Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 406 Xiao Jinyan's anger scared the baby, and his heart aches for the dead grandpa

Chapter 406 Xiao Jinyan's anger scared the baby, and his heart aches for the dead grandpa

Xiao Jinyan didn't believe that for no reason, poisonous insects would crawl on the baby, and even Xiao Jiu had poisonous insects on him.

He slapped the table angrily, "Then where did you take the baby to play? Tell the truth!"

The nurses trembled with fear.

Susu was tired from crying and was about to go to sleep, but this slap woke her up immediately. She grabbed Chunxi's sleeve, raised her head and looked at her father in confusion.

Out of the corner of his eye, Shen Chuwei saw his daughter's reaction, and kicked Xiao Jinyan's leg, "Keep your voice down, you scared my daughter."

After hearing this, Xiao Jinyan turned his head to look at his daughter, only to see that she was staring at him with a puzzled face, and he comforted him: "Susu, my father is catching bad guys."

How could Susu understand Xiao Jinyan's words, she pouted her pink and tender mouth, "Papa..."

Ever since Xiao Jinyan knew that her father was the king, she was overjoyed when she heard her daughter called Papa.

"Father, please keep your voice as low as possible."

Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze and looked at Xiao Jiu first, only to see that she was still looking for poisonous insects, so he was inevitably very worried.

"I will help you."

Shen Chuwei said: "The blood of poisonous insects is corrosive, if you accidentally crush it, it's over."

How could Xiao Jinyan dare to act after hearing this?
"That's better for you to do it yourself, it's more measured."

"That's the only way." Shen Chu gritted his teeth slightly and continued to search for the poisonous insects.

Just when Xiao Jinyan was about to continue questioning the nannies, the shrill voice of the little eunuch came from outside the door, "The emperor is here!"

Seeing his father coming, Xiao Jinyan turned to look at Shen Chuwei, "I will go out to pick you up first, don't panic."

"The concubine knows." Shen Chu looked down at his arm slightly, and continued to look for bugs.

Xiao Jinyan got up and walked out, and saw his father had come to the door, he stepped forward to salute: "Father."

When the emperor saw the prince, he asked in a deep voice, "I heard that the babies are not feeling well. What's going on?"

Xiao Jin said: "Father, the babies are covered with poisonous insects, not only the babies, but also the crown princess and the nanny. The poisonous insects are very powerful. They like to burrow into people's skin. If they are not careful, they will be alive." Danger."

The emperor was startled when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "Then how are the babies? Have you invited the imperial doctor?"

It was only then that Xiao Jinyan realized that he hadn't called Doctor Wen over, because he knew that Xiao Jiu knew how to heal, so he rarely called Doctor Wen.

"Father, don't worry, the poisonous insects on the babies have been taken out, and there is no serious problem for the time being, but the poisonous insects on the crown princess have not been taken out yet."

The emperor said: "I sent people to the imperial hospital to call the imperial doctor, and go first to see the babies."

Xiao Jinyan went in with the emperor, while Shen Chuwei was in the back room.

The babies had already been hugged to the couch outside, because of Xiao Jinyan's slap and the fright just now, the two babies were very awake at this time.

When the emperor came in and saw Taosu, he couldn't wait to stretch out his arms towards Susu, and he said cheerfully, "How about a hug from Grandpa?"

Although Susu is only six months old, she knows who treats her well. Grandpa Huang often comes to hug her, so when Susu sees Grandpa Huang, she is happy to reach out to hug her.

The emperor was very happy to see his granddaughter reaching out for a hug. He picked up Susu and looked at Susu's red eyes from crying, feeling very distressed.

"Susu is so cute, how could the poisonous insect be willing to make a baby?"

It's hard for Xiao Jinyan to disagree with his father's statement. Taosu is so cute, how can anyone do it?

"This kind of poisonous insect has never appeared in the East Palace. My son guessed that someone did it on purpose."

The emperor's eyes were cold when he heard the words: "Who dares to hurt Susu? I will never spare her lightly."

Xiao Jinyan replied: "I don't know yet, I'm investigating."

The emperor said angrily: "Then investigate quickly, I want to see who dares to harm Taosu."

Now as long as the two babies are mentioned, they will be called Taosu.

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyebrows and nodded, "I must find out the person who dared to eat peaches."

The emperor was reluctant to let go of Susu, so he teased her to play.

Xiao Jinyan walked into the back room and saw that Shen Chuwei was still dealing with poisonous insects, and her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. He took out a square handkerchief from his sleeve pocket, and asked while wiping the beads of sweat for her.

"What's the matter? Have you ever found the poisonous bug?"

"It's almost here, the concubine has already found it." Shen Chuwei grabbed the black poisonous insect with tweezers, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally taken out."

Xiao Jinyan looked at the wound on her arm cut by the blade. Although the wound was small, he still felt distressed when he saw it.

"I will help you bandage."

Shen Chuwei had already expended a lot of energy and strength in order to find the poisonous bug, so it would be better if someone bandaged him up.

"it is good."

Xiao Jinyan took out the window sticker from the medicine box, and Xiao Jiu said it was specially prepared for small wounds, and it was very practical.

A few bandages were put on and it didn't take long.

Shen Chuwei picked up the teacup on the low table, drank a few sips of water, and then felt relieved.

Xiao Jinyan looked at her with a pale face, which also showed the danger of poisonous insects, no wonder Taosu cried so hard.

"I think something is wrong. I'm afraid someone is deliberately trying to harm Taosu."

When Shen Chuwei heard that someone intentionally harmed her baby, she immediately became upset, "Your Highness, who could it be?"

Xiao Jinyan brushed the hair from her forehead for her, "I don't know yet, you rest first, I will find out about this matter."

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "No matter who dares to hurt Taosu, he must not let it go."

Xiao Jin said: "This palace will."

When the imperial doctor came, he carefully checked Taosu.

After the emperor repeatedly confirmed that there was no problem, the emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

The emperor looked at Susu in his arms and fell asleep lying in his arms after playing tired, and his little appearance immediately became cute.

"Susu is so cute."

The emperor was reluctant to let go of Susu, but unfortunately he was the king of a country and had to deal with all kinds of affairs every day, so he couldn't hold Susu all the time.

He carefully put Susu into the crib, "Grandpa Huang will go to work first, and come to see you when he is free."

Reluctantly, the emperor withdrew his gaze, and after leaving the East Palace, he went directly to the Palace of Compassion and Ning.

The Empress Dowager just woke up from a nap and was drinking Wanxin's freshly brewed tea.

The emperor said with a slight smile on his lips: "Mother, I just came back from the East Palace. The babies are indeed unwell, crying and crying, and their eyes are red from crying. It is reasonable for the crown princess not to let her be hugged, for fear of disturbing the mother."

The queen mother became even more angry when she heard the words, "It's so serious? Then how did the princess become a mother?"

The emperor explained: "Mother, it is impossible for the crown princess to hold the babies all the time, isn't it all nurses to take care of them? The crown princess is also unwell."

"According to Ai's family, the concubine is an unqualified mother. Why does the emperor like to protect such a woman?" The queen mother still thinks that Concubine Xu is more suitable to be a queen when she thinks about what the queen did back then.

The emperor guessed the meaning of the empress dowager's words as soon as he heard it, "Mother, you just returned to the palace. After you spend more time with the crown princess, you will know that she is a very good child, and the empress likes her very much."

Although the queen mother is old, she reacted quickly, "Is it because the emperor likes the queen that he made her the crown princess?"

The emperor explained: "It's not all because of the empress. I hope that the babies will be born out of concubine instead of concubine. Besides, the princess concubine does not have a prominent family background, but she is still a good person. I believe in the empress's vision."

The queen mother snorted: "In the royal family, the previous dynasty and the rear palace are closely linked, and the future queen is especially important. Aijia heard that the crown prince only favors the crown princess, and the other women in the East Palace have no chance to see the crown prince. No wonder the concubine has been married for more than two years." , only two children."

The emperor rubbed his temples and felt quite a headache, "What the mother said makes sense. I will urge the prince to soak in the rain and dew evenly, so as to extend the heirs."

"What's the use of mere urging? The prince needs to take practical actions."

"I know."

The emperor came out of the Palace of Compassion and Peace, and took a deep breath. If he had a way to let the crown prince be exposed to rain and dew, would he wait until now?
No, I have to deal with business quickly, go to Fengyi Palace tonight, as long as he insists on not leaving, the queen will not do anything to him!

The emperor went straight to the imperial study to deal with government affairs.

After the emperor left, the queen mother had a sullen face.

Wanxin smiled and comforted: "Queen Mother, I have prepared flower cakes. After you eat them, you will definitely feel better."

"You still understand the Ai family." The queen mother took Wan Xin's hand and asked suddenly: "How about the Ai family betrotting you to the crown prince? It's okay to be a good concubine."

Wan Xin lowered her eyes and said shyly, "Queen Mother, I am reluctant to leave you. You are like my own grandma. I want to spend more time with you, and I am not in a hurry to get married."

The queen mother was very happy when she heard that, "Silly boy, even if you marry into the palace, you can often come to accompany Ai's family."

Wan Xin showed a gentle and mischievous smile: "But I just want to be by the Queen Mother's side all the time and serve the Queen Mother."

The queen mother replied happily: "Then wait."

Shen Chuwei woke up after sleeping for an hour, and went to see Taosu immediately.

Taosu also woke up at this moment, sitting on the small bed, playing with the snowball, the happiness of a child is very simple and easy to satisfy, as if the poisonous bug bite never happened.

Susu grabbed the snow ball by the tail, dragged the snow ball to her side, muttered in her pink mouth: "Mama... Mama..."

Xuetuan yelled: "Meow!"

Shen Chuwei couldn't help laughing when she saw it, "Susu is getting better at calling her mother."

Seeing that the peach cakes were playing, she took out the glass bottle and began to study the black poisonous insects inside.

Concubine Xue Fang has been waiting for the news, seeing Shui Yao walking in quickly, she didn't even bother to drink tea, "Are they all dying?"

"Princess, this servant did not hear the news. The emperor has come and just left. It doesn't look like something happened. His Highness is investigating the matter thoroughly." Shui Yao said.

Concubine Xue clenched the teacup in her hand tightly, her eyes were full of unwillingness: "If such poisonous insects get into the skin and are not taken out in time, they will definitely die. They can't be alive."

Shuiyao was also very puzzled, "But I see that the Hall of Hehuan is as usual, and there is nothing unusual about it."

"Princess, if you don't wait and see, there will definitely be good news."

"That's the only way." Concubine Xue frowned, now she could only wait, she didn't believe that Shen Chuwei and those two children were so fateful.

Partial room

The nannies have been restless since the baby's accident. They were afraid and confused at the same time.

"We didn't go to other places today, why did we get poisonous insects?"

"I'm also wondering, the little masters have always been hugged by us and never left our hands. Ordinary people, we don't dare to hug them."

"Fortunately, the little masters are all fine, otherwise we might have to be buried with them."

"Isn't it? Now that I think about it, my hands and feet are soft."

The nanny seemed to think of something: "Could it be related to that Shuiyao? She can send flowers to the babies, but she has never met anyone else."

ps: One update

 Good night babies!
  Be coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!

(End of this chapter)

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