Chapter 230

Liu Xi knew that His Royal Highness trusted Imperial Physician Wen the most, so he specifically asked Imperial Physician Wen to come and have a pulse.

It's just that Imperial Doctor Wen is not in the Tai Hospital.

Just when Liu Xi was debating whether to hire another imperial physician, Imperial Physician Wen walked in from the outside carrying a medicine box.

Liu Xi almost cried with joy, "Yuyi Wen, you are back, the miscellaneous family is looking for you."

Doctor Wen was taken aback by Liu Xi's appearance of crying with joy, "Is Eunuch Liu looking for something?"

Liu Xi was a little anxious, "Let's talk as we walk."

Seeing that Liu Xi was in such a hurry, Doctor Wen didn't delay, picked up the medicine box again, and followed Liu Xi out of the Imperial Hospital.

On the way, Liu Xi gave a general account of what happened.

Doctor Wen also understood, but he didn't expect that the prescription for begging for a child would be applied to Shen Liangdi.


Doctor Zhao stood aside anxiously, his back and palms were covered with cold sweat.

Xiao Jinyan waited for a while, seeing that Liu Xi hadn't returned for a long time, his brows were frowned: "Come here, let's go to the Imperial Hospital to have a look."

Chunxi responded and trotted out.

As soon as she ran out of the Hall of Hehuan, she saw Liu Xi and Imperial Doctor Wen approaching from a distance, she ran over quickly, her two short legs were like rabbits.

"Why did you come here? Your Highness is waiting anxiously."

Liu Xi and Doctor Wen exchanged glances, and hurriedly strode in.

Chunxi ran ahead, before anyone entered the room, the voice came first, "Doctor Wen is here."

When Imperial Doctor Zhao heard that Imperial Doctor Wen was coming, his legs went limp and he almost fell to the ground.

Isn't Imperial Physician Wen out of the palace?How could it be in Tai Hospital?
Liu Xi bowed and said, "Your Highness, when the slave went to the imperial hospital, Doctor Wen came back from the palace just in time."

Doctor Wen stepped forward and bowed to salute, "May your Highness be safe and blessed."

Xiao Jin said: "Please ask Shen Liangdi for a pulse, and see if there is any problem."

"I obey." Doctor Wen stepped forward to open the medicine box, took out the medical pad and put it on the bed, Shen Chuwei consciously stretched out his hand, keeping his sleeves on, waiting for this moment.

Doctor Wen took out a clean silk handkerchief and put it on Shen Chuwei's wrist, stretched out two fingers, and began to take the pulse seriously.

Zhao Yu was extremely guilty, and the cold sweat on his forehead was like raining, and it didn't stop when Wen Yu came.

Shen Chuwei has had his pulse checked n times today, and he is already a little numb.

After Doctor Wen withdrew his hand, Xiao Jinyan asked, "How?"

Doctor Wen said: "Return to Your Highness, Shen Liangdi is in good health and there is no serious problem."

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "What about the fetus?"

Doctor Wen was surprised, "Your Highness, Shen Liangdi doesn't have a happy pulse, how could she have a fetus?"

Xiao Jinyan glanced coldly at Zhao Yuyi, who was already too guilty at this time, but he just held on and didn't fall down.

"Doctor Zhao said that Shen Liangdi already has a happy pulse."

Upon hearing this, Imperial Doctor Wen looked at Zhao Yuyi in doubt, "Zhao Yuyi, Shen Liangdi clearly doesn't have a happy pulse, where did your happy pulse come from?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at Zhao Yuyi with disappointment, and shouted angrily: "Zhao Yuyi, why is this?"

Zhao Yuyi's legs went limp, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, he knelt on the ground with a plop, and said tremblingly: "Your Highness, Shen Liangdi really doesn't have a happy pulse."

Shen Chuwei thought about doing a full set of acting, and she should do her best as a friendship actor.

As if she had just realized it, she accuses aggrievedly, "Yuyi Zhao, you clearly said that I was happy, why didn't it disappear? Aren't you making me happy for nothing?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Xiao Jinyan again, grabbed his sleeve, and was so wronged, "Your Highness, the concubine thought that she was really happy, so she happily told His Highness. I didn't expect Zhao Yuyi to deceive the minister. Concubine, if you don't know, you may think that the concubine is cheating His Highness."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the hand holding her sleeve, reached out to hold her hand, "Don't worry, I will uphold justice for you."

Chunxi: "..." Even though it's fake, but the servant girl loves me so much!Boom!

Liu Xi: "..." The servant almost believed it.

Doctor Wen: "..." I didn't see that His Highness still has the talent for acting.

Xiao Jinyan turned his head to look at Zhao Yuyi, and asked in a cold voice: "Then why do you say that Shen Liangdi has a Xi pulse? And why does she have the symptoms of Yu Xi?"

Doctor Zhao prostrated himself on the ground, trembling but didn't say a word.

Seeing that Imperial Physician Zhao didn't speak, Shen Chuwei had no choice but to continue acting, "Your Highness, the concubine's symptom of meeting happiness is because she used the formula for seeking a son given by Imperial Physician Zhao. here."

As he spoke, he took out two prescriptions and gave them to Xiao Jinyan.

Xiao Jinyan had already read it, and passed it directly to Doctor Wen, "Take a look, what's the problem?"

Doctor Wen took the prescriptions and carefully examined them one by one.

And explained: "Your Highness, this is not a prescription for begging for a child, but a prescription that can cause false pregnancy symptoms, and the other one is a prescription for urging menstruation."

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Go and invite Concubine Xu over here."

"Your servant obeys." Chunxi took the order and ran out quickly, and came to Yixiang Palace in one breath, asking side concubine Xu to testify against Zhao Yuyi.

As soon as Concubine Xu heard the testimonies against Doctor Zhao, she immediately regained her spirits. She had been waiting for this moment, and hurried to the Hall of Hehuan, waving a small handkerchief.

Chunxi looked at how often Concubine Xu shook her handkerchief, this time she was not in a bad mood, but too excited.

Concubine Xu strode in, her momentum was no less than that of going to the battlefield.

She came in with a small handkerchief, and first blessed Fushen, "My Royal Highness, may I be safe."

Xiao Jin said: Get up. "

"Thank you, Your Highness." Concubine Xu stood up straight.

Liu Xi roughly recounted what happened.

Concubine Xu shouted: "Your Highness was wronged, and my concubine didn't know about it." After she finished speaking, she turned her head and asked, "Doctor Zhao, you clearly said that it was a prescription for begging for a child, and you also took the pulse and said that Shen Liangdi is happy. Why do you care?"

Xiao Jinyan's voice was cold: "Doctor Zhao, now that witnesses and evidence are gathered, what else do you have to say?"

In front of the evidence, Doctor Zhao couldn't utter a word of defense and rebuttal, he prostrated himself on the ground trembling, "My humble minister, it was my humble minister's doing."

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "I don't believe that you did it alone. You have no grievances with Concubine Xu and Shen Liangdi. How did you think of such a vicious method to harm people? Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?"

Doctor Zhao hesitated for a long time, and decided to resist everything, "This is what I did alone, and it has nothing to do with others."

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Xiao Jinyan's eyes, "Do you think I won't be able to find out if you don't tell me?"

Doctor Zhao was trembling with fright, he couldn't say, what if his family was hurt?
Seeing that Imperial Physician Zhao didn't speak, Xiao Jinyan ordered in a cold voice, "Liu Xi, go and investigate Imperial Physician Zhao."

"Here." Liu Xi took the order to leave quickly.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Yuyi Zhao who was on the ground, "Detain Yuyu Zhao and keep him under strict supervision."

Wei Chi strode in, took off the paralyzed Imperial Physician Zhao, and kept watching.

The matter was almost handled, Concubine Xu and Imperial Doctor Wen also went back.

Xiao Jinyan sat by the bed and did not intend to leave, even though tomorrow is a big day for the appointment of the Crown Princess.

 There are updates!

(End of this chapter)

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