like a child who did something wrong.

Shen Chuwei took a shower before Xiao Jinyan came back, and when she saw him coming out, she was a little embarrassed to even look at him, and hugged the snow ball and wanted to go to bed.

Xue Tuan's blue eyes looked at the two of them suspiciously, as if wondering what happened behind the screen just now?

Xiao Jinyan came over, took Xue Tuan by the back of his neck, and threw it onto a chair beside him.

Xuetuan groaned, and landed firmly on the chair, looking at Xiao Jinyan aggrievedly, if it could speak, it would definitely ask: Why did you throw me?

Shen Chuwei watched the snow ball being thrown out just like that, feeling sorry for it.

Xiao Jin said: "Sleep, don't hug the cat."

"The concubine knows." She didn't want to sleep with Xuetuan in her arms either, she was just looking for a sense of security.

After Shen Chuwei lay down in the bed, she was used to sleeping on her side, thinking that Xiao Jinyan always hugged her to sleep these days, which made her unable to sleep well.

She turned around and faced Xiao Jinyan again.

At this time Xiao Jinyan had just turned off the lights, lifted the quilt and lay down.

Shen Chuwei asked: "Your Highness, have you gotten a little angry these days?"

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "No, it's just that there is a difficult case that I need to investigate."

"Oh." She also wanted to prescribe some prescriptions for Xiao Jinyan to dispel the fire, so as not to hurt her body.

Xiao Jinyan stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms. Her body was very soft and she was very comfortable when holding her.

The fragrance on the body is also very good.

Shen Chuwei fell asleep in anxiety.

The next day, a group of officers and soldiers suddenly came to Yongxing Restaurant, headed by Luozhi County of Yongqian City, wearing official uniforms.

Wei Chi shouted angrily: "Who is here?"

Luo Cheng glanced at the few people in front of him, and asked: "Your Majesty Luo Cheng, the magistrate of Yongqian City, may I ask where is the governor?"

Xiao Jinyan immediately recognized Luo Cheng, the magistrate of Yongqian City, "I am the official."

Xiao Jinyan used the official position of governor to go out this time, and concealed his identity by the way to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Luo Cheng led his subordinates to salute the governor, and they knelt down on the floor.

"The lower officials didn't know the governor was coming in person, so they missed the farewell. It was the lower officials' dereliction of duty."

Xiao Jin said: "Get up."

After Luo Zhixian got up, he said with a flattering smile: "Master Governor, the lower officials have already arranged a residence, I wonder what the Governor wants?"

Xiao Jinyan happened to have this idea, so he nodded and agreed, "It's exactly what I want."

Just like that, Shen Chuwei followed Xiao Jinyan to live in Luozhi County's mansion.

The mansion of Luozhi County looks a bit bleak and deserted, not like what a county magistrate should have.

It is rumored that Luozhi County has a breeze in its sleeves, which will make people believe it.

Xiao Jin said: "County Luo Zhi, take me to see the body of Wei Shuli."

Luo Zhixian made an invitation gesture, "The Governor, please come with me."

Xiao Jinyan stood up and followed Luo Zhixian.

"Wei Shuli is getting old and not in good health, but he didn't expect to get sick suddenly." Luo Zhixian shook his head helplessly.

The body of Wei Shuli was parked in Yizhuang.

Because the weather was not hot, the body did not stink.

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Wei Chi, re-examine the autopsy."

"Your subordinate obeys." Wei Chi took the order, lifted the white cloth, and re-examined the autopsy.

Luo Zhixian stood watching from the side, and said from time to time: "Wei shuji is not in good health, and he takes medicine all the year round."

After speaking, he sighed.

After Wei Chi checked, he reported, "Master, no problem was found."

Xiao Jinyan pondered for a moment, "Go back."

Back at the magistrate's mansion, Luo Zhixian warmly greeted: "Master Governor, the officials ordered the food and drinks on time, and clean up the dust for Lord Governor."

Xiao Jinyan: "Well, send the account book to me..."

Not long after Luo Zhixian left, a stack of account books was delivered.

Xiao Jinyan sat down at the table, picked up the account book and looked through it.

Shen Chuwei lifted the teapot and poured him a cup of tea.

Xiao Jinyu couldn't help asking: "Brother, did Wei Shuli really just get sick and die?"

Xiao Jinyan picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, "My father just sent me to check the account books, and he died? It's too strange."

Xiao Jinyu's tone was puzzled: "Wei Chi checked the corpse just now and found nothing wrong? If someone killed him, it would definitely leave a flaw."

Listening to the chat between the two, Shen Chuwei might have been a forensic doctor for a while, so she asked curiously, "How do you die?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "He died of illness, he had been drinking medicine for a long time before he died, but he died without holding on."

Shen Chuwei asked again: "What disease is he suffering from?"

Xiao Jin said, "Consumption."

Seeing that Shen Chuwei kept asking, Xiao Jinyu joked, "Sister-in-law, you're so interested, don't you understand?"

Xiao Jinyan paused while looking at the account book, then turned to look at Shen Chuwei, and suddenly remembered that when Chuntao died, Shen Chuwei also looked at the corpse before concluding that Chuntao had been abused and died strangely.

"You will do an autopsy?"

 [-] words today, will be updated one after another.

  See the comments of the boys,

  Some treasures want to see the hostess in bed right away.

  Some treasures think that it is the first time for the heroine to attend bed when she knows the hero.

  There is also Baozi who wants the heroine to realize that he also likes the hero before going to bed.

  Babies leave a message to see which idea you support?
  By the way, ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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