Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 294 A Secret Only He Knows, Do You Need Your Highness?

Chapter 294 A Secret Only He Knows, Do You Need Your Highness?

Xiao Jinyan never thought of letting his father understand him. No matter how busy he is with reviewing memorials, he does have time to consummate the marriage, but it is just a matter of willingness or not.

"Go back to father, no."

The emperor did not work overtime to review the memorials for some days, so he was much more relaxed and spent more time with the queen.

Hearing the prince's words, he was very relieved, but thinking that the prince had not yet consummated the marriage with Princess Xueyan, he couldn't help but frown.

"Then why not spare some time to consummate the marriage with Princess Xueyan?"

Xiao Jinyan was silent for a moment, then replied: "My son is not happy."

As a man, the emperor thinks he understands men, even if he is not in love, what is the difficulty in consummating the marriage?
"Behind Princess Xueyan is the Xueyue Kingdom. If you make Xueyan feel wronged and Xueyue Kingdom thinks that I, Da Xia, treated Xueyan poorly, it will only be consummation."

What the emperor meant was that there was an explanation for the consummation of the house, not only to make her happy.

Even so, Xiao Jinyan did not want to consummate the marriage with Xueyan.

He couldn't achieve the deep love his father and queen had for his mother, and he could hug left and right, and sit in the Sixth Court of Sangong.

In the eyes of outsiders, the emperor's father doting on Concubine Ning is because he regards Concubine Ning as his favorite.

But this is not the case, the father's affection for the mother is not comparable to those women.

The paradox is that even if the father's favorite cinnabar is the mother, it does not prevent him from having sex with other women.

Even the queen mother didn't know this secret, and he only learned about it by overhearing the words in his father's heart.

The emperor looked serious: "You took time out of these two days to consummate the marriage with Princess Xueyan. You are the crown prince, and there is a great relationship between them. I don't need to remind you."

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyebrows and nodded, "I understand."

After leaving the imperial study room, Xiao Jinyan still felt an invisible pressure pressing him so tightly that he couldn't breathe.

He was probably the first to be forced to consummate the house with a woman.

Back in the East Palace, Xueyan came, her eyes were red, it was obvious that she had cried.

Xiao Jinyan said that the person she didn't want to see the most at this meeting was Xueyan, but she chose to move forward.

"Your Highness, the concubine is here to admit his mistake." Xue Yan said with a sob.

Xiao Jinyan looked at her guilty look coldly, "What's wrong?"

"The concubine went to the empress's place today, originally to chat about family affairs, but she accidentally revealed her mouth. The empress mentioned the consummation of the house, and asked repeatedly. The concubine could not deceive the empress, so she told the truth. How could the emperor think that Come to see the empress at this time, and listen to the truth."

As Xueyan said, she looked at Xiao Jinyan with tears in her eyes, "Your Highness, this concubine really made a mistake."

But he was so complacent in his heart that as long as the emperor exerted pressure, Xiao Jinyan would not be able to consummate the marriage with him.

It was fine to occupy Xiao Jinyan a few days ago, but now that Xiao Jinyan is busy, Shen Liangdi even wants to occupy Xiao Jinyan for dinner.

What is Shen Liangdi?
Why are you arguing with her?

Even though Xiao Jinyan was used to hearing the shady darkness and scheming in women's hearts, when she heard Xueyan slander Xiao Jiu, her eyes suddenly darkened, "Go back, I still have business to do."

Xueyan wiped her tears, and looked at Xiao Jinyan aggrievedly, "Your Highness, are you still angry with me?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xueyan coldly, "Why should I be angry?"

Xueyan was stunned for a moment, unable to figure out what Xiao Jinyan was thinking, she asked cautiously and tentatively: "Is Your Highness really not angry?"

Xiao Jin said: "I will go to your place for dinner after I am busy these two days."

Xueyan was overjoyed when she heard the words, she said softly: "The concubine knows, the concubine will prepare in advance."

Sure enough, the emperor still needs to come forward, otherwise, with Xiao Jinyan's attitude, I don't know when he will be able to sleep and conceive a child.

Xueyan happily left the Prince's dormitory.

Back in Dream Palace, Xueyan picked up the lucky bag under the pillow and put it on her heart. This time, she won a man in one fell swoop, let Shen Chuwei see, the winner is the one who has an heir.

The news of Xueyan's upcoming bedtime, whether it was intentional or unintentional, soon spread throughout the entire East Palace.

When Concubine Xu got the news, she went to Hehuan Hall as soon as she got the news, and quickly swung her small handkerchief.

Caixia was no longer surprised, and followed closely behind with small steps.

Shen Chuwei had just finished his lunch and was about to take a lunch break. Before he took off his shoes, he heard Xu Fangfei come in cursing.

"what happened?"

"I heard that His Highness is going to have dinner at Dream Palace in the next two days and then stay overnight." Concubine Xu said as she walked and came to the bed.

Shen Chuwei asked: "Who did you listen to?"

Concubine Xu couldn't help raising her voice, "Everyone knows, don't you know?"

Shen Chuwei didn't hear anything outside the window, if it wasn't for Concubine Xu, she really wouldn't know.

"is it?"

"Of course." Concubine Xu grabbed Shen Chuwei's hand, "Your Highness will be dirty."

A few days ago, Xiao Jinyan told her to trust him.

No, he changed his mind after only a few days.

"No, I trust Your Highness." After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she continued to slip on her shoes.

"His Royal Highness said this to Concubine Xue himself." After Concubine Xu finished speaking, she leaned closer to Shen Chuwei and whispered in Shen Chuwei's ear: "I heard that the emperor was furious, so he called His Highness to the imperial study for education."

Shen Chu slightly slipped his shoes.

Concubine Xu continued: "The emperor hugged him left and right, and he must have asked His Highness to quickly consummate the house."

Shen Chuwei understood, "His Highness is facing not only the heirs, but also the pressure of consummating the house."

Concubine Xu nodded vigorously, "That's right, Xueyan is the princess of Xueyue Kingdom, the emperor will definitely intervene in this matter, if the emperor exerts pressure, His Highness may not be able to resist."

Now Shen Chuwei said sincerely: "Then His Highness is under a lot of pressure, and I can't relieve him of his worries."

Concubine Xu sighed, "Even if His Highness doesn't want to, it's okay."

Shen Chuwei also sighed, "Your Highness is too difficult."

Concubine Xu said with emotion: "Since ancient times, emperors have been so fickle, and I don't know whether His Highness is a fickle person or a deeply affectionate person."

At night, the emperor asked Eunuch Li to send a large number of memorials to the East Palace as usual, and went to Fengyi Palace by himself.

The queen who had just finished her bath heard that the dog emperor was coming again, and felt that the dog emperor must have something to ask for herself, otherwise why would she run to Fengyi Palace these days?

It was impossible to pretend to be asleep, so she had no choice but to welcome her with her body.

When the emperor walked in, he saw that the imperial hair ornament had been removed, and he was wearing a red dress, which matched her snow-white skin very well.

"Queen, you haven't rested yet."

The queen couldn't help but rolled her eyes, at this hour, who is so early?

"Is the emperor not busy today?"

The emperor said: "Since the crown prince reviewed the memorials, I have been free, so I have time to accompany you, are you happy?"

Queen: "..." It's because Concubine Ning is pregnant and can't sleep with her, otherwise why would you come to Fengyi Palace?
The emperor took the queen's hand and sat down beside the bed, "Queen, I have something to tell you."

"What does the emperor want to say?" If it is about promoting Concubine Ning to Noble Concubine, how far will it go!
The emperor said straight to the point: "It's about the crown prince and Shen Liangdi."

 Boys, good evening!

  Yesterday, the recommendation ticket was still a few dozen short, and the monthly pass was still a dozen short, so it can be added.

  Keep working hard today!

  There are many recommended tickets and monthly tickets, you can add more!

(End of this chapter)

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