Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 295 Planning to abolish the prince?The Dog Emperor Was Beaten~Drinking Medicine for His High

Chapter 295 Planning to abolish the prince?The Dog Emperor Was Beaten~Drinking Medicine for His Highness~
The queen raised her head to look at the dog emperor suspiciously when she heard the words, "Your majesty, what's the matter with the crown prince and Shen Liangdi?"

The emperor said quietly: "I didn't pay attention to these trivial matters before, but today I had someone check it out, and found out that the crown prince has only let Shen Liangdi sleep in this year."

"Don't the empress feel that the crown prince is too exclusive to Shen Liangdi?"

Of course the empress knew about this, the crown prince favored Shen Liangdi only because she liked it, originally she didn't want to interfere, but it was related to the emperor's heir, Shen Liangdi was not easy to conceive, so she had to let them conceive.

It's just that this sentence popped out of the dog emperor's mouth. No matter how you hear it, you feel that you need to be beaten?
Embracing yourself on the left and right, sitting in the Sangong Sixth Courtyard, and let your son learn from you to be full and warm?

The emperor said again: "He is the crown prince, and the lack of heirs under his knees is a top priority."

Resisting the urge to beat someone up, the queen asked, "Then what is the emperor's plan?"

The emperor said: "I want the crown prince to consummate the house with them so as to expand the heirs of the emperor. If the crown prince insists on pampering Shen Liangdi alone, he can only let Shen Liangdi be imprisoned in the cold palace until he has an heir."

Although the empress knew that the royal family used these methods, but thinking of such a well-behaved child as Shen Liangdi, being imprisoned in the cold palace was a bit too much.

"Shen Liangdi is not at fault, and the concubine feels that it is inappropriate to be imprisoned in the cold palace."

The emperor didn't expect the queen to refuse. He stared at the queen for a long time and asked, "Does the queen have a better solution?"

The queen was stunned. If she had a way, she would have hugged her grandson long ago.

Seeing the queen's silence, the emperor knew that she had no solution, "If the queen doesn't agree with what I'm doing, there is only one way."

The queen asked: "What way?"

The emperor paused and said: "Abolish the prince, whoever he favors alone, I don't care."

The queen froze.

It was the dog emperor who wanted to make Xiao Jinyan the prince, but now the prince is abolished because of this incident?

What a big face!

"Then who does the emperor want to appoint as the crown prince?"

The emperor spat out a name, "Yu'er."

The queen froze again.

Two years ago, she said she wanted Yu'er to be the crown prince, but Emperor Gou refused.

Isn't there something wrong with making Yu'er the crown prince now?
She suddenly understood that the dog emperor was deliberately contradicting her.

"Didn't the emperor say that Yu'er is young and not as calm and capable as Jin Yan?"

"I said so, but I didn't expect that he would ignore his heirs for the sake of a woman. He is the future heir. How can he do without heirs?"

The emperor said while putting his arms around the empress's shoulders and continued: "They are all our sons. If the prince insists on not sharing the rain and dew and filling his heirs, there are two ways for him to choose."

The emperor snorted: "I want to see if he doesn't even want the position of prince for the sake of a woman."

The queen clenched her hands into fists when she heard the words, thinking that at the beginning, you also came to provoke me to secure the position of the crown prince, right?

Sure enough, there is nothing to be courteous, and it is either rape or robbery.

After the emperor finished speaking, he looked down at the queen, and said for a while, "What's wrong with you? You look a little ugly."

The queen looked at the dog emperor coldly.

"The queen's complexion seems to be getting worse and worse." The emperor pinched the queen's face, and said something to be beaten: "It's not as smooth and delicate as before."

Which woman can stand being disliked by her husband for this and that, and only picks on the actions that women care about most.

The queen finally couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed hard with both hands, pushing the dog emperor to the ground.

"The emperor dislikes his concubines. Is it bad or not? Then you go to find those newly selected show girls? All of them are 15 years old, and their skin is smooth, delicate and elastic."

The emperor was caught off guard for a moment, and was just pushed to the ground by the queen. He sat on the ground in a panic, looking at the queen in a daze.

Then he said angrily: "Queen, you are so brave."

The queen looked at the dog emperor who was sitting on the ground in a panic. She was out of breath just now, but now she reacted and was frightened to death.

No matter how the emperor is, he is also the emperor who has the power of life and death in his hands.

"The concubine missed, don't be angry, the emperor." The queen hurriedly helped the emperor up and patted the dust off his body.

The emperor glanced at the queen and left with a flick of his sleeves.

The queen froze in place. This was the first time that the dog emperor had left with a flick of his sleeves, so he was probably really angry.

If you had walked away like this back then, I would not have married you either!

Do you really think you are a sweet pastry, anyone wants to marry?

When I was still the daughter of General Chang, and the jewel in my palm, how many heroes and literati wanted to marry me!

The queen was also so angry that she rolled over to bed and fell asleep, but she suffered from insomnia...

Shen Chuwei took out a bunch of candied haws from the wooden box. The ice cubes in the wooden box were changed every day, so the candied haws were well preserved.

The last bunch of candied haws.

Shen Chuwei looked at the bright red candied haws, holding them in his hand without taking a bite.

After Xiao Jinyan finished reviewing the memorial, he came to Hehuan Hall from the back door Shen Chuwei said, and what he saw when he entered the room was this scene.

"Xiao Jiu hasn't slept yet."

Shen Chu raised her head slightly and saw Xiao Jinyan walking in wearing a blue brocade robe. This was the first time she saw him wearing blue clothes.

Sure enough, he is handsome and has a good figure, and he can control any color.

"Is Your Highness finished?"

"Well, I just finished reviewing the memorial." Xiao Jinyan came to the couch and sat down, looked at the candied haws in her hand, and stretched out his hand, "It's late at night, don't eat candied haws."

Shen Chuwei stared closely at the candied haws that Xiao Jinyan had taken away, for fear that he would say something to the candied haws if he disagreed.

"The concubine didn't want to eat it, but took it out to have a look."

"You can't even look at it." Xiao Jinyan knew her too well, if she didn't want to eat, she wouldn't take it out of the wooden box.

He opened the wooden box, put candied haws in it, and closed it again.

Shen Chuwei stared at it until the wooden cover was closed, and her heart fell to the ground.

She looked at Xu Bingdilian in front of her, picked up a small wooden spoon, scooped some water on the lotus, and then put it down again.

"Your Highness has been under a lot of pressure these two days, right?"

Xiao Jinyan also denied it: "Well, there is some pressure."

Shen Chuwei lifted the teapot on the low table, took out a clean teacup, poured some medicinal juice, and placed it in front of Xiao Jinyan.

"It's a stress reliever."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the steaming teacup in front of him, and could smell the medicinal juice, which was not bitter, but rather sweet.

He picked it up and brought it to his lips to take a sip, just as he thought.

After drinking the medicine, Xiao Jinyan washed up, and then went to take a bath and rest.

Shen Chuwei watched Xiao Jinyan put down the bed curtain, thinking that he was under a lot of pressure and would probably suffer from insomnia at night, so she put the medicine pack prepared in advance on the bedside, which had the effect of helping sleep.

After Xiao Jinyan put down the bed curtain, he came over and hugged her accurately, "Xiao Jiu."

The room was originally dimly lit, and after the bed curtain was lowered, they couldn't even see each other's faces clearly.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan on his body, "Your Highness, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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