Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 417 The Emperor Doesn’t Want to Take the Hot Potato

Chapter 417 The Emperor Doesn’t Want to Take the Hot Potato
The Empress Dowager couldn't directly mention it straight to the point. She said it very euphemistically: "Emperor, hasn't Yu'er married yet? She is eighteen, and it's time to start a family. The other princes who are as old as him are all fathers. The emperor It should also be reminded."

The emperor was very familiar with these words, because Yu'er reminded him of them yesterday.

"What the queen mother said makes sense. I've already been thinking about it."

The queen mother raised her head to look at Wanxin, took her hand, and looked at the emperor with a kind smile on her face: "Wanxin is gentle, virtuous, and understanding. The Ai family wants to betroth Wanxin to Yu'er. The emperor thinks how about?"

Wan Xin lowered her eyes, looking shy.

The emperor knew that it would not be a trivial matter for the Queen Mother to come in person. It turned out that he wanted to find a husband for Wanxin. Yu'er was not married and had no intentions. A woman like Wanxin was indeed suitable for Yu'er.

It's just that Yu'er just asked to marry Miss Han.

It is not impossible to marry two people at the same time.

"Mother, Yu'er is already dead, and many things need his own wishes. Miss Wanxin is really good, and we have to see if Yu'er agrees."

The Queen Mother laughed happily: "Yu'er is definitely willing, and she personally sent Wanxin back to the Palace of Compassion and Peace yesterday. The two were chatting and laughing. Who wouldn't love a girl like Wanxin?"

Seeing the queen mother smiling so happily, the emperor felt that it was necessary to mention his son's proposal to marry Miss Han today.

"My mother, Yu'er has asked me to marry Miss Han as my concubine."

The smile on the Empress Dowager's face froze, and she asked suspiciously, "Who is Miss Han?"

Wan Xin raised her head to look at the emperor when she heard the words, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

The emperor smiled and said: "Miss Han was brought into the palace by Yu'er from outside the palace two years ago. The two have been in love for a long time, and only then did they propose today."

The Empress Dowager said worriedly: "Why does Yu'er bring everyone into the palace? Yu'er has a simple mind, so maybe that Miss Han used some means."

The emperor said: "I also have this concern, but Miss Han has been with Yu'er for more than two years, and she has been very peaceful."

The Empress Dowager asked: "Has the emperor agreed to Yu'er's marriage to that Han girl?"

The emperor said: "Mother, Yu'er has been spoiled and spoiled since childhood, and I respect his choice. He likes Miss Han, so I won't interfere too much."

The Empress Dowager said earnestly: "Then no matter what, you must marry a woman who knows everything about you as your concubine. No one is more suitable than Wan Xin."

"What the queen mother said makes sense." The emperor couldn't refuse the queen mother's proposal. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Then I asked Yu'er what do you mean?"

Now that the matter has come to an end, the Empress Dowager nodded in agreement with the emperor's proposal, "Then ask the emperor, Wanxin is a rare and good girl."

The emperor sent the queen mother away, so he asked Eunuch Li to call King Yu over.

When Xiao Jinyu came, the emperor was drinking tea to refresh himself. He often couldn't sleep well these days, and he was very sleepy during the day.

"Father, what's the matter with calling your son over?"

The emperor put down the teacup and said slowly: "It's not a big deal, but the Queen Mother wants to point Miss Wanxin to you, and I want to ask you what you mean."

Xiao Jinyu immediately became unhappy when he heard this, "Is there any need to ask about this matter? I only asked my father and queen mother for marriage today, and my father and queen mother also agreed. How could my son marry someone else as a concubine?"

The emperor looked at his son's excited appearance, he was very empress-like, and could get angry at anything.

"What I mean is that Miss Wanxin is gentle, virtuous, understanding, and a good girl. You can marry both Miss Han and Miss Wanxin."

Xiao Jinyu also expressed his attitude, "No matter how good Miss Wanxin is, I only want to marry Miss Han alone."

Hearing the words, the emperor raised his eyes and looked at his son in front of him for a long time, until Xiao Jinyu was frightened by the look.

"Father, why did Grandma Huang point out Wanxin to my son? Grandma Huang likes Wanxin very much? Wanxin is gentle and understanding, so why not stay by her side to serve her? Why are you willing to push Wanxin away?" Woolen cloth?"

Emperor: "..." Girls are going to get married too!
Xiao Jinyu began to say good things for Miss Han, "Father, don't look at Miss Han like a snow lotus on the iceberg, that's just superficial, but she is actually very kind and gentle."

Just not so gentle sometimes~

The emperor thought to himself, what does Miss Han have to do with me being gentle or not?If you marry a shrew, you are the one who suffers, not me!
"Okay, this matter will be discussed after Qiuwei comes back from hunting. I still have important things to do, so you can go back."

"The minister there will leave."

Xiao Jinyu will not stay soon, because he has to go back to pack up and prepare for the autumn hunt.

The queen mother waited for the letter, and in the evening, she went to the emperor to inquire about the result.

The emperor was a little surprised seeing the queen mother being so caring, which also showed that Wanxin was very fond of the queen mother, otherwise how could a folk girl be so caring?
"Emperor, what did Yu'er say?"

The emperor said tactfully: "Mother, Yu'er said that Miss Wanxin is indeed gentle, virtuous, and understanding, but he has already agreed to marry Miss Han, so he doesn't want to wrong Miss Wanxin."

The queen mother was a little anxious, but she made a decision in front of Wanxin, and she couldn't do what she said.

"If you don't want to wrong Miss Wanxin, then marry Wanxin as the main concubine. As for that Miss Han, it's okay to be a side concubine."

The emperor nodded, "Queen, let's go hunting in the autumn circle again, how about we discuss it after the hunting in the autumn circle?"

The Queen Mother paused when she heard the words, "Is Yu'er also going to Qiuwei to hunt?"

The emperor said: "Well, Yu will take Miss Han to go together."

The queen mother thought for a while, and suddenly suggested: "Then let Wanxin go along, just to cultivate a relationship, maybe Yu'er finds that Wanxin is better than that Han girl, and changes her mind."

The emperor raised his eyes to look at Wan Xin, but he couldn't take advantage of the Queen Mother's kindness, so he nodded in agreement.

Within two days it was hunting in Qiuwei. Chang Liangyuan got the news that Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan would follow, but she didn't get the news that she could go.

Why can Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan go, but she can't?
Seeing that day was approaching, Chang Liangyuan couldn't sit still anymore, got up and went to Fengyi Palace.

When I went there, I happened to see Shen Chuwei playing with the child in his arms.

Didn't she see that Shen Chuwei was so clever, not only could he be favored by Xiao Jinyan, but he could also curry favor with the queen and live in Fengyi Palace?
She stepped forward and blessed the body, "Prince Princess."

Shen Chu glanced at Chang Liangyuan lightly and did not speak.

Chang Liangyuan snorted in her heart, isn't she the princess?What airs are you putting on?
"I'm here to find my aunt, excuse me." Chang Liangyuan went to find the queen after finishing speaking.

The queen was watering the flowers in the garden, when she saw Chang Liangyuan coming, she said calmly, "Why are you here?"

Chang Liangyuan stepped forward to bless Fushen, "Auntie, I heard that my aunt is going to hunt in Qiuwei, and Lan'er wants to accompany my aunt so that she can take care of her."

The queen said lightly: "It's enough that you have this kind of filial piety, and it's enough that this palace has Qingying to take care of it."

Unwillingly, Chang Liangyuan said again: "Auntie, on the way, Lan'er can still chat with Auntie to relieve boredom."

The queen was a little relieved to see the flowers blooming so well.

She raised her head and looked at Chang Liangyuan, "With the Crown Princess and the others on the road, I won't feel bored."

Chang Liangyuan felt that the queen was becoming more and more indifferent to her, which must have been caused by Shen Chuwei's sowing discord in the middle.

She stepped forward and took the Queen's arm and said, "Auntie, Lan'er wants to go with you."

The queen said: "You are not in good health, and you are tired from the journey. You should rest in the palace."

Chang Liangyuan felt a little dissatisfied when she saw that the queen didn't let her in. My aunt, who used to love me in every possible way, was so kind to outsiders.

"Susu should wake up now, I'm going to hug my granddaughter." The queen put down the water bottle to hug her grandchildren.

Chang Liangyuan stomped her feet angrily, unwilling to give up at this point, she turned her head and went to the Palace of Compassion and Peace.

The Empress Dowager just woke up from a nap when she saw Chang Liangyuan coming and said with a smile: "Girl Lan'er, the Ai family knows that you are filial, you don't have to come every day, the Ai family understands in their hearts."

"Grandma Huang is Lan'er's own grandma. She comes here every day because she likes it." Chang Liangyuan smiled all over her face. Thinking of hunting in Qiuwei, she pretended to be casual and said, "Your Highness will go hunting in Qiuwei in two days." Lan'er will not see His Highness for a while."

The Empress Dowager didn't hear the implication in Chang Liangyuan's words, she comforted: "It only takes half a month to go back and forth in Qiuwei, and it will pass soon."

Seeing that the Queen Mother didn't understand, Chang Liangyuan continued her efforts: "That's what I said, but Lan'er is a little bit reluctant to part with His Highness, it would be nice if we were together every day."

The queen mother saw Wanxin who was busy, and hurriedly reminded: "Wanxin, have you packed your things?"

Wan Xin smiled slightly, "Queen Mother, I will clean up later."

When Chang Liangyuan heard this, she subconsciously thought that Wanxin was going to leave the palace, and she was overjoyed. Without Wanxin, the Empress Dowager's attention would be on her.

"Grandma Huang, is Miss Wanxin leaving the palace? Lan Er and Wanxin have feelings for each other after getting along for a long time, and she is still a little bit reluctant."

The Empress Dowager laughed when she heard the words: "I'm not going out of the palace, I'm going hunting in Qiuwei with me, and I'll be back in about half a month, so don't be reluctant."

Chang Liangyuan was stunned when she heard the words, feeling extremely unbalanced.

It's fine if Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan can go hunting in Qiuwei, why can Wan Xin go with them?And she can't?
On the surface she pretended not to care and asked: "Grandma Huang, did the Emperor ask Wan Xin to go with her?"

ps: three shifts

Many babies asked if Miss Han was a boy or a girl.

Why did Wanxin fall in love with Xiao Jinyu again?

There will be explanations later, and the babies can also guess.

 By the way, let me explain, there must be a reason for this arrangement, the young master has been focusing on writing pet articles for 500 years!

  Good evening, babies!

  Be coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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