Chapter 252
There is an oversized mahogany round table in the dining room of the prince's bedroom, which can seat ten people.

The maids of honor brought the food to the table one after another.

As soon as Shen Chuwei came in, he saw Xiao Jinyan sitting at the head of the round table, and Princess Xueyan was sitting next to him.

Everyone came in one after another, and the huge restaurant suddenly became a little crowded.

Everyone said blessings to Xiao Jin in unison, and shouted: "Your Highness, all blessings and peace."

After Xiao Jinyan nodded, everyone took their seats one after another.

Shen Chuwei was pushed to Xiao Jinyan's side by the two people behind him, as if afraid that she would not go.

Xiao Jinyan looked up at her, "Sit down."

Shen Chu sat down in response.

Here, Li Liangyuan wants to sit next to Princess Xueyan.She was pulled over by Concubine Xu.

Tao Chenghui helped to push Chang Liangyuan over.

This was the first time Chang Liangyuan saw Princess Xueyan, and she was planning to sit with her, so someone pushed her, but she didn't bother.

After sitting down, Chang Liangyuan secretly looked at Princess Xueyan who was sitting next to her, and she gave birth to a pair of water-cut autumn pupils, which would make a man's heart flutter when he saw it.

Although she was wearing a veil, her eyebrows and eyes were exquisite and pleasant.

No wonder side concubine Xu praised Princess Xueyan as soon as she came, she was indeed beautiful.

A few days ago, Chang Liangyuan went to the queen, and heard what the queen said, as long as Princess Xueyan chooses Xiao Jinyan, then she will be the crown princess.

How could Chang Liangyuan be reconciled?
When entering the East Palace, she has only one goal, and that is to become the crown princess.

What's the point if you can't be a princess?
After Xu side concubine made arrangements, she sat down beside her very satisfied.

After everyone was seated, Xiao Jinyan moved the chopsticks, and then everyone moved the chopsticks, but each of them was eating gracefully, and there was no sound at all.

Except for Shen Chuwei occasionally making a little noise.

Shen Chuwei took the chopsticks and ate the vegetables. The time for lunch was also the time when he was the most hungry.

Most of the people at the table hadn't seen Xiao Jinyan for a long time, so of course they were ecstatic to see him this time, trying to get Xiao Jinyan's attention.

Shen Chuwei had a great time eating, and Xiao Jinyan brought her food from time to time, which made her eat even more happily.

For a meal, only Shen Chuwei, side concubine Xu and the others had enough to eat and drink.

After lunch, we went to visit the Imperial Garden.

Everyone rushed to walk beside Xiao Jinyan.

Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui, intentionally or not, pushed aside all the women who were leaning towards Xiao Jinyan, including Princess Xueyan.

Xueyan and Xiao Jinyan were originally shoulder to shoulder, but because they were wearing complicated dresses, they were squeezed away when they were squeezed like this.

Chang Liangyuan also wanted to get closer to Xiao Jinyan, but it was different now, no one would let her.

Shen Chuwei didn't like to go shopping in the garden, and wanted to sleep after lunch.

Even walking on the road does not prevent her from getting sleepy.

Suddenly, a hand got into the wide sleeve and held her soft hand.

Shen Chuwei immediately woke up, raised his head, and saw Xiao Jinyan looking down at him.

She blinked her beautiful big eyes twice, expressing her doubts.

Xiao Jinyan smiled, but did not speak.

Concubine Xu glanced at Xueyan and Chang Liangyuan, and pointedly raised her mouth, "I heard that Princess Xueyan is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Would you like to compete with our talented girl from Daxia?"

Xueyan smiled and said: "Xu side concubine Miao praised, I just know a little bit."

Concubine Xu said: "Princess Xueyan is too modest."

At this time, a loud and powerful voice came from behind, "I want to see it too."

When everyone heard the sound and turned their heads, they saw the emperor standing not far behind.

Xiao Jinyan stepped forward to salute, "Father, the emperor is blessed and safe."

Everyone said in unison, "May the emperor be blessed with peace of mind."

The emperor waved his hand, "Get up, everyone."

The emperor was going to Fengyi Palace, but he did not expect to meet the prince and the others.

Xue Yan said: "Since the emperor has spoken, then I would rather be respectful than obedient."

The emperor laughed twice, "Then let's play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

After speaking, he looked at the woman behind the prince, "Who are you guys going to compete with Princess Xueyan?"

Shen Chuwei took two steps back consciously when he heard the words.

Seeing this, Concubine Xu also took two steps back.

Needless to say, Tao Chenghui, just follow and retreat.

Xu Chenghui didn't know the situation, he hesitated for a few seconds and followed the large army back two steps.

Li Liangyuan thought about it and retreated.

Seeing Chang Liangyuan leaning forward, the emperor settled down with a single finger, "Since Chang Liangyuan bears the brunt, let Chang Liangyuan do it!"

Chang Liangyuan kept hiding her thoughts, but the emperor realized after she spoke, with a confused face, why did she choose herself?
She looked around and realized that she was standing in the front.

She obviously stood with them~

Concubine Xu's eyes were full of complacency, she snorted, don't she like to show off her talents?Let's show off enough this time!
The emperor spoke, how could Chang Liangyuan dare to refuse?
Can only bite the bullet.

Playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are Chang Liangyuan's strengths, but I don't know how much chance she has when compared with Princess Xueyan?

First is piano art.

The little eunuch brought two pianos.

Princess Xueyan and Chang Liangyuan took their seats one after another.

Shen Chuwei was not interested in the competition, she put her arms around Xiao Jinyan's arm, hid behind him, and began to doze off.

Xiao Jinyan glanced down at Shen Chuwei, only to see that her cheek was leaning against his arm, her eyes were closed, and she looked extremely sleepy.

With his father around, he couldn't let her go back, so he could only let her secretly lean on his arm and sleep for a while.

In the first round of piano art, the two were evenly matched.

The second round of chess competition.

The emperor stood by the chessboard and watched Chang Liangyuan and Princess Xueyan play chess.

Chang Liangyuan was a little nervous and lost.

The third round of calligraphy.

Although Xueyan is young, she can write well.

During this time, Chang Liangyuan was a little depressed because of the cancellation of the establishment of the crown princess, and her calligraphy was not as good as before.

Without any suspense, Princess Xueyan wins.

The emperor's face was a bit ugly, because Chang Liangyuan represented Daxia, and losing face in the competition also made him lose face.

The fourth round, drawing.

Zheng Xiang, who was asleep at the beginning of Shen, was suddenly pulled by Concubine Xu, "Shen Liang Di, don't sleep, watch a good show."

Although Concubine Xu spoke in a low voice, Xiao Jinyan could still hear clearly.

Shen Chu fell asleep in a daze, opened one eye and looked at Concubine Xu, "What good show are you watching?"

Concubine Xu was very excited when she saw that Chang Liangyuan was about to lose face.

"Look, Chang Liangyuan is about to lose."

Shen Chuwei tightly grasped Xiao Jinyan's arm, sleepy, and looked at the match scene with difficulty.

Xueyan put down her pen, took two steps forward to bless Fushen, "Your Majesty, you are making a fool of yourself."

The emperor boasted without hesitation: "Princess Xueyan is worthy of being a talented woman of Xueyue Kingdom. This painting is very artistic."

Chang Liangyuan stood despondently by the side, not daring to raise her head when she saw her face was very ugly.

There is no doubt that Chang Liangyuan lost this time.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the two paintings, which were less than one ten-thousandth of Shen Chuwei's paintings.


...Late update because I'm too sleepy.

With the addition of Calvin, the writing of these two chapters is not very good, and the treasures will just wait and see.

 Good night, babies!The young master tried his best to write a wonderful plot for the treasures to read.

  Ask for tickets by the way! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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