Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 412 Big misunderstanding, for the sake of happiness, I can only sacrifice my son

Chapter 412 Big misunderstanding, for the sake of happiness, I can only sacrifice my son

Shen Chuwei looked puzzled at the prince who suddenly threw himself down.

Xiao Jinyan freed one hand to put down the bed curtain, but his eyes fell on her, "It's already this hour, it's time to rest."

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out he was sleeping.

"Then why did you throw me down suddenly? It scared me."

Xiao Jinyan laughed softly, and looked down at the clothes on her body. The material of the clothes was very thin, and she could vaguely see the attractive scenery.

"Xiao Jiu's clothes are very nice."

When it came to the clothes on her body, Shen Chuwei was a little excited and wanted to sit up, but there was a person on her body, so she couldn't get up and had to give up.

"You think it looks good too?"

Xiao Jinyan nodded, looking back and forth at her all the time.

"I designed it myself, and it was purely handmade by Chunxi." Shen Chu looked down at his body slightly, pointed to the row of invisible buttons in front and said, "Look at the front, there is a row of buttons, which is very convenient to wear."

In fact, modern times also have this kind of design, but here, only she has it, and it is no problem to count her design.

Xiao Jinyan looked at Xiao Jiu's cover-up, and his eyes darkened: "It's very convenient."

As he spoke, he stretched out his slender fingers, and performed the method that Xiao Jiu concealed just now. One button was not enough, and then the second and third...

Shen Chu looked down at Xiao Jinyan's actions slightly, and the more she looked, the more she felt something was wrong, and she didn't realize it until she untied the last one.

When the kiss fell, I couldn't remember anything.

at this time
As usual, the emperor ran to Fengyi Palace after finishing his business.

Seeing that the emperor came again, the maidservants in Fengyi Palace saluted one after another.

The emperor ignored it and strode in, only to see the empress tidying up the closet again.

"Queen, what are you doing?"

The queen said without turning her head: "The concubine is tidying up the closet to make room."

In my heart, I complained about the dog emperor again, and came to rub the bed again!

The emperor secretly rejoiced when he heard the words, the queen is not angry anymore?Clean out the closet so I can put my clothes in there?

"Queen, just clean up tomorrow, don't be in a hurry."

The queen said patiently: "How can we not be in a hurry? It will be too late to clean up tomorrow."

The emperor was secretly pleased that the queen was so impatient, he leaned over, looked at the pile of clothes and asked, "Then how can I help you? How long are you going to tidy up by yourself?"

Only then did the empress turn to look at the emperor, wondering what was going on with him today?

"If the emperor wants to help, help the courtiers and concubines to move these clothes to the side hall."

"Okay." The emperor readily agreed, picked up the pile of clothes and went to the side hall.

When he walked into the side hall, he saw Qingying was also arranging clothes.

Seeing the emperor coming, Qing Ying hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "May the emperor be blessed with peace of mind."

The emperor put the clothes on the table, and glanced at Qingying. Qingying was the queen's personal maid. She grew up with the queen and knew the queen very well.

"Is the queen in a good mood today?"

Qingying lowered her eyebrows and nodded: "Back to the emperor, the empress is indeed in a good mood today."

The emperor nodded happily, "It's good to be in a good mood."

If you stay overnight tonight, the queen should not be angry anymore.

The emperor returned to the queen's bedroom with a slight smile.

The clothes are almost packed, and it's time to rest.

Seeing that the emperor hadn't left, the empress knew that he wanted to rub the bed again.

"Is the emperor not busy these days?"

The emperor laughed lowly: "I'm done with my work today, I will undress the queen."

Because the emperor couldn't order the queen, he could only undress the queen himself.

The queen patted the dog emperor's hand away, and said flatly: "The concubine will do it herself."

The emperor had no choice but to withdraw his hand and undress himself.

Queen: "..."

After taking off her clothes, the queen lay on the bed with her back facing the outside, out of sight and out of mind.

The emperor also went to bed and lay down. Seeing that the queen didn't respond, he moved to her side, and moved three times until he touched her back.

Queen: "..." Is it childish to play this game every day?

Seeing that the queen still didn't respond, the emperor thought that she was in a good mood today, so he turned around and hugged her into his arms.

The queen's body froze, and after she realized it, she wanted to struggle out of the embrace of the dog emperor, but the dog emperor hugged her very tightly.


The emperor coaxed close to her ear: "Ling'er, I just want to hug you. It's been a long time since I hugged you. I haven't had a good night's sleep these days."

The queen snorted: "The emperor didn't sleep well, could it be the concubine's fault? The concubine will not take the blame."

The emperor said: "Of course it's because of Ling'er. Ling'er ignores me and makes me sleepless."

The queen immediately retorted: "There are no concubines, and concubines treat the emperor with enough respect."

The emperor sighed, "Ling'er, turn your head around."

The queen paused when she heard the words, hesitated for a while, then turned her head to look behind her, and asked suspiciously: "What is the emperor doing?"

The emperor looked at the empress's unpainted face, which was naturally not as good as when she was a teenager, but it was also very pleasing to the eye.

He leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

The queen's body froze, staring at the huge shadow in front of her in a daze.

The emperor took the opportunity to kiss her, and tightly grasped the queen's wrist.

The queen who reacted scolded the dog emperor in her heart, and knew to take advantage of her.

After the kiss, the emperor was a little bit unsatisfied.

The queen turned her head coldly and ignored the dog emperor, and if she asked her to turn her head away again, she would not believe it.

The emperor is not too demanding, so he can sleep peacefully tonight.

next morning

As soon as Shen Chuwei had finished her breakfast, the people sent by the Queen came. She was surprised by the speed of the Queen Thunder God.

The two babies are still having a great time playing with the snow ball.

After tidying up a bit, a group of people marched to Fengyi Palace.

Shen Chuwei sighed, saying that the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the biggest problem in the ages.

Distance produces beauty.

It's just that the distance is suddenly pulled in, what will happen, Shen Chuwei hasn't experienced it yet, so I don't know.

When they arrived at Fengyi Palace, they found that the queen had taken care of everything.

The queen's bedroom is very large, separated by a thick curtain in the middle, with a bed and a small bed on the other side.

In fact, there are other rooms in Fengyi Palace, the queen thinks it is a bit far away, so it is better to live next door.

Shen Chuwei looked at the door curtain which was only half a centimeter thick, the distance seemed too close~

The queen hugged Susu and asked Shen Chuwei, "Do you like this bed?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "My son likes it very much, and the bed is quite big."

The queen said cheerfully: "I'll just stay in peace for a few days, don't worry about the rest."

Shen Chu nodded slightly. At present, this is the only way to do it, otherwise there is no other way.

The Queen suddenly suggested, "How about having hot pot for lunch?"

As soon as Shen Chuwei heard about hot pot, he was so greedy, "Okay, I haven't eaten for a long time, and I just want to eat it."

It hit it off, and the queen asked Chunxi and Qingying to prepare the ingredients.

The queen and Shen Chuwei played with the two little guys.

The emperor returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and asked Eunuch Li, "Has the Queen been here?"

Eunuch Li said: "Go back to the emperor, the queen has never been here."

The emperor frowned, "Didn't she send someone over to get my clothes?"

Eunuch Li shook his head in bewilderment, "Never."

The emperor went to Fengyi Palace with doubts.

As soon as he stepped into Fengyi Palace, he heard Susu's laughter.

"Susu is in the queen's palace?"

The emperor stepped into Fengyi Palace with doubts, and saw the queen holding Susu, who was grinning very happily.

Seeing this scene, I suddenly remembered the scene of Yu'er being hugged by the queen when she was so old.

More than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye, and I did not expect time to pass so fast.

"The princess is bringing the babies over to play."

When Shen Chuwei saw the emperor coming, she hurriedly stepped forward to bless her body: "Father Emperor."

The emperor waved his hand to signal her to get up. He stepped forward to the queen, held Susu in her arms, held her little hand with his big hand, and asked with a smile: "Does Susu miss the emperor?"

Susu looked at Grandpa Huang, danced happily, and muttered: "Papa~"

"Papa?" The emperor corrected him with a puzzled look on his face, "It's called the emperor's grandfather."

Susu repeated again: "Papa..."

The emperor said patiently: "Grandfather, not father, emperor-father-father, do you understand?"

Susu tilted her head and turned to look at Shen Chuwei, "Ma Ma..."

The emperor continued to teach patiently: "It's not Ma Ma, it's Grandpa Huang."

Shen Chuwei kindly reminded: "Royal Father, Baba means King Father, and Ma Ma means Concubine Mother."

"I see." The emperor was even more excited.

"It's Grandpa Huang."

Susu blinked her beautiful big eyes twice, "Hold..."

The emperor finally stopped what he liked to hear and looked at the queen happily, "Queen, look at Susu and want me to hug you, so give me a hug."

How dare the queen say no?

The emperor hugged Susu as he wished, and began to make Susu happy.

The queen hugged Taotao in Shen Chuwei's arms, and said: "Crown Princess, go and see if the bed is soft."

"Okay." Shen Chuwei turned around to look at the bed next door.

The emperor looked at Shen Chuwei's actions curiously, and found a bed behind the curtains. He looked at the queen suspiciously, "Why is there an extra bed in the bedroom? We are old couples, should we sleep in separate beds?"

The queen couldn't help but cast a blank look at the dog emperor, "It's for the crown princess, and this concubine plans to let the crown princess come and stay with me for a while."

The emperor asked after hearing the words: "Then what are you doing cleaning the closet?"

The Queen replied as a matter of course: "Of course it is to put clothes for the Crown Princess and the baby."

The emperor was stunned, so he moved the clothes so diligently last night, not because the queen wanted to put his clothes in.

The Queen's mood is not because of him, but because the Crown Princess and the babies are coming to Fengyi Palace for a temporary stay!

In a word, the queen does not have him in her heart!

The emperor hugged Susu, looked at Susu in his arms aggrievedly, and whispered: "Your grandma doesn't want grandpa anymore."

Susu raised her small head and looked at Grandpa Huang, really not understanding what he was thinking.

"Papa... Papa..."

Baba means father and king.

The emperor immediately thought of a solution, and when he had had enough of Susu, he returned to the imperial study.

Tao Tao looked at the back of Grandpa Huang leaving, if she could speak, she would definitely mention, Grandpa Huang, your grandson hasn't been hugged yet.

On the way, the emperor asked the prince to be called to the imperial study.

Xiao Jinyan also happened to have something to ask the emperor, and when he saw Eunuch Li calling him, he strode to the imperial study.

The emperor pondered for a moment, and then slowly opened his mouth: "The prince and the princess are husband and wife, how can there be any reason for the husband and wife to separate? Prince, you should find a way to take the princess back to live."

ps: One update

 Good night, babies!

  Be coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!

(End of this chapter)

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