Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 400 Is Feng Wuyou your childhood sweetheart?

Chapter 400 Is Feng Wuyou your childhood sweetheart?
Chang Liangyuan looked at Shen Chuwei, Shen Shangshu was dismissed, and she was born as a concubine, so there was nothing she wanted, and there was really nothing to say.

Shen Chu slightly lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Grandma Huihuang, I belong to the Shen family."

The queen mother was confused, "What? From the Shen family? Which Shen family?"

Chang Liangyuan took two steps forward, in a conspicuous position. She raised her eyes and glanced at the Queen Mother, seeing her puzzled face, she kindly reminded: "Prince Princess, there are several people with the surname Shen. If the Crown Princess doesn't explain clearly, the Queen Mother Grandma doesn't know who it is."

The queen mother raised her head when she heard the words, saw Chang Huilan, and asked in surprise: "Isn't this Lan'er girl? I haven't seen you for two years, and she looks more and more handsome."

When Chang Liangyuan found out that the Queen Mother noticed her, she was happy and blessed again, "Thank Grandma Huang for your compliment."

The Empress Dowager looked at the Crown Princess again, "Lady Lan is right, please explain more clearly, which Shen family is the official residence?"

Xiao Jinyan replied instead of Shen Chuwei: "Grandma Huang, the Crown Princess is the daughter of former Shangshu Shen."

The queen mother looked at the prince, and then at the emperor. "What does the former Shen Shangshu mean? The Shangshu has changed?"

The emperor humbly explained: "Mother, Shen Shangshu has changed because of his age."

The queen mother nodded, looked at the princess, frowned, and then looked at the grandson in the emperor's arms, the little guy was staring at her with her beautiful eyes, she was a lovable child.

"The emperor's grandson has been four months? Has the name been chosen yet?"

The emperor looked down at the granddaughter in his arms, and said with a smile, "Queen Mother, her name is Susu."

Then he pointed to the baby in the queen's arms and said, "He is Taotao."

"Susu?" The queen mother frowned, "He is the grandson of the emperor, why did he take such a feminine name?"

The emperor looked down at Susu. Although she was small, she seemed to be able to feel the emotions of adults. At this time, Susu was staring at the Queen Mother curiously with wide eyes.

"The queen mother, she is the emperor's grandson's daughter, and the one in the queen's arms is the emperor's grandson."

"The Ai family thought you were holding the emperor's grandson." The queen mother looked up at the emperor's grandson in the empress' arms, "Let the Ai family see the emperor's grandson."

"Yes, mother queen." The queen stepped forward with Taotao in her arms, so that the queen mother could see clearly.

The queen mother looked at the grandson of the emperor in the queen's arms, "the two look very similar, why did they take such a vulgar name as Taotao?"

The queen explained with a smile: "The mother's name is taken from Taosu, which is the baby name of the emperor's grandson and the emperor's granddaughter."

When the Queen Mother heard about Peach Cake, it was clearly the name of the pastry, but it was actually used to name the emperor's grandson and granddaughter?

"Who got the baby name?"

The queen paused when she heard the words, then glanced sideways at Shen Chuwei, and said softly: "It was taken by the crown princess, everyone likes it very much."

The Queen Mother glanced at the Crown Princess, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, Taosu?How does it look like a name chosen by a lady?

She withdrew her gaze and looked at the emperor's grandson. The little guy was holding the queen's hand, and those beautiful little phoenix eyes seemed to be able to speak.

"The emperor's grandson is well-raised, and his little face is flushed, somewhat similar to the prince's."

The queen looked at Taotao, whose phoenix eyes resembled the prince's, she echoed: "What the queen mother said is that Taotao is very similar to the prince when he was a child."

This is not the first time the Queen Mother has her great-grandson, so she is not as excited as the first time.

Later, the queen mother, who favored sons over daughters, never imagined that she would like her great-granddaughter the most.

After everyone retreated, the queen mother left the emperor alone.

The queen mother drank the tea in her hand, looked up at the emperor who was sitting on the other side, and said earnestly: "Emperor, didn't you agree to let Lan'er girl be the crown princess? Even if it's not Lan'er girl, you should find someone who will be the prince's concubine." It is only for a noble daughter who matches with you to be a princess. Just like back then, when you marry General Chang's prostitute, whether you like it or not, it will be of great benefit."

The emperor had already guessed what the queen mother wanted to say, and was not surprised when he heard it.

"I understand what the empress mother said, but I made Shen Chuwei the princess of Jiahe, and then I made the princess concubine, so it's a good match."

The queen mother snorted: "What kind of family is this? Look at the noble daughter of a famous family, and the ladies of the family use peach cakes to name the grandson of the emperor?"

"Mother's Empress, it's just a baby name. I think Susu's voice is very pleasant. Mother's Empress, you don't know how cute Susu is." The emperor thought of the scene of Susu lying on the dragon table and playing with Yuxi in her arms. Then he laughed.

Seeing the emperor's smile, the queen mother was dissatisfied: "That's all for the great-daughter. How can the great-grandson use Taotao as his baby name? It sounds like a girl's name."

The emperor was not happy to see the queen mother, so he continued: "The queen mother, the baby name was only called when she was young, and when she grows up, she will naturally be called by her first name."

The emperor said so, and the queen mother couldn't bring it up again, "The Ai family thinks that the crown princess is the mother of a country in the future, and she wants to be the mother of the world. Shen Chuwei is not suitable to be the crown princess, nor does she have the majesty of the mother."

When the queen mother said this, she mentioned the queen again, "Back then, the Ai family said that Concubine Xu Gui should be appointed as the crown princess, and the side concubine Xu is a virtuous mother, gentle and generous, otherwise..."

The emperor's eyes darkened when he heard the words, he raised his head to look at the queen mother, and said casually: "Mother, the queen has been in charge of Fengyin for these years. Very good."

The queen mother didn't take it seriously, "When she first entered the palace, didn't she make a lot of troubles? She climbed the wall twice in three days, she didn't look a bit like a princess."

The emperor said: "Mother, the queen was born into a family of military generals. It is normal to know some boxing skills. There are many rules in the palace. It must be a bit uncomfortable to enter the palace suddenly. The queen has changed a lot and she has done very well. Besides, these are all It's an old thing, so don't bring it up again, my mother."

The queen mother was a little unhappy: "You know how to protect her. If it wasn't for her, would Concubine Xu Guifei die?"

When mentioning Concubine Xu Gui, the emperor's expression turned a little ugly, "Concubine Xu's death has nothing to do with the Empress. Although the Empress has a bit of a temper, she has never harmed anyone. I can assure you of this."

The queen mother saw that her son was protecting the queen so much, and she was not reconciled when she thought of Concubine Xu's death.

The emperor suddenly asked: "My mother thinks that Ling'er is not suitable to be a queen, why does she think that Chang Liangyuan is suitable?"

Doubt flashed in the Queen Mother's eyes when she heard the words, "Isn't it Chang Liang Di? How did you become Liang Yuan?"

The emperor snorted: "Of course he made a mistake and was punished."

"Chang Liangyuan is proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She is a virtuous woman. Why not be a princess? It will only make the Chang family more loyal to Daxia. As long as there are no children, the Chang family will not have any dissent."

The emperor frowned when he heard the queen mother's words. When he married Ling'er, the queen mother also suggested the same way. In order to prevent the Chang family from having a different heart, the queen was not allowed to conceive.

"General Chang has been loyal for three generations, and he didn't have any differences because the queen gave birth to two sons. The queen mother can rest assured that I have a sense of proportion."

The queen mother nodded, agreeing: "The matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk more, the princess still has to think twice."

The emperor said: "Mother's mother is exhausted, it's time to rest, and my son will leave."

The queen mother nodded, and the emperor stood up and left the Compassion Palace.

After leaving the Palace of Compassion and Ning, the emperor planned to go to Fengyi Palace, but thinking of the empress' attitude towards him, he just got rejected and went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation instead.

Eunuch Li bowed his body and followed closely behind.

The emperor walked very slowly, and glanced at Eunuch Li beside him. He hesitated for a while and asked, "Eunuch Li, tell me, do I want to go to Fengyi Palace to visit the queen?"

Eunuch Li was taken aback when he heard the words, but as the emperor's servant, of course he had to make suggestions.

"Your Majesty, the empress is not feeling well, and she must have a bad appetite. The empress loves hot and sour food. It would be better if the emperor brought these foods to visit."

The emperor thought it made sense when he heard the words. The queen liked to eat, but her mouth was a little bit sticky.

"What you said makes sense. You go and prepare some delicious food and send it to Fengyi Palace."

Eunuch Li was very embarrassed, but he had no choice but to respond, "Your servant obeys the order."

The emperor walked into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, sat down on the dragon chair, and had nothing to do. He couldn't help but recall that when he was young, the empress would often come to the imperial study to see him in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Where is it like now, I haven't seen the queen come to the Imperial Study Room and the Hall of Mental Cultivation for several months.

Eunuch Li spent a lot of time preparing novel fruits and sending them to Fengyi Palace non-stop.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor knows that Your Majesty likes sweet and sour fruits, so he specially ordered his servant to give it to Your Majesty to taste." Eunuch Li said with a flattering smile.

The queen swept the contents of the fruit plate, grapes and other fruits, and said flatly, "Thank you, Eunuch Li."

Eunuch Li strikes while the iron is hot: "Empress, the emperor has been busy recently and feels a little unwell, may the empress want to visit?"

The queen said angrily: "The emperor is not feeling well, hurry up and call the imperial doctor."

Eunuch Li was taken aback by this angry shout, "What the Empress said is that this slave will call the imperial doctor."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly withdrew.

The queen stared at the fruits on the table in a daze, but was still a little worried about the dog emperor.

Qingying has been with her master for so long, but she still understands his master's thoughts.

"Your Majesty hasn't seen the Emperor for a long time, why don't you go and have a look."

The queen snorted: "I can't cure the disease after I go to the palace. Isn't the emperor singing every night? Something will happen to your body, who is to blame?"

The Hall of Mental Cultivation was gone. Seeing Eunuch Li coming back, the emperor couldn't wait to ask, "What's the matter? Is the queen happy?"

Eunuch Li smiled and said: "The emperor rewarded the fruit, so the empress is naturally happy."

The emperor asked: "Did the queen say anything?"

Eunuch Li shook his head, he didn't dare to tell too many lies~

The emperor withdrew his gaze in disappointment, and looked at the memorial in front of him.

East Palace
After returning, the two little guys fell asleep in the crib.

Xue Tuan wandered around, probably waiting for the two little ancestors to come back to play together, but saw the little ancestors fell asleep, feeling a little disappointed.

Shen Chuwei picked up the lost snowball and sat on the couch. After working for a long time, she was already tired and wanted to sleep.

Seeing her, Xiao Jinyan also sat down on the couch. Seeing her holding the snow ball, looking unhappy, he comforted her: "Grandma Huang is indeed a bit harsh, you don't have to worry about it, everything is up to me."

Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, he was really kind to him and dedicated, it can be said to be a rare species in ancient times to be able to do this.

Xiao Jinyan heard what she was saying, and he agreed with the first half of the sentence, but what does the second half of the rare species mean?
Shen Chuwei hugged Xue Tuan, stared at Xiao Jinyan curiously, and couldn't help asking: "Your Highness, do you have a childhood sweetheart who is particularly good?"

Xiao Jinyan shook his head, "No, what's the matter."

"No?" Shen Chuwei seemed to be stunned, Xiao Jinyan would lie to himself?

Is it a guilty conscience?

Xiao Jinyan frowned listening to the messy thoughts in her heart, "Did someone tell you something?"

ps: One update

 Good night spicy!

  Babies, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!

(End of this chapter)

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