Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 428 In order to save her from being injured, she asked the man in black for snow balls

Chapter 428 In order to save her from being injured, she asked the man in black for snow balls

Xue Tuan let the man in black hug him, raised his hairy head and stared at the man in black, as if curious.

The man in black looked down at the cat in his arms. His whole body was snow-white and his eyes were azure blue. The more he looked, the more he looked like Xiao Jiu's pet, but it was much bigger.

If it is Xiao Jiu's pet, does it mean that Xiao Jiu is not only safe, but may be here?
There was no clue about Xiaojiu for a long time, and hope was rekindled in the disheartened heart of the man in black.

The man in black hugged the cat and couldn't wait to find someone.

At this time, in the depths of the forest, a vigorous figure rushed towards this side quickly.

When Chu Zhao saw his master, he stepped forward and clasped his fists.

"Master, what are you doing here?"

When the man in black saw his subordinate coming down, he happily raised the cat in his hand and said, "Do you think this cat is very similar to Xiao Jiu's pet?"

Chu Zhao carefully looked at the cat in the master's arms, "It looks like it, but this one is too big, it can be a father."

Before he finished speaking, the man in black gave him a slap.

"After so many years, can't it grow up?"

Chu Zhao immediately nodded and admitted his mistake when he heard the words, "What the master said makes sense, but the subordinates didn't think far enough."

Xue Tuan looked at the two master and servant in front of him in a daze, and said, should I be sent home?
The man in black looked down at the cat in his arms, then raised his head and said to Chu Zhao, "I'm going to find someone."

Chu Zhao asked suspiciously: "Where can I find someone?"

The man in black ignored Chu Zhao and left with the cat in his arms.

Chu Zhao sighed, who are you looking for?In the past two years, I ran to the palace n times and found no one. Instead, I often went to look for that side concubine Xu.

They are married women!

He didn't dare to say these words in front of his master, for fear of being beaten~
The sun was approaching noon, and it was stronger than in the morning. After walking for a while, I was hot and sweaty.

Shen Chuwei and the others also returned to change seats and sat down, making a false alarm and drinking tea together to suppress the alarm.

Qin Xiao learned that Concubine Xu had returned safely, so he asked the guards who were looking for Concubine Xu to come back.

Just in case, Qin Xiao asked the guards to stand guard nearby, so as not to cause the unexpected situation just now to happen again.

Shen Chuwei picked up a banana, peeled it off and handed it to Concubine Xu, "Eat a banana to suppress your shock."

Concubine Xu is also hungry now, so she took the banana and handed it to her mouth to take a bite.

Tao Liangyuan picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea and handed it to Concubine Xu, "Come, have some tea."

Concubine Xu held a teacup in one hand and a banana in the other. She drank some tea to moisten her throat, and then took a bite of banana to satisfy her hunger.

"Would you like to ride?"

Shen Chu shook his head slightly, "My butt hurts from riding a horse, I don't want to ride a horse."

Concubine Xu looked at Tao Liangyuan after listening.

Tao Liangyuan shook her head, "I don't know how to ride a horse, and I'm too lazy to learn."

"Well, I really want to ride a horse." Xu Fangfei said and took a bite of a banana.

"Let's ride again tomorrow, the emperor and the others should be back soon, and we can eat barbecue when we come back." Shen Chuwei became a little excited after speaking, Xiao Jinyan would definitely hunt back a lot of prey, the most indispensable thing in the mountains and forests is game.

The eyes of Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan lit up when they heard the roasted game.

"The imperial chef in the palace is not as delicious as Chunxi's roast." Concubine Xu whispered.

Tao Liangyuan echoed, "I think so too."

Shen Chuwei also felt that the meat roasted by the imperial chef was almost interesting, she thought for a while and said, "When His Highness comes back, we will roast and eat it by ourselves."

Concubine Xu raised her hand in agreement, "Good idea."

Tao Liangyuan glanced at Miss Han and Wanxin who were not far away, "Look at Wanxin, what did the emperor ask her to do?"

Concubine Xu cast a glance, "Who knows? Maybe it's here to pick your husband."

Shen Chuwei also looked over curiously, and saw that Miss Han was holding a very small gray rabbit in her arms, which was exactly the same as Yuan Gungun's when she was a child, it was indeed a wild rabbit.

At this time, deep in the forest.

The queen looked at the dog emperor who was chasing after her, and the dog emperor went wherever she went, and she couldn't get rid of her.

Finally, the queen couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, how can hunting be hunted together?"

The emperor said: "Queen, you haven't been out of the palace for a long time, it's better to hunt with me."

Queen: "..." Who would like to hunt with you?
At this time, the emperor held the bow and arrow in his hand, and noticed that there was a change in the grass not far away, so he drew the bow and released the arrow.

The queen also saw it, and asked you to always follow me, and I would grab the prey with you. She drew the bow and shot the arrow, aiming at the same goal as the emperor.

The two arrow feathers shot at the prey in the grass almost at the same time.

When the emperor saw him, he turned his head to look at the queen. She was very heroic in her riding outfit. It may be that she hadn't ridden a horse for a long time, so she was a little familiar.

"The queen is good at archery."

"The emperor has praised you." The queen held the reins tightly, and walked towards the prey as soon as she clamped the horse's belly.

The emperor didn't fight with the queen either, and let her get the prey.

When the queen came to the grass, what she saw was a deer, which was shot by two arrow feathers at the same time. The dog emperor's arrow technique was very accurate.

She got off the horse neatly, and when she bent down to pick up her prey, a boa constrictor suddenly appeared from behind the tree, spitting out snake letters.

Just when the queen was about to grab the prey, the boa constrictor suddenly attacked.

After the horse was frightened, Sa Yazi ran away.

Only then did the queen see the python behind the tree, her pupils dilated, she froze from the fright and forgot to react, it was already too late to escape.

When the emperor found the boa constrictor, it was too late to think about its size. He quickly drew out the arrow feathers and drew the bow to aim at the boa constrictor's head.

Then draw out the second arrow feather and the target is still the head.

When the arrow feather hit the boa constrictor's head, blood flowed out immediately, the pain may be unbearable, the boa constrictor suddenly became irritable, and tried to bite people with its bloody mouth wide open.

At this time, the queen's legs were already frightened, and she couldn't use any strength to escape. She watched helplessly as the python attacked her.

The emperor ran over with his horse's belly. When the distance was close, he jumped off the horse, grabbed the queen's arm, and pulled her into his arms.

With his right hand, he drew the sword on the horse's back.

"Empress beware."

The queen felt herself being pulled into the arms of the hot spring, and when she raised her head, she saw the dog emperor, showing a tense expression as if facing a formidable enemy.

The emperor clenched his saber tightly and stabbed at the boa constrictor, but missed the vital point. The boa constrictor was obviously enraged and began to attack violently.

The queen will react now, and when she turns around, she sees the python with its mouth wide open, and she hastily shouted, "Your Majesty, be careful."

The size of the boa constrictor is too large, as long as it misses a vital point, the boa constrictor will not die for a while.

I heard that snakes hit seven inches, so it should be the same for pythons.

In a hurry, the queen saw the arrow feathers on the deer, stretched out her hand to pull out the arrow feathers on the deer, saw the python's seven inches and pierced it.

The emperor frowned when he discovered the queen's intentions: "Queen, come back to me."

At this time, the queen didn't listen to the emperor's words, she now has one goal, and that is to take the life of the python.

Seeing that the queen was disobedient, the emperor was so angry that he didn't know what to say. He clenched his sword and rushed forward, chopping off the python's head.

The boa constrictor seemed to be huge, and its speed was very sensitive. It dodged the long sword and attacked the queen.

At this time, the queen clenched the arrow feathers and pierced into the snake's seven inches.

The boa constrictor screamed upwards, opened its mouth and bit the queen.

The distance was too close, and it was too late when the queen wanted to escape.

Seeing this, the emperor stepped forward and grabbed the queen's shoulders, dragged him into his arms, and used his body to protect the queen, but the python bit her shoulder.

The queen saw that the dog emperor was protecting her affairs with her body, and her mind went blank for a moment.

She thought that she had let go of her feelings for Emperor Dog, but she didn't realize until now that she hadn't let go, she just didn't want to bring it up.

When he reacted, the emperor clenched his saber and pierced the snake seven inches again. After the python struggled violently, it collapsed to the ground, vomited blood, and lost its life.

Seeing the blood on the dog emperor's shoulders, the empress immediately panicked, "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." The emperor raised his head to look at the queen, and looked up and down at the queen. There was a lot of blood splashed on her body, and she didn't know if she was injured.

"Are you injured anywhere?"

The empress shook her head with red eyes, "The concubine is fine, but the emperor is bleeding a lot."

The emperor glanced at his right arm. Fortunately, he dodged in time and didn't bite much, otherwise the arm might be useless.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at the queen, "It's good that the queen is not injured, it's nothing if I get hurt."

"You are the king of a country, how can you be injured?" The queen was so anxious at this moment, she reached out to check his injury, but was stopped by the emperor.

"There is no imperial doctor or wound medicine here, and it won't help the matter if you look at it. It's better to lead the horse. If the horse runs away, we have to walk back."

In order to be alone with the emperor, the emperor withdrew his dark guards, and it was precisely because of this that he faced such a dangerous situation.

When the queen turned around, she found that her horse had already run away in fright, leaving only Emperor Dog's horse there. She hurried forward to grab the rein and lead the horse over.

There is only one horse left, and the two can only ride together.

The queen was sitting in front, leaning on the dog emperor's chest. She hadn't been close for a long time, and it was a bit embarrassing to get so close.

The emperor hugged the queen into his arms. It had been a long time since he rode a horse so closely, and suddenly he felt nostalgic for them when they were young.

The queen was very uncomfortable being hugged by the dog emperor. Thinking of the dog emperor's arm injury, she could only let him go.

The emperor took the reins and drove the horse slowly, coveting the leisurely and warm time at this moment.

The queen looked at the horse walking leisurely, she walked faster than this, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious, "Your Majesty, can't you ride faster? If this continues, the wound will bleed a lot if it is not bandaged in time."

The emperor opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Queen, I am injured, the speed should not be too fast, it will only make the blood flow faster."

The queen paused when she heard the words, because she was overly worried about the dog emperor, she felt that what the dog emperor said was somewhat reasonable, so she gave up urging and let the horse walk slowly.

Looking at the seat at this time, Shen Chuwei felt a little drowsy. She touched the seat beside her and found that Xue Tuan was not there. She opened her eyes suddenly and found that the seat beside her was empty.

Thinking of rushing to find Concubine Xu just now, Xue Tuan should have ran out at that time.

It's over, Xuetuan must have gone to find her.

Xuetuan is Xiao Jinyan's favorite pet, and Xiao Jinyan will definitely be angry if he loses it.

Shen Chuwei didn't care about other things, so he went to Xuetuan holding up his skirt.

Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan looked at Shen Chuwei suspiciously, thinking she was in a hurry to urinate, because they saw her drink a lot of tea just now.

Shen Chuwei searched for a while, but he didn't see that Xuetuan was in a hurry. Xuetuan won't get lost, right?
Just when Shen Chuwei was in a hurry, he saw a man in black holding a snow-white cat from a distance. Who else could there be except Xue Tuan?

No wonder I haven't come back for so long, it turned out that I was caught.

She ran over with her skirt.

The man in black was a little surprised when he saw Shen Chuwei, and then stopped when he saw her running over.

Shen Chuwei ran over and stared at the man in black, "Give me back the snowball."

ps: One update

 Good night, babies!

  Be coquettish and cute, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!

(End of this chapter)

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