Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 413 Is This Induction?The correct way to reverse forced marriage

Chapter 413 Is This Induction?The correct way to reverse forced marriage

Xiao Jinyan originally wanted to discuss with the emperor how to get the queen to let Shen Chuwei back, but the emperor put the responsibility on him and let him figure out a way.

It seemed like he was the only one who wanted to take Xiao Jiu back, as if the father didn't want to be alone with the queen mother?
"Father is right. The queen mother likes the concubine and the babies, and the sons and ministers will not be able to take them back for a while."

The emperor said angrily: "That's why I asked you to find a solution. The prince is so smart, he must be able to think of a solution."

As my son, of course he has to share my worries and labors, otherwise how would he have the opportunity to go to the Queen's Palace every night to coax the Queen?

Thinking of coaxing the empress, the emperor was worried for a while. He has been busy with political affairs recently and did not think of an effective way.

Xiao Jin said: "..." You are still the king of a country!I know how to embarrass my son!
After pondering for a moment, the emperor ordered directly: "I will give you one day to pick up the princess."

What can he say?
Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyebrows and nodded: "My son obeys the order."

After the prince left, the emperor stared at the pile of political affairs in front of him, thinking of the queen's reaction last night, when would he have to be so cautious when kissing his own wife?

He sighed.

Eunuch Li served new tea and heard the emperor sigh, as the person serving in front of him, he naturally understood.

"Your Majesty, today the Imperial Dining Room made the Imperial Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. This is the empress's favorite dish."

The emperor's eyes lit up, and he ordered: "You personally send the imperial Buddha jumping over the wall to Fengyi Palace."

"The slave obeys the order." Eunuch Li took the order to leave.

Xiao Jinyan returned to the East Palace, and after Xiao Jiu took the babies to live in Fengyi Palace, it seemed that the entire East Palace was empty.

His heart was also empty.

Concubine Xu came to the door of Hehuan Hall with a small handkerchief, and saw Xiao Jinyan standing at the door, she stepped forward to bless her happily, "Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan glanced down at Concubine Xu, probably because she had a good relationship with Xiao Jiu, and now she smiled a little more pleasingly.

"The princess is not in Hehuan Hall."

Concubine Xu came to play with the concubine and the babies, so what if she's not around?
"The princess is not in Hehuan Hall, where is she going?"

Xiao Jinyan said indifferently: "The Queen Mother took the Crown Princess to Fengyi Palace for a short stay."

"Ah?" Concubine Xu curled her lips in dissatisfaction, why did the empress take the princess and the others to stay for a while?My fun is gone.

Xiao Jinyan: "..." I am more depressed than you, how can there be any reason for the separation of husband and wife?
When the emperor and Xiao Jinyan were depressed, Fengyi Palace was extremely lively.

On the dining table, in the soup pot, the hot soup is boiling, with a thick layer of red oil floating on it, which smells very fragrant.

The queen pointed to the bones in the soup pot and asked, "Crown Princess, what is this?"

Shen Chu smiled slightly: "This is called a sheep scorpion. Don't look at it as a skeleton, it still has meat on it. Not only meat, it tastes very delicious after being boiled in a soup pot."

The queen also became greedy when she heard the words, and Shen Chuwei said it must be delicious if it was delicious.

"Really? How come I have never heard of a sheep scorpion? What is a sheep scorpion?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "The sheep scorpion is actually the spine of a sheep. It is called a sheep scorpion because it looks like a scorpion."

The queen's horizons have been opened, since she came into contact with Shen Chuwei, she has discovered many novel and delicious things, and she has never seen them before.

"So that's the case, no wonder it's delicious."

Shen Chuwei used to eat sheep scorpions often, and she knew how long it took for sheep scorpions to be cooked. When the time came, she reminded: "Mother, it's ripe, you can start eating."

Upon hearing this, the queen clenched the chopsticks in her hand and couldn't wait to pick up the sheep scorpion and put it in the bowl, and then put another one in the bowl to cool, otherwise it would not be enough for her to eat.

This trick was learned from Shen Chuwei, otherwise, if you eat one by one, it will easily burn your mouth.

Shen Chuwei not only picked up mutton scorpions, but also picked up her favorite mutton meatballs and let them cool down, so that it wouldn't affect her cooking speed.

Seeing that the bowl in front of Shen Chuwei was almost full, the queen also picked up some meat and meatballs to cool down.

The old man said that a five-month-old baby can smell the aroma of rice, let alone a seven-month-old baby.

Susu's pretty eyes stared at Shen Chuwei's meat-eating mouth without blinking, and reached out to hug him: "Ma Ma, Ma Ma..."

Shen Chuwei took the time to glance at her daughter, only to see Susu dancing excitedly, "Ma Ma..."

"Susu, baby, I'll hug you after I finish eating, okay?"

Chunxi looked down at Susu in her arms and pouted, those beautiful phoenix eyes stared straight at Shen Chuwei's chewing mouth.

"Master, do you want to eat Susu?"

"Susu is too young, her intestines and stomach are not well developed, so she can't eat spicy food." Shen Chuwei looked at Susu and coaxed, "When Susu grows up, you can eat whatever you want."

Chunxi couldn't bear to let Susu watch others eat, "My maidservant is going to make omelets for Susu to eat."

Shen Chuwei reminded: "Don't put salt."

"My maidservant knows." Chunxi handed Susu to the maidservant, and went to the small kitchen by herself.

Egg rolls were learned from Shen Chuwei, who said that the baby is the most suitable to eat.

When Chunxi skillfully prepared the egg coupons and came out, Shen Chuwei and the queen were already full and sat there motionless.

Seeing Chunxi coming with an egg coupon, Shen Chuwei waved to her and brought it to me.

Chunxi handed the egg roll to Shen Chuwei suspiciously.

Shen Chuwei ordered again: "Bring the baby here."

Chunxi had no choice but to hold the baby in front of Shen Chuwei.

Susu, who had been greedy for a long time, sat in Shen Chuwei's arms as she wished, but there were not so many delicious things in front of her~
Shen Chuwei picked up the egg roll in front of Susu and pretended to put it into her mouth. Susu kept her eyes on the egg roll, and when she saw that Shen Chuwei was about to eat, she hurriedly opened her mouth and took a bite.

One bite is not enough, reach out and grab it.

Shen Chuwei let her daughter hold the egg roll.

Susu grabbed the egg roll with her two small hands and stuffed it into her mouth. The posture of cooking rice was a bit like Shen Chuwei.

The queen was amused seeing Susu eating egg rolls, "Susu is good at eating."

Shen Chuwei was noncommittal.

Taotao is sleeping soundly in the small bed at the moment.

at night
After playing for a day during the day, both adults and children went to bed early.

Shen Chuwei almost fell asleep after touching the pillow.

After the emperor finished his work, he went to Fengyi Palace and saw that the lights were off, so he had to go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The father-in-law in the respect room brought a green card, "Your Majesty."

The emperor was very upset, and without seeing it, he shouted sharply: "Back off."

"Here." The father-in-law was taken aback, and quickly left with the green card in his hand.

Seeing this, Eunuch Li hurriedly withdrew, and when he came in again, he had an extra cup of chrysanthemum tea in his hand.

"Your Majesty, the weather is dry and easy to get angry. Drink some chrysanthemum tea to rest."

Hearing this, the emperor looked at the teacup in front of him, reached out to pick it up and lifted the lid, and took a few sips.

In the East Palace, Xiao Jinyan and Shen Chuwei have been in the same bed for so long, and they have never been separated. Suddenly sleeping alone, they couldn't fall asleep.

Staring at the night pearl on the bedside in the middle of the night, Xiao Jiu would take out the night pearl and put it on the bedside every time they had sex.

Xiao Jinyan sighed, wondering if Xiao Jiu could sleep in a strange place suddenly?

After the morning court the next day, the emperor was waiting for the prince.

As a result, the prince didn't wait for Xiao Jinyu to come.

"My son pays respects to Father Emperor."

The emperor looked at his son disappointedly, "Yu'er, what are you doing here?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "Father, it has been a few days since you promised your son and queen mother to meet Miss Han together."

Only now did the emperor think of going to see his son's sweetheart. These days Princess Xueyan poisoned Susu, and he wanted to coax the queen, and the princess moved into Fengyi Palace again...

"I've been too busy lately to forget."

Xiao Jinyu secretly rejoiced that he had made the trip, otherwise his father would not know when he would have remembered.

"Is Father free tomorrow?"

The emperor pondered for a moment and said: "Wait a minute, I'm a little busy these days, and I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, understand?"

Xiao Jinyu replied directly with what they said when they urged the marriage: "The sons and ministers are all eighteen, so there is no need to worry? The other eighteen sons of the princes will be soy sauce."

The emperor felt that there was some truth to the words, "It's just that I really can't get away now."

Xiao Jinyu continued: "My son is no longer in a hurry to get married, when will he be able to have both sons and daughters like the prince's brother?"

The emperor was stunned, "That also takes time."

"You don't need time to do anything? Your grandson will come one day late, day after day, day after day. Does your father understand?" Xiao Jinyu raised his voice and said .


Urged by his son, the emperor said, "How about tomorrow?"

"That's about the same. The emperor continues to work, and the minister will leave." Xiao Jinyu exited the imperial study with satisfaction.

After leaving the imperial study room, Xiao Jinyu hurried back to Qiancheng Hall to tell Miss Han to get her ready.

I didn't pay attention when turning, and hit the person on the opposite side, causing the pastry in the opponent's hand to fall to the ground, and the person fell backwards.

Xiao Jinyu also learned martial arts, and his reaction speed was considered fast, and he supported the opponent.

After seeing it clearly, she found that it was the person next to Grandma Huang, Wan Xin.

"Are you OK?"

Xiao Jinyu went to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to pay her respects to the Queen Mother, so Wan knew each other by heart.

She lowered her eyes slightly, "Minister is fine, thank you, King Yu." She said, looking down at the pastry on the ground, squatting down, picking up the pastry and saying regretfully: "Unfortunately, this pastry was given to the emperor by the empress dowager." of."

Xiao Jinyu blamed himself for walking too fast just now, so he also knelt down and picked it up for her, "I accidentally knocked it off, you go back and tell the truth, grandma won't blame you."

Wan Xin raised her head, and looked at the face in front of her that was six to seven points similar to the prince's. At the moment, she was earnestly helping her pick up pastries, which was completely different from the prince's indifference and alienation.

"It's the girl who didn't pay attention when she walked, how can you blame King Yu?"

It was the first time Xiao Jinyu met such a good-tempered and understanding woman.

"It's clear that this king knocked over the pastry accidentally by bumping into you... Forget it, I'll take you back."

Wan Xin shook her head, "You don't need to bother King Yu, the girl can go back by herself."

Xiao Jinyu said: "No trouble, this king is just going to pay his respects to Grandma Huang."

After Wanxin heard the words, she no longer refused, and the two returned to the Palace of Compassion and Tranquility together.

The emperor waited for a cup of tea in the imperial study, but he couldn't help feeling a little restless when he didn't see the prince.

"Eunuch Li, go and call the prince over."

ps: Second update

 Good afternoon, babies!

  Be coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!
(End of this chapter)

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