Chapter 219 Happy Like A Child
"Ah!!!" Instinctively exclaimed.

Who would have thought that a path of only two or three steps could be so unstable.

Shen Chuwei didn't expect that at such a big age, he could still fall because of stepping on his own feet.

Shen Chuwei was in a good mood today, so he drank a few more glasses, and forgot about getting drunk after drinking too much.

Xiao Jinyan stretched out his arms quickly and hugged the person who fell towards him firmly into his arms.

Shen Chuwei grasped Xiao Jinyan's arm tightly instinctively, she did not fall to the ground, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She raised her delicate face with a drunken look, "Your Highness is still amazing, he caught the concubine right away."

After Xiao Jinyan stabilized her, he looked down and saw that her face was drunk, and even her tone of voice was a little different from usual.

He squeezed her flushed face with his slender fingers, and said in a doting voice, "It's just fruit wine, why are you drunk?"

Shen Chuwei chuckled twice, "The concubine is not drunk, but the concubine can still drink."

Generally, drunk people yell that they are not drunk, which means that they are not lightly drunk.

"Yes, Xiao Jiu is not drunk." Xiao Jinyan hugged her and sat down on the chair.

Shen Chu held Xiao Jinyan's face fiercely, frowned and said, "Now there are two Highnesses, which one is the real one?"

If it were someone else, he would have been thrown out by Xiao Jinyan a long time ago, looking drunk and talking nonsense.

Only Shen Chuwei was very patient.

Xiao Jinyan explained patiently: "That's because your eyes are blurred, I only have one."

Shen Chuwei stared at Xiao Jinyan with wide eyes for a while, trying to know how many Xiao Jinyans were lying on the ground.

She came over suddenly, "Xiao Jiu wants to kiss."

Xiao Jinyan watched Shen Chuwei put the tip of his nose against his own, and his childish voice made him stunned for a long time.

He kissed Shen Chuwei's lips, and smiled indulgently: "When I'm drunk, I'm a lot more courageous."

Shen Chuwei kissed him back again, because it was only fair.

She wrapped her arms around Xiao Jinyan's neck tightly, and asked in a drunken tone next to his ear: "Jinyan, is what you said that day true?"

That night, Shen Chuwei vaguely heard someone talking, because he was too heavy to know if it was real, or if he imagined it while dreaming.

Now that he was very drunk, he asked out the doubts that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time, just wanting a real result.

If he was awake, he probably wouldn't be able to ask.

After listening to Xiao Jinyan, he was stunned for a long time before realizing what Shen Chuwei was asking.

"Of course it's true. When did Bengong lie to you?"

Shen Chu smiled slightly, his voice purely like a child's.

Xiao Jinyan looked at her sideways, and saw that her eyebrows and eyes were crooked, her big hand was on her forehead, and she moved the person over to face him.

"So happy?"

Shen Chuwei stared at Xiao Jinyan without blinking, then leaned over and kissed his lips.

Kiss him like he kissed himself.

Xiao Jinyan felt her initiative, this was the second time she kissed herself, and it felt completely different from the last time.

Last time it was jerky like a novice.

This time it's a novice trying to become a veteran, clumsy and throbbing.

"Hiss!" Xiao Jinyan felt that the skin on his lips should be broken, and he tasted a sweet smell.

"Xiao Jiu, that's not the case." Xiao Jinyan looked at the drunken Shen Chuwei and shook his head helplessly.

He turned passive into active and taught her himself.

He has been on the road for several days, but he has been enduring and restraining himself.

He would only kiss her forehead and the corners of her lips when she was asleep.

There will be no hindrance to this, and I don't want to bear it anymore when I am so emotional.

The next day
When Shen Chuwei woke up, she had a headache. She opened her eyes and stared at the carport above her head for a while.

"Are you awake?" A familiar voice suddenly came from above her head, she slowly turned her head, and when she saw Xiao Jinyan's unparalleled handsome face, she froze again.

It was only at this time that she realized that she was in the carriage, and she heard the sound of the wheels beside her ears, and she guessed that she should be on the road.

Last night was obviously just drinking and eating barbecue, so I slept in a camp tent.

"Your Highness, are we on our way so early?" Shen Chuwei subconsciously thought that he was sleeping too deeply, because he woke up early on the way, and Xiao Jinyan hugged him into the carriage because of his heavy sleep.

Seeing her appearance, Xiao Jinyan guessed that she was drowsy, "It's the end of the day."

Not yet?

When Shen Chuwei heard about Weishi, which was one or two o'clock in the afternoon, thinking that he hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch, his already hungry stomach became even more hungry.

She sat up abruptly, but when she got up halfway, she found that she was very sore, and her brows were wrinkled into a ball.

How is this going?

Could it be that he rode in a carriage overnight last night?

Shen Chu frowned slightly, and thought for a while, sleeping in the carriage a few nights ago was not like this.

Xiao Jinyan watched her move, and quickly stretched out his arms to hug her, "Slow down, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Shen Chuwei thought for a long time and couldn't remember what happened when she fell to the ground last night, but this time, she felt something strange in her body, and that strangeness was so familiar that she couldn't forget it even if she wanted to.

So I slept with Xiao Jinyan last night?
And after drinking the broken pieces, I don't know if I have talked nonsense.

When he looked at Xiao Jinyan again, he was too embarrassed to ask about last night.

"The concubine missed breakfast and lunch, what a loss."

"..." Xiao Jinyan: "Why do you remember to eat?"

Shen Chu touched his stomach slightly, and said weakly: "The concubine is hungry."

Xiao Jin said: "Wash first, then eat."

"Okay." Shen Chuwei took out the toiletries and began to wash.

While Shen Chuwei was washing up, Xiao Jinyan opened the food box on the low table, took out the snacks inside and put them on the low table.

Chunxi made meat buns and deep-fried dough sticks early in the morning, so it can be said that she was well prepared for this trip.

Although it is cold at this time, it tastes good.

Xiao Jinyan then took out the tea set again, brewed a new cup of tea, poured a cup and placed it in front of Shen Chuwei.

Washing up was quick, and it didn't take long for me to wash up.

Shen Chuwei looked at the buns and fried dough sticks on the table, and couldn't wait to eat them.

Seeing her gobbling it up, Xiao Jinyan reminded, "Eat slowly."

"The concubine knows." Shen Chuwei responded, but the speed of eating did not slow down at all. Seeing the new tea at the side, she picked it up and took a few sips, then picked up a deep-fried dough stick and took a bite.

Although it is not as delicious as the one just out of the pan, it is delicious when you are hungry.

Xuetuan smelled the smell of meat and called out: "Meow!"

Shen Chu lowered her eyes and glanced at Xuetuan. Tong Wei was a foodie and knew Xuetuan too well. She picked up a meat bun and put it in front of it, puffing her cheeks and said, "Eat it."

Xuetuan was not too polite, he opened his mouth and took a bite, and when he ate the meat filling, he narrowed his blue eyes happily.

Xiao Jinyan looked at a person, a cat, and two foodies, and looked at Shen Chuwei. Thinking of her actions last night, he asked softly, "Do you remember what happened last night?"


 Good night, babies!

  Be coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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