Chapter 229
Chang Liangdi had long guessed that Xiao Jinyan was anxious to go to the Hall of Hehuan because she heard the news of Shen Chuwei's meeting, she smiled slightly: "The concubine is also going to the Hall of Hehuan, how about going with His Highness?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at her smug look, her eyes were cold and devoid of any emotion.

It's just that because of my uncle's face, I can't say something, and I can't go too far.

His voice was still lukewarm: "Tomorrow is your inauguration ceremony, so you should prepare well, so as not to make mistakes tomorrow and make people laugh."

In fact, Xiao Jinyan really wanted to make a mistake tomorrow and cancel the grand ceremony for the appointment of the crown prince.

Chang Liangdi was stunned for a moment, thinking that tomorrow would be the grand ceremony, so it was better to prepare well.

It's just that Xiao Jinyan said that, and it's hard to avoid embarrassment.

"The concubine understands."

Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze, strode towards Hehuan Hall, and disappeared after a while.

Chang Liangdi stood at the same spot, watching Xiao Jinyan's figure disappear around the corner, it was naturally sad to be ignored by her sweetheart.

But thinking that I will be the princess tomorrow, so what if I don't like it?

She sneered again in her heart, Xiao Jinyan, do you really think Shen Chuwei is happy?In the end it was nothing but joy!

And the child I gave birth to is the eldest son, the eldest son, no one can compare.

Shen Chuwei is even more unworthy!

Chang Liangdi withdrew her gaze, flicked her handkerchief, and proudly returned to Xinlan Hall.

Hall of Joy

When Xiao Jinyan came, Shen Chuwei was eating oranges, picked from the backyard of Xiyun Pavilion, they were very fresh.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan coming, she hurriedly put down the orange in her hand and stood up to greet her.

"Your Highness."

Concubine Xu had just stuffed a petal of orange into her mouth, when she saw Xiao Jinyan coming, she hurriedly spit it out again and got up to greet her.

"Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan saw that Concubine Xu was also there, "Get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan came to the chair and sat down. Seeing a pile of orange peels on the table, he frowned. He looked up at Shen Chuwei and asked, "What did Doctor Zhao say?"

"After the doctor Zhao took the pulse, he said that the concubine is happy." Shen Chuwei said, showing Xiao Jinyan the prescription prescribed by the doctor Zhao, "Your Highness, look, just now the concubine said that he was retching and feeling uncomfortable, and he prescribed another prescription , it’s actually a prescription for menstruation.”

Xiao Jinyan couldn't be more clear about whether Shen Chuwei had met happiness, since Shen Chuwei had menstruation and has never had intercourse until now, where did the pulse of happiness come from?
If a dignified imperial physician can even spot a simple happy pulse, he is not worthy of the position of doctor.

Xiao Jinyan held a prescription in one hand, glanced at the handwriting on it, it was written by the same person.

It is also more certain that Zhao Yuyi not only wants to frame Concubine Xu, but also wants to frame Xiaojiu.

Concubine Xu looked at the scene in front of her in shock. She only knew now that His Royal Highness Fang Zi, who was begging for a child, knew about it.

That meeting just now almost scared her to death.

But now it seems that His Highness is not angry!
Xiao Jinyan looked up at Concubine Xu.

Concubine Xu lowered her eyes in fright.

Xiao Jinyan didn't say anything, because as Xiao Jiu said, side concubine Xu had no intention of harming her.

Now it is almost certain that there is something wrong with this imperial doctor Zhao, and there must be someone who instructed him behind the scenes.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan's attitude, Concubine Xu knew that Xiao Jinyan was in charge of this matter, and she couldn't wait to ask: "Your Highness, are you going to arrest someone now?"

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "It's not the time yet."

"The concubine knows." Concubine Xu didn't dare to ask more.

During dinner, Xiao Jinyan sent someone to invite Zhao Yuyi over, and asked Shen Chuwei for a pulse again.

Liu Xi went to invite Dr. Zhao Yu.

Physician Zhao was dispensing medicine, when he learned that His Highness asked him to ask Shen Liangdi for a pulse, he was startled with a guilty conscience.

Liu Xi smiled and said: "Doctor Zhao, His Highness is happy to meet Shen Liangdi, but worried that Shen Liangdi's fatigue these two days will affect the fetus."

After working in the Imperial Hospital for a year, Imperial Physician Zhao could still understand the meaning of Liu Xi's words, but it was because His Highness shared the bed with Shen Liangdi for the past two days and was afraid of accidents.

"I'll go right away." Zhao Yuyi packed up the herbs on hand, carried the medicine box and hurriedly followed Liu Xi to Hehuan Hall.

At this time, Shen Chuwei was lying on the bed, looking at Xiao Jinyan who was sitting by the bed, and found that he had been staring at him for 5 minutes, as if he wanted to see a flower before giving up.

She really couldn't bear Xiao Jinyan's focused eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Your Highness, is there something dirty on this concubine's face?"

Xiao Jinyan shook his head, "No."

Shen Chuwei's beautiful star eyes were full of doubts: "Then why do you keep staring at my concubine?"

Liu Xi hurried in to report, "Your Highness, Doctor Zhao is here."

Xiao Jinyan raised his head to look at Liu Xi, and saw Imperial Doctor Zhao walking in with a medicine box behind him, with a rather raw face, about 30 years old.

Doctor Zhao put down the medicine box and knelt down to salute, "May your Highness be blessed and safe."

Xiao Jin said: "Get up, first let Shen Liangdi take a good look to see if he is alright."

"Weichen will check Shen Liangdi's pulse right now." Doctor Zhao stood up and came to the bedside. This was the second time he had checked Shen Liangdi's pulse, and took out props and silk handkerchiefs with ease.

Xiao Jinyan sat on the edge of the bed and watched, which made Zhao Yu feel a lot of pressure.

Shen Chu took a slight look at Doctor Zhao, seeing that the pulse diagnosis was nothing to worry about, she looked at Xiao Jinyan again, and found that he was very serious at this moment.

Xiao Jinyan waited for Doctor Zhao to withdraw his hand, and asked knowingly, "How is it? Is the fetus stable?"

Doctor Zhao lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Returning to Your Highness, Shen Liangdi's body is in good health and the fetus is stable, there is no serious problem."

Xiao Jinyan's voice was a little cold: "Really? You didn't make a mistake?"

Doctor Zhao started to sweat coldly on his forehead, he didn't dare to raise his hand to wipe it, but just repeated what he said just now, "Your Highness, I did not make a wrong diagnosis, Shen Liangdi is in good health, and the fetus is stable."

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "Then why does this palace feel restless? You know that Shen Liangdi's baby is the first child of this palace, if there is a mistake, you can't afford it."

Doctor Zhao only felt a chill down his back, and even his voice trembled: "Your Highness, I know, I will give Shen Liangdi a new pulse diagnosis."

Xiao Jin said: "No need."

Doctor Zhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he almost thought that His Highness had noticed something just now and scared him to death.

Shen Chuwei really admires Xiao Jinyan, her acting skills are much better than theirs, it can be said that she is impeccable.

She and Concubine Xu didn't hold back several times, and they resolved the possibility of revealing their secrets by chatting vigorously.

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Liu Xi, go and invite Doctor Wen to come over and diagnose Shen Liangdi's pulse."

"Here." Liu Xi took the order, turned around and strode out.

When Doctor Zhao heard that Doctor Wen was invited, his legs felt a little weak from fright, and he felt a little more at ease when he thought that Doctor Wen was not in the Imperial Hospital today, as long as he could get through today.

Doctor Zhao comforted himself in his heart.

Liu Xi went around the imperial hospital, but he didn't see Doctor Wen, and only after inquiring did he know that Doctor Wen was out of the palace today.

 Good evening, babies!

  Acting like a baby and begging for votes!

  And an update!


  ...Ask questions about Baozi that the master said, but the son does not reply to what the master said!
(End of this chapter)

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