Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 271 Waking up Shen Chuwei in the middle of the night and meeting a flower picker

Chapter 271 Waking up Shen Chuwei in the middle of the night and meeting a flower picker
The red silk scarf covered most of her face, only revealing a pair of Qiushui Qiutong.

Xueyan sat on the bed, waiting for Xiao Jinyan to lift the veil.

It's just that Zuo waited and waited for Xiao Jinyan to come, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

She raised her head to look at Shuiyao, her personal maid, who came from Xueyue Kingdom with her.

"Has your Highness not come yet?"

"Young maidservant, go ask." Shui Yao walked out quickly.

The Sleeping Dream Hall is not far from the Prince's Sleeping Hall, and we will be there in a while.

Liu Xi stood guard at the door, held the palace lantern, and saw someone approaching from a distance, and when the person approached, he found that it was Concubine Xue's personal maid.

When Shui Yao saw Liu Xi, she stepped forward and asked, "Eunuch Liu, my young master is still waiting for His Highness, when can His Highness go to Dream Palace?"

Liu Xi smiled slightly, "Miss Shuiyao, His Highness is busy reviewing memorials, and I'm afraid he won't be able to finish it in a while."

Shuiyao was a little dissatisfied, "But, today is my young master's bridal chamber wedding night, such an important day, can't Your Highness let those things go first?"

Liu Xi laughed and said: "Miss Shuiyao, reviewing the memorial is the top priority ordered by the emperor, and it will be requested tomorrow morning, how can I let it go first?"

The emperor was the biggest in the palace, so Shuiyao had no choice but to go back.

Seeing Shuiyao coming back, Xueyan looked behind Shuiyao twice, but she didn't see Xiao Jinyan's figure, and she was a little disappointed.

"Where is Your Highness?"

Shui Yao said: "My lord, His Highness is still reviewing the memorials in the study, so I won't be able to come for a while."

Xueyan's face was a little dissatisfied, "It's so late, and I'm still reviewing the memorial."

Shui Yao said a little indignantly: "His Royal Highness too, when is it not good to review the memorial, but this review, today is such an important day, how can I let the young master stay alone in the vacant room?"

When Xue Yan heard that she was guarding the empty room alone, her face became even uglier.

Today is such an important day, it is embarrassing for a woman to stay alone in an empty room.

At this time, Hehuan Hall
Today is the day when Princess Xueyan enters the East Palace. The East Palace is decorated with lanterns and festoons, and firecrackers are fired.

Concubine Xu was afraid that Shen Chu would be sad, so she stayed with Tao Liangyuan all afternoon.

Accompanying Shen Chuwei to eat melon seeds, homemade milk tea, chocolate, ice cream, and finally mutton hot pot.

After eating and drinking enough, Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan went back.

Concubine Xu had just heard the first-hand news, and she couldn't bear it, taking advantage of the darkness of night, she came to Hehuan Hall with a small handkerchief.

Shen Chuwei was already asleep, and was woken up by Concubine Xu.

"Shen Liangdi, don't sleep, I have something good to tell you."

Zheng Xiang, who was slightly asleep at the beginning of Shen, was shaken awake, it was really too confusing.

"Xu side concubine, why haven't you slept yet?"

Concubine Xu saw that she seemed to be fine, and said helplessly, "You just have too much heart."

Shen Chuwei yawned, "What's the big deal?"

Concubine Xu: "..."

"I just heard the news that His Highness is still reviewing the memorials in the study, and Concubine Xue is probably going to stay alone in the empty room." Concubine Xu smiled very proudly after speaking.

Shen Chu was too sleepy, "You don't sleep, that's what you're talking about?"

Concubine Xu nodded happily, "Yes, you can rest assured to sleep."

Shen Chuwei: "..." I was in a deep sleep~

Concubine Xu came like a gust of wind, and went away like a gust of wind, waving a small handkerchief, walking back with cheerful steps.

Caixia didn't understand very much, "My lord, His Highness dotes on Shen Liangdi and has never been to Yixiang Hall, why are you so happy?"

Concubine Xu thought that she had read n picture books and she was not good enough, so she said proudly: "You don't understand this, do you? Your Highness only dotes on Shen Liangdi, and only Shen Liangdi serves her bed. What does this mean?"

Caixia asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Concubine Xu said: "Does it mean that Your Highness is pure and self-respecting? This is very rare."

Caixia still didn't understand, "But, the young master has never slept with me, what will I do in the future?"

Concubine Xu blurted out, "Cold salad!"

The new word learned yesterday is used today.

Caixia asked: "What is cold salad?"

Concubine Xu waved her hand, "I don't know either, let's talk about it later."

Caixia persuaded earnestly: "Little master, it's better to make a plan early, you are still young, if you stay alone in the empty room in the future, you will be very lonely."

"Then I can't compete with Shen Liangdi for Your Highness, can I? Isn't that the same as those women?" Concubine Xu was reading the script at the time, and saw a woman leaning on the male lead, and that woman was shamelessly leaning on him, and even seduced her by all means. The male lead, she was so angry that she wanted to get into the book and tear those shameless women apart!

Caixia stared at Concubine Xu in front of her and looked again and again. She was obviously still her own little master, so why did she suddenly stop competing for favor?

"My lord, what's wrong with you? You were not like this when you first entered the Eastern Palace! There is only one Your Highness, but there are so many women in the Eastern Palace. If you don't fight or snatch it, you will end badly."

Concubine Xu said: "It's different today, His Highness doesn't like me, so I don't want to like him either."

Caixia was stunned for a long time, "But the young master belongs to His Highness, so who does the young master like if he doesn't like His Highness?"

"I don't know either, let's not talk about it, I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep." Concubine Xu yawned after finishing speaking.

Caixia didn't ask any more questions. After serving Concubine Xu to wash up, she left a lamp and went out to guard it.

Concubine Xu was about to go to bed and just turned around when she saw a long figure on the wall.

She looked back mechanically, and saw a man standing in the room, a tall and straight man.

After being stunned for a while, she cried out in shock.

Before she could cry out, someone covered her mouth and nose, and she couldn't make a sound.

Concubine Xu grabbed the arm of the visitor, her eyes widened in fright, let me go, let me go quickly, do you know who I am?
Do you know who my dad is?
Do you know who my big brother is?

It's a pity that all these cruel words were uttered, because the mouth was tightly blocked.

Many possibilities popped up in my mind.

She thought of the assassin who assassinated the prince, the flower picker...and her miserable end.

Think about it, she is only 17 years old, and she has fantasized about beautiful love during this period, and she will lose her fragrance in the end.

huh huh...

Xu Shi was so sad that she burst into tears.

The man in black felt the coolness and wetness on the back of his hand, and was stunned for a moment, "Why are you crying? I haven't hurt you yet?"

You're all hugged and haven't done anything yet?
Do you know whether men and women give or take kisses?
Concubine Xu cried even more sadly, because her mouth was tightly covered, and she couldn't speak a word, so she could only keep pinching the man in black's hand with her hands.

A muffled grunt came from above his head, "Hiss!"

Concubine Xu heard it, and pinched the black-clothed hand even harder, and then took advantage of his unpreparedness, raised her foot and stomped on the black-clothed man's foot.

The man in black didn't expect a weak woman to be so ruthless, she was caught off guard for a while, and was stepped on, the painful man in black groaned again.

(End of this chapter)

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