Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 264 Little 9 is Jealous!The first wife can only be her!

Chapter 264 Xiao Jiu is Jealous!The first wife can only be her!
Chunxi didn't know what Qin Xiao was thinking, she just wanted to leave quickly with the young master, lest Qin Xiao recognize her as their little brother.

Shen Chuwei didn't expect this, she looked back at Concubine Xu and Tao Chenghui, and saw that they had all come down, so she continued walking forward.

Tao Chenghui stared at the Bingdi lotus in Shen Chuwei's hand and said: "Shen Liangdi, the Bingdi lotus needs to be raised in water, so that it will last longer."

Shen Chu lowered her eyes slightly to look at the water lily, the petals were so delicate, she didn't dare to touch them with force, "I thought so too, I hope I can keep them for a month."

Qin Xiao kept staring at Chunxi, seeing that she was sneaky and had been around the prince for a long time, so she was very vigilant.

He stepped forward to stop Chun Xi, and said coldly, "Stop for me."

Chunxi was startled because of a guilty conscience, and subconsciously hugged Shen Chuwei's arm, shouting in her heart, don't recognize me, or it will be over.

Shen Chu slightly raised his eyes and looked at Qin Xiao suspiciously, "Qin Guard, what are you doing?"

This is the first time for Qin Xiao to look at Shen Chuwei head-on. He has never looked at Shen Chuwei head-on before, and he dare not look at it head-on, because Shen Chuwei is the master's woman, and it is disrespectful to look directly at Shen Chuwei.

After reading this, he was stunned.

He is really similar to Brother Shen, but he seems to be a little shorter in stature.

It's rare for siblings to look so similar.

When Shen Chuwei was wearing men's clothes, he put booster pads in his boots, which were seven centimeters higher than usual.

Qin Xiao came to his senses, pointed at Chunxi and said, "Shen Liangdi, she is sneaky, there is a problem."

Shen Chu lowered his head and glanced at Chunxi, only to see that she kept her head down, and suddenly remembered the matter of a woman disguised as a man. Chunxi was afraid that Qin Xiao would recognize her.

She looked at Qin Xiao confidently, "Is she sneaking around?"

Qin Xiao froze for a moment, it was so obvious, Shen Chuwei still couldn't see it?
He clasped his fists, "This subordinate is suspicious, Shen Liangdi better be careful."

"I see, guard Qin, don't worry!" After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she pulled Chunxi to leave.

Qin Xiao stared at Chunxi for a long time, and only looked away when they left his sight.

When Wei Chi came over, he saw Qin Xiao staring at the girl, his little eyes were full of reluctance.

He stepped forward and patted Qin Xiao's shoulder hard, "What's the matter? Did you fall in love with her girl?"

Qin Xiao glared at Wei Chi, "What nonsense are you talking about? I just thought she was a little suspicious, with her head down, acting like a guilty conscience."

Wei Chi nodded appreciatively, "That's right, you have accepted the token of love from the little brother, so you can't just throw it away."

Qin Xiao scolded, "What token of love, don't talk nonsense!"

Wei Chi said that I understood, "I've seen it all, don't pretend, you are holding a handkerchief in the middle of the night to see things and think about people."

Qin Xiao was stunned. He obviously dropped his handkerchief by accident, and he couldn't return it. When he came back from the bathroom in the middle of the night, he saw it and picked it up.

If it wasn't for Xiao Jinyan coming this way, Qin Xiao would have beaten Wei Chi violently and made him talk nonsense.

On the way back, Chunxi patted her chest and said, "My lord, Qin Xiao almost recognized him just now, he is so fierce."

Shen Chuwei explained: "He is His Highness's personal bodyguard, so he is naturally different from ordinary people. He is highly vigilant, don't you know if he is fierce or not?"

Chunxi recalled the scene of Qin Xiao helping her on the last trip, which was actually not too fierce.

"That's right, it just looks fierce sometimes."

Back in the Hall of Hehuan, Shen Chuwei asked Chunxi to fetch the fish tank, then put Bingdilian in it, and then took out the spiritual spring water from the space and put it into the fish tank.

Water lilies nourished by spiritual spring water will bloom better and last longer.

At night, when Xiao Jinyan came, he saw water lilies in the fish tank on the low table, and the double-colored lotus, which can be said to be rare in a thousand years.

He came to the couch and sat down, looking at Shen Chuwei, "You went to Taiye Pool today, why didn't you come to find me?"

Shen Chuwei said: "The concubine is afraid of disturbing His Highness."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, "Why do you have such thoughts?"

Shen Chuwei pointed to the two two-color lotuses in the fish tank and said: "The concubine picked the double lotus."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei with her phoenix eyes fixedly, and said in a word: "I don't want to accompany Princess Xueyan to swim Taiye Pool with Princess Xueyan. Today is arranged by the queen mother...Xiao Jiu, do you understand?"

Shen Chuwei lay on the low table, looked at the water lilies in the fish tank, and listened to Xiao Jinyan's explanation.

Xiao Jinyan didn't wait for a response, so he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, so he called out in a low voice, "Xiao Jiu?"

Shen Chu slightly raised his eyes to look at Xiao Jinyan, "It's better to keep some distance from her, Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan's eyes paused when he heard the words, and his brows and eyes suddenly stretched, "Xiao Jiu, are you jealous?"

Shen Chuwei said very seriously: "The concubine is not jealous, the concubine only ate dumplings two days ago, and I don't want to eat dumplings these two days."

Of course Xiao Jinyan knew that when he ate dumplings two days ago, his mouth tasted like vinegar.

"I'm not talking about dipping the dumplings in vinegar."

Shen Chu tilted his head slightly and asked seriously: "Then what is your Highness saying about vinegar? White vinegar?"

Xiao Jinyan said helplessly, "It's not white vinegar either."

"The concubine doesn't know, it's better to eat dumplings with old vinegar." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he suddenly wanted to eat dumplings again.

Xiao Jinyan: " do you only know how to eat?"

What Shen Chuwei said was straightforward, "Food is the most important thing for the people, and if they don't eat a meal, they will get hungry."

Xiao Jinyan shook his head helplessly.

After Lu Zhaoyan returned to the palace, he was called over by the emperor.

In the imperial study room, the emperor sat on the dragon chair.

The emperor said: "Lu Aiqing, I plan to let Princess Xueyan marry the crown prince and become the crown prince concubine. Calculate your luck, which day is the most suitable?"

Lu Zhaoyan lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Going back to the emperor, I need some time for my servant to watch the stars at night before I can accurately calculate your Highness's fortune."

The emperor still trusted Lu Zhaoyan, he nodded, "Then I will give you two days, and I will reply after two days."

Lu Zhaoyan: "My minister obeys."

While watching the stars at night, Xiao Jinyan came.


Lu Zhaoyan said helplessly: "Your Highness, the emperor only gives the humble minister two days."

Xiao Jinyan: "Then you can figure it out, don't let me down."

Lu Zhaoyan looked embarrassed, "Your Highness, this is a bit difficult. If Princess Xueyan is in conflict with you, it may cause Xueyue Kingdom's dissatisfaction."

Xiao Jinyan was silent for a long time before uttering a sentence, "Crown Princess, it can't be her."

This is Xiao Jinyan's bottom line, the princess must be Shen Chuwei, and he can only marry Xiaojiu.

It took Shen Chuwei three days to make the sachet. There was a smile embroidered on the sachet, not a death smile, but a very mischievous smile.

Stuffed inside is a medicine pack for calming the nerves. The medicine she made herself has the effect of helping sleep.

At dinner time, Xiao Jinyan came.

 Good night, my dears!

  Some Calvins, staying up late and having a headache, will update a chapter in the early morning.

  During the day, there will be more than [-] words!The update starts before lunch.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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