Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 429 A shocking scene happened, the man in black approached Xiao Jinyan

Chapter 429 A shocking scene happened, the man in black approached Xiao Jinyan
After shouting, Shen Chuwei found that his tone was a bit aggressive. The other party was wearing night clothes, and it was very likely that he was a murderous villain.

If she angers the man in black and she can't beat her again, she'll play ball~
But holding on to Xiao Jinyan's pet, it's no wonder she couldn't control her tone.

Thinking that Xuetuan was just sleepy back then, Xiao Jinyan thought she was going to poison Xuetuan and almost locked her in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

Shen Chu smiled politely, "Well, Xue Tuan got lost, thank you for bringing it back."

The contrast between the front and back was so great that the man in black froze for a moment.

Shen Chuwei saw that the man in black reacted flatly. Could it be that he spoke too softly and thought she was easy to bully?
She looked at Xue Tuan in the arms of the man in black, and ordered with her hands on her hips, "Xue Tuan, come here."

The man in black saw Shen Chuwei's akimbo, and the commanding tone was similar to Xiao Jiu's.

Just as the man in black was stunned, Xue Tuan kicked his limbs to break away from the man in black's embrace and jumped down, running to Shen Chuwei at the fastest speed.

Shen Chu bent down happily to pick up the snow ball, and stroked its furry head. The ham sausages for more than two years were not in vain, so I still listen to her.

The man in black didn't stop Xue Tuan when he was struggling, and seeing Xue Tuan running up to Shen Chuwei in no time, and letting her hug him gave him a bold guess.

"Is this pet yours?"

Shen Chuwei hugged the snow ball tightly in his arms, thinking that the man in black must have discovered that the snow ball was human and wanted to take it away.

"This is my husband's pet and it's also mine. You don't want to take it away."

Of course the man in black knew that the husband Shen Chuwei was referring to was Xiao Jinyan, so he asked without giving up: "Then who named Xue Tuan?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Of course it's my husband, and he will naturally take the pets he raises."

Hearing this, the man in black frowned. Is Xiao Jinyan's pet a coincidence or something strange?
At this moment, the sound of chaotic footsteps came from all around, and they were rushing towards this side in an instant.

The man in black knew that a group of people were rushing over from this side. After all, it was the royal enclosure and there were many guards.

In order not to alarm others, the man in black had no choice but to leave first.

Shen Chuwei just took out a medicine that caused diarrhea, and was about to wait for an opportunity to inject it into the man in black, when he saw him run away.

She raised the needle in her hand, it was already opened, if it is not used for a short time, it will be wasted.

Qin Xiao quickly ran over, and was relieved to see that Shen Chuwei was safe and sound, "Crown Princess, are you okay?"

Shen Chu slightly raised his head to see Qin Xiao who suddenly ran over, and shook his head, "I'm fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a group of guards following behind Qin Xiao.

I guess they all came to find her~

At noon, the hunting princes and courtiers came back one after another.

From a distance, Shen Chu saw Xiao Jinyan, a tall and big horse. He was wearing a black brocade robe and black wristbands, and he looked heroic.

She didn't need to look at the prey on the horse, she also knew that Xiao Jinyan had returned with a full reward.

Qin Xiao has already gone up to meet him.

Xiao Jinyan jumped off the horse, threw the rein in his hand to Qin Xiao, and he went straight to Shen Chuwei.

When people approached, Shen Chuwei saw Xiao Jinyan was sweating profusely. She lifted the teapot and poured Xiao Jinyan a glass of water, "Your Highness, drink some water."

Xiao Jinyan happened to be thirsty, so he took a few sips from the tea cup to moisten his throat.

At this moment, someone exclaimed, "The emperor is injured."

Now that the emperor was injured, the princes and courtiers were all shocked, and the scene was a little flustered for a while.

When Shen Chuwei followed Xiao Jinyan to the emperor's tent, the imperial doctor was treating the emperor's wound.

The queen stood aside, her hair was a little messy, and her body was still stained with blood. She was looking anxiously at the emperor on the bed.

Xiao Jinyu stood beside the queen to make sure that the queen was not injured, and then asked worriedly: "Mother, why is father injured?"

The queen gave a general account of her encounter with the boa constrictor.

Just listening to it feels thrilling.

After the imperial doctor's diagnosis, the emperor was fine except for his arm injury, and the empress breathed a sigh of relief.

"The emperor was injured in order to save this palace. The python is really fierce."

Xiao Jinyu sweated secretly when he heard it. It was too thrilling. He suddenly thought of the dark guard, "What about the dark guard? The father and queen met a python, but the dark guard didn't show up to save you? Isn't this negligence of duty?"

The queen was frightened at the time, and only now did she think of the hidden guard, "Who is on duty today?"

"This..." Eunuch Li raised his head to look at the emperor on the bed, for a moment he didn't know how to explain?
The emperor coughed twice, "I thought they would interfere with my hunting, so I didn't let them follow."

The tent suddenly fell silent. Who would dare to refute the emperor's order?

Even the queen, in front of so many people, would not speak out about the emperor.

Growing up in the general's mansion, he knew that the emperor loved face, even if it was justified, he would give it to the emperor's prince.

Therefore, the queen's temper would only be tempered by the queen, and she never let the emperor down in front of everyone.

After confirming that the emperor was safe, all the princes and courtiers withdrew, leaving only the empress, and suddenly became very quiet.

The queen looked at the injury on the emperor's right arm, and when she thought of the thrilling scene at that time, she still had lingering fears.

"How could the emperor be so confused? How could letting the dark guards follow him affect the hunting? Fortunately, there was no danger today, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

The emperor agreed with a guilty conscience, "The empress is right, I was negligent."

The empress looked at the emperor's injured arm. Just now, the imperial doctor said that the wound was a bit deep. Although it was bandaged, the wound just now was still shocking.

"Does it still hurt?"

The emperor nodded weakly, "Queen, I am a little thirsty."

The queen stood up and came to the table, picked up the teapot and poured a glass of water, turned around and sat down in front of the bed, "I will give you a drink."

At this time, the empress was worried that the emperor was injured, and it was because of saving her that she was injured, so she was naturally gentler than before.

The emperor looked up at the queen, with such rare tenderness, he felt that some injuries were worth it.

Seeing that the dog emperor was only looking at her and not drinking water, the queen tried her best to control the volume, "What is the emperor looking at his concubines? Isn't he thirsty?"

The emperor drank a few sips of water obediently, and then said quietly: "It's rare for the empress to be so gentle."

Queen: "..."

After Xiao Jinyu came back, he saw Miss Han sitting at the table holding the rabbit, so he raised his leg and walked over.

"Miss Han, are you hungry?"

Miss Han raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyu, thinking of what Wanxin said, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Seeing her staring at him without speaking, Xiao Jinyu couldn't help feeling a little anxious, "What's wrong?"

Miss Han looked at it for a long time before slowly opening her mouth: "I don't seem to have asked you if you would take a concubine."

In Miss Han's eyes, Xiao Jinyu's marriage to her is naturally his legal wife.

Xiao Jinyu breathed a sigh of relief, and he chuckled, "I thought it was something, you can ask now."

Miss Han didn't hold back, and asked directly: "Then will you take a concubine?"

Xiao Jinyu answered two words very seriously, "No."

Miss Han felt relieved, "That's good."

Xiao Jinyu asked again: "Then are you hungry?"

Miss Han nodded, she only had breakfast, and she would be hungry by now.

"I heard that my sister-in-law eats her own barbecue. You wait, I'll get some." Xiao Jinyu turned around happily and left the tent.

After walking a few steps, she saw Wan Xin walking towards her, blessed her body, "King Yu."

Xiao Jinyu asked, "Why are you here?"

Wan Xin said softly: "The minnv just cooked some dishes, and I wanted to send them over to King Yu to taste, but I was afraid that what the minnv cooked would not be on the table, and that King Yu would not like it."

Xiao Jinyu looked surprised: "So you can cook? Miss Han can't even tell the difference between salt and sugar."

Wan Xin smiled brightly when she heard the words: "Minnv heard from her mother since she was a child that the girl's family can cook some cooking skills for her husband to eat in the future."

Xiao Jinyu smiled and said: "Then your husband has good food, but this king doesn't have that good fortune. Miss Han can't cook, but it's okay. There are two cooks at my king's place. Let the cook cook whatever you want. .”

The smile on the corner of Wanxin's mouth froze, and then she said warmly: "Will King Yu want to taste it?"

Xiao Jinyu waved his hand, "Ms. Han said yesterday that the barbecue at the Crown Princess's place tastes good. This king will go to the Crown Princess's and take some barbecue back for Miss Han to taste."

Wan Xin: "..."

After Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, he lifted his foot and left.

Wanxin spent a lot of time cooking dishes for the table, but no one ate them.

Xiao Jinyan hunted a lot of game, let Qin Xiao and Wei Chi clean it up, and cook it in You Chunxi.

The condiments and ingredients are all ready, and they are waiting for the game in Chunxi's hands to be served on the table.

Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan stayed behind with a grimace, just to eat freshly roasted game.

After it was baked, Xiao Jinyan sent some to the empress.

Xiao Jinyu could smell the aroma of barbecue from a distance, and when he got closer, he happened to hear the prince's brother sending barbecue to his father, queen and queen.

"Brother, why didn't you think of giving me some?"

It's not that Xiao Jinyan didn't expect it, it's that Xiao Jinyu came just as he was about to speak.

"Aren't you here?"

Xiao Jinyu chuckled twice, and looked at the game roasted in Chunxi's hand, it should be a wild meat, and a wild robe?

"Chunxi's roasted game is delicious. Miss Han has been praising it after eating it. I didn't expect it to be so coincidental today."

Xiao Jinyan: "..." He is good at eating and drinking.

When the younger brother came, of course Xiao Jinyan would not let him return empty-handed, he cut up half a chicken and half a wild robe, thinking that this would be enough for them to eat.

As a result, before Xiao Jinyu left, he took away a wild pigeon, even the hot sauce, and left.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyu's actions, she was a wife and slave, she would think of her daughter-in-law for anything delicious, even took away the only wild pigeon, she hadn't tasted it yet~
Xiao Jinyan realized when he saw Shen Chu's slightly pained face, Xiao Jinyu took away the wild pigeon she wanted to eat...

Shen Chuwei lay down on the couch with enough food and drink, and saw Xiao Jinyan coming in with a white cat in his arms.

She subconsciously touched the snowball lying beside her, yes, what Xiao Jinyan was holding in her arms was...

Take a closer look, the cat has a prince on its forehead, its whole body is snow-white, except that it is different from Xue Tuan in that there are spots among its snow-white fur.

It's a white tiger!
Xiao Jinyan put the little guy in his arms beside Shen Chuwei, "I found this when I was hunting. If you like it, you can keep it."

Shen Chuwei said: "I like it. When it grows up, the concubine will be able to play tricks on the tiger."

Xiao Jinyan smiled lowly: "Aren't you afraid?"

"Although the tiger is ferocious, but if you raise it since childhood, it will protect its master." Shen Chu looked down at the little white tiger, it was so small, I don't know if it was weaned~

"Keep it as a pet for the time being." What Xiao Jinyan thought was that he would be kept as a cat when he was a child, and then he would be locked up in a zoo when he grew up.

After delivering the pets, Xiao Jinyan came out of the tent.

As Xiao Jinyan, who also loves his daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law didn't get any wild pigeons, so naturally she wanted to hunt some and come back to satisfy her greed.

The man in black saw Xiao Jinyan riding a steed into the woods, and quickly followed.

ps: Second update

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(End of this chapter)

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