Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 290 The prince's plan, pressure from the emperor

Chapter 290 The prince's plan, pressure from the emperor

Under these charming and powerful eyes, Shen Chuwei felt oppressed.

The so-called power cannot be bent, but it is understandable to bend once in a while.

"Your Highness is right."

Xiao Jinyan showed a satisfied look in his eyes, "Then you work hard with me, huh?"

He's handsome, who can stand it?

"How do I cooperate?"

"I'll teach you." Xiao Jinyan looked down at the sling on her body, still feeling that it was convenient without a bellyband.

Xiao Jinyan thought about it for a day and made the worst plan.

Without children, there will be more obstacles on the road, it will be more difficult, and it will not be impossible to go on.

If he needs an heir in the future, after Xiao Jinyu gets married, let him adopt the eldest son to him.

This is the worst plan, although it will be difficult to implement, as long as you persist, there is always a solution.

Shen Chuwei lived so long, she never thought that she would face the embarrassment of having a baby urgently.

Looking at a certain master who is never tired of doing it, she seriously suspects that he is cheating for public benefit!
On the second day and the third day...Xiao Jinyan will come on time.

Shen Chuwei grabbed Xiao Jinyan's hand, and said earnestly, "Your Highness, have we tried too hard?"

Xiao Jinyan untied his clothes, and asked slowly: "Have you met?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly.

Xiao Jinyan pressed himself down, "Then keep working hard."

Shen Chuwei wanted to cry but had no tears.

In ancient times, people really didn't treat people well. How can there be such a young child who wants to give birth to a baby?
Also, Xiao Jinyan is really not human~
Xiao Jinyan looked down at the teary-eyed man, "Xiao Jiu, have I been bullied again?"

Shen Chu wiped away tears slightly, "Knowing that you still bully?"

Xiao Jinyan lowered his head and kissed her tearful eyes: "I will prepare crystal elbows for you tomorrow."

Shen Chuwei's tears stopped, "Where is the light crystal elbow enough?"

Xiao Jinyan laughed lowly: "I'll buy you some tea fruit."

Shen Chu burst into tears and smiled: "It's not too bad."

Xiao Jinyan wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with his slender fingers, "You are so easy to coax."

A word to wake up the dreamer.

"I also feel that my requirements are too low." Shen Chuwei said in a non-negotiable tone: "So add meat pie, candied haws, leather cake, tea fruit and other flavors."

Xiao Jinyan suppressed a smile and nodded, "Okay."

After Shen Chuwei's wish was fulfilled, she felt sleepy, she grabbed Xiao Jinyan's arm and said, "I'm sleepy."

"It'll be fine soon." Xiao Jinyan lowered his head and kissed her lips reassuringly.

Shen Chuwei naively thought it was going to be right away, but in fact Xiao Jinyan said it was just waiting and waiting~
The next day, Dream Palace
"Princess, for the past two days, His Highness has stayed in Hehuan Hall."

Xue Yan checked that the red rash on her face had mostly healed, she was in a good mood, and before she could smile, she heard this sentence, and her face immediately changed.

"Does Your Highness not need to review the memorial?"

"It's the Hehuan Hall that I went to after reviewing the memorial. His Highness doesn't seem to be busy these days." Shui Yao guessed.

Xue Yan said bitterly: "Shen Liangdi clearly took advantage of my physical discomfort to deliberately bully His Highness."

Shui Yao persuaded: "Princess, calm down, even if Shen Liangdi sleeps with her a few more times, it's useless. If she can't conceive a child, it's a flaw, and she can't threaten the princess."

Even so, Xueyan was furious at the thought of her dominating His Highness for several nights, "It's really shameless."

Shui Yao said warmly: "Princess, servant girl, look at your face is getting better."

Even when Xueyan was angry, she would pay attention to her own face, so she let Shuiyao take a look at her own face.

Shuiyao looked carefully for a while and said: "Princess's face is much better than the previous two days, and she should recover in two days."

"Apply some more ointment." Xueyan couldn't bear it anymore, she couldn't let Shen Liangdi dominate His Highness all the time.

Shen Chuwei came back to life under Chunxi's continued life. Thinking of what Xiao Jinyan did in the past two days, he was even more sure that he was acting for private interests.

She sighed, working hard every day, who can bear it?

Concubine Xu came in with a small handkerchief, and before seeing Shen Chuwei's person, she asked, "Shen Liangdi, is it true that you are not easy to conceive?"

Shen Chuwei lay on the bed and didn't want to move, she looked up at Concubine Xu, "Did it spread so quickly?"

Concubine Xu sat down beside the bed, "The news is not confidential, just use money."

Shen Chuwei didn't know about the money-buying news before, but now she knows, but she's not interested.

She said indifferently: "If you know it, you will know it."

Concubine Xu looked at Shen Chuwei worriedly, seeing that he was so lazy, she subconsciously thought that she had been hit, and was unhappy.

"Did the imperial doctor see it? Can it be recuperated?"

"It's okay, just take care of it." She has always had a conditioning prescription, but only twice a month. The main reason is that it is too bitter, and she doesn't like to drink it.

"I think they are spreading nonsense and saying this deliberately so that His Highness will be exposed to the rain and dew." Concubine Xu was indignant.

At this time, the royal study
Xiao Jinyan was sent to the imperial study by the emperor after finishing his morning court.

In the huge imperial study room, only the emperor sat in front of the desk.

Xiao Jinyan stepped forward to salute, "Royal Father."

"The prince is here." The emperor put down the memorial in his hand, and looked up at Xiao Jinyan who was in front of the writing desk, "During this time, the prince has worked hard. He has reviewed many memorials for me and handled them in an orderly manner."

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Father is too famous, it is my honor to be able to share his worries and labors for father."

The emperor said quietly: "I have seen everything the prince has done. The prince's ability should not be underestimated, and he should have the ability to stand alone."

Xiao Jinyan listened humbly.

The emperor said again: "A few days ago, your mother and queen mentioned children, have you thought about it clearly?"

Xiao Jin said: "Going back to the emperor, the minister now just wants to share his worries and work for the emperor. The son is not in a hurry, and the minister has a sense of propriety."

The emperor was shocked when he heard the words: "As the crown prince, he has no children, and outsiders are talking about it. It's better to make plans early and don't follow the truth."

Xiao Jin said: "I understand."

"Shen Liangdi is not easy to conceive, so Concubine Xue, Concubine Xu, Chang Liangyuan and the others will all be exposed to the rain and dew, so don't let me down again." In the last sentence, the emperor deliberately emphasized his tone to show his limited patience.

Xiao Jinyan knew that his father had issued an ultimatum. If there is no news in the near future, I'm afraid...

At night, Xiao Jinyan went straight to Hehuan and walked through the back door.

The back door was specially installed after the two walls were opened. It is very concealed and cannot be found by ordinary people.

Shen Chuwei taught Chunxi to make summer cold drinks today with his heavy slippers, but unfortunately he almost succeeded, and planned to try again tomorrow.

When Xiao Jinyan came in, he saw Shen Chuwei sitting cross-legged on the bed, seeing him coming, he looked over with a smile on his face.

"Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan came to the bed and sat down, looked at Shen Chuwei's stomach, and stretched out his big hand to caress the flat belly.

Shen Chu slightly lowered his head to watch Xiao Jinyan's actions. Xiao Jinyan had done this action several times, and he would put his hands on his stomach to warm his stomach when menstruation was uncomfortable.

 Good night, Baozi!
  It's too sleepy, the writing is not good, so the kids will just read it.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support, more tickets will be added!

(End of this chapter)

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