Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 430 Ask Xiao Jinyan a white-eyed wolf?The guard attacked the man in black

Chapter 430 Ask Xiao Jinyan a white-eyed wolf?The guard attacked the man in black
Xiao Jinyan was not riding fast, because there were a lot of wild pigeons in the woods, and they arrived in a short while.

When he arrived at the place where wild pigeons often appeared, Xiao Jinyan tightened the reins, and when the horse stopped, he drew out the arrow feathers and drew the bow to aim at the target, ready to release the arrow.

He suddenly aimed at the tree not far away, and let go of the arrow.

The arrow feather moved forward at a high speed, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind the tree, and firmly caught the arrow feather. After a closer look, it was found that the person used two fingers.

Xiao Jinyan looked coldly at a man in black coming out from behind the tree. When he came out of the tent, he vaguely sensed that someone was following him, but the other party's martial arts were extremely high and he was good at hiding his aura.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass on the royal enclosure?"

The man in black glanced at the arrow feather in his hand, and threw it towards the tree behind him, and the arrow feather hit the tree trunk steadily.

He seemed to be walking over slowly, but in fact, he was in front of Xiao Jinyan in just an instant.

Xiao Jinyan marveled at the speed of the man in black, which also showed that the martial arts of the man in black exceeded his imagination.

The man in black said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to know how the snow ball is in your hands?"

When Xiao Jinyan heard the snowball, doubts flashed in his eyes, why did the man in black in front of him mention the snowball?

"Xuetuan is my pet, what does it have to do with you?"

"Lie!" The man in black's eyes turned cold, picked a few leaves and shot at Xiao Jinyan.

The few leaves that were originally ordinary are now like hidden weapons, carrying invisible strength.

Xiao Jinyan had long been wary of the attack from the man in black, so he quickly drew out his sword and swished the flying leaves to the ground with a few swipes.

The man in black didn't let go, he drew his soft sword from his waist and stabbed at Xiao Jinyan.

After several rounds, Xiao Jinyan gradually lost the battle. The martial arts of the man in black is too high.

Being struck by the palm of the man in black, Xiao Jinyan took several steps back, a fishy sweetness welled up in his throat, and he tried not to spit it out.

I just feel that the internal organs are displaced, and the pain is endless.

The man in black pointed his sword at Xiao Jinyan, "Why is the snow ball in your hands? Where did you take Feng Wuyou?"

Xiao Jinyan said in a cold voice: "Bengong raised Xuetuan alone. I don't know why you are pushing her so hard? I don't know about Feng Wuyou either."

Hearing this, the man in black became even more angry, "You actually said you didn't know Feng Wuyou?" He clenched his soft sword and stabbed at Xiao Jinyan again.

Xiao Jinyan supported the tree and stood up straight, raising his sword to meet him.

At this moment in the tent, Shen Chu slightly lowered his head and looked at the little milk tiger beside him. As the king of the forest, he was very timid when he was a child. The strange place, the strange smell, and the fact that the snow ball arched his body and bared his teeth scared the little milk tiger. shivering.

Xue Tuan leaned closer and sniffed, no matter how small the king of the forest was, he still exuded the breath of a beast.

Xuetuan opened its paws and scratched at the little milk tiger, "Meow."

The frightened little milk tiger turned around and got into Shen Chuwei's arms, facing the snow ball with its buttocks, trembling.

Shen Chuwei looked at the little milk tiger trembling with fright, and looked at the snow ball, it was too fierce.

"Xuetuan, don't bully the small with the big."

Xuetuan withdrew her claws, looked at Shen Chuwei with its blue eyes, and called out innocently: "Meow."

Shen Chuwei picked up the little milk tiger, only to see the little milk tiger shrinking its fluffy head and staring at Shen Chuwei timidly.

"The little tiger was still very cute when he was young."

"Meow." Xue Tuan raised his voice and yelled, then turned his head and jumped off the bed and ran outside.

Only Shen Chuwei was left in a mess, looking at the innocent eyes of the little milk tiger, could Xuetuan be jealous?

After being dazed for a while, she put the little milk tiger into the frame, and then held up the hem of her skirt to chase after the snow ball.

From a distance, I saw the snow ball running towards the woods.

Shen Chuwei wants to cry but has no tears, so why run away?She really didn't want to move, but when she saw the snow ball running into the woods, she couldn't help but chase after it. If she lost it, she would be the one who would feel sorry for her.

Shen Chuwei tucked the hem of her skirt into her belt, and ran quickly.

The deeper you go into the woods, the more you can feel the shade that covers the sky and the sun.

Shen Chuwei had never run such a long distance in one breath in her life, and when she was about to run, she heard the sound of fighting.

She stopped, heard the sound, and saw two figures in the woods.

She recognized one of them as Xiao Jinyan at a glance, and the other man in black seemed to be the one holding the snow ball today.

Could it be that the man in black is an assassin who came here to assassinate Xiao Jinyan?
Thinking of this possibility, Shen Chuwei sneaked over and took out the laxative that he had no chance to use today. He thought it would be a waste, but it seems that this laxative is destined for you and must be used by you.

Just as she was approaching, she saw Xiao Jinyan hit the palm of the man in black, and she felt so distressed.

Just as the man in black stabbed at Xiao Jinyan with his sword, Shen Chuwei rushed over immediately, not caring about anything else.

He grabbed the man in black's hand with one hand, blocked the sword and stabbed Xiao Jinyan, and at the same time, pierced the needle in the man in black's arm with the other hand.

It's just an instant.

In fact, the man in black had already noticed that Shen Chuwei was nearby, but he didn't pay attention to her, but he didn't expect that she would rush out desperately.

He withdrew his strength, otherwise Shen Chuwei wouldn't be able to stop him at all.

Seeing Shen Chuwei coming, Xiao Jinyan frowned, stepped forward and pulled her into his arms, fearing that the man in black would attack her.

"How did you come?"

Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and found that there was blood on the corner of his mouth, guessing that he must have suffered internal injuries, all caused by the man in black.

"The concubine came here to find Xuetuan. She saw someone bullying His Highness, so she came here. Your Highness, you are injured."

"I'm fine." Xiao Jinyan held her in his arms with a cold face, and glanced coldly at the man in black, "What exactly do you want?"

The man in black said coldly: "I just want to know why Xue Tuan is in your hands? And where is Feng Wuyou? If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xiao Jin said: "I don't understand what you are talking about. Xue Tuan is a pet raised by me. As for Feng Wuyou, I don't remember her."

When Shen Chuwei heard Feng Wuyou, could it be the little girl in the secret room?
do not remember?
Did you forget?

So last time she asked Xiao Jinyan, he said he didn't remember.

The man in black raised the soft sword in his hand, but he didn't hear the answer he wanted to hear. He was very angry, "You are clearly lying."

"Your Highness will not lie. Besides, Xuetuan is clearly His Highness's pet. You are deliberately making excuses to monopolize it. Let me tell you, even if you snatch Xuetuan, Xuetuan will not listen to you. Just listen to the master."

Shen Chuwei said, looking at the snow ball coming out of the grass, "Call it if you have the ability, and see if it will follow you."

Xiao Jinyan looked at Shen Chuwei in his arms who kept provoking the man in black, he frowned and pressed her into his arms, "Shut up, Ben Gong."

Shen Chu nodded obediently, "The concubine listens to His Highness."

The man in black saw Xiao Jinyan's act of defending Shen Chuwei, thinking that Xiao Jiu also defended Xiao Jinyan in the same way back then, what happened?How can you say you don't remember?

If he hadn't seen Xue Tuan, he wouldn't have approached Xiao Jinyan, and I'm afraid he would never have known that Xiao Jiu had protected such a white-eyed wolf in his life.

The man in black looked at Xue Tuan, and saw that it was looking at them curiously with its head raised.

Xue Tuan only listened to Xiao Jiu's words, he couldn't do anything about it.

Wait a minute, can you be sure that the snow ball in front of you is Xiao Jiu's pet, and you will know if you let Xiao Jinyan order it.

Xue Tuan only listened to Xiao Jiu's words.

The man in black looked at Xiao Jinyan, "If you can let Xuetuan follow you, it means that Xuetuan is your pet, and I will not pester Xuetuan any more."

Xiao Jinyan snorted coldly: "My pets naturally follow me."

He looked at Xuetuan and ordered, "Xuetuan, come here."

Xuetuan glanced at the man in black, and then walked towards Xiao Jinyan with graceful steps under the expectant eyes of the man in black.

Xiao Jinyan was not surprised. He bent down and hugged Xue Tuan, raised his head and looked at the man in black, "Can this prove it?"

The man in black frowned, did he make a mistake?

Just when the man in black was puzzled, he suddenly felt a cramping pain in his stomach. The feeling was too exciting, and his face turned pale.

He didn't bother to continue to question, and used lightness skills to leave here quickly.

Seeing the man in black turn his head and run away, Shen Chuwei guessed that the medicine had taken effect.

Seeing the man in black leave, Xiao Jinyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked down at Shen Chuwei, and said in a deep voice, "Do you know that it was dangerous just now?"

Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, his gaze was on the corner of his bleeding mouth, and he took out a small handkerchief to wipe the wet blood.

"Of course I know, so the concubine is here."

"In a situation like this, you should hide to protect yourself, instead of rushing out, in case something happens..." Xiao Jin said that it is hard to go on, if the man in black becomes bloodthirsty and kills innocent people indiscriminately, the consequences will be disastrous.

"The concubine can't let His Highness ignore it." After wiping it clean, Shen Chu withdrew his hand and continued: "The concubine secretly gave the man in black a laxative, and the laxative is very powerful, and when the effect of the medicine wears off, he will also collapse gone."

Xiao Jinyan was startled after hearing this, surprise flashed in his eyes, "When did you give the man in black the laxative?"

Shen Chuwei said: "Just a few seconds before His Highness carried the concubine into his arms, our husband and wife cooperated very well, and the man in black didn't notice."

"This time can only be called luck." Xiao Jinyan sighed helplessly, "There will be no next time."

"The concubine knows." Shen Chuwei verbally agreed, but next time when this happens, he will still go his own way~
Xiao Jinyan stuffed the snow ball into her arms, "Hold the snow ball."

Shen Chuwei obediently hugged Xue Tuan into his arms.

I only heard Xiao Jinyan whistle, and the horse that had run away ran back quickly.

Xiao Jinyan suffered internal injuries and had some difficulty getting on the horse. When he stretched out his hand to hug Shen Chuwei onto the horse's back, a fishy sweetness welled up in his throat, and he forcefully swallowed it back.

Wanting to catch wild pigeons to satisfy Xiao Jiu's hunger, today is not enough.

Shen Chuwei hadn't rode with Xiao Jinyan for a long time, and remembered that the first time they rode together was hunting in Qiuwei, who would have thought that when they came to hunt in Qiuwei again, they would have two babies?
Can't help but sigh how time flies.

Thinking of what the man in black said, she looked up at Xiao Jinyan and asked curiously: "Your Highness, who is Feng Wuyou?"

ps: three shifts

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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