Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 265 Dare to joke with me?The prince is "very particular"

Chapter 265 Dare to joke with me?The prince is "very particular"

The dinner was very rich, and Chunxi prepared some because she wanted to eat dumplings.

Shen Chuwei poured herself some jealousy, raised her head and looked at Xiao Jinyan, "Does Your Highness want to be jealous?"

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the big bottle of vinegar in Shen Chuwei's hand, and thought of what she said yesterday about being jealous.

"I'm not jealous."

"Your Highness doesn't know, the correct way is to eat dumplings dipped in vinegar." Shen Chuwei said, putting the cap on the bottle and putting it aside.

Xiao Jinyan watched her dip the dumplings in vinegar and took a bite. It was so delicious that he could smell the sour taste of vinegar.

He didn't mention that his father asked Lu Zhaoyan to count the time and marry Princess Xueyan, because he didn't want to spoil the warm atmosphere of this moment.

Shen Chuwei ate and drank enough, and wiped his mouth in satisfaction.

Xiao Jinyan was holding the teacup, but looked at Shen Chuwei, seeing her satisfied face, he took a sip of tea, accidentally burned his lips, he groaned "hiss"

Shen Chuwei heard a muffled hum, and looked over worriedly, "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Jinyan shook his head, "No problem."

Who would have thought that the dignified prince would get scalded even after drinking tea?
"Your Highness already knows how to deceive courtiers and concubines." Shen Chuwei didn't believe it. She stood up and walked in front of Xiao Jinyan, stared at his handsome face for a while, and finally her eyes fell on his lips, which were a little red. It can be seen that it was burned.

"Your Highness, please wait."

She turned around and took out the medicine box, opened the lid, took out the burn ointment from it, and walked over while unscrewing the lid.

Xiao Jinyan looked at her walking over with a white jade bottle in doubt, "What is this?"

"Chen Qie will apply some burn ointment on you, and you will be fine soon."

Shen Chuwei dipped a little on the belly of her finger, leaned close to Xiao Jinyan, pressed her red lips with the belly of her finger, and then applied it gently so that the ointment could be absorbed quickly.

Xiao Jinyan raised her eyes to look at the person close at hand, her exquisite eyebrows were lowered, her expression was very serious, very much like her when she was painting.

The ointment is cold, and when applied on the lips, the burning sensation disappeared instantly.

Shen Chuwei felt that the application was almost done, so he withdrew his hand and looked at him expectantly: "Your Highness, how do you feel?"

Xiao Jinyan met those shining star eyes, and boasted without hesitation: "Xiao Jiu's ointment works well."

Shen Chuwei was quite proud, "This is the best burn ointment. It works quickly and is non-irritating. When Chunxi was accidentally scalded by hot oil while cooking, he used this burn ointment without leaving any scars."

Xiao Jinyan felt a little redundant after listening to the second half of the sentence. When there are two people, is it appropriate to mention the other person?

"Did Xiaojiu make the medicine herself?"

Shen Chuwei nodded seriously, "Well, the secret recipe is passed down from the ancestors, and it is not passed on to the male."

Xiao Jinyan: "So powerful?"

Shen Chuwei saw that Xiao Jin believed her words, so she didn't hold back her smile, "The concubine was just joking."

In modern times, Shen Chuwei was an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. She had never even met her parents, and she didn't even know who her ancestors were, let alone the secret recipes handed down by her ancestors.

Xiao Jinyan looked at her smiling face like a flower, and with a thought, he stretched out his long arms and hugged her into his arms. She was petite and soft, holding her in her arms like a ball of cotton.

"Xiao Jiu is getting more and more courageous, and knows that she is joking with me."

Shen Chuwei spoke confidently, "Your Highness is too serious, sometimes like a teacher, the concubine can liven up the atmosphere by joking."

Xiao Jinyan's eyes paused, "Do I have it?"

"Yes." Shen Chuwei said with absolute certainty, "Does Your Highness usually not look in the mirror?"

Xiao Jinyan thought back to getting up at five o'clock every day, before dawn, Liu Xi took care of changing clothes and hair, and didn't notice what he usually looked like.

"I haven't paid attention to these."

"Smile, ten years old, His Highness keeps a straight face all day long, with a mature and prudent appearance, without the wanton vigor that youth should have."

Xiao Jin said: "I am the prince as well as the prince. If I am not mature and prudent, how can I convince the public?"

"Your Highness is right." Shen Chu pinched Xiao Jinyan's neck slightly, leaned into her ear and said, "Then, in front of your concubines, Your Highness doesn't have to be so mature."

Xiao Jinyan was amused, but the smile was so shallow that it was not easy to spot.

"When there is no one, call me Jinyan."

Shen Chuwei said: "The concubine is used to calling His Highness every day."

Xiao Jinyan repeated again: "Call me Jinyan."

Shen Chu's powdered lips lightly spit out two words, "Jin Yan."

Xiao Jinyan clasped the back of her head with his hand, and kissed her lips like a reward.

There was a restless hand that kept touching her.

Shen Chuwei suddenly remembered the new sachet she had embroidered. With her hands lowered on her strong chest, she managed to utter a few words, "Your Highness, my concubine and..."

Xiao Jinyan increased his strength as if punishing, and the second half of the sentence got stuck in his throat and he couldn't utter it.

"What are you calling me for?"

"Jin...Jin Yan," Shen Chuwei grabbed Xiao Jinyan's skirt, and she held the flat skirt tightly in her palm, and the golden dark pattern fabric was wrinkled out of shape.

"I... have something to say."

"I'll talk about it later." Xiao Jinyan hugged her horizontally and strode towards the only bed in the room.

Shen Chuwei was placed on the bed steadily by Xiao Jinyan, watching him put down the bed curtain, sometimes he felt that he was very particular, so he had to put down the bed curtain at this time~
When she was nervous, she couldn't help laughing, and Xiao Jinyan who turned around just happened to take a good look at her.

"What are you laughing at?"

Shen Chuwei shook his head vigorously, "I'm not laughing at anything."

Xiao Jinyan saw at a glance that she was lying, "Is there anything happy that can't be told to me?"

Shen Chuwei sat up neatly from the bed, put his hands on Xiao Jinyan's neck, and whispered into his ear: "...Your Highness is a particular person."

Xiao Jinyan thought it was something happy, but it turned out to be a joke that he was particular about it.

Before Xiao Jinyan threw himself down, Shen Chuwei spoke first: "Jinyan, I'll give you something."

As soon as Xiao Jinyan heard that there was a gift, he became interested, "Xiao Jiu prepared a gift for me?"

Shen Chuwei nodded vigorously, "Well, I prepared the gift myself."

Xiao Jinyan had a look of anticipation in his eyes, "Show me, what kind of gift is it?"

"I'll get it right away." Shen Chuwei supported Xiao Jinyan's shoulders with both hands, passed over his lap, lifted the bed curtain and got out of bed.

Teng Teng went to open the drawer, and when he came back, he had a pink object in his hand.

Shen Chu climbed onto the bed neatly, supported Xiao Jinyan's shoulders, crossed over his lap again, and sat down beside him.

"Jinyan, this is for you." She handed the sachet to Xiao Jinyan.

It is said that we like the new and dislike the old. With the new sachet, the old sachet must be gone.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the object in her hand, and recognized it as a sachet at a glance, and took the sachet from her hand with his slender fingers, and took it closer to look at it carefully.

The whole sachet is made of pink fabric, and the pattern embroidered on it is also very simple, not only simple, but also very familiar.

 Boys, good afternoon!

  Wrote a chapter before lunch.

  Acting like a baby and selling cute asks for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, and updates will be updated one after another.

  Now the code is issued Oh!
(End of this chapter)

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