Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 401 Do you know the meaning of calling me Brother Jinyan?

Chapter 401 Do you know the meaning of calling me Brother Jinyan?

Shen Chuwei shook his head guiltily, "No one said anything to my concubine."

Xiao Jinyan frowned, always feeling that Xiao Jiu was hiding something from him.

"Then why did you suddenly ask me this question?"

Shen Chu looked down at the snowball in his arms slightly, and when he was struggling, Liu Xi walked in with his bow.

"Your Highness, Mr. Lu is asking to see you."

Xiao Jinyan nodded, looked at Shen Chuwei, and saw that she was hesitant to speak, "I will go to deal with things first, and come back later."

Shen Chu nodded slightly.

Xiao Jinyan stood up, glanced at Shen Chuwei, and then left.

It wasn't until Xiao Jinyan's figure disappeared at the door that Shen Chuwei looked away, looked down at the snow ball in his arms, and thought of the portrait and jade in the dark grid, his delicate brows frowned.

She rubbed Xuetuan's hairy head, who the hell is Feng Wuyou?
Xuetuan raised his head, stared at Shen Chuwei with his blue eyes unblinking, and scratched her hand twice with his little paw.

Seeing Xuetuan scratching herself, Shen Chuwei thought that Xuetuan's paws were itching. When she grabbed Xuetuan's paw, she saw the pink and tender pads hidden in the snow-white hair.

"Xuetuan, your meat pad is so pink and tender."

"Meow." Xuetuan placed the other paw on Shen Chuwei's right hand and patted it a few times, as if in a hurry.

Shen Chu looked suspiciously, "What's the matter? Are you hungry?"

She took out the ham sausage from the space and tore open the package.

When Xuetuan's originally impatient expression saw the ham sausage, his eyes lit up green, and he opened his mouth to bite the ham sausage and began to eat it.


Concubine Xu stepped in cheerfully, swinging a small handkerchief.

When Shen Chuwei saw Concubine Xu coming, she happened to ask Concubine Xu if she knew Feng Wuyou.

Concubine Xu sat down on the couch, glanced at the little bed, "The little ones are all asleep."

"Well, I fell asleep after returning from the Compassionate Peace Palace." Shen Chu approached curiously, and asked her mysteriously, "Do you know who Feng Wuyou is?"

Concubine Xu was stunned for a long time when she heard the words, because the person the man in black was looking for was Feng Wuyou, whose nickname was Xiao Jiu.

"Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"I'm just curious about who this person is, do you know?" Shen Chuwei looked at Concubine Xu expectantly, hoping to know about Feng Wuyou from her.

Concubine Xu was a little embarrassed. Although she and Shen Chuwei were good sisters, the man in black didn't allow her to tell others, otherwise she would lose credibility.

If you don't say it, I feel sorry for my little sister.

Concubine Xu didn't expect that she would also encounter the dilemma in the script.

"How do you know about Feng Wuyou?"

Shen Chuwei rested her chin with both hands, "I learned by accident, and now I'm just curious about who she is."

Concubine Xu was so surprised. Apart from being interested in eating, drinking and sleeping, Shen Chuwei had never seen her so curious about one thing.

"I'll help you find out." Inquiring is to wait for the man in black to come, and ask the man in black. If he looks for Feng Wuyou, he must know who she is.

Shen Chu nodded slightly.

After Concubine Xu left, Shen Chuwei sat in front of the small bed and looked at the sleeping babies. In fact, Xiao Jinyan told the truth, it was nothing. Who didn't have a good childhood sweetheart when they were young?

But he lied.

There are portraits of Feng Wuyou and birthday presents in the study room. If it wasn't for having a good time and having a good relationship, would you keep these things?

Xiao Jinyan actually said no?
Shen Chuwei was a little depressed.

During dinner, Xiao Jinyan came back from outside.

The maidservants cut off the meals and put them on the table one by one.

Xiao Jinyan came to the table and sat down, picked up the chopsticks, and picked up the dishes slowly. Seeing that Shen Chuwei didn't move the chopsticks, she was the most active in eating normally.

"Don't look, eat."

Shen Chuwei picked up the chopsticks to pick up the food, looked at the table full of delicious food, and thought to himself, let's talk when we are full.

At the dinner table, Xiao Jinyan never talked much.

After a meal, he only said a few words.

After taking a bath, Xiao Jinyan planned to have a good chat with Xiao Jiu.

If he hadn't heard some messy things in her mind, he might not have taken such a question to heart.

"Tell me, what happened today?"

Shen Chuwei sat cross-legged on the bed, looked at Xiao Jinyan who had a serious face in front of him, you were the one who lied, and you still acted like I was reasonable~
"The concubine is just curious."

Xiao Jinyan stretched out his long arms and hugged her into his arms, "Don't think about those who are there in the future, has there ever been another woman by my side?"

Shen Chuwei thought about it carefully, she hadn't paid attention to Xiao Jinyan's daily life since she passed through, and it was only later that she realized that although there were many women around Xiao Jinyan, he didn't touch any of them.

It's just that the things in the dark cell are real.

Why didn't Xiao Jinyan admit it?

The more Shen Chuwei thought about it, the more he felt that the secret in the dark cell must be very important to Xiao Jinyan.

Just like her, all the delicious food is put into the space~
Shen Chuwei didn't mention the things in the secret compartment to her face, because she was guilty, and peeping into other people's secrets was a bad behavior in itself.

She was too curious to hold back.

Since getting drunk that night last time, the man in black disappeared and never appeared again.

Concubine Xu was sitting in front of the window sill, it was hot in summer, she was shaking a round fan in one hand, looking at the dark night, the sound of wind and insects could be heard in her ears.

This wait is two months.

In the past two months, Chang Liangyuan went to the Palace of Compassion and Ning very diligently, reading scriptures to the Empress Dowager and beating her legs.

These were originally what Wanxin usually did, but after Chang Liangyuan came every day, Wanxin was free.

Wanxin looked at Chang Liangyuan who was beating the Queen Mother's legs, and humbly asked for advice: "Sister Chang is very skilled in technique, I should learn more."

"Miss Wanxin has won the prize." Chang Liangyuan smiled slightly, wanting to argue with me?You deserve it too?

The queen mother was very happy to see Chang Liangyuan and Wanxin in front of her, "Ai's family is half buried in the soil. With you by my side, my mood improves every day."

Chang Liangyuan said first: "It is my blessing to be able to serve in front of Grandma Huang. Grandma Huang loved me the most when I was young."

Wan Xin walked over with the hibiscus cake prepared in advance, and offered it with both hands: "Queen Mother, this is the snack I prepared, you can try it."

The queen mother saw the lotus cake, picked up a piece, and boasted without hesitation: "Wan is ingenious, and the lotus cake is even more delicious than the one made by the imperial dining room."

Wan Xin smiled and said: "The queen mother likes to eat, Wan Xin is happy."

The queen mother ate the hibiscus cake, she was too old to eat too sweet ones, the sweetness of the hibiscus cake made by Wanxin was just right.

"You are so virtuous, the Ai family is a bit reluctant to let you get married, but the Ai family promised to find you a good husband, so it's okay to be reluctant."

Wan Xin took the Queen Mother's hand and said with great reluctance: "Queen Mother, Wan Xin wants to serve you by your side for the rest of her life."

"You child, what are you talking about?" The queen mother said so, but she was very happy in her heart.

After Chang Liangyuan heard this, she had a bad premonition in her heart. If the Queen Mother pointed Wan Xin to Her Highness, wouldn't that mean that there would be one more contender for favor?

"Grandma Huang, I remember that you like jujube paste hair cake the most. I will make it for you to try tomorrow."

The queen mother nodded happily, "Okay, I haven't eaten for a long time, I just want to try it."

Chang Liangyuan lowered her eyes, her eyes were full of calculations.

The next day, Chang Liangyuan came to the Palace of Compassion and Ning with an elaborate jujube cake.

"Grandma Huang, I brought some jujube paste hair cake." Chang Liangyuan happily stepped forward, but the soles of her feet slipped, her center of gravity was unstable, and she fell directly to the ground, and the jujube paste hair cake in her hand also fell to the ground.

Wan Xin stepped forward to help Chang Liangyuan, and asked worriedly, "Sister Chang, are you okay?"

The queen mother was also taken aback, "Lady Lan'er, what's the matter?"

"Grandma Huang, I'm fine, but it's a pity that the jujube paste cake is a pity." Chang Liangyuan endured the pain in her buttocks, and looked at the date paste cake on the ground, feeling very angry. Why is the ground so slippery?
The queen mother breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that people are fine, and it's the same when we eat next time."

At this time, the maid came in with small steps, "Miss Wanxin, your jujube cake is ready."

The queen mother was a little surprised, "Wan Xin, you also made jujube cake?"

Hearing this, Chang Liangyuan raised her head to look at Wanxin, her voice was questioning: "Why does Miss Wanxin want jujube cake?"

"Yesterday, I heard from Sister Chang that the Empress Dowager likes to eat jujube cake. I learned how to make it when I had nothing to do. I tried it a few times but it didn't work. I don't know if it will work this time."

The empress dowager's greed has already been hooked, and she couldn't wait to say: "Bring it here, let Ai's family taste it."

Wan Xin responded and took the jujube cake.

"Queen, try it."

Chang Liangyuan took a look at the jujube paste hair cake, which was no worse than hers. Seeing that the queen mother ate it, she even praised Wanxin's deliciousness.

Looking at Wan Xin's complacent little appearance, looking innocent, she never thought that she would be so scheming and intentionally embarrass her!

The babies are six months old. Although they can't crawl properly, their body coordination is very good. They can move their bodies and go where they want to go.

It's sweltering in summer, and a mat is spread on the couch, which makes it easier for the two babies to rummage around for new things.

Snow Ball and Yuan Gun Gun became the main toys of the two children.

Xuetuan was lying on the couch, her head was pressed very low, Susu was pillowing Xuetuan's head, playing with its fluffy ears with her little hands.

Xue Tuansheng stared at Taotao helplessly, because Taotao was pulling those snow-white beards seriously, showing sharp teeth from time to time.

Yuan Gungun, who had been tortured all over, hid under the low table and looked at Xuetuan sympathetically: Brother, if you persist, you will be liberated when the little ancestors fall asleep.

Xuetuan: "..."

Shen Chuwei lay on the couch and took a nap in the morning. She rarely dreamed, but had a very long dream.

In the dream, she turned into a five-year-old child, running non-stop on two short legs, feeling that the corridor seemed endless, and she was so tired that she was out of breath.

As soon as the picture changed, she suddenly grew up, and she also grew a lot taller, but she was still running, and the corridor in front of her was still very long.

At the end of the corridor stood a slender figure, and she tried her best to catch up.

"Brother Jinyan, wait for me."

Shen Chu opened her eyes slightly, and bumped into a pair of black phoenix pupils, which made her stunned for a moment.

Xiao Jinyan took out a square handkerchief from her sleeve pocket, and wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, "Did you have a nightmare? It's actually called Brother Bengong Jinyan."

ps: Second update

 good night!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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