Chapter 220 Evidence of Doing Bad Things
When Shen Chuwei heard about last night, her chewing movements also slowed down. She sneaked a glance at Xiao Jinyan, and seeing that he was looking at her, she immediately looked away, feeling too guilty.

He must have done something earth-shattering after getting drunk last night, otherwise Xiao Jinyan wouldn't have brought it up so seriously.

She thought about it carefully, probably, maybe she was talking nonsense!

It is also possible to shout Xiao Jinyan's name?
She asked cautiously, "Your Highness, did the concubine do anything wrong last night?"

Xiao Jinyan said thoughtfully: "You were very bold last night."

Shen Chuwei wailed in her heart, she did something earth-shattering last night, she suddenly thought, could it be that she beat Xiao Jinyan by herself?

She carefully probed: "How bold is it?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at her calmly: "What do you think?"

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan, trying to find evidence that he beat him.

Finally, traces were found on Xiao Jinyanyue's white collar, on that fair neck.

It seems that the strike is a bit heavy, and this is what it looks like.

Even if he didn't remember what he did last night, he could guess that Xiao Jinyan wanted to serve him in bed last night, but he couldn't help but beat him when he got drunk.

Xiao Jinyan is very good at this, so he tidied himself up very easily, and made a lot of troubles in this way and that.

Shen Chuwei adhered to the idea that if you admit your mistakes and have a good attitude, you will be forgiven, and said sincerely: "The concubine drank too much by accident last night. Don't be angry, Your Highness. The concubine promises that she will never drink too much again in the future."

Xiao Jinyan looked at her with a serious face, which was a little different from her childish look last night. After she was drunk, she was even bolder.

"I'm not angry, Bengong."

When Shen Chuwei heard the words, the heart he was carrying finally returned to its original place, and he couldn't help boasting in his heart that Xiao Jinyan would definitely be a Mingjun in the future.

Seeing that there was still half of the fritters in her hand, she hesitated for a while before reluctantly handing it to him, "Your Highness, do you want some fritters?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at her reluctantly, shook his head, "You can eat, I am not hungry."

Shen Chuwei was waiting for this sentence, her brows were curved, "Then the concubine will not be polite."

After speaking, he handed it to his mouth and took a bite, eating with relish.

"..." When have you ever been polite?

Xiao Jinyan watched her eating, picked up the teacup in front of her and sipped the tea slowly.

After Xuetuan finished eating a meat bun, he licked his paws contentedly.

Shen Chuwei swept away the snacks in front of him, drank two sips of tea contentedly, and the soreness in his body was also reduced by half, making him a little lazy.

She looked sideways at Xiao Jinyan, and found that he was reading a book again, and lowered her head to glance at the words on the book, good guy, it's actually Art of War!
No wonder it's so engrossing to watch every time.

She held her chin with one hand and rolled the snow ball with the other, and asked curiously: "Is your Highness planning to lead troops to fight?"

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "It's not because I want to lead troops to fight that I need to be familiar with the art of war. In the future, it will be beneficial for the prince to learn more."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

Being a prince is actually quite tiring. He wakes up earlier than chickens and goes to bed later than dogs. He is exhausted at a young age, and his position has to be missed by others, and his life is in danger from time to time.

It's better to be an idle prince, comfortable and at ease.

Xiao Jinyan's eyes paused when he heard this, and he turned his head to look at Shen Chuwei, only to see her looking at him with her chin up, her eyes still pure like a child's.

Being in the royal family, not everything can be chosen by oneself, the jungle preys on the strong, you have to fight if you don't fight!
When Xiao Jinyan looked over, Shen Chuwei felt guilty, and always felt that Xiao Jinyan could see what was in his heart.

After several days of driving, I finally arrived in Kyoto.

Shen Chuwei leaned out of the car window, looking at the bustling streets, couldn't help but lament how time flies, after going out with Xiao Jinyan for a month, he still misses Xiyun Pavilion, Little Rabbit and the others.

More importantly, your own small vegetable garden and chicken coop should all thrive!

Xiao Jinyan leaned against the low table, watching Shen Chuwei's actions without stopping.

Enter the Imperial Palace and go straight to the Eastern Palace
after getting off the carriage
Xiao Jin said: "You go back to the Hall of Huan first, I'm going to see my father."

Shen Chu blessed the body slightly, and after watching Xiao Jinyan leave, he and Chunxi returned to the Palace of Joy.

"Little brother, wait a minute." Qin Xiao ran all the way over.

Chunxi didn't know how many times he was called "little brother" along the way. When he heard someone calling to stop "little brother", he subconsciously stepped down, looked back suspiciously, and saw Qin Xiao walking all the way.

She puffed out her chest, "What do you want me to do?"

Qin Xiao reached into his bosom and took out a handkerchief, and handed it to Chunxi, "This is for you."

Chunxi looked at the handkerchief in Qin Xiao's hand. His hands were big, and the handkerchiefs were stacked squarely, like little tofu.

Did she hesitate to reach out?

Seeing that Chunxi didn't take it, Qin Xiao passed it forward again, "It's been cleaned."

Chunxi looked up at Qin Xiao, blushed, and pulled Shen Chuwei away.

There is only one sentence left: "Send it to you!"

Qin Xiao saw the two running away, looked down at the handkerchief in his hand, and felt troubled, "I don't need a handkerchief even if I'm a big man!"

Wei Chi came over, patted Qin Xiao on the shoulder and said, "What's the matter with you these two days? Why are you nagging?"

When he saw the handkerchief in Qin Xiao's hand, he knew it was for a girl.

"Qin Xiao, you are really getting more and more motherly, using such feminine things."

This is the third time that Qin Xiao has been called a mother by his good brother, and no one can bear it. He grabbed Wei Chi by the collar, and the veins on his forehead twitched, "This is what my little brother gave me, not mine. things, understand?"

Wei Chi was taken aback by Qin Xiao's roar, and nodded mechanically, "Understood."

"That's about it." Qin Xiao let go of Wei Chi's collar in satisfaction.

Wei Chi asked in a shocked tone, "When did you get married?"

In the end, Qin Xiao chased Wei Chi around the East Palace for a few laps, and didn't let him go until Wei Chi begged for mercy.

Back in the Hall of Hehuan, as soon as Shen Chuwei entered the room, he saw the little gray rabbit running towards him, as if to welcome him.

But when he saw the snowball in Shen Chuwei's arms, he stepped on the brakes hurriedly, not daring to get close.

Shen Chuwei looked at the little rabbit's figure and found that it had gained weight again, "It's only been a month since you got fat like this, you can only walk by rolling in the future."

The little rabbit blinked twice, innocent enough.

On the second day after she came back, Concubine Xu came to visit with a small handkerchief, and when she saw Shen Chuwei in the yard, she hurried over.

"Shen Liangdi, have you heard? The empress wants to make Chang Liangdi the Crown Princess."

Shen Chuwei had just had her period, and she felt uncomfortable all over. When she heard that Chang Liangdi wanted to make a crown prince, she asked, "When did it happen?"

"It happened in March. A few days ago, Chang Liang Di's mother's family came to the palace to visit the queen, and she mentioned a word, and the queen agreed."

 Good afternoon, babies!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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