Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 399 The amount of secret information in the dark grid is too large, and there are unexpected

Chapter 399 The amount of secret information in the dark grid is too large, and there are unexpected things
Shen Chuwei stared at those three words for a while.

I noticed those three words because a large bunch of candied haws was drawn next to the words, and the candied haws were held in the girl’s hand. This is probably the foodie’s attention...

In addition to the three words "Feng Wuyou", there is a line of small characters below.

When Shen Chuwei was about to take a closer look, there were footsteps outside the door, probably because he was very guilty of peeping, and he didn't care about the other contents of the painting, so he hurriedly packed the scroll and stuffed it in again.

When she wanted to close it, she found that she didn't know where the switch was.

She really doesn't understand the ancient hidden compartments.

She tried everything that should be pushed and turned, but it didn't work.

Hearing the sound of footsteps getting closer, Shen Chuwei was so guilty that cold sweat broke out from his palms. It felt like he was about to be caught stealing information.

Just when she was in a hurry, Xue Tuan came over gracefully, raised her foot and pressed the small glass cup on the bookshelf, and with a click, the hidden compartment closed.

Seeing this scene, Shen Chuwei was stunned. Looking at the glazed cup that had been pressed by Xue Tuan, she just turned it around twice but didn't respond. It turned out that she needed to press it instead of turning it.

Sure enough, the mechanism of twisting and turning on the TV series is unreliable.

She's not as smart as a cat~

"Little Nine."

Shen Chuwei hugged Xuetuan with a guilty conscience, to comfort her frightened weak heart.

Turning around, she saw Xiao Jinyan walking towards her, she frowned guiltily, "Your Highness, where have you been?"

"I just took care of something urgent, what are you doing?" Xiao Jinyan came over and stopped in front of her.

Shen Chu blinked his beautiful big eyes slightly, and when he saw the ledger on the desk, he remembered that he was here to deliver the ledger, not to peek at something he shouldn't.

"The concubine has read the account book, but I don't understand many things."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the ledger on the desk, picked up the snow ball in her arms, and threw it on the copywriting aside.

Xue Tuan turned around in the air with a dazed expression, and then landed steadily on the copywriting.

Shen Chuwei felt a little distressed that Xue Tuan was always being thrown around by Xiao Jinyan~

Xiao Jinyan held her hand, "It's okay if you don't understand, I will teach you."

"Okay." Shen Chuwei replied with a guilty conscience, followed Xiao Jinyan to the desk and sat down.

Watching Xiao Jinyan flip through the account book, she pointed to something she didn't understand, and began to listen carefully.

In fact, she was still thinking about that painting in her heart. Although the painting was destroyed for some reason, she could still see her appearance, which was somewhat similar to her.

Xiao Jinyan talked for a long time, looking down at Xiao Jiu who was in a daze without saying a word, he raised his hand and tapped her forehead, "What are you thinking?"

Shen Chuwei said with a guilty conscience: "The concubine is too stupid to learn."

There are reminders inside and outside the words, the prince, or change it?Come on, I'm just a little salty fish who eats and drinks, and I'm really not an accountant!
Xiao Jinyan comforted: "Don't underestimate yourself, in my eyes, you are very smart, you can learn as long as you work hard."

Shen Chuwei suddenly thought of the head teacher, who praised her like this before the high school entrance examination. She was admitted to a key high school, and the head teacher said, "I'm right, you are very smart. As long as you are willing to study, what is a key high school?"

She was admitted to a key high school because a short video blogger promoted delicious food, so many delicious foods, just near the key high school...

For the sake of food, she also has to rush~

Shen Chuwei originally wanted to pursue the idea that she would rather do it once every two or three days than once a week, but because of a decision, she planned to give it up temporarily.

Because she wanted to see all the contents of that painting.

Since Xiao Jinyan is hiding in the secret compartment, it must be very confidential and he does not want anyone to see it.

So, she could only watch secretly.

As the baby gets older, sleep time decreases and play time gradually increases.

Susu, who had to see Shen Chuwei to fall asleep at night, was grinning at her mother and concubine.

Xiao Jinyan sat aside and watched her daughter's actions. You not only want to tire your mother and concubine, but also want to disturb the loving life between your mother and concubine and your father.

After finally coaxing the two babies to sleep, Xiao Jinyan carried Shen Chuwei to bed as he wished.

Shen Chuwei thought about getting up early tomorrow, but the man on her body was not only kissing her, but also restless with that hand.

With such a familiar action, he knew what he wanted to do next without asking.

According to Xiao Jinyan's ability, if he doesn't sleep until the sun rises tomorrow, he won't be able to get up.

She grabbed that hand, "Jin Yan, don't you have to get up early tomorrow?"

Xiao Jinyan smiled lowly: "I have a measure."

Shen Chuwei: "..." You believe me, you idiot!It's not too bad, it's not bad to let me rest for the fourth watch.

As Shen Chuwei had imagined, the lights in the house were not turned off until four o'clock.

The next day, Shen Chuwei went to the study without even having breakfast.

When the guards in the prince's bedroom saw the princess, they saluted and let her go.

Shen Chuwei came to the study smoothly, and she opened the door to go in.

In the study room, there was no one there, and I could hear my flustered heartbeat because of a guilty conscience.

She came to yesterday's bookshelf, pressed the glazed cup, and heard a "click", and the hidden compartment opened, revealing the contents inside.

She picked up the painting she had seen yesterday, and opened it again, because she had seen it before, and when she looked at it again, she could find exactly what she wanted to see.

First, she looked down and saw a row of small characters next to her name.

Brother Jinyan, remember to come back and find me!

This row of small characters and the words "Feng Wuyou" were obviously not written by the same person.

Although the characters are a bit ugly, people can recognize the characters.

She stared at the painting for a long time, and it did look a little bit like her, no, the original owner.

After finishing the painting, she reached into the hidden compartment and took out a stone, oh, it wasn't a stone, it was a piece of jade.

The jade stone is as big as the palm of your hand and has two sides, one side is smooth and translucent and shining blue, and the other side is uneven.

She looked at the jade in her hand, and found that there were pictures and words engraved on it.

The portrait is very modern stick figure. The two characters have big heads but small bodies. It can be seen that they are boys and girls.

Happy birthday brother Jinyan!

Shen Chuwei looked at this birthday greeting and was a little confused. Did there already exist words for happy birthday in ancient times?
Looking at the painting and jade in her hand, Feng Wuyou searched her memory for a long time, but there was no related memory of Feng Wuyou.

She put the paintings and stones into the dark compartment, pressed the glass cup, and the dark compartment closed.

He left the study with doubts.

She originally wanted to ask Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan if they knew Feng Wuyou, but today was the day when the Empress Dowager returned to the palace, so she didn't have time to ask.

Under Chunxi's men, Shen Chuwei dressed up and followed Xiao Jinyan to meet the Queen Mother.

When the empress dowager's phoenix chariot stepped into the palace gate, people knelt on the ground with a whoosh.

Shen Chuwei knelt beside Xiao Jinyan, not daring to look up.

The emperor led the empress to welcome the empress dowager off the sedan chair.

The Empress Dowager is 65 years old this year, her hair is already grey, but her elegant demeanor and noble aura are still there.

The queen mother was accompanied by a young girl who gave birth to a pair of Jianshuiqiu pupils, who were handsome and outstanding.

The emperor and empress said in unison: "The sons and ministers respectfully welcome the mother back to the palace."

The Empress Dowager looked at the emperor with a benevolent smile: "I haven't come back for two years, the emperor hasn't changed much, and the palace hasn't changed either."

The emperor laughed heartily: "The queen mother looks much younger."

The young girl beside the queen mother gracefully blessed her body: "The daughter of the people pays her respects to the emperor and queen."

The emperor glanced at the young girl and doubts flashed in his eyes.

The queen mother took Wanxin's hand and introduced with a smile: "By the way, this is the girl that the Ai family rescued for two years. Her name is Wan Xin. She is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she can also serve others. The Ai family will stay by her side." Bring them back together."

The emperor suddenly realized: "So that's the case, as long as the queen mother likes it."

The emperor accompanied the empress dowager and a group of people back to the palace of compassion.

Shen Chuwei stood up with Xiao Jinyan's support, she rubbed her knees, and after a full stick of incense, her knees were probably blue.

Seeing her movements, Xiao Jinyan said in a low voice: "Go back, Bengong will help you take a look."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "Okay."

Concubine Xue looked at Xiao Jinyan holding Shen Chuwei's hand in front of her, feeling not only dissatisfied but also jealous.

Why don't you just have two children?
If I serve the bed, I will give birth to two sons.

Xiao Jinyan snorted when he heard Concubine Xue's speech: I'm afraid you won't have this chance.

Chang Liangyuan kept staring at the queen mother. Originally, it was a very happy thing for the queen mother to come back. When the queen mother was not out of the palace to recuperate, she often went to the palace to accompany her aunt, and she would also go to accompany the queen mother. The queen mother liked her very much. He is the one who says the princess is the only one.

Just seeing a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl next to the queen mother, the queen mother held the girl's hand and smiled so happily, she immediately felt a sense of crisis.

The queen mother had just returned to the palace, the emperor was happy, and sent someone to ask the prince to bring the princess and the babies to pay her respects to the queen mother.

Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei carried Taotao and Susu to the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

On the way, I met Chang Liangyuan, and she was blessed.

"Your Highness, Crown Princess, where are you going?"

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "Go and pay your respects to the Queen Mother."

Chang Liangyuan said softly: "The concubine happens to be going to pay her respects to the Queen Mother, how about we go together?"

"Whatever." Xiao Jinyan hugged Taotao and led Shen Chuwei to the front.

Although Chang Liangyuan was very upset, she didn't show it. The Empress Dowager doesn't like a woman like Shen Chuwei who has no talent or virtue.

The queen mother likes to be quiet, and many people who wanted to come to pay her respects to the queen mother were sent back.

Xiao Jinyan brought Shen Chuwei's family of four to salute the queen mother, "The emperor's grandson pays respects to the emperor's grandma."

Chang Liangyuan could only greet the queen mother behind them.

The queen mother waved her hand, "Get up, holding a baby is not easy."

Xiao Jin said: "Thank you Grandma Huang."

Seeing Susu and Taotao, the emperor took the initiative to hug Susu from Shen Chuwei's hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Mother, this is the Crown Princess. The child is four months old and very cute."

The queen mother carefully looked at the great-grandson in the emperor's arms, "The small appearance is quite attractive."

After speaking, she looked at the Crown Princess and looked up and down. She had seen the royal family and nobles and the eldest daughter of the court minister's family before. Looking at the Crown Princess who was born in front of her, she was inevitably a little puzzled.

"Why does the princess look strange? Which daughter is it?"

ps: Second update

 Good afternoon!

  Babies ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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