Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 272 Feed Poison and Climb in Bed in the Middle of the Night?

Chapter 272 Feed Poison and Climb in Bed in the Middle of the Night?

When her father and elder brother were at home, she had taught her some wolf defense skills, as well as the skills to save herself when she was kidnapped, but at that time she only knew how to play, and didn't pay attention to learning at all.

Concubine Xu wanted to cry, but she knew that she should have studied hard at the beginning, so she would not have the ability to resist now.

The man in black saw that Concubine Xu was dishonest, so he had no choice but to take her out of the bedroom through the window, so as not to disturb other people and cause unnecessary trouble.

Concubine Xu's face turned pale with fright, seeing the place where she had lived for a year away from her, she almost lost her courage.

Where is the man in black taking her?
Concubine Xu was frightened, watching the man in black lead her flying around the wall, afraid that the next second, the man in black would throw her down as soon as he loosened his hands.

She subconsciously grasped the man in black's arm tightly, thinking that if she fell, she would have to hold her back.

But in the blink of an eye, he came to a remote and uninhabited place.

The man in black let go of her, not afraid of her yelling.

As soon as Concubine Xu was free, she opened her mouth and shouted, "Help! Come on, there are flower pickers and assassins here!"

After howling for a long time, except for a few insects, there was nothing else.

The man in black said lightly: "You screamed and broke your throat, but no one came to save you."

Concubine Xu suddenly stopped calling for help. She found this remote and uninhabited courtyard, and hid behind the pillars in fright. She secretly looked at the man in black leaning against the wall, and found that the man in black was tall because the light here was very dark. , I couldn't see the face of the man in black at all.

"I'll give you money, how about you let me go?"

The man in black looked at the woman hiding behind the pillar by the moonlight, "How much?"

Concubine Xu stretched out a hand, "5000 taels, how about it?"

The man in black laughed lowly: "You're only worth 5000 taels?"

"I only have so much, I don't have any more." Concubine Xu was the last person to bring a letter home, asking her mother to send some money to supplement her.

It hasn't been warmed up yet!
The man in black took a few steps forward, and Concubine Xu hurriedly backed up a few steps in fright, until her back was lowered to the wall, and she could not retreat.

"You, what are you going to do? Let me tell you, my father is a general, and my elder brother is also a general. If you dare to touch me, they will not let you go." Concubine Xu's body trembled violently, and she did not forget to say harsh words.

The man in black chuckled twice, obviously not paying attention to Concubine Xu's words.

"I ask you something."

Concubine Xu asked: "If I ask, will you let me go?"

The man in black nodded cheerfully, "Well, if you answer, I'll take you back."

Concubine Xu had some doubts about the authenticity of the man in black's words, but now she had no other choice.

"Then you ask."

The man in black asked, "Is there anyone named Xiao Jiu in the palace?"

Concubine Xu told the truth: "There is no one named Xiao Jiu among the people I know."

The man in black frowned, took a few steps forward, took out a dagger from his pocket, and pressed it against Concubine Xu's neck.

Concubine Xu was so frightened that she didn't dare to move. She could feel the cold dagger pressing against her neck, and with a little force, blood spattered on the spot.

"Didn't you say that if I answered, you would send me back? You are a majestic man, why don't you count your words?"

The man in black asked coldly: "Are you sure there is no one named Xiao Jiu in the palace?"

Concubine Xu was about to cry, "The palace is so big, how could I know everything? Can you go to someone else? I really don't know anything."

The man in black caressed Concubine Xu's cheek with his slender fingers, and he sighed softly: "You are young, your skin is so good, and you are so beautiful, how about I scratch your face?"

When Concubine Xu heard of the disfigurement, she was so frightened that she trembled violently, "A woman's face is ruined, what's the point of being alive? You might as well kill me with a knife."

The man in black asked coldly: "Then tell me, do you know someone named Xiao Jiu?"

"I really don't know..." Concubine Xu thought for a while and said, "Can't I help you find it?"

The man in black paused, thinking that this method is feasible.


Concubine Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, waiting for me to escape, I want you to look good!

The man in black took out a pill from his arms, and pinched Concubine Xu's jaw with the other hand, forcing her to open her mouth. He stuffed the pill in before letting her go.

"It's poison."

As soon as Concubine Xu was free, she desperately clasped her throat, trying to spit out the medicine, but she couldn't spit out anything.

The man in black reminded: "The pill melts in the mouth. If you can't spit it out, it won't kill you immediately. Only I have the antidote. As long as you help me find someone, I will give you the antidote."

Concubine Xu clasped her throat, feeling that she was done for this time, the palace is so big, where can she find Xiao Jiu?

After sending Concubine Xu back, the man in black agreed to give her the antidote every three days.

Just as the man in black left through the window, Concubine Xu called him, "Is Xiao Jiu a man or a woman? How old is she? Is she beautiful? Or is she ugly... an ordinary court lady and eunuch?"

"Xiao Jiu, she is 15 years old this year, and her sixteenth birthday is coming soon." The man in black paused, "She is very beautiful and cute."

Concubine Xu asked subconsciously: "Could it be your sweetheart?"

The man in black didn't answer Concubine Xu's question, and jumped out of the window neatly to leave. After a while, his vigorous figure disappeared into the night.

Concubine Xu seemed to have walked through the gate of hell, she was so frightened that she sat on the head of the bed collapsed, "I was scared to death."

Dream Palace

Xueyan sat on the bed all night without changing her posture, and she still wore the scarf on her cheeks.

The big red candle with the word "Happy" on it has been burned out.

Xiao Jinyan didn't show up for the whole night.

Xueyan clutched the face scarf tightly, no matter what, she was a princess anyway, so Xiao Jinyan should come too.

Shui Yao felt sorry for her young master, she gently persuaded: "Princess, Your Highness may have been busy very late, thinking that the princess had a rest so she didn't come, the princess should rest for a while."

Xueyan didn't know if Xiao Jinyan was really busy until late at night, or if she didn't come on purpose, no matter what the reason was, it made her, a princess, lose face.

She said in a deep voice: "Wait for me to take a bath and change clothes, and I will go to pay my respects to Your Highness."

Shuiyao responded, "Here."

Hall of Joy

Shen Chu turned over slightly, and touched a solid object with her hand. She touched it subconsciously, and it felt smooth and delicate. When she touched a certain place, she pinched it again...

Inside the bed, there was a muffled hum.

Suddenly his hand was tightly grasped, Shen Chu was slightly stunned, there was someone on the bed.

She slowly opened her eyes, and met a pair of twinkling phoenix eyes, and was stunned for a few seconds.

When did Xiao Jinyan climb into bed?

"Your Highness, weren't you busy reviewing the memorial in the study last night?"

Xiao Jinyan listened to what she said, he had to work all night to do it?
"I can't keep reviewing memorials without rest."

Shen Chuwei's brain hadn't fully recovered yet. Hearing this, she thought about it carefully, and nodded in agreement, "Your Highness makes sense."

 Good evening, babies!

  Four chapters have been updated today, [-] words.There are updates!


  ...I want to match Concubine Xu with a CP, so my dears have no objections!

  Acting like a baby, asking for monthly tickets and recommendations!

(End of this chapter)

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