Chapter 300 He knows who designed it

Chunxi looked confused, "Who is it?"

After asking, she turned her face sideways again, afraid of being recognized.

Qin Xiao explained: "I'm not a hooligan, don't run away when you see me, it will be misunderstood."

Chunxi nodded indiscriminately, "I know, I won't do it next time, let me go first."

Qin Xiao pretended not to hear, seeing Chunxi kept tilting his head, he frowned, "Turn your face around and let me see."

Of course Chunxi didn't want to, "I still have things to do, and I will blame you if I delay."

Seeing that she didn't turn around, Qin Xiao had been a guard for a long time, and his style of acting was also vigorous and decisive. He didn't think about it for a while, so he stretched out his hand and squeezed her chin, forcing her to turn around.

Chunxi, a delicate girl, effortlessly turned Chunxi's face, intending to take a closer look.

Chunxi was so anxious that she was about to cry, it was over, she was about to be recognized.

Qin Xiao looked at Chun Xi carefully, her cheeks were flushed, which was exactly the same as that of her little brother, not only that, but also her voice.

The height is about the same, and there are these frightened eyes.

As a bodyguard, he has strong observation skills and draws conclusions.

"Are you a little brother?"

Chunxi's lips were pinched hard, and her words were vague, "I'm not."

Qin Xiao pinched her face, and found that there was a mole on her right cheek, next to her ear. When she was close to her little brother last time, she also saw this mole.

"You are a little brother, you say, why do you lie to others?"

Chunxi grabbed Qin Xiao's hand and took a bite, Qin Xiao withdrew his hand in pain.

"You're the one who lied." After Chunxi finished speaking, she ran away.

Qin Xiao covered his hands and looked down. There were two neat rows of teeth marks. The pain must be pain, but he didn't understand why Chun Xi lied to him.

Still pretending not to know him?
Shen Chu was so hungry that he couldn't stand it, so after a simple wash, he began to eat breakfast.

Looking at Xiao Jinyan on the opposite side, he was the one who wasted his energy just now, but she was the one who was tired.

And Xiao Jinyan was in good spirits, and was eating breakfast slowly.

After breakfast, Shen Chuwei lay on the couch and didn't want to move.

Xiao Jin Yanchui went to the Hall of Dreams.

He stepped into the Dream Palace, glanced at the desk, and found that the lilies on it had been taken away.

He knew who did it, and although he knew what Chang Liangyuan was thinking, he didn't stop him.

He also didn't intend to expose Chang Liangyuan, the purpose was very simple, that is to make Chang Liangyuan feel a sense of crisis and shift his attention from Xiaojiu to Concubine Xue.

By letting the two women fight by themselves, he can spend less energy on it.

The imperial doctor fed some medicine to Concubine Xue, and she woke up now. Seeing Xiao Jinyan coming, she said aggrievedly: "Your Highness, someone wants the life of my concubine, so you have to make the decision for my concubine."

At this time, Xueyan's second bedtime service was terminated because of being poisoned, and she was already furious, but her body was too weak.

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "I know, you should rest well, and cooperate with the imperial doctor's medicine, and I will investigate this matter clearly."

"Your Highness, can the poison of the concubine be cured? Will the concubine die?" Xue Yan cried as she spoke.

"You have to trust the imperial doctor, he will prepare the antidote." Xiao Jinyan didn't mean to be sympathetic at all.

At this time, Xinlan Hall
"My lord, Concubine Xue is still lying on the bed right now, the imperial doctor is helpless." Huai Xiang whispered.

Chang Liangyuan paused while drinking tea, a smug smile curled up on the corner of her lips, Concubine Xue was so complacent these past few days, she didn't succeed in serving her bed last night, she might be going to die of anger.

"Have things been dealt with?"

"Don't worry, little master, it's already been dealt with, and nothing will go wrong." Huaixiang said.

From the very beginning, the lucky bag for seeking a child was deliberately lost so that Shui Yao could pick it up.

In the lucky bag, there is a herbal medicine called carnation grass, which will only affect sleep when used alone.

But with lilies, there is a toxin.

I haven't served the bed yet, what qualifications do you have to serve the bed?
A gloomy look flashed across Chang Liangyuan's gentle eyes.

Two days later, the matter still has not been found out.

Concubine Xue's poison was not cured, she just took medicine to control the spread of the toxin.

The emperor didn't go to Fengyi Palace for two days. He left the imperial study and came to Fengyi Palace after walking.

I went in after thinking about it.

The queen saw that the dog emperor had come again, and she didn't know what it was for this time.

The emperor took two sips of tea and glanced at the queen, "Queen."

The queen lowered her eyebrows and obeyed: "The concubine is here."

The emperor said slowly: "Concubine Ning is pregnant and is about to give birth. I want to promote Concubine Ning to be a noble concubine to appease her pain of having a child."

The queen really wanted to scold the dog emperor, but she only rewarded it two days ago, and now she still has this thought.

"Your Majesty, how long has Concubine Ning been in the palace? She is now a concubine, and if she is promoted to a concubine again, it will cause dissatisfaction among other concubines."

The emperor raised his eyebrows: "What does the empress mean?"

The queen said: "The concubine thinks that Concubine Ning is young and her position is already high enough. It would be better for the concubine to wait a few more years."

The emperor nodded thoughtfully, "Could the empress be jealous?"

The queen said righteously: "Your Majesty, you can't talk nonsense. The concubines keep the harem and draft girls for the emperor, but they end up with the reputation of jealous women. The concubines are wronged."

The emperor stopped drinking tea, and felt that the taste of the tea had changed.

"The queen is becoming less and less gentle and considerate."

The queen snorted coldly in her heart, "The emperor thinks that the concubine is not gentle, so he will go to concubine Ning, the concubine can't learn the gentleness and consideration of concubine Ning."

The emperor didn't drink tea at all, he just listened to a few soft words, and the queen refused to let him say a word, and he couldn't even go down the steps.

Finally, walk away.

The time limit given by the emperor to Xiao Jinyan is up, but there is no news yet.

Concubine Xue Fang has not recovered from her serious illness.

When the emperor came to the East Palace in person, Xiao Jinyan had lunch with Shen Chuwei.

The emperor came suddenly, Xiao Jinyan had a bad premonition in his heart.

Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei greeted each other with salutes.

"My son pays respects to Father Emperor."

"Chen and concubine greet the emperor."

The emperor strode to the throne and sat down, glanced at the two of them, "Get up."

"Thank you, Father."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xiao Jinyan led Shen Chuwei to stand up and took the position below.

The emperor was very depressed these days because he was shut out by the queen, and now the prince is disobedient, as if he found a vent and directly vented his anger on the prince.

"Prince, I gave you time, but you still let me down."

Xiao Jinyan knew exactly what the emperor said, he lowered his eyebrows and nodded, "Father, please give me some more time."

The emperor said in a deep voice: "Originally, I don't need to worry about these small things, but the crown prince does something that makes me worry. You can't do it even if it's raining and dew, and there is no heir. My patience is limited."

Xiao Jinyan knew that his father was really angry this time.

"It's the minister who disappointed the father."

The emperor said coldly: "I will give you two ways, the first way is to imprison Shen Liangdi in the cold palace."

 Good night, my dears!

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(End of this chapter)

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