Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 405 Enduring pain to save the babies, Xiao Jinyan was furious and arrested

Chapter 405 Enduring pain to save the babies, Xiao Jinyan was furious and arrested

Susu cried a lot, indicating that she was very sad.

When Shen Chuwei saw her daughter crying so much, she felt very distressed.

Chunxi was also in a hurry, seeing Susu crying so sadly, she started to cry too.

Immediately afterwards, Taotao also started crying, but Shen Chuwei couldn't care about Taotao right now.

When the nanny was coaxing Taotao, she felt a tingling pain in her arm, and the stinging place was itchy, so she couldn't help scratching it.

Shen Chu frowned slightly, Susu's pulse was chaotic, as if poisoned, she laid Susu flat on the couch, took off her red clothes, and began to check Susu's body.

At the same time, he ordered: "Chunxi, bring the medicine box here."

Chunxi wiped away her tears, then turned to get the medicine box.

The crisp skin was white with pink, and there was a black spot on the arm, and there was some redness and swelling around the black spot. Shen Chuwei picked it up and examined it carefully, and found that it was a bug, and it was a poisonous bug.

Chunxi took the medicine box and opened it on the couch, Shen Chuwei ordered again: "Pour some warm water over here."

Chunxi ran to pour water again.

The children in the room were crying and screaming one after another.

Shen Chuwei took out the silver needle, and got out the little black bug that was desperately burrowing into the skin. If it crawled into the blood vessel, the consequences would be disastrous.

Suddenly, there was a tingling sensation in her arm, and then an itching sensation again. She frowned and didn't have time to pay attention to what was going on, and continued to deal with the little bug.

Wanxin stepped into the Hehuan Hall, heard the crying of the children, and saw the maidservant, she stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter? Why are the babies crying all the time?"

The maid shook her head, then turned and left.

Wanxin came to the door with doubts, but was stopped by the little rabbit, "Miss Wanxin, what's the matter?"

Wan Xin said warmly: "The queen mother misses the emperor's grandson and granddaughter, let me come and carry them to the Palace of Compassion."

The little rabbit was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "Miss Wanxin, wait a minute, I'll report to my master."

Wan Xin nodded, "Okay."

The little rabbit turned around and went in. Hearing the cries of the babies, he came to the couch and reported: "Master, Wanxin from the Palace of Compassionate Ning has ordered the Queen Mother to let the grandson and granddaughter of the emperor go to the Palace of Compassion to accompany the Queen Mother. "

Shen Chuwei said: "How can the babies go to the Compassionate Ning Palace in this state? You go back to Miss Wanxin and say that the baby is not feeling well and can't go now, and you can visit the Queen Mother when you are well."

"It's the master." The little rabbit came out of the back room and said with an apologetic expression: "Miss Wanxin, please go back and tell the queen mother that the emperor's grandson and daughter are not feeling well. When they feel sick, my master will personally carry them to visit the queen mother." .”

Wan Xin glanced inside, and said empathetically, "I heard the babies crying, and guessed that the babies are not feeling well, so I'll go back and tell the Queen Mother."

The little rabbit said: "Miss Wanxin, please."

Wan Xin smiled, turned and left Hehuan Hall.

In the back room, Susu and Taotao cried fiercely.

Shen Chuwei's forehead was covered with sweat, the bugs were too small to take out, and the silver needles pricked the skin, even Susu couldn't bear the pain.

Finally, she took the little bug out of Susu's arm and put it in a small transparent glass bottle.

Shen Chuwei bandaged the wound on his arm as quickly as possible, and then hugged the crying Susu into his arms, "Okay, Susu, stop crying, shall we drink water?"

She raised her head and looked at Taotao, who was crying fiercely at this time, "Chunxi, give Susu some water."

Chunxi nodded impatiently, "Okay."

Shen Chuwei handed Susu to Chunxi, turned around to hug Taotao, and found that the nanny's arm was scratched, she asked while taking off Taotao's clothes, "What's the matter with your arm?"

"Master, this servant doesn't know either. It's like being bitten by a bug just now, and then it's very itchy." The nanny said while scratching in discomfort.

Shen Chuwei's attention was all on the babies, and when she thought about it, the itching sensation on her arms also followed, which made her suspect that the symptoms on herself and the nanny were very similar to the babies.

It's just that she can't take care of adults now.

Xiao Jinyan hurried back when he got the news, and when he heard the babies crying, he strode in.

After Susu drank the water, she was well-behaved in Chunxi's arms, with tears still hanging from her long eyelashes, and her eyes were red and swollen.

Xiao Jinyan saw Shen Chuwei holding something on Taotao's arm with a silver needle in his hand, "What's wrong, baby?"

Shen Chuwei looked calm on the surface, but in fact she was crying silently and no one noticed. She choked up and said, "A little poisonous bug crawled into Taotao's skin. Once it crawled into the blood vessel, the consequences would be disastrous."

Xiao Jinyan knew the seriousness of the matter when he heard it. Seeing his son crying like this, his heart ached so much.

Finally, with Shen Chuwei's unremitting efforts, he got the little bug out of the flesh and blood.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the little insects the size of sesame seeds, running amok on his son's skin, no wonder his son was crying so hard.

Shen Chuwei sent his son into Xiao Jinyan's arms, "Your Highness, hold your son and feed him some water and coax him."

"Okay." Xiao Jinyan hugged his son, picked up the small teacup on the low table, and fed him water while coaxing him.

Next, Shen Chuwei took the pulse of the nannies to see if there were black poisonous insects.

When Wanxin returned to the Palace of Compassion and Peace, the Empress Dowager did not see the emperor's grandson and daughter, her eyes were full of doubts: "Wanxin, why did you come back empty-handed, where are the children?"

Wanxin saw that Chang Liangyuan was beating the Queen Mother's legs, she lowered her eyebrows and stepped forward, and said softly, "Queen Mother, the Crown Princess said that the babies are not feeling well, so they won't be able to come."

The queen mother was very angry when she heard the words: "Princess, what does this mean? Aijia just wants to see the babies. How dare she refuse such a small request? Do you take Aijia seriously?"

Wanxin comforted in a soft voice: "Queen Mother, maybe the babies are really unwell. Don't be angry, Queen Mother. How can you hurt your body if you are angry?"

The queen mother snorted: "The Ai family is watching, the princess is just making excuses to not let the Ai family see the babies."

Chang Liangyuan persuaded her while beating her legs: "Grandma Huang, don't be so angry, who let His Highness spoil her, the other sisters in the East Palace usually have a hard time seeing His Highness."

At the end, I didn’t forget to make some complaints.

The queen mother lowered her head and looked at Chang Liangyuan upon hearing this, "How often do you go to bed?"

Chang Liangyuan lowered her eyes, and said aggrievedly: "Grandma Huang, Your Highness loves the Crown Princess, it's hard for us sisters to even meet each other, let alone serve her bed."

The queen mother slapped the table angrily, "The princess is too domineering, the queen dare not do this, she really dares to dominate the prince."

Chang Liangyuan hurriedly comforted her: "Don't be angry, Grandma Huang, we are used to it."

Once the queen mother got used to hearing it, it meant that the prince had always favored the concubine alone, and if this continued, the royal heirs would be weak.

"Notify the emperor that the Ai family has something to tell him."

"Here." The servant girl withdrew and went to the imperial study.

The emperor strode in and saw the queen mother, he stepped forward to salute, "Mother queen."

When the queen mother saw the emperor coming, she complained, "Emperor, it's not the Ai family who said that the Ai family just wanted to see the emperor's grandson and grandson's daughter, and let Wan Xin hug her. Where is Grandma Zeng?"

The emperor comforted him: "Is there any misunderstanding with the queen mother? The princess has a gentle personality, why would she not let the queen mother see the baby?"

"The Ai family still tells lies about juniors?" The queen mother was a little dissatisfied, "Wanxin, tell the emperor what the princess said."

"Yes." Wan Xin stepped forward and blessed Fushen, "Your Majesty, the Crown Princess said that the babies are not feeling well, and she wants to bring the babies to visit the Queen Mother next time."

The emperor asked: "Why are the babies feeling unwell? Have you invited an imperial doctor?"

Wan Xin shook her head, "Go back to the emperor, the daughter of the people does not know."

The emperor was a little worried, he looked at the queen mother and explained: "Queen mother, look, the babies are not feeling well, so it's not intentional to prevent you from seeing them."

The queen mother snorted, "Do you believe the emperor in such an obvious excuse?"

"My mother doesn't believe me, then I will go to the East Palace to have a look, and my mother will not be angry." After the emperor finished speaking, he saluted and left the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

The emperor left quickly, and told Eunuch Li, "See a few more imperial doctors and go to the East Palace."

Today, I originally planned to meet the woman Yu'er wanted to marry with the empress, but I had to cancel because of something urgent.

"Go and tell the queen that I can't go to Fengyi Palace today because of something. I'll see you another day."

"Here." The little eunuch was about to leave when the emperor stopped him again, "Don't tell the queen that the babies are unwell, so as not to worry her."

"The servant knows." The little eunuch led the order to Fengyi Palace.

Seeing that the emperor had left, the queen mother remembered that there was one more thing she hadn't said, and sighed, "It's really old, and my memory is not good."

Wan Xin thumped the Empress Dowager on the shoulder, "The Empress Dowager is still young, she is just angry."

The queen mother was comforted when she heard the words, "You know how to make Ai's family happy."

Inside the East Palace

Shen Chuwei took a long time to get the black worms out of the nurses' arms and let them drink water.

After finishing the treatment, Shen Chuwei rolled up his sleeves, and saw a large red and swollen patch on his fair skin, and black worms had already penetrated into the skin.

Xiao Jinyan thought it was all right, but when he saw Shen Chu slightly rolled up his sleeves, exposing the red and swollen areas, he had a bad premonition, "What's wrong with you."

"Insects have crawled in." Shen Chuwei took out a sharp knife, which would be sterilized after each use.

Xiao Jinyan put her son in the crib, turned around and came to Shen Chuwei's side, watching her try to cut the skin with a knife, her heart ached so badly.

"Then if you don't take out the worm earlier, after such a long time, wouldn't the worm get into it?"

Shen Chu said without raising his head slightly: "I didn't care about saving the baby just now, I just take it out."

Xiao Jinyan was so angry that he raised his head and glanced at the people in the room, and asked coldly, "Who will take care of the baby today? How could the baby come into contact with poisonous bugs?"

The two nannies knelt on the ground in fright, crying as they spoke.

"Your Highness, this servant is playing with the babies in the garden today. She has been holding them in her arms. I don't know how they got poisonous bugs."

Xiao Jinyan asked again: "Has anyone ever held a baby?"

The nannies shook their heads, "The slaves have always held the baby, and they have never let others hold the baby."

ps: Second update

 Good evening, babies, beg for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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