Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 288 Designed in secret, Xiao 91 worked hard to block Yoyo's mouth

Chapter 288 Designed in secret, Xiaojiu worked hard to block Yoyo's mouth together

In Fengyi Palace just now, the queen asked her to go out, wondering if there was some confidential matter that she could not listen to.

Xiao Jinyan raised his eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, those starry eyes were staring at him unblinkingly, he opened his mouth, but didn't say a word.

This matter was originally his own business, and talking about it would only put pressure on Xiao Jiu.

Seeing Xiao Jinyan's hesitation, Shen Chuwei knew that it was a state secret, so he couldn't tell.

"It doesn't matter if His Highness doesn't say anything, the concubine doesn't have to listen."

Xiao Jinyan stared at Shen Chuwei for a while, then moved his eyes down to her stomach. She was wearing a light green dress, and the girdle was flat and visible.

The most effective way is to make Xiaojiu pregnant in a short time, so as to block the mouths of Youyou.

Being watched by those twinkling phoenix eyes, Shen Chuwei inexplicably felt a little stressed, seeing each other every day, did he need to stare so fiercely?

"Your Highness, do you still drink tea?"

"No more." Xiao Jinyan put the teacup in his hand back on the low table, and saw the Bingdi lotus on the low table, still in full bloom.

In the past half a month, the petals of the lotus are still gorgeous and show no signs of withering.

He looked up at Shen Chuwei, "The lotus is growing very well."

Shen Chuwei looked at Bing Dilian quite proudly, and it was okay to raise her for a few more months.

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "No matter how long you raise it, it will eventually wither."

Shen Chuwei leaned on the low table, gently fiddled with the water and sprinkled it on the petals with her slender fingers, "I have a way to keep the lotus in full bloom forever."

Surprise flashed across Xiao Jinyan's eyes when he heard the words, "Really? What can Xiao Jiu do?"

Shen Chuwei said again: "It's just that the concubine won't use this method to keep the lotus forever."

Xiao Jinyan: "Why?"

"This is the law of nature, and humans are powerless to stop it. It is already very happy that the lotus can bloom for such a long time." Shen Chuwei paused at this point, "Blooming and bearing fruit will only bear fruit when the flower fades."

Xiao Jinyan was startled for a moment, then relieved: "I understand, I didn't expect Xiao Jiu to have such a high level of comprehension."

Shen Chuwei stared at the water lily and laughed twice, only to eat the lotus seeds!

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei in relief, and saw her staring at the water lily, remembering how she picked the lotus last year.

Suddenly, she had some doubts, was it because of her so-called natural law, or because of this lotus seed?
The news that Shen Chuwei was not easy to conceive gradually spread in the East Palace.

Everyone in the Eastern Palace knew that Shen Liangdi was the most favored, and it was true that she hadn't been happy for a long time.

This time the imperial doctor diagnosed that it was not easy to get pregnant, which became a topic of discussion after dinner.

The happiest thing was Xueyan, she was so happy from ear to ear when she heard the news.

"So what if you went to bed the day before yesterday? Even if you go to bed many times, it's useless if you can't get pregnant."

Shui Yao showed joy on her face: "Princess can rest assured to cultivate now, and she will go to bed after her face recovers."

Xue Yan stared at the face in the bronze mirror for a while, feeling better than the day before, she ordered: "Bring some warm water, I want to wash my face, apply some ointment, and I can go to bed when I get well soon."

"I'm going now, servant girl." Shui Yao happily went to fetch water.

After Xueyan entered the East Palace, Chang Liangyuan was very depressed these days, because she knew that if nothing happened, Xueyan would be the future princess.

"My lord, I heard that Shen Liangdi's body is weak and it's not easy to conceive." Huaixiang heard the news and couldn't wait to tell Chang Liangyuan.

Chang Liangyuan grabbed Huaixiang's hand and asked, "Are you sure you heard it right?"

Huai Xiang said: "My lord, this servant heard it right, it came from the Queen's Palace, so it's unmistakable."

A smile gradually appeared on the corners of Chang Liangyuan's lips, and the depression in her heart finally eased a lot, "So what if Shen Liangdi is favored? In the palace, women cannot conceive, so what's the use of great favor?"

Huaixiang nodded approvingly, "What the young master said is that the slave girl is not very favored when she looks at Concubine Xue, and she fell ill within a few days after entering the Eastern Palace, unable to attend her bed."

When mentioning Concubine Xue, Chang Liangyuan thought of losing the game that day, which made her lose face.

She ordered: "Huaixiang, come here."

Huaixiang bowed her head and leaned over, Chang Liangyuan whispered a few words.

Huaixiang nodded, "The servant knows."

The garden on the west side of the East Palace is full of flowers and trees.

"Why can't I find the road I took today?"

"If the young master knows, he will definitely scold the servant."

Huaixiang stood on the road with her head bowed, looking like she was about to cry.

When Shui Yao passed by, she heard someone talking, she stopped and walked over, she saw Huai Xiang and another maidservant looking for something?
Huaixiang looked at the maid who was traveling with her, "Have you found it yet?"

"Sister Huaixiang, I didn't find it." The maid asked while looking for it: "Sister Huaixiang, what is so important?"

"It's a blessing bag for a child. The old master specially prayed for the little master in the Yin Temple outside the palace. It is very effective to put it next to the pillow when you sleep at night. Look for it quickly. If you lose it, you will be scolded."

"Sister Huaixiang, could it be that she fell into the Xinlan Palace?"

"It makes sense, go back and look for it."

The two left in a hurry after talking.

Shui Yao looked at the two people who had gone away, and looked at the red lucky bag under the flowers. She took a few steps forward, bent down to pick it up, and held it in her hand for a long time.

The red lucky bag is embroidered with the word "begging for a child" with golden silk thread.

Shui Yao happily took the lucky bag back to the Dream Palace, and told Xue Yan what she saw on the way.

Xueyan asked: "Where's the lucky bag? Show it to me."

Shuiyao took out the lucky bag from her bosom and impatiently handed it to Xueyan, "Princess, this is it."

Xueyan took the lucky bag from her hand, looked it over and over again, her eyes were full of doubts: "Is this lucky bag really useful?"

"Hearing Huaixiang has a nose and eyes, it should be true. If it is false, Huaixiang will not cry." Shui Yao said.

Looking at the lucky bag in her hand, Xueyan still couldn't believe it, could she have a child?
Lighting time
A woman's cry came from the Xinlan Hall.

"You can't even do this little thing well, so what's the use of you?"

"My lord, the servant didn't lose it on purpose."

Shuiyao recognized the voices of Chang Liangyuan and Huaixiang respectively, she turned around and ran back, and told Xueyan what she saw and heard.

"Princess, this servant looks really useful."

After listening to Shui Yao's words, Xue Yan believed her, "When I go to bed that night, I will put it next to the pillow, and after two days when my face recovers, I will ask His Highness to come over for dinner."

Shui Yao said: "The servant waits for the princess to wash her face and apply the ointment again so that she can recover her beauty soon."

Hall of Joy

After Shen Chuwei finished his dinner, he took out his drawing board and planned to draw.

She promised Xiao Jinyan that the two of them would be in the painting, but she never started to paint because she had no inspiration.

Xiao Jinyan came to the Hall of Hehuan after reviewing the memorial early, planning to work hard so that Xiao Jiu could conceive a child as soon as possible.

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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