Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 234 Surprise?Do you know the light bulb?

Chapter 234 Surprise?Do you know the light bulb?

"Chun Xi, it's ready, send some to King Yu."

Shen Chuwei thought for a while and said: "Give some to Concubine Xu Tao Chenghui, Xiyun Pavilion will also give some, let them try something new, and Eunuch Liu will give some too."

Chunxi raised her eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, and found that the young master is so generous today, even though the roasted whole lamb is big, but there is not much left as a gift.

The young master is happy, but she doesn't have much to say as a slave.

Shen Chuwei stared at the roasted whole lamb roasted golden on both sides in Chunxi's hands, reluctant to take her eyes off, she licked her lips, and urged: "Chunxi, it's ready to eat."

"My lord, the roasted whole lamb can't escape. Wait a little longer, let it cool for a while." Chunxi said, raised her head and saw His Highness standing not far away, she blurted out in surprise, "Your Highness."

Shen Chuwei's gaze stayed on the roasted whole lamb, without raising his head, he said: "Today is an important day for the appointment of the Crown Princess, Your Highness has no time to come."

Xiao Jinyan stood less than two meters away from Shen Chuwei, watching Shen Chuwei lying on the rattan chair, even if he couldn't see her face, he could guess that her eyes must be looking at the roasted whole lamb.

Seeing Shen Chuwei sitting still, Chunxi anxiously winked at her, my lord, His Highness is really here...

Seeing Chunxi standing still, Shen Chuwei looked up suspiciously and saw Chunxi's eyes twitching, "Chunxi, are your eyes twitching?"

Chunxi: "..." Erdi Niang!Little master, where do my eyes seem to be cramp?

Shen Chuwei noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere, Chunxi and the little rabbit both stood up and saluted behind her.

She asked Chun Xi in a very low voice, "Your Highness is really here?"

Chunxi wanted to roll her eyes, don't you know by looking back?

Xiao Jinyan coughed lightly: "Xiao Jiu."

Hearing the sound, Shen Chuwei looked back and saw Xiao Jinyan wearing a black court dress standing less than two meters behind her, she was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't Your Highness the day to enshrine the Crown Princess?" So, why did he appear in the Hall of Hehuan?
Xiao Jinyan replied concisely, "Cancelled."

"Cancelled?" Shen Chuwei didn't realize it for a long time. Last night, he heard that the Ministry of Rites was making intensive preparations. Will this be canceled?

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the roasted whole lamb, and looked at Shen Chuwei again, "I haven't had breakfast yet."

Last night, he was busy until the fourth watch, and got up at the fifth watch, and it was too late for breakfast, so he went to the Jinluan Hall to expose Chang Liangdi.

This time, I am indeed hungry.

Shen Chu got down from the wicker chair slightly and neatly, took two steps forward, grabbed Xiao Jinyan's sleeve and said, "Your Highness, the roasted whole lamb is ready, we just happen to eat roasted whole lamb together."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the hand that was only holding his sleeve, and he stretched out his hand to hold it in the palm of his hand, "Okay."

Shen Chu looked down slightly at the hand being held, his palm was very hot.

The two sat down at the table one after another. On the round table, sauces and lettuce were already prepared.

Chunxi had already taken a knife and started slicing and roasting the whole lamb. According to Shen Chuwei's instructions, she distributed some and sent them to them.

Only then slice.

Shen Chuwei picked up the disposable gloves prepared in advance, looked up at Xiao Jinyan, "His Royal Highness, you stretch out your hand, and this concubine will put the gloves on for you."

Xiao Jinyan stretched out his upper hand as he said, and watched Shen Chuwei put the disposable transparent gloves on his hands, and then rolled up his sleeves, which were rolled up very high, revealing a large white wrist.

After putting on both hands, Shen Chuwei rolled up his sleeves, picked up the gloves and put them on for himself familiarly.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei's actions indifferently, and he could tell that she had worn disposable transparent gloves quite skillfully before.

With some greed, Shen Chuwei picked up a piece of roast mutton without any lettuce, and stuffed it into his mouth directly to eat.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan staring at her not eating, she puffed her cheeks and said, "Your Highness, eat while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Xiao Jinyan looked at her gluttonous appearance, nodded, "Yes."

"Shen Liangdi, Shen Liangdi, I have good news for you. Not only did Chang Liangdi not become a crown princess, but she was also reduced to..." Liangyuan...

Concubine Xu flicked a small handkerchief, and arrived before anyone was heard.

When she came in, she saw Xiao Jinyan was there, and the other two choked back in their throats.

Concubine Xu rushed over immediately after hearing the news, thinking that she had come quickly enough, but she didn't expect Xiao Jinyan to come faster than her.

Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei turned their heads almost at the same time, and saw Concubine Xu walking in briskly, throwing her handkerchief, and then suddenly stepped on the brakes. No need to ask, they knew the reason for Xiao Jinyan's presence.

In front of Xiao Jinyan, she gloated so much that Concubine Xu died directly on the spot.

She waved the small handkerchief in embarrassment and went forward to bless Fushen, "His Royal Highness is blessed."

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "Get up."

Shen Chuwei still had the roasted lamb in his mouth, and said vaguely, "Since Concubine Xu is here, let's eat the roasted whole lamb together, lest someone give it away."

Concubine Xu glanced at Xiao Jinyan, seeing that he hadn't spoken, she responded, "...Okay."

She came to the round table and sat down, put away the small handkerchief, and consciously picked up the disposable transparent gloves and put them on her hands.

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Concubine Xu, seeing her skillful actions, it wasn't like the first time, she often came to visit.

Xu came to visit the house n times, and also had a lot of dinners, and he was already familiar with the road while wearing gloves.

Concubine Xu put on her gloves, looked at the roasted mutton, then looked at Xiao Jinyan, and complained in her heart, it's not good for His Highness to come, but it's not good for me to come when I'm eating.

As soon as Xiao Jinyan rolled a piece of mutton, he heard Concubine Xu complaining. From the first day Concubine Xu entered the East Palace, she either complained about this or that, and her mouth was particularly snarky.

In fact, Xiao Jinyan is also used to Concubine Xu's slander, and sometimes what she slanders is the truth.

Only this time, he found that Concubine Xu still complained that he shouldn't come~

It was the first time for Concubine Xu to eat mutton. Following Shen Chuwei's example, she picked up a piece of lettuce, put it on two pieces of mutton, smeared some hot sauce on it, rolled it up and put it in her mouth. She forgot Xiao Jinyan was there for a moment, and she took a big bite.

After eating it into her mouth, she saw Xiao Jinyan who was sitting on the side, the mutton in her mouth was not good to eat, or not to eat.

I couldn't help complaining in my heart again, there is a saying in the book that is true at all, men will only affect the speed of cooking.

Xiao Jinyan stopped chewing, and glanced at Concubine Xu, only to see that she lowered her head, her cheeks on both sides kept agitating, and she could tell that her mouth was stuffed a lot, probably because she lowered her head because she was afraid of being seen.

He remembered that Concubine Xu used to eat in small bites in order to make herself look dignified and elegant.

Men affect the speed of cooking?

Xiao Jinyan turned her head to look at Shen Chuwei, she was taking a big bite of mutton with her mouth open, her cheeks were bulging, and she was eating it with great enjoyment.

He suddenly understood why side concubine Xu looked familiar when eating, because she was somewhat similar to Shen Chuwei.

(End of this chapter)

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