Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 422 Don't be ambiguous, straight men can't flirt

Chapter 422 Don't be ambiguous, straight men can't flirt
Shen Chuwei's old spirit was there, staring at the rabbit that ran away, "It would be fine if I was stupid enough to crash into a tree."

As soon as the words fell, the rabbit panicked and bumped into the opposite tree, and passed out directly.

Concubine Xu opened her eyes wide, and excitedly grabbed Shen Chuwei's hand, "The rabbit really hit the tree, Crown Princess, you are amazing."

Tao Liangyuan was also stunned, "Is this okay?"

Shen Chuwei chuckled twice, trotted over, bent down to pick up the wild rabbit on the ground, and returned happily.

"Now I have roasted rabbits."

Concubine Xu stared at the wild rabbit in Shen Chuwei's hand for a long time, and when she looked up at Shen Chuwei, she still couldn't believe it: "Crown Princess, is this how you used to catch rabbits?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "That's right, I do this every time I catch rabbits, every time I catch one, I'm sure."

Concubine Xu gave a thumbs up, "Excellent!"

Chunxi saw Shen Chuwei from a distance, she trotted over, saw the rabbit in Shen Chuwei's hand, and said excitedly: "Master, you are so fast, you caught the rabbit so quickly."

Shen Chuwei was quite proud, "That's natural."

Tao Liangyuan noticed that Chunxi's face was extremely red, and asked suspiciously: "Chunxi, are you sick? Your face is so red."

Chunxi touched her face when she heard the words, and found that it was very hot, and she knew it was red without looking.

Hearing this, Shen Chuwei freed one hand to grab Chunxi's wrist, resting her fingers on her pulse, and shook her head after a few seconds, "Chunxi is in good health and is not sick."

Chunxi thought of what happened just now, and guessed why her face was so red, she hurriedly took the wild rabbit from Shen Chuwei's hand.

"Slave is fine, shall we go roast the rabbit?"

Concubine Xu said: "Let's go, let's go, I'm getting hungry."

Shen Chuwei was also hungry, and the group walked back.

Meeting Qin Xiao on the way, Chunxi was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Qin Xiao to follow, thinking of what he said just now, the heat on her cheeks just dropped, and now she started to feel hot again.

Qin Xiao stepped forward and clasped his fists in salute, "Crown Princess, Concubine Xu, Tao Liangyuan."

With Shen Chuwei's puzzled Qin Xiao, shouldn't Xiao Jinyan's bodyguard follow Xiao Jinyan closely?
"Guard Qin, why are you here?"

Qin Xiao looked up at Chunxi, "This subordinate followed Chunxi."

Seeing Chunxi holding the wild rabbit in her hand, she took the initiative to take the wild rabbit from her hand, "I'll help you."

Chunxi was so embarrassed that Qin Xiao took the wild rabbit away before she realized it and blushed even more.

Concubine Xu looked at the actions of the two of them, and said with a smile: "The Qin guard and Chunxi are on good terms."

Shen Chu slightly nodded in agreement, "Of course, I live next door to Your Highness, and they are very familiar with each other."

Tao Liangyuan saw that Chunxi's face was red again, and that little girl's behavior was twitchy, so she couldn't help but joked, "I see that Guard Qin and Miss Chunxi are more than just related, okay?"

Qin Xiao looked down at Chunxi and said, "I'll deal with the rabbit."

Chunxi lowered her head and didn't look at Qin Xiao, just go, what are you telling me?Really are.

Seeing that Chunxi ignored him, Qin Xiao said again: "Chunxi, you can go with me, I can just give it to you after I finish."

Shen Chuwei and Xu Tao looked at the two in front of them without blinking, and they all felt that something was wrong.

Chunxi found that Shen Chuwei and the others were watching, she was ashamed and annoyed, "I'm not going."

Seeing that Chunxi was unwilling, Qin Xiao couldn't force her, so he took the wild rabbit and went to the river to deal with it.

After Qin Xiao left, Chunxi breathed a sigh of relief.

A group of people returned to the camp and began to build a fire.

Firewood is readily available as it is prepared ahead of time at this time of year.

Chunxi prepared the shelf and the condiments in advance, waiting for the rabbit.

It was the first time for Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan to set up a bonfire outside to roast rabbits, which was novelty and anticipation.

Qin Xiao has always been working very fast, and within a short time, he brought the cleaned rabbit and handed it to Chunxi.

Chunxi raised her head. When the rabbit was taken from Qin Xiao's hand, she was embarrassed to look at Qin Xiao. After taking the rabbit away, she lowered her head and started to pickle it.

Seeing that Chunxi still ignored him, Qin Xiao felt even more that he had said something wrong just now. As the prince's personal bodyguard, he didn't have so much free time, so he had to find time to admit his mistake.

After Qin Xiao left, Chunxi dared to raise his head.

At this time, in the emperor's camp
After the emperor left, only the empress stayed in the camp, and Qing Ying was there to serve her personally.

After resting for an hour, people also slowed down.

After living with the babies for a period of time, every day is very lively, and I am not used to looking at the quiet tent.

Qingying brought a new cup of tea and put it in front of the queen, and asked in a gentle voice: "Empress, are you hungry? This servant has someone prepare something to eat."

The queen shook her head, "I have no appetite."

Thinking of Shen Chuwei, she suddenly raised her head to look at Qingying, "Go and see the princess."

Qingying responded, "OK."

After the queen left the tent, she walked towards the prince's tent, and smelled the fragrance before she got there.

She asked Qingying suspiciously, "Qingying, do you smell the fragrance?"

Qingying said: "This servant can smell it, it seems to be the smell of barbecue."

The queen was actually already hungry, but she didn't have much appetite. Now she smelled the aroma of barbecue, and her appetite immediately came back.

"Who is grilling meat at this time? Go and have a look."

The queen smelled the fragrance all the way to find it, and saw a fire not far away, with a few people sitting beside it, and the fragrance came from there.

When they got closer, the empress agreed that the ones sitting by the fire were none other than the crown prince and side concubine Xu.

"You guys will enjoy it, will you start roasting rabbits now?"

Shen Chu slightly raised his head and saw the Queen coming, he stood up to meet her, "Queen Mother, you came just in time, we are roasting rabbits."

Xu Tao and the two also stood up and blessed themselves with Shen Chuwei.

The queen got an appetite after smelling the smell, she smiled and said: "You guys are quite fast, but I am indeed a little hungry, just in time."

With Qingying's support, she sat on a small stool by the fire, and by the way invited them to sit down too.

"I'll go and prepare some condiments." Shen Chuwei stood up and ran all the way into the tent, taking out hot sauce and pancakes.

Grilled rabbit meat in crepe rolls can reduce greasy.

Pancakes are pre-made and placed in the space, which has the function of refrigeration and preservation, and the food can be kept without deterioration.

When Shen Chuwei came back with the condiments, everyone looked over with curiosity and more anticipation.

Watching Shen Chuwei place the contents of the tray on the table one by one, hot sauce, and thin pancakes.

There is also a pot of hot tea to relieve greasy.

The queen was hungry and couldn't wait to bake the rabbit. She looked at the pancakes on the table and asked Shen Chuwei curiously, "Crown princess, how do you eat these pancakes?"

Shen Chuwei poured a cup of tea for the queen, concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan each.

"The crepes are not very tasty on their own, but the roasted rabbit meat is still delicious."

The queen said regretfully: "I thought I could eat it alone."

Here, Chunxi has already roasted the rabbit meat, put it aside to cool, and sprinkle some green onion and sesame seeds by the way.

After cooling for a while, he took a knife and began to slice the meat off and put it on a plate.

The queen and others waited for Shen Chuwei to demonstrate.

Shen Chuwei was also polite, picked up the pancake and put it in the palm of his hand, put two pieces of rabbit meat on the pancake, brushed some hot sauce on it, rolled it up, put it in his mouth and took a bite, the taste was even more delicious than roast duck.

Qingying knew that the queen was hungry, so after Shen Chuwei finished demonstrating, she picked up the pancake, sandwiched two pieces of roasted rabbit meat, spread some hot sauce on it, rolled it up and handed it to the queen, "Queen, you can eat."

The queen was hungry for a long time, so she couldn't wait to take a bite, and found that the taste was even better than expected.

"This roasted rabbit meat is really delicious."

Qingying continued to roll the pancakes.

Concubine Xu followed suit, and she was full of praise when she ate it.

While eating, Shen Chuwei didn't forget to give Chunxi a roll.

Chun Xi was busy slicing the meat and couldn't spare her hands, so she finished it in two bites, feeling happy because his master would never forget her every time he ate.

Shen Chuwei took a sip of tea, took the pancake and continued to roll the meat.

Concubine Xu said while eating: "Following the crown princess, delicious food is absolutely indispensable."

The queen nodded in agreement when she heard the words, "I agree with what Concubine Xu said."

Shen Chuwei stared at the rabbit skeleton while eating, it's a pity to just throw it away.


Xiao Jinyu has caught the rabbit before, and knows where to catch the little rabbit quickly.

A little gray rabbit might have lost its way, and it happened to be caught by Xiao Jinyu.

Xiao Jinyu looked down at the fluffy little rabbit in his hand, walked back happily, and saw Wanxin walking this way.

"How did you come?"

"The girl has nothing to do, so she came here to see what King Yu is doing." Wan Xin looked down at the little rabbit in Xiao Jinyu's hand, and exclaimed, "What a cute rabbit."

Xiao Jinyu looked at the little rabbit in his hand quite proudly, "Of course."

Wan looked at Xiao Jinyu expectantly, "King Yu, can you let the girl hug the little rabbit?"

Xiao Jinyu directly refused, "No, this is for Miss Han."

Wan Xin paused, looked at Xiao Jinyu's extremely serious eyes, and said unwillingly: "The girl is just hugging."

Xiao Jinyu still refused very simply, "If it's not for Miss Han, I can give you a hug, but for Miss Han, no one else can touch it."

Seeing Xiao Jinyu's insistence, Wan Xin didn't insist, "Okay."

On the way back, Wanxin found that Xiao Jinyu was walking so fast that she couldn't keep up at all. She stared at the little rabbit in Xiao Jinyu's hand, but didn't notice the vines under her feet, and accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.


Xiao Jinyu turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw Wanxin who had fallen to the ground. She must have fallen so hard that her eyes were red.

He sighed, so weak, what are you doing here?Isn't it a waste of time for me to go back?
Xiao Jinyu had no choice but to walk back, and squatted down in front of Wanxin, "Are you okay? Let's go on if it's okay."

Wan Xin sat up on the ground, rubbed her sore knee, tears were hanging on her eyebrows.

ps: three shifts

 Good evening babies!
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(End of this chapter)

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