Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 432 Made her cry, the secret of the private meeting was discovered by the prince

Chapter 432 Made her cry, the secret of the private meeting was discovered by the prince
Concubine Xu couldn't wait to pick up the little bell, saw it beating twice in the palm of her hand, and looked around excitedly.

At this time, she was in the tent, and she glanced over, except for some simple furnishings, it was a beige tent, and there was no sign of the man in black at all.

She looked down at the little bell in her hand, and it beat twice, making a crisp sound at the same time.

Concubine Xu clenched the little bell tightly and ran out hastily.

It was time to light the lamps, the tent was shrouded in darkness, torches were lit outside, and there were not a few guards patrolling around.

Maybe it's because there are guards patrolling, and the men in black dare not approach?
Thinking of this possibility, Concubine Xu walked behind the tent with her skirt in hand.

Behind is the woods, few people and remote.

Concubine Xu didn't walk for a while before she was grabbed by a hand, which made her hair stand on end.

"it's me."

She was relieved when she heard the voice of the man in black.

She turned her head to look at the man in black. In the dark night, the man in black wearing night clothes blended into the night, and could only feel the coercion from the height of the man in black.

"Why did you come here? If the patrolling guards find out, you will be finished."

The man in black didn't care at all, "Since I'm sure I can go when I come, they can't stop me."

Concubine Xu knows that the man in black is very powerful, but she still can't help but want to complain, she knows how to brag!
"You came to see me?"

The man in black nodded, "Yes."

Concubine Xu was secretly delighted, but she heard the man in black say, "I came to see you to ask you, when did Xiao Jinyan raise the pet snowball around him? And where did he get it?"

Concubine Xu asked suspiciously: "Why are you asking this?"

The man in black said: "Of course it is useful, you answer my question first."

Concubine Xu thought for a while and said, "I don't know either. I only know that His Highness's pet was raised by him alone. It's very precious. And the snow ball is very fierce, and ordinary people can't get close to it."

The man in black asked: "What about you?"

Concubine Xu shook her head, "I dare not get close to Xuetuan, my clothes were torn by Xuetuan the year before last."

The man in black frowned when he heard that, Xue Tuan didn't seem so fierce?
Maybe it's because of growing up?

The snow ball was raised by Xiao Jiu, and he rarely took care of it.

Whether it is nothing or yes, he has no way of knowing.

However, Xiao Jiu disappeared, and Xiao Jinyan had the same pet as Xiao Jiu, which was too much of a coincidence.

What made him most angry was Xiao Jinyan's claim that he didn't remember Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu shouldn't have protected him back then.

The man in black couldn't help cursing: "White-eyed wolf!"

Concubine Xu found that the man in black tonight was a little different from the past, so she was angry and cursed well.

"Who is the white-eyed wolf?"

The man in black was not polite at all, "Xiao Jinyan."

Concubine Xu was startled when she heard the words, and then said in doubt: "You say that His Highness is not good, His Highness is still very good."

The man in black snorted: "He's good? He's good enough to let you stay in the empty room for more than two years? He doesn't know how precious a woman's youth is?"

Concubine Xu was stunned. For more than two years, she had long forgotten the word "guarding the vacant room alone", and she had long since regarded Xiao Jinyan as her husband.

She thinks that Xiao Jinyan is good because Xiao Jinyan is dedicated, and compared to those men who have three wives and four concubines, they are not much better.

"Why are you so fierce? Xiao Jinyan didn't let me sleep with you because of his devotion."

"..." The man in black: "Idiot!"

Concubine Xu was so angry, "Why are you swearing?"

The man in black asked back, "Did I say something wrong?"

"You're the smart one." Concubine Xu was really angry this time, she turned around and left after shouting, but the man in black grabbed her wrist in time and dragged her back, looking at Concubine Xu suspiciously, "Why are you running?" ?”

Concubine Xu struggled vigorously, but she was not as strong as the man in black, she used all her sword strength, but she couldn't open the man in black's hand.

"You let me go."

The man in black noticed something was wrong with Concubine Xu's voice, and reached out to caress her face. His fingertips touched a touch of moisture, which was cooler than the lake at night.

He froze.

Concubine Xu grew up pampered and pampered. In the General's Mansion, she was pampered by her parents and elder brother. No one dared to say anything against her.

When entering the palace, Xiao Jinyan was never so fierce as her.

The man in black attacked her, and she was so wronged that she couldn't bear to cry.

The man in black took out a square handkerchief from his arms and wiped the tears on her cheeks, "Why are you crying so hard? Those who didn't know thought I bullied you."

Concubine Xu choked up twice: "I've grown up and no one has beaten me so much, what are you doing to me? I haven't done anything wrong."

The man in black wiped it for a while, and couldn't help but reflect on why he wanted to kill her?Concubine Xu is not favored and has no bed attendant. Even if she goes out of the palace in the future and has a powerful natal family, she will not have to worry about food and clothing, but it's just that she is old and suffers some criticism.

Why is he so angry?
"If Xiao Jinyan is really kind, he should let you out of the palace now instead of wasting time in the palace."

The tone of the man in black suddenly became gentle, which made Concubine Xu stunned for a long time.

When Concubine Xu left, the man in black stood there watching the petite figure approaching the tent.

For a moment just now, he wanted to ask her if she wanted to leave the palace, and it would be no problem to take her out of the palace with his ability.

Chu Zhaoquan, who was hiding in the dark, saw what happened just now. In the past, the master would not let him follow when he entered the palace, but now he understands that the side concubine Xu is still a girl.

The master actually wiped away tears for that side concubine Xu, look at that distressed look, tsk tsk!

When Concubine Xu walked away, Chu Zhao jumped out from the shadows.

"Master, if you like, we can take her back directly, otherwise, when she leaves the palace by herself, she will become an old lady..."

Before he finished speaking, he was hit hard by the man in black, "Can you talk?"

Chu Zhao covered his forehead and found a bag, which was enough to show how angry the master was.

The man in black withdrew his gaze and turned to leave.

Chu Zhao chased after him, "Master, I have inquired about it. In the Great Xia Palace, the palace maids can choose to leave the palace when they reach 25. The prince's woman can also choose to leave the palace if she is 25 years old and has not yet gone to bed. How many other women are 25 years old?" The child's mother..."

Man in black:"……"

After Shen Chuwei finished his breakfast, he took Xiao Jinyan's pulse and checked his injury. It was better than the day before, mainly because the man in black was too aggressive.

Seeing her nervous look, Xiao Jinyan comforted her, "I'm fine, you don't need to worry."

"His Highness is hindered or not, and concubines know better than His Highness." Shen Chuwei withdrew his hand and prepared medicine again. Internal injuries are no better than external injuries, and need to be recuperated slowly.

Xiao Jinyan sighed helplessly, knowing medical skills is really not easy to deal with.

Shen Chuwei prepared the medicine and boiled it for Chunxi.

The little tiger raised its head and looked at Shen Chuwei who was on the couch. It tried to climb up, but its limbs were short and weak, and its fleshy body hit the pedal and jumped straight out.

After repeating it a few times, the little tiger turned his head to look at the sleeping snowball. It ran over on its four limbs and short legs, and used its same furry head to push the snowball's head.

Xuetuan opened one eye and saw that it was a little tiger, so he closed his eyes and pretended not to see it, so he knew it was disturbing his sleep.

The little tiger arched for a while, but Xuetuan ignored it, so it stretched out its paws to scratch Xuetuan's face, and then licked Xuetuan's cheek as a gesture of goodwill.

Xue Tuan, whose face was licked with saliva, had nothing to think about: "..." It's so annoying!

The little tiger was not discouraged, and continued to please.

Xue Tuan was so tortured that he couldn't sleep, so he opened his eyes, stood up slowly, lowered his head and grabbed the little tiger's neck in one bite, and when he walked, he dragged the little tiger along.

Even a ten-day-old tiger cub is only a little smaller than Xuetuan. If Xuetuan hadn't been strong, he wouldn't be able to pick up the cub at all.

The little body that got up from the bed let Xue Tuan jump onto the couch with a peaceful look in his eyes.

After coming up, Xuetuan put the little tiger down as if disgusted.

After the little tiger came down, it walked up to Shen Chuwei with its short limbs, and scratched Shen Chuwei's sleeve with its small paws.

Shen Chuwei was looking at Xiao Jinyan's chest. There were two palm prints where he was hit by the man in black.

Seeing someone tugging on her sleeve, she looked down suspiciously, and saw the little white tiger trying to reach out and scratch her sleeve.

Isn't the little white tiger on the ground?How did you get to the couch?
Seeing the snow ball beside her, she suddenly realized that it must be the snow ball that brought the little white tiger up.

Xiao Jinyan followed Shen Chuwei's line of sight, and saw the little white tiger scratching Xiao Jiu's clothes, making low calls from time to time, in order to attract Xiao Jiu's attention.

"What is it doing?"

"I guess I'm hungry." Shen Chuwei turned around and picked up the little tiger, and picked up the glass cup on the low table, the goat's milk in it was prepared in advance.

The little tiger who drank the goat's milk squinted his eyes happily.

Shen Chuwei watched the little white tiger drinking milk, and laughed out loud, "The little white tiger is so cute."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

"Since it is a pet, of course it must have a name, what name should I give it?" Shen Chu slightly turned his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, "Your Highness, what name do you think should be chosen?"

Xiao Jinyan glanced at Xiao Baihu lightly, "It's up to you to pick it up."

Shen Chuwei stared at the little white tiger for a while, called Mituan?sweet dumpling?I don't feel aggressive enough.

She suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "How about calling him Dabai? Xiaobai will definitely be cute and fierce when he grows up."

Xiao Jinyan thought of the big white tiger that died, if it hadn't died, its size was indeed fierce enough.

"As long as you like it."

Shen Chu slightly retracted his gaze, looked at Xiaobai's soft body and said, "Taotao and Susu will definitely like Dabai too."

Later, wherever Susu went, there would be two bodyguards behind her, one Dabai and the other Snowball.

Xiao Jinyan came out of the camp and went straight to the discussion tent.

Wei Chi strode in.

Xiao Jinyan asked sharply: "Have you found any news about the man in black?"

Wei Chi said: "Master, the origin of the man in black has not been found yet, but last night, my subordinates found that Concubine Xu's behavior was suspicious."

Xiao Jinyan asked in a cold voice: "How suspicious?"

"Last night, my subordinates discovered that Concubine Xu suddenly came out of the tent and went to the woods. From a distance, Concubine Xu seemed to be meeting the man in black."

ps: Second update

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(End of this chapter)

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