Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 433 Waiting for the man in black to show up, the emperor and queen will untie the knot

Chapter 433 Waiting for the man in black to show up, the emperor and queen will untie the knot
Wei Chi also bumped into him by accident last night, and didn't dare to get too close because he was afraid of being discovered.

Xiao Jinyan couldn't believe it. Concubine Xu, who has always had a good relationship with Xiao Jiu, would know the man in black. When they met last night, was it a tip-off or what did they want to do?
"Are you sure Concubine Xu is going to see the man in black? Could it be someone else?"

"Returning to the master, my subordinates only saw that the person who met Concubine Xu was wearing night clothes, and my subordinates did not dare to approach, for fear of being discovered by the other party and startling the snake." Wei Chi said.

Xiao Jinyan fell into deep thought. Concubine Xu is the daughter of General Xu, and the man in black is not a citizen of Daxia. How could Concubine Xu know the man in black?
"Don't say anything about it beforehand. You are always watching Concubine Xu. If they are related, they will definitely meet again."

Wei Chi cupped his fists to accept the order: "This subordinate obeys."

After Wei Chi withdrew, Xiao Jinyan would think that Concubine Xu had been very close to Xiao Jiu in the past three years since she entered the palace. It can be said that the relationship is very good. Her temperament has not changed much, but her mentality has changed a lot.

He really didn't understand how Concubine Xu was suddenly related to the man in black?
Unable to figure it out, Xiao Jinyan didn't think about it any more. He thought that the medicinal powder and ointment Xiao Jiu gave him were very good for healing wounds, so he took the ointment and went to the emperor's camp.

After the emperor was injured, he stayed in bed and the queen took care of them personally, and the relationship between the two eased a lot because of this distress.

When Xiao Jinyan arrived, he saw the queen feeding the emperor water.

He stepped forward to salute: "Father, Queen, and Queen."

The emperor was enjoying the two-person world with the empress, when he saw the prince coming, his face immediately turned dark.

"Is there something wrong with the prince?"

"Father, my son is here to deliver medicine." Xiao Jinyan took out two small bottles, one blue and one white, from his sleeve pocket, and introduced: "White is medicine powder that is very effective in healing wounds, and blue is just that ointment is good for healing wounds." The scar effect is also good."

The queen said happily when she heard the words: "Really? Quickly bring it here and show it to me."

"It's the queen mother." Xiao Jinyan took two steps forward and handed the ointment to the queen.

The queen carefully looked at the two small bottles in her hand, how to use such a precious ointment? Why ordinary small bottles?
She unscrewed the cap and held it to the tip of her nose to smell it. The faint fragrance was cool and pleasant.

Xiao Jinyan knew that his father thought he would disturb the two people's world between him and his mother, so he didn't plan to stay for a long time.

"My son has retired."

The emperor didn't say anything on the surface, but he was about to chase people away in his heart, so let's go quickly, don't disturb me and the queen spending time alone.

Xiao Jinyan bowed his head and walked out.

After Xiao Jinyan left, the queen took the ointment and said to the emperor: "The concubine put some ointment on the emperor and see how it works."

The emperor nodded readily when he heard the words, "Okay."

The queen put the ointment on the cabinet, and stretched out her hand to untie the clothes of the dog emperor. After being an old couple for so many years, she didn't feel any embarrassment, but it was a bit embarrassing because she hadn't been intimate for a long time.

Thinking that Emperor Dog's injury was caused by saving her, she didn't think much about it. After taking off her clothes and bandages, flesh and blood could still be seen where the snake had bitten her.

She picked up the small white bottle, opened the cap, and sprinkled the powder on the wound.

The emperor looked at the queen's actions with gentleness and caution, feeling as if he was back in his youth, very warm.

"Queen, I remember that when you first entered the palace, I was injured while practicing riding and archery, and you gently applied ointment on me."

The queen's eyes froze when she heard this, and after the emperor mentioned it, she also remembered the time when she was young, when the dog emperor was still the prince, she didn't know much, and she was really happy at that time.

"It's all about when you were young, why did the emperor suddenly bring it up?"

"When I first became the prince, I didn't have so many worries, and I didn't have so many things to do. At that time, the queen would always come to the study to find me, bring me delicious food, and want me to accompany you out to play."

The emperor said and looked up at the queen, "I miss my youth very much, and I miss the queen always coming to me."

The queen stopped bandaging her hands, and looked at the emperor suspiciously, not understanding why he suddenly mentioned this matter today.

In the past so many years, it was so long that she thought that those things did not exist when she was young, as if she was dreaming.

When she first became the crown princess, she was really bold and reckless, a little willful.

Xiao Qi was busy in the study all day, she would often go to him, and he would get annoyed if the number of times was too many.

That time she spoke a little more heavily, and she realized that Xiao Qi didn't like her always going to the study.

Since then, she hasn't been there much.

When she is bored, she practices swordsmanship.

Later, when Xiao Qi wanted to visit another woman, she had quarreled and quarreled. On the day he was reprimanded by his mother, Xiao Qi went to other women.

That night, she stayed up all night, and when Xiao Qi found out, he comforted her, saying that he couldn't help himself, and it would be fine when he became the emperor.

She believed it.

When she was pregnant, Xiao Qi was very happy and said that he was going to be the father.

It's just that she was less than two months pregnant, but had an accidental miscarriage. Xiao Qi was very distressed and angry when she learned about it, and comforted her to take care of her body, and there would be more children.

But Xiao Qi doted on Concubine Xu more and more, and when it was rumored that she was pregnant, she could always see her happy and complacent appearance.

So what if a lot of people say she is a princess behind her back?If you can't keep the child, you can't keep the prince.

She thought that Xiao Qi would get better when he became the emperor.

But later Xiao Qi became the emperor, and in order to fill the harem, he drafted a lot of talent.

There are so many beauties gathered together, the girl who is only fourteen or fifteen years old is as beautiful as a flower.

She found that after Xiao Qi became the emperor, he cared less about her than before.

It wasn't until she was pregnant that Xiao Qi smiled and treated her very well.

She thought that Xiao Qi would be the same as before, only caring about her alone, but later found out that the most important thing in Sangong Sixth Courtyard is beauty.

She also played with her temper, and Xiao Qi would coax her, but she would still love other women.

The queen mother also often warned her that being a queen must be magnanimous, and concubines who spread branches and leaves for the royal family are meritorious officials.

Afterwards, she became a decent queen, and she could never go back.

Isn't it absurd for Xiao Qi to say that he misses himself who was unreasonable at that time?
"At that time, the concubine was only young and ignorant, and often made troubles for no reason, so she would always disturb the emperor, make the emperor difficult everywhere, and make the queen mother unhappy. Over the years, the concubine has learned to be a princess and a qualified queen. Can't fault it, the emperor knows how much the concubine has paid to achieve what she is now?"

"Why does the emperor miss the concubine at that time? Do you miss the concubine who made trouble for no reason?"

The emperor was startled when he heard the words, and then he sighed again, "In this palace, if the queen doesn't learn to be flexible, she will suffer a lot."

The empress felt uncomfortable. She had gotten used to it all these years, and she deliberately didn't care about it, but the dog emperor insisted on bringing up the old things again, which was no less than tearing open that riddled heart.

She thought that if the pain was numb, it would no longer hurt, but when she mentioned it again, she found that it still hurt.

"The emperor also felt that the concubine was unreasonable before and did not know how to adapt, but the concubine has learned, not only has learned, but also done very well, and will not cause trouble for the emperor. Shouldn't the emperor be happy?"

The emperor said: "I am happy, but the joy is not whether the queen's work is qualified, but that I can still stand shoulder to shoulder with the queen, have two sons, and even have grandchildren."

The queen snorted: "Even if there are no concubines, the emperor will be full of children and grandchildren. If Concubine Xu Gui is still there, the emperor will have more children and grandchildren."

When Concubine Xu was mentioned, the emperor's expression darkened immediately, "Why did you mention Concubine Xu?"

Seeing that the emperor was suddenly angry, the queen knew that her words had hit the dog emperor's sore spot. Concubine Xu Guifei failed to save the miscarriage of her first child, and she still failed to save her second child. Since then, Concubine Xu Guifei has been unable to conceive again.

But the dog emperor was so distressed that he rewarded all kinds of treasures every three days to coax Concubine Xu.

"It was the concubine who made a slip of the tongue, which made the emperor sad."

The emperor could not help but emphasize his tone: "I am not sad."

Queen: "..." Not sad, why are you angry?What's the fire?

The emperor sighed: "If I could do it all over again, I still like the former empress."

ps: three shifts

 Good evening, babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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