Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 287 She blushed with embarrassment, Xiao 9's waist was about to be finished

Chapter 287 I'm blushing, Xiao Jiu's waist is about to die
When Xiao Jinyu heard about the concubine, he immediately frowned. He took the queen's arm and said, "Queen, why are you mentioning the concubine again?"

Seeing her son acting like a baby, the queen smiled and said, "Your child, you should marry a boy and a girl. You choose the one you like as the side concubine first, and then choose carefully as the main concubine."

"...but my son doesn't want to accept a concubine yet." Xiao Jinyu was a little embarrassed, how cool it is to be single, no one cares... no, now someone in the family is taking care of him~
The queen looked curious: "You don't have a girl you like?"

Xiao Jinyu paused when he heard the words, then shook his head: "I don't have a girl I like yet."

The queen still knows her son a little bit, if there is a girl she really likes, she will definitely ask herself to marry him.

"Then take a side concubine and two concubines first."

Xiao Jinyu immediately quit after hearing the words, "The queen mother, the prince and brother are all 19-year-old women, and the son is still young, so wait another two years, okay?"

The empress stared at her son for a long time, then said helplessly: "Then wait a little longer, with your father, I will discuss it with you later."

Xiao Jinyu raised his eyebrows happily: "Thank you mother, my son knows that mother is the best for him."

I secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately I managed it.

Back in Qiancheng Hall, Xiao Jinyu saw Miss Han watering the flowers in the yard with a water pot.

Miss Han has been in the palace for almost half a year, and she is a little cold, which is completely different from the prince's elder brother.

She is also very gentle, proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

He is also good at serving people.

When Xiao Jinyu thought of what happened in the past two days, he panicked with embarrassment, his fair and handsome face flushed red.

Han Yan stood up straight, looked sideways at Xiao Jinyu who was in the corridor, and walked over, "King Yu, what are you doing standing there?
Xiao Jinyu looked embarrassed, thinking that he was recalling what happened last night just now, his eyes dodged: "I just came back from Fengyi Palace and saw you watering the flowers."

Han Yan looked at his handsome red face, and asked again: "Why is King Yu blushing?"

"It's too hot outside, it's too hot." Xiao Jinyu turned his head and saw the flowers in the garden, and his face became even redder.

"is it?"


Han Yan smiled lowly: "I prepared scented tea for King Yu, do you want to drink it?"

"Okay." Xiao Jinyu said and strode in.

Han Yan put down the kettle and followed.

Hall of Joy

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan who was sitting on the couch. After returning from Fengyi Palace, he was sitting there drinking tea.

She took a sip of tea and put the cup back on the low table.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Jinyan stopped drinking tea, raised his eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, "I'm fine."

"Oh." Shen Chuwei said: "At Fengyi Palace just now, Royal Physician Wang gave the concubine a pulse."

Xiao Jinyan's heart tightened, and he didn't know if his mother had told Shen Chuwei. Thinking of the situation just now, he probably already knew it.

"You knew already?"

Shen Chuwei was not stupid, and quickly guessed the meaning of Xiao Jin's words.

"Is Your Highness referring to the Royal Physician saying that concubines are not easy to conceive?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded: "Well, you don't have to worry about these things, just take it easy and recuperate your body."

Shen Chuwei's brows and eyes stretched when he heard the words: "The concubine has checked her pulse, and she is indeed cold and weak. This is why the concubine's stomach hurts every time she comes to menstruation."

Xiao Jinyan also saw that she had a stomach ache during menstruation, and her face was a little pale. He regretted that he knew about it later, otherwise he could have recuperated earlier, and pregnancy should not be so difficult.

"I asked Doctor Wen to diagnose your pulse and prescribe some prescriptions to recuperate your body." After Xiao Jinyan finished speaking, he ordered, "Liu Xi, please come over here."

Liu Xi, who was guarding the door, responded and went to the Imperial Hospital.

Shen Chuwei didn't stop her either, she also wanted to hear the imperial doctor's opinion.

Doctor Wen came quickly, and saluted after entering, "Your Highness, Shen Liangdi."

Xiao Jinyan ordered: "Take Shen Liangdi's pulse. Doctor Wang said that she is cold and weak, and it is difficult for her to conceive. You can make some prescriptions to recuperate."

Doctor Wen's eyes flashed doubts, he felt that Shen Chuwei's medical skills were superior to his, how could he be used to diagnose the pulse?

It's just that His Highness ordered, and he followed suit.

Shen Chuwei took the initiative to stretch out his wrist.

Doctor Wen put the scarf on Shen Chuwei's wrist, and began to concentrate on his pulse.

Xiao Jinyan stared at Shen Chuwei for a long time, and when he came out of Fengyi Palace, he didn't even think about how to deal with the heir.

In case it is difficult for Xiaojiu to conceive, does he really want to have sex with other women for the sake of his heir?

He couldn't accept such a thing in his heart.

Although the heir is not the most important to the prince, it is also important.

He looked at Shen Chuwei's immature face, and still remembered the thoughts in her heart, and never forgot.

After doctor Wen's pulse diagnosis, he withdrew his hand and the scarf at the same time.

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Is it easy to adjust?"

Shen Chu raised her eyes slightly to look at Imperial Doctor Wen, waiting for his answer.

Doctor Wen lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "His Royal Highness, Shen Liangdi is indeed cold and weak, but it's not as difficult to conceive as what Doctor Wang said, it's just..."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Just what?"

"Although it's not as exaggerated as what Wang Yuyi said, I dare not be full." Wen Yuyi has seen too many women who are not pregnant, and some of them have no serious physical problems, but they just can't conceive, so everything can't be said too much. Full.

Xiao Jinyan frowned: "How do you say that?"

Doctor Wen gave an example: "The minister gave Chen Jieyu a pulse check a few days ago, and there is nothing serious about her body, but she can't conceive."

Xiao Jinyan looked sideways at Shen Chuwei, and found that she was listening with her ears pricked up. If she really couldn't get pregnant, the road ahead might be more difficult.

Shen Chuwei nodded in agreement after listening to what Wen Yu said, "What Wen Yu said makes sense."

Doctor Wen secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it's okay, it's okay, Shen Chuwei himself said so, His Highness shouldn't be angry~

Xiao Jinyan found the key point, his eyes were cold: "Then why did Royal Physician Wang exaggerate?"

Doctor Wen replied: "It may be a misdiagnosis, or it may be intentional."

Xiao Jinyan felt that there was something wrong with this Royal Physician Wang. Could it be that the Queen Mother deliberately asked Royal Physician Wang to say this in order to let him be exposed to rain and dew?

Apart from this possibility, he couldn't think of any other possibility.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan's eagerness, Shen Chuwei said softly, "Your Highness, there is nothing wrong with my body."

She also felt that Royal Physician Wang was exaggerating.

Xiao Jinyan comforted: "I know, don't worry."

It's just that now the queen mother feels that it is not easy for Xiao Jiu to conceive, and she can't wait to let him have children sooner.

Unless Xiao Jiu is conceived now, otherwise the father, queen and queen will put pressure on her, and something may happen.

It took him five years to get the crown prince from nothing, and he will not give it up.

After Doctor Wen left, the room was so quiet that one could hear each other's heartbeats.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan frowning tightly, Shen Chuwei reached out and tugged at his sleeve: "Your Highness, did the queen say something?"

 Good night, babies!
  Two more chapters, [-] words.

  It's Monday, a new start, ask for support from monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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