Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 301 Difficult choice, a friend in adversity sees the truth,

Chapter 301 Difficult choice, a friend in adversity sees the truth,

Xiao Jinyan suddenly raised his head to look at the emperor, and retorted: "Father, Shen Liangdi is not at fault, why should she be imprisoned in the cold palace?"

Compared to Xiao Jinyan's nervousness, Shen Chuwei was much calmer. She secretly glanced at the emperor with a murderous look on her face.

It should be out of anger.

The emperor glanced at Shen Liangdi, having seen her several times, she was not inferior to Princess Xueyan in terms of appearance, and the aura between her brows and eyes was incomparable to Princess Xueyan's beauty.

This is probably the capital to charm the prince.

"Shen Liangdi's only fault is that she was unable to conceive, and she also seduced the crown prince to favor him alone, making the crown prince childless." The emperor's voice was cold, with a force that could not be ignored.

Xiao Jinyan was stunned when he heard the words. He tried to explain, but he thought that Xiao Jiu was not pregnant yet, and all the explanations were in the ears of the father, which would only make the father more angry.

Wanting to prove that Xiao Jiu is fine, the only way is to let her get pregnant.

Xiao Jinyan suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, looked at the emperor in front of him, "Father, what about the second one?"

The emperor's voice was cold: "You don't want to let Shen Liangdi enter the cold palace, unless you are wronged as the prince, I don't care whether you have children or not for the time being."

Although Xiao Jinyan guessed that the emperor would threaten him with the crown prince, he pursed his lips tightly. It took him five years to get the crown prince. How easy is it to give up now?

Shen Chuwei is not a fool, he heard that the emperor was threatening Xiao Jinyan with the crown prince
She raised her hand, thinking that this is ancient times, not a classroom, so she had no choice but to put down her hand and take a step forward to bless her body.

"Your majesty, my concubine is willing to go to the cold palace."

The emperor showed surprise, he didn't expect Shen Liangdi to invite him to the cold palace, "You entered the cold palace voluntarily?"

Shen Chu lowered his eyes slightly and replied: "Back to the emperor, the concubine is voluntarily entering the cold palace."

Xiao Jinyan said that no matter how hard he tried to restrain himself, he couldn't let Xiao Jiu enter the cold palace, so he took a step forward and saluted.

"Father, the Lenggong is a place where only women who make mistakes will enter. Shen Liangdi is not at fault, the fault lies with my son, and my son is willing to accept the punishment."

Shen Chuwei raised his delicate face to look at Xiao Jinyan, surprised that he would give up the position of prince, which he had finally obtained.

"Your Highness, the concubine can go to the Leng Palace."

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "Shut up for me."

Shen Chuwei: "..." She was fierce again~

She glanced at the emperor, moved her body, approached Xiao Jinyan, and whispered: "Your Highness, it is better for your concubine to go to the cold palace than to be punished by His Highness.

In front of the emperor, she couldn't say too much.

She is not afraid of going to the Lenggong, the big deal is to expand agriculture, open up wasteland and grow vegetables~
The emperor looked down at the prince, also shocked, shocked that his son would give up the position of prince because of a woman, I don't know whether he should be angry or happy that his son is too dedicated?
There is nothing wrong with devotion, the fault lies in forgetting that he is a prince, a prince, and he cannot put his children's personal love first.

"Prince, have you thought it through?"

Shen Chu slightly tugged at Xiao Jinyan's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, after the concubine goes in, you can still get the concubine out. If you don't become the crown prince, it will be difficult to get the concubine if you want to."

Xiao Jinyan paused upon hearing this.

He just gave up the crown prince temporarily, which doesn't mean he won't take it back in the future.

It's just that what Xiao Jiu said was not unreasonable, if he gave up for Xiao Jiu wholeheartedly, it would make his father even more angry.

The royal father was angry, and spread his anger on Xiao Jiu...

The queen thought that the dog emperor just mentioned it last time, but she didn't expect that the dog emperor really let the prince choose these two paths.

After getting the news, she hurried to the East Palace, and when she heard what Emperor Dog said, she didn't rush in, so she listened to the second half of the content at random.

It is said that a friend in adversity sees the truth, Shen Liangdi voluntarily entered the cold palace, not everyone can do it.

The prince was willing to take the second path for Shen Liangdi, which really surprised her, who did this infatuation follow?

The dog emperor doesn't have such good genes.

The queen flicked her handkerchief and walked in, stepped forward to bless her body: "My Majesty, my Majesty is blessed with peace of mind."

Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei bowed sideways to the queen.

The emperor shut the door at the queen's place two or three times, and when he saw the queen coming, he snorted in his heart, it's useless for you to intercede, I won't listen to you!

He picked up the teacup, took a sip slowly, and said lightly, "Why is the queen here?"

The queen took two steps forward and stood beside the emperor. She said she was afraid of the emperor, and she was also afraid. She said she was not afraid, and she was not afraid.

Probably relying on the strength of her mother's family behind her, she dared to be so presumptuous.

"I heard that the emperor is in a bad mood recently, and my concubine came over to have a look."

The emperor snorted in his heart, will he know that he cares about me?I tell you, it's too late!

He said faintly: "I am in a very good mood, which made the queen worry."

The queen "..." is in a good mood and goes to Fengyi Palace every day to dislike her. It's not good to dislike her.

"That's good, the concubine is still worried that the emperor will get angry."

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyes and listened to the inner thoughts of his father and his mother. If his mother knew that his father had a deep affection for her, she probably wouldn't be able to bark at every turn.

He looked sideways at Shen Chuwei, Xiao Jiu would definitely not call him that in the future.

Shen Chu raised her head slightly and saw Xiao Jinyan looking at her, she smiled slightly.

Seeing this smile, Xiao Jinyan had a bad premonition for some reason.

After the emperor and the empress had finished fighting openly and secretly, they began to discuss whether Xiao Jinyan had any heirs, and that he was too exclusive.

The queen insisted that Shen Liangdi was just not easy to conceive, and there was nothing wrong with it, so it was not appropriate to be locked up in the cold palace.

In the end, the emperor still took a step back, "Shen Liangdi didn't have any major faults, she was banned from the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and the crown prince was not allowed to visit her. The ban will be lifted after she has an heir."

After the emperor finished speaking, he looked at the queen, "What does the queen think?"

The queen couldn't help but roll her eyes, she has already made up her mind, why are you still asking me?

"Listen to the emperor."

After finishing speaking, the queen looked at Shen Chuwei and sighed helplessly. The royal family is like this. They have no heirs and are favored by others. Naturally, the emperor can't see it.

After the emperor and queen left, only Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei were left in the restaurant.

Shen Chuwei pulled Xiao Jinyan to sit down in front of the mahogany round table, served him a bowl of rice, "Your Highness, let's continue to have lunch."

Xiao Jinyan said that he still had no appetite at this time. He raised his eyes to look at Shen Chuwei, and saw that she had filled a bowl of rice for him, and ate it as soon as it was picked up. No matter what time it was, it would not hinder her from eating.

Shen Chuwei had food stuffed in her mouth, and seeing Xiao Jinyan staring at her all the time, she tried her best to swallow the food in her mouth.

"Your Highness, don't just look at courtiers and concubines. People are iron, and food is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. Your Highness is busy every day, and you will have the energy to deal with those things when you are full."

Xiao Jinyan was silent for a long time, and asked: "You will move to Xiaoxiang Pavilion later, why are you not worried at all?"

Shen Chuwei just ate a piece of braised pork: "Why should the concubine be worried? It's not about going to the guillotine, it's just a change of place to live. The most important thing is, Your Highness is still the prince."



PS: The baby twins that the treasures are looking forward to have already been arranged.

Emperor: I am here to see my grandchildren.

Queen: Get out!

(End of this chapter)

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