Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 289 What Will Her Highness Plan To Do If She Can't Get Pregnant?

Chapter 289 What Will Her Highness Plan To Do If She Can't Get Pregnant?
When she walked in, she saw Shen Chuwei sitting in front of the desk, holding a drawing board in her hand, as if she was drawing.

When Xiao Jinyan approached, he found that there was a blank sheet of paper on the drawing board, and no pen had been written on it.

"What is Xiao Jiu planning to draw?"

Shen Chuwei raised his head when he heard the words, and saw Xiao Jinyan standing behind him. He was slender and wearing a black brocade robe. Under the candlelight, the dark patterns of gold threads on the brocade robe were faintly visible, and there was a cold aura in the nobility.

"Didn't the concubine promise to draw a double portrait for His Highness? The concubine is composing the picture."

She said and put the drawing board on the desk, then stood up.

Xiao Jinyan had seen Shen Chuwei's paintings before, as little as half a month, a month, or even longer.

"If you don't tell me, I thought you had already started painting, but it turned out that you haven't started yet."

Shen Chuwei said: "Painting also needs inspiration, otherwise it will be less realistic."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Then when you painted Ben Gong, was it because of inspiration?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly.

When I painted the first painting, it was entirely because Xiao Jinyan's face was so handsome, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was rare in 4000 years.

As a color control and painter, she can certainly paint if she has the material.

The second painting was drawn because Xiao Jinyan thought it was so beautiful when he was reading a book, so he couldn't help but draw it.

Xiao Jinyan hugged her into his arms. The summer clothes were thin, and he could clearly feel the warmth and softness of the skin under his palms.

Shen Chuwei took out the drawing board because he couldn't sleep for a while after taking a bath, so he was only wearing suspenders, shorts and pajamas, which was cool and comfortable.

Xiao Jinyan's slender hair was pushed back from her chest to her shoulders, revealing her fair and moist shoulders.

"Since you need inspiration, take your time and don't rush."

Xiao Jin didn't need to say it, Shen Chuwei's salty fish temper was not in a hurry, and painting was originally to satisfy his own aspirations, not to increase troubles in vain.

Otherwise, painting a portrait is like completing a task, lifeless.

The weather was hot, Shen Chuwei was even hotter being hugged.

"Your Highness, my concubine will undress you."

She lowered her head and looked at the belt inlaid with white jade, and stretched out her fingers to pull the buckle.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at her, and let her tear off her belt. The jade pendant made a jingle when it touched the buckle of the belt.

The pink sachet also fluttered with her movements.

Shen Chuwei saw the pink sachet, which went well with the moon white color, but the black brocade robe didn't go well with it.

Summer clothes are much thinner than spring and winter clothes, so they are easy to take off and not heavy.

After taking off, Xiao Jinyan went to take a bath.

Shen Chuwei took off his shoes and lay down on the bed, continuing to study the recipes.

The weather is hot, so it is a big deal to study how to eat cold drinks in ancient times.

When Xiao Jinyan came out of the shower, he saw Shen Chuwei lying on the bed again, holding a book in his hand. He had a good memory and recognized it as a recipe at a glance.

"Studying about eating again?" He walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, looked sideways, and found that this book was different from last time.

Shen Chuwei said: "Well, food is the most important thing for the people, and more research will be the welfare of summer."

"Let's see tomorrow." Xiao Jinyan reached out and took the cookbook from her hand, glanced at the pattern on it, and found that it was some strange things, which he had never seen before.

The paper is smooth, and I don't know where it came from.

Shen Chuwei didn't protest either, because it was time to rest.

"Alright, now is the rest time, and reading should not interfere with sleep."

As Shen Chuwei was talking, he saw Xiao Jinyan put the book away, instead of lying down beside him, he turned over, his long black hair slanted down, and his hair was a little wet just after taking a bath.

Even if he doesn't insist on words at this time, he still knows what he wants to do.

She said earnestly, "Your Highness, combine work and rest."

Xiao Jinyan supported her head with one hand, and untied the lace of her clothes with the other, "The queen mother is urging me to have an heir, let's work hard first."

As an art student, Shen Chuwei would look at a beautiful man with admiration when he saw him undressing.

Seeing him leaning down and kissing her, she couldn't help asking: "Then what if the concubine really can't get pregnant?"

There are many people who are healthy but not pregnant.

In modern times, some couples will divorce for this reason, and after remarrying, both parties have children, which means that both parties have no problems.

Xiao Jinyan paused, looking at the person close at hand, he said slowly: "If you can't, then don't force it, having children is icing on the cake, if not, it won't affect anything."

Shen Chuwei originally just asked casually, but got an affirmative answer, which made her stunned for a long time.

"But you are going to be the emperor in the future, how can you do without heirs?"

"Don't worry, I will take care of all these." Xiao Jinyan kissed her lips, "Let's work hard first, and having children is the icing on the cake."

The point is, the current troubles can be solved.

Shen Chuwei asked again: "I mean, if I can't have children, what will you do if you want an heir in the future?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at her firmly, "You don't believe me?"

Shen Chu lifted his chin slightly: "I call it a rainy day."

Xiao Jinyan didn't know whether to laugh at her for being smart or to be annoyed that she didn't trust him: "After all, you still don't believe me."

Shen Chuwei comforted: "Your Highness, sometimes trust is also a burden."

Xiao Jinyan looked at her suspiciously, "How can this be a burden?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "The concubine trusts His Highness, if His Highness breaks the promise, the concubine will be disappointed. Your Highness remembers this trust, if you can't help yourself to make a choice in the future, if you choose not your concubine, you will lose your trust. People who value love and righteousness will feel guilty." , which is a two-way burden.”

After hearing this, Xiao Jinyan felt that it made some sense.

"You're right."

Shen Chuwei raised the corners of her lips proudly of her rare long speech, and then heard Xiao Jinyan say: "Don't get complacent too early, you are only half right, if there is no trust between husband and wife, it won't go far, understand?"

Shen Chu's slightly raised smile gradually disappeared, and in terms of eloquence, she was still inferior to Xiao Jinyan.

It is undeniable that the 20-year-old Xiao Jinyan is well-educated and mature-minded, which some modern youths cannot match.

The only shortcoming is that sometimes in front of him, I look like a student who made a wrong question, and he is the teacher who corrects it.

For example now.

Her tirade was denied by the serious "teacher".

How about making her proud once?

Having said that, as a modern person, she really can't accept that her husband has sex with other women.

Xiao Jinyan is her husband in her eyes.

Even in the future, because he needs an heir to stabilize the crown prince, he has to have sex with someone else's woman.

She still can't take it.

It's just that this is ancient times, and it's as difficult as heaven for a man to guard his body like a jade.

It is still necessary to plan ahead.

Seeing her silence, Xiao Jinyan lifted her chin with his slender fingers, "What's wrong? You don't agree with what I said?"

(End of this chapter)

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