Chapter 251 Fill up the hatred value!
Xue Yan looked at the two empty plates and a pile of melon and fruit peels, and raised her head to look at Shen Chuwei opposite, she couldn't believe that she ate all of these by herself.

Shen Chuwei ate and drank enough, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, then stood up and blessed Xiao Jin, "Your Highness, I have something to do, so I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, he put the snow ball into Xiao Jinyan's arms, "Return the snow ball to His Highness."

Then he left with a small handkerchief...

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xuetuan in his arms, Xuetuan looked at Xiao Jinyan in a daze, he raised his head to look at Shen Chuwei's leaving back, he didn't understand, so he just left?
Back to Hehuan Temple

Concubine Xu couldn't help but said: "Shen Liangdi, why don't you imitate that princess? She wants peony flowers, so you want them too, you can't just focus on eating."

Shen Chuwei said, "Peony flowers can't be eaten, and pastries and fruits can fill your stomach."

Concubine Xu: "..."

Tao Chenghui: "..."

"I ate all the pastries and fruits, and only left them a plate of unpalatable pastries." Shen Chuwei laughed as he spoke.

Concubine Xu supported her forehead.

Tao Chenghui supports the forehead.

After dinner, Shen Chuwei took a shower and went to bed early. She, who hadn't taken a nap during the day, was extremely sleepy at this time.

As soon as he lay down, he saw Xiao Jinyan walking in wearing a moon-white satin robe.

"Why do you go to bed so early?" While speaking, the man was already sitting on the edge of the bed.

Shen Chu said lazily: "I have nothing to do, I want to go to bed early."

Supporting the bed with one hand, Xiao Jinyan leaned close to Shen Chuwei, and as soon as he approached, he smelled the fragrance of peach blossoms on her body.

"Why did you appear in the Peony Garden today? Huh?"

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan who was leaning over, as if he could still smell the peony flowers.

"The concubine passed by unintentionally."

Xiao Jinyan looked at her firmly, "Really? Is it not because of other reasons?"

Shen Chuwei said with a guilty conscience: "Of course it's true."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at Shen Chuwei, lowered his head and kissed her lips, and at the same time, stretched out his hand to put down the bed curtain.

For a moment, the light in the bed dimmed.

Shen Chu blinked his eyes slightly, stretched out his hand and tried to push Xiao Jinyan away, but was held back by him and pressed back on the bed.

"Little Nine."

"Your Highness..."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, "Call me Jinyan."

"...Jin Yan."

Shen Chuwei was really suffering and couldn't tell. She didn't sleep well last night, and she didn't take a nap today. She wanted to sleep early at night, but she didn't sleep all night.

Shen Chu was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes. Looking at the prince who was still working hard, she thoughtfully persuaded: "Jin Yan, combine work with rest."

Xiao Jinyan still only gave her two words, "Not enough."

Shen Chu opened his mouth slightly, and when he wanted to persuade him again, he was bitten by Xiao Jinyan.

What I wanted to say was blocked.

After a long time, Xiao Jinyan looked at the sleeping person, and for some reason recently, he couldn't control himself when he got close to her.

The next day, Shen Chuwei slept until the sun was high, had breakfast, and then went to bed.

Fortunately, Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui didn't bother her.

Concubine Xu originally wanted to come to find Shen Chuwei, but when she was passing through the Xinlan Hall, she thought of Chang Liangyuan, counting the days, the ban should be lifted.

She went in, swinging a small handkerchief.

When Huaixiang saw Concubine Xu coming, she really didn't want to let her in, but she didn't have enough status, so she blessed her body, "Concubine Xu."

Concubine Xu waved her handkerchief, with a look of disgust, "Where's Chang Liangyuan?"

Huaixiang replied: "My little master is resting."

"I'll go in and have a look." Concubine Xu went straight in, waving a small handkerchief, without giving Huaixiang a chance to stop her.

Caixia stood at the door, staring at Huaixiang.

After Concubine Xu went in, she saw Chang Liangyuan sitting on the bedside, reading with a book in her hand, she coughed softly, "Chang Liangyuan is really busy, she is still reading."

Chang Liangyuan saw Concubine Xu coming, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, blessed her body, "Concubine Xu."

Concubine Xu nodded in satisfaction, "Chang Liangyuan, I remember you lifted the ban today, why don't you go out for a walk?"

Chang Liangdi said lightly: "I'm not feeling well, it's not suitable for me to go out."

Concubine Xu had an expression of sudden realization, "Chang Liangyuan also heard that Princess Xueyan is going to marry His Highness as the Crown Princess?"

Chang Liangyuan paused, then looked up at Concubine Xu in disbelief, "What did you say? Princess Xueyan is going to be the princess?"

Chang Liangyuan has been grounded for the past few days, and the weather outside has been calm, so she hasn't paid attention to it for the past few days, and suddenly a Princess Xueyan appears?
Concubine Xu looked surprised, "Chang Liangyuan didn't know? Yesterday His Royal Highness took Princess Xueyan to visit the Peony Garden. The queen also likes Princess Xueyan very much. I heard that princess brought a lot of dowry."

Chang Liangyuan already knew that there would be no good things for Concubine Xu to come, so how could her aunt let a princess from another country be the crown princess?

Concubine Xu took a look at Chang Liangyuan's face, her face paled a little, and she continued her efforts, "That Princess Xueyan is so beautiful, even I can't help but feel moved, let alone Your Highness?"

Chang Liangyuan tightly held the book in her hand. Concubine Xu never praised others, but if she could make Concubine Xu praise her beauty, she must be so beautiful.

It's just more than a month, how could there be an extra competitor halfway?
Seeing that Chang Liangyuan had believed her letter, Concubine Xu didn't stay for long, and left happily waving a small handkerchief.

After Chang Liangyuan slowed down, she shouted: "Huaixiang, I want to take a bath and change clothes, and I'm going to my aunt's place."

"Slave maid, go and prepare hot water now." Huaixiang trotted out.

Xiao Jinyan was relieved that Xueyan was taken around by several princes these days.

As for how they fight, it has nothing to do with him.

It was just at lunch time when Liu Xi trotted in.

"Your Highness, Princess Xueyan is here."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, "Why is she here?"

Liu Xi lowered his eyebrows and nodded, "I don't know, either."

Xiao Jinyan asked, "Where is Lu Zhaoyan?"

Liu Xi said: "Lord Lu hasn't returned to the palace yet."

Xiao Jinyan pondered for a moment, then ordered: "Prepare lunch and call them all."

"Here." Liu Xi turned and walked out.

Xiao Jinyan stood up with her lips pursed, and left the study.

When she came out, she saw Xueyan standing in the yard, wearing a white dress, with a scarf of the same color on her cheeks, her beauty added a bit of mystery.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan coming out, Xueyan greeted her happily, "Your Highness, what have you been up to these days?"

Xiao Jinyan's voice was still cold and distant, "My palace is busy with official business recently, if the princess wants to go out to play, you can find King Cheng Wangrui and the others."

A shy look flashed in Xueyan's eyes, "I'm looking for Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

Shen Chuwei was thinking about sliced ​​noodles for lunch, when Liu Xi came just after ordering.

"Shen Liangdi, Your Highness wants you to have lunch." Liu Xi said with a kind smile on his face.

When Shen Chuwei heard about having lunch, she nodded and agreed almost without thinking, "Okay."

When it was lunch time, Shen Chuwei came out of Hehuan Hall, and saw Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui from a distance.

After the meeting, it was learned from Concubine Xu that Xiao Jinyan not only called her, but also everyone else.

"Princess Xueyan came to pester His Highness again. Really, how can a girl be so unreserved?" Concubine Xu showed a contemptuous look.

 Eight thousand finished writing today.

  Ask for a ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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