Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 423 Your Highness, Concubines Are Afraid of Widowhood

Chapter 423 Your Highness, Concubines Are Afraid of Widowhood

"Minister is fine." Wanxin rubbed her sore knee, then stood up with force.

Seeing that she could stand up, Xiao Jinyu also stood up, "Then go back, I'm afraid Miss Han has been waiting for a long time."

"Yeah." Wan Xin nodded obediently.

Seeing that there was no problem, Xiao Jinyu withdrew his gaze and continued walking, because he was anxious to give the little rabbit in his hand to Miss Han, so his pace was a little anxious.

Wan Xin's knee hurts, and she walks slower than usual, and can't keep up with Xiao Jinyu's pace at all. After a while, she falls behind a lot.

Xiao Jinyu walked eagerly, and as she walked, she thought that Wanxin was a girl, and she should know girls better, so she began to inquire about girls' preferences.

"Wanxin, what do you think girls usually like? Miss Han is cold-tempered. She usually just reads books, waters flowers and so on, and I don't know her specific preferences."

After waiting for a long time and seeing no answer from Wanxin, he turned his head suspiciously to the side, but saw no one, and looked behind him again, but there was still no sign of Wanxin.

"Where have people gone?"

Xiao Jinyu raised his head and found that Wanxin was far behind, walking slowly with a limp.

"It's better to stay in the tent."

Xiao Jinyu walked back helplessly, seeing her slowly, although anxious, there was nothing he could do, he couldn't leave her and go back alone.

"Are you seriously injured?"

Wan Xin frowned, and replied nonchalantly, "My knee hurts, especially when walking."

Looking at her appearance, Xiao Jinyu guessed that she was in pain, and he comforted him: "If it hurts, then walk slowly, the king will not leave you alone and go first."

Wan Xin: "..."

In this way, Xiao Jinyu accompanied the limping Wanxin, and slowly returned to the tent area.

Arriving at the entrance of the tent, Wan Xin was about to go in, but Xiao Jinyu suddenly stopped and stood right in front of her.

"After you go back, ask the imperial doctor to show you, in case the wound is serious, it won't heal. There is nothing you need to do here in this Palace, you just need to rest at ease."

After Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, he opened the curtain and walked in, leaving Wanxin standing at the door of the tent.

Listening to Xiao Jinyu's words, Wanxin couldn't understand Xiao Jinyu, she obviously cared about her very much, why didn't she bring her back when her knee was injured?
Is it because men and women are not close?

Then he ordered her to see the imperial doctor, fearing that the wound would be serious, why didn't he take her into the camp and ask the imperial doctor to come over to have a look?

Xiao Jinyu is gentle and nice, why does it feel weird?

Xiao Jinyu walked in happily carrying the little rabbit, and when he saw Miss Han who was sitting at the table reading a book, he strode over.

"Miss Han, look, I caught a rabbit."

Miss Han put down the book in her hand and looked up at Xiao Jinyu, only to see his excited face, and then she looked at the little rabbit in his hand.

The little rabbit should be born not long ago, and the fur on its body is still fluff
Xiao Jinyu put the little rabbit in front of her as if offering a treasure, and looked at her expectantly, "Do you like it?"

Miss Han stretched out her slender fingers and poked the little rabbit's head. The little rabbit trembled in fright and dared not move.

She looked up at Xiao Jinyu, "I like it very much."

"As long as you like it." Xiao Jinyu looked at the little rabbit happily. It will take a lot of time for it to grow to be as big as a round one.

He looked up at Miss Han and asked, "Are you hungry?"

Miss Han nodded, "A little bit."

"I smelled the smell of barbecue on the way back just now, you wait, I'll look for it, and bring some back for you to eat."

Xiao Jinyu went out happily.

Miss Han looked down at the little rabbit in front of her, and reached out to touch it.

Shen Chuwei stared at the skeleton for a long time, she chuckled, "Chun Xi, cut the skeleton into pieces, and fry it in the oil pan."

Tao Liangyuan swallowed the rabbit meat in her mouth, and then asked, "Is this still edible?"

The queen looked over with curiosity, "Crown princess, what are you frying the bones for?"

"Mother, you will know later." Shen Chuwei stood up and went to prepare the seasoning.

After Chunxi cut the skeleton, he took an iron pan and put it on the fire, poured oil on it, and put the skeleton into it for deep frying.

When Xiao Jinyu came, he saw his mother, and he came over curiously, "My mother, what are you eating? It smells so good."

When the queen saw her son coming, she waved to him, "Eat roasted rabbit meat, come and eat some."

"No wonder my son smelled the fragrance." Xiao Jinyu came over and looked at the grilled rabbit meat, peppers, and pancakes on the table. He turned his head and asked the queen, "Queen, how do you eat these pancakes?"

"The queen mother will teach you." The queen proudly picked up the pancake and put it on the plate in front of her, put two pieces of rabbit meat on it, smeared some hot sauce, rolled it up and put it in her mouth, took a bite and started to eat.

Xiao Jinyu met, took some pancakes, put some roasted rabbits on a plate, and poured some chili sauce. When he was about to leave, he saw Chunxi fish out a pile of bones from the oil pan.

"Sister-in-law, what are these bones doing?"

"Eat, otherwise what do you think?" Shen Chuwei said as he sprinkled the prepared seasoning into the bone, then stirred it evenly with chopsticks, and could smell a different aroma from roasted rabbit meat.

After stirring evenly, Shen Chuwei poured the skeleton into the soup basin.

Xiao Jinyu felt a little greedy when he saw it, so he picked up the empty plate and handed it over, "Sister-in-law, give me some."

Shen Chuwei poured all the remaining skeletons into the plate that Xiao Jinyu stretched out.

"Thank you sister-in-law." Xiao Jinyu happily turned around with the food and walked towards the tent.

The queen looked at her son's actions, and she knew without asking, that the son was taking food and giving it to Miss Han. As expected, she knew how to love someone when she had a daughter-in-law.

No, not the daughter-in-law yet.

Shen Chuwei picked up a bone and put it into his mouth to eat, not forgetting to remind the queen, "Queen, you should taste the salt and pepper skeleton."

The queen saw that they were all eating, and when Qingying picked up a piece and put it in the bowl in front of her, she couldn't wait to pick it up and put it in her mouth to taste it.

She found that the bones were fried and seasoned, and the taste was so delicious.

In fact, this is the same method as Peking duck. Peking duck is eaten with pancakes and shredded green onions and cucumbers in sauce.

The roasted duck skeleton can be deep-fried to make salt and pepper skeleton, which is equally delicious.

Everyone ate and drank and returned to their tents satisfied.

When Shen Chuwei returned to the tent, she lay down on the couch. After eating and drinking, she didn't bother to move.

When Xiao Jinyan came back from the outside, he saw Shen Chuwei lying motionless on the couch. He stepped over and sat down on the couch.

Shen Chuwei heard the movement, opened her eyes, and saw Xiao Jinyan, she propped herself up and lay on her side looking at him.

"Your Highness, are you done?"

Xiao Jinyan looked at her slightly red face and nodded: "Well, you just woke up?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "The concubine has woken up a long time ago, and just had a meal with everyone."

Only then did Xiao Jinyan understand why she looked lazy and sleepy, because she had already eaten and drank enough.

"Will you go hunting with me tomorrow?"

Shen Chuwei yawned and said, "The concubine is not interested in riding and shooting, but the concubine will cheer for His Highness on the platform."

Xiao Jinyan is also afraid that she will be hurt, so that the problem of worry can be better resolved.

"Well, as long as you're happy."

Shen Chuwei suddenly remembered the hunting incident the year before last, she grabbed Xiao Jinyan's sleeve and asked, "No one will harm His Highness this time, right?"

Xiao Jin said: "You don't need to worry about these things, I will handle them well."

Shen Chuwei sat up, and said very seriously: "How can I not be worried? I don't want to be a widow."

Xiao Jin said: "..." Can't you just hope for him?

He held her hand tightly, looked at her fixedly, and comforted her: "Don't think about it, I'm not that weak, and my life is not something anyone can take away."

Shen Chu nodded slightly: "This is naturally the best."

Xiao Jinyan: "There is a bonfire party tonight, and I'm going to attend it when I'm ready."

What attracted Shen Chuwei was not the bonfire party, but a lot of barbecues, all kinds of barbecues.

The bonfire party will be held as in previous years.

The queen follows the emperor and sits on the throne, where everyone can see clearly.

Shen Chuwei attended with Xiao Jinyan.

At the same time, there are Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan. This is their first time participating, so they are inevitably very excited.

Chunxi followed behind, and Qin Xiao happened to be there too.

While everyone was listening to the emperor, Qin Xiao grabbed Chun Xi's hand and left.

Chunxi looked at Qin Xiao suspiciously, and was forced to keep up with him, "What are you doing?"

Qin Xiao tightly grasped Chunxi's wrist, and said, "I have something to tell you, it only takes a while."

When Chunxi heard this, she looked back at Shen Chuwei and followed Qin Xiao.

It was a little far away from the bonfire before Qin Xiao stopped.

Chunxi was so nervous that she didn't know what Qin Xiao would say?
ps: One update

 Good night spicy!

  Acting like a baby and being cute, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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