Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 407 Make tricks to expose the scheming bitch, and don't let even one who dares to hurt

Chapter 407 Use tricks to expose the scheming whore, and don't let anyone who dares to hurt the baby
The two nannies recalled what happened this morning. Although they met a few people back and forth, the one that impressed them most was Shuiyao, because she brought flowers to coax the little masters.

The more the nannies thought that something was wrong with you, they hurried out of the room and told His Highness.

At this time, in the study
"The nannies brought the young masters to play in the garden today, and did not go to other places. There are quite a few maids and slaves coming and going. After investigation, someone saw Xue Fangfei's maid Shuiyao approaching the young masters. "Qin Xiao respectfully reported the results of the whole day's investigation.

Xiao Jinyan heard Concubine Xue frowned, he still knew what Concubine Xue was thinking, if she sent someone to poison Taosu, it was very likely.

It's just that it's not easy to put poisonous insects on Taosu under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Go to Concubine Xue to have a look."

Qin Xiao lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "Of order."

Just as Xiao Jinyan stood up and left, Wei Chi came in and clasped his fists and reported: "Master, nurses please see me."

Xiao Jinyan paused, then sat down again, and ordered: "Let them in."

Not long after Wei Chi went out.Then he led the nannies in. After what happened today, the nannies were also frightened and walked in cautiously.

"Your Highness, this servant thinks that Concubine Xue's maid came to tease the little masters today."

"Your Highness, there were other people passing by during the period, but that Shuiyao sent flowers to make the little masters happy, and the slaves always felt a little bit wrong."

The two nannies talked nonchalantly.

Xiao Jinyan also guessed that Shuiyao might have sent the poisonous insects to Taosu through the flower-delivering oil head, and even the nanny and Xiaojiu were also stained with poisonous insects.

An unprecedented anger rose in his eyes, he got up, walked around the desk, and strode out.

Wei Chi and Qin Xiao looked at each other and followed quickly.

The nannies were taken aback by Xiao Jinyan's cold and stern aura, and didn't react for a long time.

It's time to light up
Xiao Jinyan came to Qimeng Palace with anger.

Concubine Xue Fang was overjoyed when she heard the servant girl report that Xiao Jinyan was coming.

"Your Highness has finally come to Dream Palace, Shui Yao, do you see if my makeup is flawless?"

Shui Yao smiled and boasted: "Princess Tianzi is beautiful, and she is incomparable with a little powder. Your Highness will definitely stay in Qimeng Palace tonight."

Concubine Xue Fang was even happier when she heard this, she tidied up her appearance a bit and came out to greet Xiao Jin, saying blessings to Xiao Jin.

"His Royal Highness is blessed and safe."

Xiao Jinyan glanced coldly at Concubine Xue in front of her and Shuiyao behind her, holding back the anger in her heart and not attacking immediately.

"Get up."

Concubine Xue Fang stood up straight, and looked at Xiao Jinyan with a smile, "Thank you, Your Highness, it's time for dinner, how about having dinner together?"

Xiao Jinyan took a look at her beautiful face and felt so disgusted, he looked away and said "hmm".

Concubine Xue Fang happily told Shui Yao, "Hurry up and bring the meal."

Shui Yao went to the small kitchen with a smile, and brought the prepared wine to the table.

Concubine Xue is a princess of a country. Although there is a prescribed share of food, what has been spent on food is better than others, and it is not worse than that of the Crown Princess.

Concubine Xue picked up the jug and filled the jug in front of Xiao Jinyan with wine.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Concubine Xue's actions indifferently, but did not stop her.

Concubine Xue introduced shyly and timidly: "Your Highness, this concubine brought this wine from Xueyue. In Xueyue Kingdom, only husband and wife can drink together. The concubine has always kept it to drink with His Highness."

After hearing this, Xiao Jinyan warned in a cold voice: "My wife is the Crown Princess, so Concubine Xue must always keep her current identity in mind, and don't cross the line."

Concubine Xue Fang was stunned for a moment, her hands on her knees clutched her sleeves tightly, complaining in her heart, she was just doing it for fun, is it necessary to take it seriously?It is not certain who will be the queen in the future.

After complaining in my heart, I humbly admitted my mistake on the surface: "It's the concubine who is outspoken, Your Highness, don't be angry, the concubine will take care of it in my heart.

Xiao Jinyan listened to the unreasonable thoughts in Concubine Xue's heart, and the corners of his lips curled up with a sense of sarcasm. How ambitious is it, empress?You deserve it too?
Concubine Xue looked at the food in front of her, and couldn't let down this excellent opportunity to serve her bed.

She picked up the chopsticks, not knowing which dishes Xiao Jinyan liked to eat, so she picked a common cedar fish and put it in Xiao Jinyan's bowl.

"Your Highness, this concubine Yuchen has eaten it several times, and it tastes very delicious. Please try it."

Xiao Jinyan glanced at the fish in front of him, how could he be in the mood to eat at this moment?Not to mention the woman sitting across from him made him sick.

He raised his eyes to look at Shuiyao, the maidservant behind Concubine Xue, and said to Concubine Xue, "I heard from nanny that Shuiyao, the maid beside you, likes my baby very much?"

Concubine Xue Fang was startled when she heard the words, did Xiao Jinyan doubt it?

Shui Yao stepped forward with a guilty plop and knelt on the ground, "Your Highness, this servant just thinks the babies are cute and has not forgotten her identity, so she didn't hug the little masters."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shui Yao's guilty behavior coldly, "I didn't blame you, what are you afraid of? I still want to praise you, the babies like the flowers."

Shui Yao breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as the little masters like it, the servants are not here to make the little masters happy."

Concubine Xue Fang breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she was very unwilling. She clearly asked Shui Yao to release poisonous insects. Poisonous insects like the smell of milk the most. The baby and the princess have milk scents, and they are also the clearest targets.

How could there be nothing?
Xiao Jinyan heard what he wanted to hear the most. It is not an exaggeration to say that Concubine Xue has a heart like a snake and a scorpion. Taosu is so cute, but she is so cute that she can kill her?

"Before I came here, I saw the babies playing with flowers. The two little ones don't know how to protect flowers. They have been torn apart. Tomorrow, I will ask Shuiyao to pick two fresh flowers and send them to the Hall of Acacia."

Shui Yao nodded in response, "Your servant obeys."

Qin Xiao stepped in and reported, "Master, Mr. Lu has something to see."

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Understood, I will go now."

Concubine Xue Fang finally looked forward to Xiao Jinyan's arrival. She originally wanted to take advantage of the meal and then stay overnight. How could she be willing to let go of such a good opportunity?

"Your Highness, you haven't eaten yet, can you leave after eating?"

Xiao Jinyan said lightly: "Dinner can be eaten at any time, and the business should not be delayed. You eat first, and then I will leave."

Seeing Xiao Jinyan standing up to leave, Concubine Xue Fang also stood up and chased after him, "Your Highness, doesn't Mrs. Lu know that it's time for dinner? What can't be dealt with tomorrow?"

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "Of course it's business. As a princess of a country, Concubine Xue can't even tell the priority?"

Concubine Xue was at a loss for words for a while, she said aggrievedly: "The concubine is just reluctant to let His Highness go, and she didn't say it's not important."

Xiao Jinyan said coldly: "It's good to know. You should learn more from the Crown Princess. The Crown Princess is understanding, knowledgeable about books and rituals, knows how to measure, and knows the priorities."

After speaking, he walked away.

Concubine Xue Fang stood where she was, looking at Xiao Jinyan's leaving back, full of unwillingness, "You actually compare me with Shen Chuwei, what is Shen Chuwei? How is she worthy of being compared with this princess?"

Shuiyao was also very angry, and she did not forget to comfort her: "Princess, calm down, don't be so angry."

At this time, Concubine Xue was in a fit of anger, how could she listen to comforting words?

"When you go to send flowers tomorrow, send a few more flowers to the Crown Princess and put some poisonous insects on them. I don't believe that they will be fatal. If you escape once, you can escape twice. When they die, the Crown Princess will be mine."

Shui Yao nodded in response, "Your servant understands, and I will send you to Hehuan Hall tomorrow morning."

After leaving the Hall of Dreams, Xiao Jinyan's face was gloomy. He looked back at the Hall of Dreams, and he would feel sick if he looked at it too much.

After calming down the anger in his heart, Xiao Jinyan went back to Hehuan Hall and had dinner with Shen Chuwei.

In fact, the moment Xiao Jinyan stepped into the Qimeng Palace, he didn't think about having dinner with Concubine Xue.

Qin Xiao said that Mr. Lu had something to ask for an interview, and it was just an excuse to leave, an excuse for Concubine Xue to have nothing to say.

After dinner, Xiao Jinyan looked at Taosu who had just bathed and was playing in the crib at the moment, as if what happened today had never happened.

Xiao Jinyan waited for Shen Chuwei to come out of the bath and check the wound on her arm. Although it was a minor wound, she would feel at ease after looking at it.

"I just went to the Palace of Sleeping Dreams."

Shen Chuwei paused when he heard the words, and asked suspiciously, "What are you going to the Dream Palace for?"

"I have already found out that those poisonous insects were released by Concubine Xue's maid." Xiao Jinyan told the story.

Shen Chuwei hadn't seen Concubine Xue for a long time, and when she heard that it was her fault, she immediately became angry.

"It's Concubine Xue, she's heartbroken, Taosu is so cute, how can she be cruel, no, if you dare to hurt my baby, I won't make her feel better."

Xiao Jinyan hugged her into his arms, with a cold look in his eyes, "I will not let her go, but she is Xueyue's princess, and she must be convicted with convincing evidence."

"The concubine knows, but I have to let her taste the pain. Taosu cried so badly today because of the pain, she must let her taste it." When Shen Chuwei thought of the baby crying heart-piercingly, her heart ached. No, she's a good salted fish, but she's not easy to bully.

Xiao Jinyan nodded, "Yes."

Early the next morning, Shuiyao went to the backyard of Qimeng Palace to collect fresh flowers. These flowers were seeds brought from Xueyue Kingdom, which were not available in Daxia.

After picking, she took the flowers and sprinkled some water.

When waiting for the Acacia Palace, sneakily put the poisonous insects into the petals, so that it is not easy for people to notice.

Shen Chuwei was playing with Taosu in the room, and Chunxi came in to report, "Master, Shuiyao from Qimeng Palace has brought flowers."

Shen Chuwei said lightly: "Let her in."

"Here." After Chunxi withdrew, he led Shuiyao in after a while.

Shui Yao walked forward a few steps holding the flowers, and said with a smile: "Crown Princess, Your Highness ordered the servants to collect some fresh flowers for the little masters to play with."

ps: Second update

 Good afternoon!

  Babies are coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!

(End of this chapter)

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