Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 296 Prince's Promise, Great Secret

Chapter 296 Prince's Promise, Great Secret
Xiao Jinyan shook his head, "I'm fine."

The bosom is warm and fragrant, with a rich fragrance that makes people feel distracted.

Xiao Jinyan lowered his head and leaned over, searching for breath to kiss her lips.

This is the best way to decompress.

Shen Chuwei thought that Xiao Jinyan was under a lot of pressure and didn't care about it, that's all she thought.

After Shen Chuwei's science popularization last time, Xiao Jinyan knew what the safe period and ovulation period are.

It is easier to get pregnant during ovulation.

Although many don't understand, he understands them all.

So this is the most suitable time to have a baby.

Xiao Jinyan worked extra hard tonight and forgot about the pressure from the emperor.

The magnetic voice is right next to the ear, carrying a scorching temperature.

"Little Nine."

Shen Chuwei hugged Xiao Jinyan's neck tightly, and his out-of-tune voice came out of his mouth intermittently.

At the fourth watch, Xiao Jinyan hugged the person under him contentedly, and the person in his arms was already asleep.

From his father's tone today, he felt that the road ahead would not be easy.

Only when you are in this position can you truly feel that you cannot help yourself.

For two days in a row Xiao Jinyan would be in Hehuan Hall.

Shen Chuwei heard a lot of things from Concubine Xu during the day, especially Concubine Xue had been preparing for bedtime for the past two days.

But when Xiao Jinyan came, he didn't mention this matter, but has been working hard to make a baby.

Concubine Xu repeatedly asked her to ask Xiao Jinyan if it was true.

Shen Chuwei waited for Xiao Jinyan to take the initiative to talk about it, but it was a pity that someone didn't mention it.

She had no choice but to ask, "Is Your Highness consummating the marriage with Concubine Xue?"

Xiao Jinyan paused and looked at the puzzled person. He knew that Shen Chuwei was deaf to what was going on outside the window, so he could not rule out Xu Fangfei's big mouth to tell her.

"At this time, you can mention other women, okay?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly.

I don’t ask at this time, and I don’t usually have the chance to ask~
When Concubine Xu came over tomorrow, she didn't know how to answer.

She believed Xiao Jinyan, but Concubine Xu didn't believe it.

Xiao Jinyan originally wanted to deal with this matter calmly, but now that Xiao Jiu asked, he told the truth.

"I won't consummate the house with her. I promised her two days ago, it was just a stopgap measure."

Shen Chuwei frowned when she heard the words, she said she believed in Xiao Jinyan, she was right.

Xiao Jinyan kissed the corner of her lips, "Don't believe what outsiders say."

Shen Chu nodded obediently, "I know."

Xiao Jinyan looked down at her. Although he couldn't hear what she was thinking, it didn't prevent him from believing her.

Who wouldn't say a few words?
For example, now, Xiao Jiu will probably complain about why he is so energetic?Why can't work and rest be combined?Why is there always enough?
Shen Chuwei complained a few words in his heart, wiped away his tears, "The concubine wants to sleep."

Xiao Jinyan lowered his head and kissed her, "It will be fine soon."

Without waiting for Shen Chu to complain slightly, Xiao Jinyan guessed that Xiao Jiu would definitely complain, and as soon as the agreement was made, how long has it been?

"It's true this time."

Shen Chuwei had just finished complaining, when he heard Xiao Jinyan's words, he was stupefied for a long time.

Suddenly thinking of a possibility, she widened her eyes, could it be that Xiao Jinyan has the ability to read minds?

The next day, Shen Chuwei had breakfast, but she couldn't keep her life alive. She lay on the couch, looked at the Bingdi lotus on the low table, and felt that it was blooming better than before, like it was at its peak flowering period.

She knew that Bing Tilian was not far from withering.

It is one step closer to her eating lotus seeds.


Xueyan has been preparing for bedtime matters for the past two days, and she decided to give Xiao Jinyan an unforgettable night, reading two books of Chun Mou.

She also specially invited Mother Jiaoyin to ask about bedtime service, the purpose is to compare Shen Chuwei.

Let Xiao Jinyan know that she is a hundred times stronger than Shen Chuwei.

Not only that, but I also took a lot of supplements in the past two days.

Fresh flower petals, precious essential oils are used for skin care in the daily bath.

"Princess, your skin is fairer than snow, Shen Liangdi can't match it, this time you will definitely be able to win a man in one fell swoop." Shui Yao said while applying essential oil.

Xueyan looked at herself in the bronze mirror, and was very satisfied with her appearance, and in her beautiful eyes, she was satisfied with complacency.

"That's natural, my honorable princess, what does she compare to me?"

Shui Yao also boasted: "The princess is a golden branch and a jade leaf, Shen Liangdi can't even compare with a strand of hair."

In the afternoon, Liu Xi smiled happily and walked into the Hall of Dreams.

"Concubine Xue, Your Highness will come to have dinner today, so prepare it earlier."

"Understood, thank you, Eunuch Liu, for reminding me." Xue Yan couldn't hide her joy.

Shuiyao took out a certain amount of gold and stuffed it into Liu Xi's hand.

Liu Xi happily accepted it, "Thank you Concubine Xue for the reward."

After Liu Xi left, Xueyan picked up the lucky bag under the pillow, determined to win a man in one fell swoop.

As soon as Liu Xi left the Hall of Dreams, he ran into Chang Liangyuan, and he stepped forward to salute, "Chang Liangyuan."

Chang Liangyuan saw Liu Xi coming out of the Hall of Dreams, and thought that in the past two days, there was a rumor in the East Palace that Concubine Xue was going to bed.

She took a step forward and asked tentatively, "Eunuch Liu, what are you doing?"

Liu Xi said cheerfully: "Chang Liangyuan, the miscellaneous family is going to inform Concubine Xue that His Highness will go to the Hall of Dreams for dinner tonight."

Although Chang Liangyuan guessed it, it was another matter to hear it with her own ears. She didn't go to bed even once, how long did it take for Xueyan to go to bed?

Who can balance it?Can you be willing?
"So that's the case, no wonder Eunuch Liu was asked to go there himself."

Liu Xi said softly: "These are what the miscellaneous family should do. Chang Liangyuan is fine, so the miscellaneous family will go back and report."

Chang Liangyuan nodded, watching Liu Xi return to the prince's bedroom, her gentle eyes immediately turned cold.

"Huaixiang, send the bouquet of lilies in the house to the Hall of Dreams."

Huaixiang, "here."

Huaixiang took a pot of lilies to the Hall of Dreams.

"Concubine Xue, this is specially ordered by my young master to send this to Concubine Xue to congratulate her. Lily means a happy marriage for a hundred years."

Xueyan is going to bed tonight, and she is in a good mood. Originally, when she saw Huaixiang coming, she felt a little unlucky.

Hearing what she said, I couldn't help but look at the lily in her hand a few more times.

Thinking of the meaning, he stayed.

"Go back and tell Chang Liangyuan, thank you for her kindness."

"The maidservant is going back first." Huaixiang withdrew her eyes and withdrew.

Xue Yan looked at the freshness of the lilies, and ordered Shui Yao, "Put the lilies in the back room."

"Young maidservant, take it in now." Shui Yao happily carried the lily into the back room.

Lighting time
Xueyan prepared dinner and sat at the table waiting.

Xiao Jinyan arrived as promised.

Xue Yan greeted her happily, "Your Highness."

After Xiao Jinyan sat down, he glanced at the food on the table, and said in a cold and distant voice, "I kept you waiting for a long time."

"The concubine didn't wait long." Xueyan picked up the jug and filled Xiao Jinyan with a glass of wine, "Your Highness, this concubine brought this wine from Xueyue Kingdom, please try it."

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "I don't drink alcohol."

Xueyan originally wanted to drink for fun, but Xiao Jinyan refused to drink, so she had to put down the jug.

 Good night, sweethearts.

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support, more tickets will be added!
(End of this chapter)

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