Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 416 After the Son Became a Wife and Slave, the Empress Almost Was Angry to Death, What a Swe

Chapter 416 After the Son Became a Wife and Slave, the Empress Almost Was Angry to Death, What a Sweet Kiss
Xiao Jinyu is indeed simple, kind-hearted, and takes great care of her sister-in-law.

Unlike Xiao Jinyan, who has a dark belly!
When Shen Chuwei thought of herself, her background was unknown, right?
If the Crown Prince and the Empress knew about it, they might have the same reaction.

However, Xiao Jinyu was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she is the empress' treasure, so it is normal for the empress to be so cautious.

Qian Chengdian

Xiao Jinyu asked Shangyi Bureau to order a set of beautiful and elegant dresses early in the morning.

The lake-green dress matched Miss Han's snow-white skin very well. Her temples were always simple and generous, with a peach blossom hairpin in her black hair.

Xiao Jinyu looked at the peach blossom hairpin and felt that it was too quiet, so he took out a hairpin inlaid with emeralds from the jewelry box, and came to Miss Han.

"The peach blossom hairpin on your head is too plain. This hairpin is a custom-made hairpin made by Yuzaosi, which is very beautiful and matches your clothes. I will change it for you."

Miss Han looked down at the hairpin inlaid with emeralds in his hand. It was indeed the handicraft of the master of the Royal Imperial Craftsman. Both the workmanship and the details were handled perfectly, which was unmatched by street vendors.

"No need, just a peach blossom hairpin."

Xiao Jinyu heard the words and thought she didn't like it, so she gave up.

"Then let's go, we can't let my father wait for us."

Although Xiao Jinyu was raised by the emperor's pampering, he became pampered and spoiled, and sometimes he would show his temper in front of the emperor.

But for the most part, Xiao Jinyu still respects his father.

Miss Han nodded, "Yes."

Xiao Jinyu took her all the way to Fengyi Palace.

On the way, he did not forget to appease her.

"My mother's descendants are very kind, and they get along very well with my sister-in-law. You don't have to be nervous. As for my father, although he is a bit fierce at times, he is still very kind, so you don't have to be afraid."

Miss Han listened quietly, and then replied: "With King Yu here, I will naturally not be afraid."

When this sentence reached Xiao Jinyu's ears, it meant that Miss Han's trust in him was also her dependence on him.

"You're right to think that way. As the saying goes, love the house and the crow, my father, the queen and the queen have always loved me the most, so naturally they won't treat you poorly."

Miss Han nodded upon hearing this.

When stepping into Fengyi Palace, Eunuch Ren went in to report.

The queen and Shen Chuwei also stopped talking.

Xiao Jinyu brought Miss Han to greet her.

"My son and minister send my mother's greetings, and my mother's blessings and gold are safe."

Then she looked at Shen Chuwei again, smiled and said, "Sister-in-law is well too."

Miss Han went forward and bowed down.

"The daughter of the people pays her respects to the Empress, and to the Crown Princess."

The queen waved her sleeves: "Get up."

"Thank you, empress." Miss Han got up from the ground and stood beside Xiao Jinyu.

This is the second time the Empress saw Miss Han, and the first time she saw it was when she went to Qiancheng Palace. At first, she thought it was a maidservant, but later she found out that it was Yu'er who brought her back from outside the palace.

Standing with her son, even though she is a little shorter than him, the girl's figure is still too tall.

The emperor rushed to Fengyi Palace after the morning court.

"The emperor is here." With Eunuch Li's shrill voice, he stepped into Fengyi Palace.

The queen led them to salute the emperor.

The emperor is blessed and safe. "

"Get up." The emperor stepped forward, helped the queen up, and sat down on the throne with her.

The emperor saw the woman next to Xiao Jinyu at a glance, because her appearance was too tall, it was easy for people to spot her.

It is not difficult to guess that this is the girl Yu'er wants to marry.

"Sit down and talk, too."

"Thank you, father." Xiao Jinyu and Miss Han sat down on the chairs on one side.

The emperor had seen countless people, but he had never seen such a tall woman. He asked coldly, "Why is Miss Han so tall? Is there any other reason?"

Xiao Jinyu explained: "Father, she is a barbarian from the north, and most of the women there are tall and burly."

The emperor glared at his son, "Did I ask you?"

Xiao Jinyu said: "The son's answer is the same."

Miss Han secretly tugged at Xiao Jinyu's sleeve, she raised her head to look at the emperor, and said slowly: "Back to the emperor, civilian girls were born in the northern barbarians, and they eat rough mothers. Only tall women can marry, they are too petite On the contrary, it is not good to marry."

Xiao Jinyu looked sideways at Miss Han. It was the first time he had heard the saying that a tall woman should marry well, and felt a little novel.

The emperor of the barbarian land in the north had heard of it, and there were indeed rumors that the heroine was tall and tall.

"Then why did you appear in Daxia?"

"A family member fell ill and died, and the daughter of the people bumped all the way to make a living, but was sold to Daxia by human traffickers..."

Before Miss Han finished speaking, Xiao Jinyu hurriedly answered: "Fortunately, I met my minister, and I drew my sword to help when I met injustice, and saved Miss Han, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Miss Han raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyu, Xiao Jinyu showed her a comforting smile, his eyes seemed to say, it's okay with him.

The emperor looked at his son coldly, he hadn't married yet, so he helped him with every sentence, will he still be able to return when he gets married?

The emperor turned to look at the queen, "What does the queen think?"

The queen said lightly: "The concubine listens to the emperor, and Yu'er likes it, then respect Yu'er's choice."

The emperor: "..." You said you listened to me, but did you want to follow Yu'er's ideas? "

Xiao Jinyu heard the queen's words, and said happily: "Father and queen mother, my son thinks that the fifteenth day of the next month is an auspicious day to marry, what do you think?"


Queen: "..."

Shen Chuwei didn't dare to say anything, but he still admired Xiao Jinyu in his heart. He even picked the date, which also showed that he was already planning before telling the emperor and queen~
The emperor said angrily: "The order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, you haven't written your horoscope yet, the days are already counted?"

The queen tugged at the emperor's sleeve, looked at her son and said warmly, "As King Yu, getting married is not just a matter of a few words, you have to let Qin Tian monitor your luck."

Xiao Jinyu said: "I know, that's why I came to ask you."

The emperor said patiently: "The next [-]th is too hasty, the hunting in Qiuwei will start soon, and the marriage will have to be discussed after the hunting in Qiuwei."

Xiao Jinyu is not an unreasonable person, he naturally has to do a grand marriage, so that Miss Han can marry into the Palace of Qiancheng.

"There, the minister listens to the father, the queen and the queen."

After speaking, he pulled Miss Han to stand up, and both of them knelt on the ground.

Both the emperor and the empress were taken aback by the sudden gift, and shrank back subconsciously.

They know Xiao Jinyu too well, and they don't know how to give a big gift for nothing, and a big gift must be a big request.

"Thank you, father, queen, and queen."

The emperor figured it out, his son did it on purpose, they hadn't explicitly agreed to the marriage, and his son brought Miss Han a big gift, which meant they agreed.

Xiao Jinyu raised his head and said with a smile: "Father, Empress, should you give some greeting gifts to the future daughter-in-law?"


Queen: "..."

Before the day to talk about marriage, you start asking for a gift?Moreover, the son asked for it for his future daughter-in-law. Can this son still ask for it?

Shen Chuwei didn't know how much self-control it took to keep herself from laughing out loud. She was sure that Xiao Jinyu was his wife and slave and didn't run away.

The son spoke up, and the queen couldn't let her son lose face, so she asked Qingying to go to the storeroom to get a set of hairpins and give it to Miss Han herself.

"This set of hairpins is my favorite set, and now I give it to you."

Miss Han took it with both hands, thanking her verbally, "Thank you, empress."

Xiao Jinyu said: "You have to change your name to mother queen."-
Queen: "..."

The emperor saw that his son was getting more and more aggressive, and even asked for a meeting.

"Okay, I still have something to discuss with the queen, so you all go back first."

"My son retire."

Xiao Jinyu took Miss Han out.

Shen Chuwei followed suit.

As soon as the person left, the emperor couldn't help but said, "Queen, do you think this marriage is reliable? Look at Yu'er who is so protective before she gets married, but after she gets married, it's okay?"

The queen said: "The emperor can't do it himself, why can't he let his son do it?"

The emperor hurriedly explained: "Queen, I didn't mean that."

"What does that mean? Isn't it that a husband shouldn't protect his wife like this?" The queen snorted, stood up, turned her head and left.

The emperor felt that he had been wronged. He was obviously talking about his son, so why did he blame him?Who said he didn't protect his wife?

The emperor, who was being wronged, saw his son who had gone and returned, "Why are you back again?"

"Father, this son-in-law is here to tell Father that Qiuwei Hunting will take your future daughter-in-law with him."


After the son left, the emperor heard the baby shouting: "Papa... hug..."

He stood up and came to the little bed, and saw Susu woke up, sitting next to her brother, holding his hand with her little hand, trying to wake him up.

Seeing Grandpa Huang coming, she immediately let go of her brother's hand, and reached out to Grandpa Huang to hug him.

The emperor looked at Susu with such a sweet smile, the grievance just now disappeared immediately, and he hugged Susu.

"It's better to be a granddaughter, she will only make grandpa happy."

Susu hugged Grandpa Huang's neck, pouted and smacked Grandpa Huang's face.

The emperor was startled for a moment, then laughed happily, and went to look for the queen with Susu in his arms.

"Queen, Susu kissed me."

At this time, the Palace of Compassion

The queen mother learned that the emperor would take the princes and courtiers to go hunting in Qiuwei in two days, and seeing Wanxin's virtuous appearance, she wanted to settle the marriage as soon as possible.

"Wanxin, tidy up, let's go to the imperial study."

Wan Xin nodded warmly: "Okay."

There is still some distance between the Compassionate Ning Palace and the Imperial Study Room, and the Empress Dowager went there in a sedan chair.

When the emperor learned that the queen mother had come in person, he quickly put down the memorial in his hand and stood up to greet her.

"Empress, if you need anything, just let me go to the Palace of Compassion and Peace. How can I let you go there in person?"

The emperor helped the queen mother to sit down on the chair.

The queen mother raised her head to look at the emperor, smiled and said, "The emperor has so many things to do every day, how can he have so much free time? Ai's family just has nothing to do, so let's relax."

The emperor sat back on the dragon chair, and asked in a warm voice: "The mother came to see me later, is there something important?"

ps: Second update

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(End of this chapter)

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