Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 302 Your Highness is not allowed to commit crimes against the wind, you are Xiao 9?

Chapter 302 Your Highness is not allowed to commit crimes against the wind, are you Xiaojiu?
Xiao Jinyan was stunned for a long time when he heard the words, "You have suffered this grievance for the sake of my palace."

Shen Chuwei ate another piece of braised pork, "His Royal Highness is under so much pressure for his concubine, the so-called concentric husband and wife, its profit cuts gold, and the concubine just went to live in Xiaoxiang Pavilion for a while."

After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, she leaned over, "Your Highness can still visit your concubine secretly, and your concubine can visit Your Highness secretly."

Shen Chuwei is an optimist, apart from life and death, nothing else is a big deal.

What's more, Xiao Jinyan treats her sincerely. She went to Xiaoxiang Pavilion to stay for a while, which is not worth mentioning for Xiao Jinyan's pressure.

Xiao Jinyan was amused by her words, and the pressure on her shoulders disappeared.

"I won't let you stay in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion for too long."

Shen Chuwei just took a bite of braised pork. This dish of braised pork was specially made for her by Xiao Jinyan, and she couldn't help but eat a few more pieces.

"Your Highness won't want to consummate the house with Concubine Xue, and then soak in the rain and dew?"

Xiao Jinyan's tone was firm and affirmative: "No."

If it were really so easy to compromise, he would not persist until now.

"It's not too bad." Shen Chu lowered his head slightly and continued to eat the food in the bowl.

Xiao Jinyan saw her sip the braised pork from left to right, and he frowned, "Eat less braised pork, it's too greasy."

"The concubine is going to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion to live a life of poverty. Your Highness won't allow the concubine to eat more pieces of braised pork?" After Shen Chuwei finished speaking, he picked up another piece of braised pork and put it into his mouth, eating with relish.

Xiao Jinyan smiled lowly, "I will have someone give it to you secretly."

Shen Chuwei frowned when he heard the words, and reminded in a low voice: "Then be careful, don't let anyone find out."

Xiao Jinyan nodded cooperatively, "Yes."

After lunch, Xiao Jinyan ordered someone to clean the Xiaoxiang Pavilion and repair the broken parts.

Xiaoxiang Pavilion is next to Xiyun Pavilion, but the environment is worse than Xiyun Pavilion.

After the weeds were dealt with, the Fragrance Dispelling Pavilion was much more pleasing to the eye.

Before Shen Chuwei left, someone took Bing Dilian to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and took away the drawing board. She thought that one day she would have inspiration, so she drew it.

Looking at the backyard of Xiaoxiang Pavilion, there is such a large open space, and a small vegetable garden has been reclaimed.

In the lotus pond next to it, it is good to plant some lotus roots, and then you can wash some lotus root powder.

Because there are no people there for a long time, there are a lot of spider webs and dust inside.

It has been cleaned by the eunuchs and replaced with new beds, wardrobes, bedding, screens, etc.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan who was still instructing the little eunuch to clean up. She walked over, grabbed Xiao Jinyan's hand and said, "Your Highness, go get busy."

Xiao Jin said: "It's not as comfortable as living in Hehuan Palace here."

Shen Chuwei said nonchalantly: "The concubine thinks it's good, and it's next to Xiyun Pavilion, so it won't be too bad."

Xiao Jinyan leaned close to her ear and said, "I will come to see you sometime."

Shen Chu tipped his toes slightly, and asked, "Bring some tea and fruit to my concubine when your Highness comes down."

Xiao Jinyan readily agreed, "Okay."

It was supposed to be a sad scene, but because of Shen Chuwei's optimist temperament, the sadness was wiped out, and the relationship between them deepened instead.

After Xiao Jinyan left, Shen Chuwei didn't stay idle, and began to order the little rabbit and the others to open up wasteland to grow vegetables.

After removing the weeds, she divided the land into several parts, and laid bluestone slabs in the middle to separate them.

Then I sprinkled some flower seeds, sunflowers, baby's breath, chrysanthemums, cosmos, tulips, and roses.

Bring your own small kettle, fill it with spiritual spring water, and sprinkle it on the seeds.

Xiao Guizi picked some vegetables and cucumbers from Xiyun Pavilion and put them into a vegetable basket, then climbed up the wall and hung them down with a rope.

Chunxi stood in the corner, and after the vegetable basket was put down, she untied the rope.

Xiao Guizi shouted from the wall: "Chun Xi, is it enough? I'll pick some more if it's not enough."

"That's enough." Chunxi came to the door of the small kitchen with a vegetable basket. The small stool was brought out from Xiyun Pavilion. She sat on the small stool and folded vegetables for dinner.

Yuan Gun Gun also brought it with him. Yuan Gun Gun is not afraid of strange places, but eats the vegetable leaves with his head down.

There was a fire in the small kitchen, and smoke billowed from the chimney.

The Xiaoxiang Pavilion, which was originally deserted and desolate, was full of smoke and fire.

Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan came to visit immediately when they learned that Shen Chuwei was imprisoned in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and they brought a lot of food.

The gate of Xiaoxiang Pavilion is guarded by imperial guards, except for the prince who cannot visit, other people can still enter.

After getting the pass, Concubine Xu couldn't wait to walk in, waving a small handkerchief.

Tao Liangyuan followed closely behind.

"Shen Liangdi, we're here to see you." Concubine Xu was used to howling when she didn't see anyone.

They are also used to it.

Shen Chuwei poured tea for the two, "Sit down and talk."

"The emperor is too ruthless to lock you into the Xiaoxiang Pavilion." When Concubine Xu came, she took a look at it. Xiaoxiang was worse than Xiyun Pavilion. Where is a place to live?
Tao Liangyuan sighed, "The royal family is like this, but I don't know what your Highness is planning now?"

Shen Chu comforted me with a smile: "You don't have to worry about me, I just came to stay for a while, and His Highness will come to get me out."

"I heard that this time the emperor made up his mind to let His Highness soak in the rain and dew, so that he could conceive an heir earlier. If His Highness doesn't follow, you won't be able to come out either." Xu side concubine reminded.

"Your Highness will not consummate their marriage with them, and I also believe that His Highness will have the ability to fish me out in the future."

As soon as Shen Chuwei finished speaking, Concubine Xu slapped the table.Startled both of them.

"You trust His Highness so much, I'm really afraid that His Highness will disappoint you one day." Having read n scripts, she began to feel sentimental.

When resting at night, Shen Chuwei was lying on the bed, and it was rare to be able to fall asleep without touching the pillow, she didn't recognize the bed.

In the dark night, suddenly a cat called, "Meow."

Shen Chuwei opened his eyes, is it Xue Tuan?

As soon as she came in, she told Xiao Jinyan not to commit crimes against the wind, but to wait until the limelight passed.

So it shouldn't be Xiao Jinyan who brought the snow ball.

She got out of bed with doubts, put on her shoes, put on a coat, opened the door and walked out.

In the yard, there are only six palace lanterns.

Shen Chuwei looked around, but she didn't see the snow ball, so she closed the door again with doubts.

"I was hallucinating just now?"

She turned around and was about to go back to the bed, when she saw a figure standing in the room, that figure was slender, and the night was too dark to see her face clearly.

What is certain is that it is not Xiao Jinyan.

"who are you?"

"who are you?"

The two spoke almost in unison.

Shen Chuwei thought it was funny, "You broke into my house and asked who I am?"

At this time, there was a sudden sound of slight footsteps.

The man in black sensed something was wrong, and immediately ran away through the window.

Seeing that the man in black had left, Shen Chuwei immediately opened the osmanthus seeds on the low table and found that the mung bean cake Tao Liangyuan sent was still there, so he was relieved.

"It's okay, it's okay, her mung bean cake is still there."

Then she touched Tirian, who was still there.

At this time, a very pleasant voice suddenly came from behind, "Xiao Jiu."

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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