Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 235 The prince of Xiangbobo is disgusted~

Chapter 235 The prince of Xiangbobo is disgusted~
Xiao Jinyan ate the mutton suspiciously, and then heard Xu Fangfei's inner thoughts.

His Highness is inconvenient at all, he can't eat well, and he is still sitting in the middle, so he can't chat casually with Shen Chuwei.

Xiao Jinyan: "..." Are you redundant?
He glanced at Concubine Xu coldly, you are the extra one.

Concubine Xu felt a chill on her back inexplicably, she raised her head in doubt, there is no wind today!

Shen Chuwei was enjoying the sweetness of eating, when suddenly her legs sank, she looked down, and saw Xue Tuan raised her head to look at herself, with those blue eyes, there were only three words, I want to eat.

Shen Chuwei was not stingy with Xuetuan, so he picked up a piece of mutton and fed it to Xuetuan.

After eating the whole roasted lamb, Concubine Xu wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, looked up at Xiao Jinyan, and found that he was drinking tea from a teacup.

I thought to myself, after eating, why doesn't His Highness leave?
I still want to whisper to Shen Chuwei!

Your Highness is in the way here!
Xiao Jinyan paused while drinking tea, and glanced at Concubine Xu coldly, "You can go when you're done eating.

Then I heard Concubine Xu say, Your Highness is really, usually so busy that you can't even see a ghost, why are you so busy now?Could it be that the emperor ordered too few errands?

The emperor is the same, he should order more things for His Highness to do, and practice more.

Xiao Jinyan took two sips of tea to calm down his rising blood pressure.

I am so busy every day that I come to Hehuan Temple to sneak in.

Did you say he was too idle?

Shen Chuwei drank tea to relieve the greasy, he gave a puzzled gasp in his heart, and found that Concubine Xu, who usually kept talking when she came to Hehuan Hall, was exceptionally quiet today.

It is estimated that Xiao Jinyan is here, and Concubine Xu is silent.

It's just that what Shen Chuwei didn't know was that Concubine Xu didn't say anything, but she never stopped in her heart, and the person she complained about was Xiao Jinyan.

No one will believe it.

Xiao Jinyan heard Shen Chuwei's words, looked down, and saw Xue Tuan eating mutton, no wonder he suddenly heard what Shen Chuwei was saying.

Xiao Jinyan also knew at this time that every time Concubine Xu came to Hehuan Hall, she was just a chatterbox!
Xiao Jinyan took a sip of tea, and said lightly: "Is Concubine Xu okay to do?"

The meaning of driving people away is obvious.

On the contrary, Concubine Xu didn't think much about it, she thought that she was in Hehuan Hall, not the prince's bedroom, and she didn't hinder anyone.

"Your Highness, the concubine has nothing to do."

Xiao Jinyan's face was sullen.

Shen Chuwei fed Xuetuan another piece of mutton, raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, feeling that something was wrong with the atmosphere today.

Concubine Xu picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and suddenly asked: "Is Your Highness not busy? Don't be afraid that Shen Liangdi will not be accompanied, I can just chat with Shen Liangdi."

I couldn't help shouting in my heart, Your Highness, go get busy!

Xiao Jinyan was chased away for the first time, and he was still in Hehuan Hall, so he was naturally a little upset.

Shen Chu's movements of stroking the cat paused, and somehow felt the undercurrent surging, and if he was not careful, he would be in danger of being affected~
In the end, it was Liu Xi who called Xiao Jinyan away.

The moment Xiao Jinyan stood up, he heard Concubine Xu cheering, His Highness finally left, I can finally chat with Shen Chuwei casually, haha!

Before Xiao Jinyan left, he cast a cold glance at Concubine Xu, and then walked away from Hehuan Hall.

Concubine Xu lowered her head, and did not notice Xiao Jinyan's expression of extreme impatience at her, anyway, she was very happy at the moment.

She grabbed Shen Chuwei's hand excitedly, "His Highness has finally left, I thought he was going to hang on."

Xiao Jinyan, who had just walked to the door, still heard it, and walked out of Hehuan Hall with a sullen face.

Shen Chuwei looked at the agitated concubine Xu with a puzzled expression, "What's wrong? So excited?"

"Of course I'm excited.

Concubine Xu's voice has already explained how excited she is at the moment, "Chang Liangdi is not regarded as a crown princess, and she has also been demoted to Liangyuan, two ranks lower than me, can I not be excited?"

Shen Chuwei was stunned, all she knew was that the registration of the Crown Princess was cancelled.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Concubine Xu said with emotion: "Shen Liangdi, I found out that you are a lucky star."

Shen Chuwei was even more confused, "Can you focus on the key points? How did I become a lucky star?"

Concubine Xu's voice was still too excited, "Didn't you say to ask Imperial Doctor Zhao to check the pulse yesterday? Do you know who ordered Doctor Zhao?"

Without waiting for Shen Chuwei to reply, Concubine Xu said, "It was Chang Liangdi who did it. If it wasn't for your suggestion yesterday, His Highness would not be able to find out the truth, and Chang Liangdi would have successfully become the Crown Princess."

After Xu Fangfei finished speaking, she smiled triumphantly, "Didn't you have a domineering attitude before? Let's see how I will hate her in the future."

Shen Chuwei already knew the reason for Concubine Xu's excitement, probably because Chang Liangdi couldn't climb on Concubine Xu's head, Concubine Xu could hate her without any scruples.

It's no wonder that Concubine Xu couldn't help it when Xiao Jinyan left.

After Xiao Jinyan finished handling the matter.Ask Liu Xi to call Lu Zhaoyan over.

Lu Zhaoyan also saw the famous scene today, Chang Liangdi can't be the crown princess, Xiao Jinyan should be in a good mood at the moment.

When he approached the study room and saw Xiao Jinyan, as he expected, Xiao Jinyan's brows and eyes stretched, and he knew he was in a good mood.

Lu Zhaoyan stepped forward and saluted, "Your Highness, what is the purpose of calling this minister here?"

Xiao Jinyan snorted coldly: "I see that your position as the Qintian Supervisor is lost."

Lu Zhaoyan looked confused, "What does Your Highness mean by that?"

Xiao Jin said: "You can't be sure who the crown princess is, do you think the position of Qin Tianjian can still be kept?"

Lu Zhaoyan smiled and said: "Your Highness misunderstood. Didn't I say that His Highness doesn't need to force you to stop it? All hits have their own destiny."

Xiao Jinyan immediately heard the implication in his words, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows: "So, you already knew that this ceremony of appointing the crown princess could not be held?"

Lu Zhaoyan sneered: "With some calculations, this also shows that Chang Liangdi is not His Highness's destined person."

Xiao Jinyan asked coldly, "Why didn't you say so?"

Lu Zhaoyan explained: "Your Highness, sometimes it will backfire if you say it."

Xiao Jinyan pondered for a while, if Lu Zhaoyan said it in advance, he would not be in a hurry, and would not stay up all night to investigate the case of fake pregnancy.

Then it is possible to miss the opportunity, which is equivalent to missing the opportunity to expose Chang Liangdi's crimes.

After Xiao Jinyan figured it out, he stopped embarrassing Lu Zhaoyan, "What you said makes sense."

This time, thanks to Xiao Jiu, she decided to let Doctor Zhao come to check her pulse yesterday, and there was a series of chain reactions.

Lu Zhaoyan was somewhat proud, because he deliberately didn't make it very clear that day.

He suddenly remembered something, "By the way, Your Highness, I want to show Shen Liangdi the palmistry."

Because he didn't see clearly last time, he was always wondering if Shen Chuwei was Xiao Jinyan's destined person.

 Good night, babies!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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