Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 452 Ask the man in black 1 about the unknown things about Feng Wuyou

Chapter 452 Ask the man in black about the unknown things about Feng Wuyou

Xiao Jinyan's eyes froze. After so long, there was finally news. He thought it would be the same as before, and he couldn't find any news.

"Let him in now."

After Qin Xiao withdrew, Shu Ying came in from the outside, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "Master."

Xiao Jin said: "Get up and answer."

"Thank you master." Shu Ying stood up straight and reported everything she found.

"My subordinate went to check for a long time, and almost no one in Nanzhao had heard of Feng Wuyou until my subordinate passed through a remote village and heard an old man mention Feng Wuyou."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "Who is Feng Wuyou, does he know?"

"I heard from the old man that a plague broke out in Nanzhao country a few years ago. Since then, Feng Wuyou has disappeared. As for who it is, the old man has always avoided talking about it." Shu Ying replied respectfully.

Xiao Jinyan became even more curious about Feng Wuyou after listening to it. What kind of person would disappear out of thin air and make Nan Zhaoguo avoid talking about it?
Who is that man in black?

"A sudden plague? Why has my palace never heard of a plague in Nanzhao Kingdom? Plague is not a trivial matter. It is impossible for Nanzhao Kingdom to hide it from neighboring countries."

"My subordinates also find it strange. After many investigations, I learned that the plague came and went quickly. In just one day, Nanzhao Kingdom did not suffer any losses, so it did not spread." Shu Ying said.

Xiao Jinyan snorted coldly: "That's even more strange. The plague subsides in a day. Is that still called a plague? How is it different from a rain?"

Comb Ying lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, because he was also curious, but after asking for a long time, the answers he got were all the same.

Xiao Jinyan pondered for a long time, thinking of the paintings in the dark grid, the jade, and the words said by the man in black, which made him want to know the truth.

A few years ago, he sent people to investigate, and there was no member of the royal family of Nanzhao Kingdom with the surname Feng.

Su Ying guessed: "Master, is it possible that there is no such person as Feng Wuyou?"

"If there is no such person as Feng Wuyou, how can I have a portrait of her?" Xiao Jinyan thought of the person in the painting, which was somewhat similar to Xiao Jiu, maybe it was a coincidence.

Sou Ying lowered her head, how could he know that a few years ago, she did not find any clues, but this time she was lucky, and found some clues, which seemed of little use.

After going to Nanzhao for half a year, Shuying lost a lot of weight, which also shows that she has suffered a lot during this trip.

Xiao Jinyan waved his hand, "Go down and rest."

"Thank you master." Shu Ying exited the study.

Xiao Jinyan looked down at the memorial in his hand. In fact, he did not have any expectations for this investigation, but he would still be a little disappointed when he got the answer. The lost memory seemed to have no effect on him, but the words of the man in black reminded him all the time. He, the lost memory is very important.

"Liu Xi."

Liu Xi, who was guarding the door, walked in with a bow, "What orders does Your Highness have?"

Xiao Jin said: "Go and call Concubine Xu over here."

"Here." Liu Xi took the order to back out, turned around and went to Yixiang Hall.

Concubine Xu was staring at the little bell in her hand boredly, because it hadn't barked for four months, which meant that she hadn't seen Jun Wuxian for four months.

I agreed to say something before leaving, but I left without leaving a fart.

Concubine Xu originally planned to leave the palace at the end of the year, but because she was reluctant to part with Shen Chuwei and Tao Liangyuan, she planned to leave the palace again in the spring of this year.

You can go back home at any time, but it is difficult to meet again once you leave the palace.

When Liu Xi bowed in and told Concubine Xu that His Royal Highness was summoned, in the past, Concubine Xu would definitely dress up happily to meet His Highness.


She gave a faint "hmm", then waved a small handkerchief and followed Liu Xi to the study.

After entering, Concubine Xu stepped forward to bless Fushen, "Your Highness is blessed with good fortune."

Xiao Jinyan raised his head to look at Concubine Xu, and found that she had lost weight.

Concubine Xu has lost more than ten catties in the past four months, so obviously thin that Xiao Jinyan couldn't ignore it even if she wanted to.

"Get up and talk, I have something to discuss with you."

Compared with the domineering and domineering concubine Xu of the previous three years, this is a bit gentler.

"Your Highness summons your ministers and concubines to come to discuss what?"

Xiao Jinyan doesn't seem to be wasting time, for Concubine Xu, it's best to get straight to the point.

"I want to see the man in black, can you do it?"

Speaking of the man in black, Concubine Xu felt a little worried, she shook her head: "Go back to Your Highness, the concubine can't do anything about it."

Xiao Jinyan paused, seemingly surprised by Concubine Xu's answer.

"Then how do you usually meet the man in black? I don't believe that you haven't met in private."

"I've seen it before, but every time the man in black takes the initiative to find the concubine, the concubine doesn't know how to find the man in black." Concubine Xu sighed in her heart after speaking, if she knew, she would have contacted him He is gone, and there is no need to wait for more than four months.

It was only at this time that Xiao Jinyan realized that Concubine Xu hadn't seen the man in black for four months. Concubine Xu had no way to contact the man in black. If he wanted to find it, it might be more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

"If the man in black looks for you again, you tell him that I want to see him."

When Concubine Xu heard the words, she thought that Xiao Jinyan was going to trouble the man in black. If this was the case, it would be even more difficult to meet next time.

"What does Your Highness want to see him for? He didn't do anything bad. Although it was wrong to sneak into the palace secretly, he also helped a lot. food."

Xiao Jinyan: "..." You don't even know who he is, so you start to protect your weaknesses?

"Break into the palace at night is already a capital offense."

Concubine Xu naturally knew the crime of entering the palace at night, and she tried her best to speak well for the man in black, "But if he doesn't enter the palace at night, the concubine will die from the plague, and the princess will not be able to eat delicious food. You can't issue a kill order, arrest order or something."

"..." Xiao Jinyan: "I saw him for business, not to ask for guilt."

Concubine Xu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, it's better not to ask the crime, she doesn't want Jun Wuxian to become a wanted criminal.

"The concubine knows."

Xiao Jinyan waved his sleeves, and Concubine Xu withdrew.

Not being able to see the man in black, Xiao Jinyan has no chance to ask, because now only the man in black knows who Feng Wuyou is, and what does it have to do with him?

After dealing with the matter at hand, Xiao Jinyan went to Hehuan Hall.

Just as the lanterns were being held, it suddenly snowed in the sky.

Shen Chuwei took his son and daughter to the porch to watch the snow.

The two little ones were more excited than she was when they saw the profuse snowflakes.

Shen Chuwei stretched out his hand to pick up the snowflake and handed it to the babies happily, "My babies, this is a snowflake."

Susu looked down at Shen Chuwei's palm, her little finger had already turned into watery snowflakes, and said in a childish voice, "It's Huahua, Mama, Huahua."

Shen Chuwei felt that the one-year-old's speech was fun and cute, especially her pink and tender face, speaking in a very serious tone, it made people cute.

"The snowflakes have melted."

This is what Xiao Jinyan saw when he stepped into the Hehuan Hall. The warm scene made him ignore the howling cold wind, and the indifference in his eyes was replaced by tenderness.

Susu saw Xiao Jinyan first, she spread her arms and flew towards Xiao Jinyan happily.

On a snowy day, the road is slippery.

Shen Chuwei was startled when she saw the baby girl's flying posture, and hurried to catch up.

Xiao Jinyan was also startled, and ran over as fast as he could, and hugged his daughter into his arms.

"Papa." Susu hugged Xiao Jinyan's neck happily, and kissed that handsome face, "Well."

Xiao Jinyan looked at his daughter's smiling eyes like Xiao Jiu's, and corrected him: "My father is king."

Susu imitated and thanked: "Father-king."

Although the pronunciation is not clear enough, it can be heard that it is the father.

Xiao Jinyan boasted: "You have learned well."

Shen Chuwei took her son by the hand and looked at the father and daughter in front of her. She didn't even think that she would get married and have children when she was there, something she would never have thought about before.

Xiao Jinyan walked over with Susu in his arms, and took Shen Chuwei's with one hand, and found that her hand was colder than his own.

"It's cold outside, don't stand outside and blow the cold wind."

"The concubine knows." Shen Chuwei followed Xiao Jinyan into the room.

Chunxi put the meals on the table one by one, and there was a stove in which the dishes were scalding, and it smelled delicious.

The two little guys sat on the dining chairs and began to eat their own portion of the meal.

Xiao Jinyan picked up the bowl, remembering that the mother's birthday is only a few days away, "The mother's birthday is coming, what birthday gift do you think is better for the mother?"

Shen Chuwei swallowed the food in his mouth before opening his mouth: "My mother is a queen, so there is no shortage of gold, silver and jewelry, and of course there is no shortage of silk and satin, but..."

Xiao Jinyan asked: "But what?"

Shen Chu smiled slightly: "The queen mother is over 40 years old, and the most important thing for a woman is her appearance. This concubine plans to make a mask and cream for the mother mother."

Xiao Jinyan heard strange words from her mouth again, and was a little curious, "Mask? Cream? What is it?"

Shen Chuwei thought for a while and said, "It's just skin care products."

Xiao Jinyan thought of his mother and queen complaining in his heart that his father disliked her for having crow's feet, and disliked that she was not as good as a teenage girl. All the skin care products with very effective effects were indeed good birthday gifts.

"This birthday gift is not bad, but you still have a way."

"The empress mother treats my concubines very well, and of course the concubines will give the empress the most wanted gift."

If Shen Chuwei is someone who treats her well, she will treat others better. The queen has nothing to say to her, and there is no conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Xiao Jinyan saw that the queen mother treated Xiaojiu better than his son, but compared to before, his relationship with the queen mother has eased a lot.

The next day, Shen Chuwei took out some Chinese herbal medicines effective for skin care from the space, and began to make masks and creams.

Xiao Jinyan said that he didn't have to go to court today, so he asked someone to fetch a pen, ink, paper and inkstone and put them on the low table. He threw on the rice paper and hugged his son in his arms, intending to teach him how to write by hand.

Taotao was overjoyed when she got the vermilion pen.

At this moment, Xiao Jinyu strode in from outside angrily.

"Brother, my father actually asked me to marry Wanxin together."

Today, Xiao Jinyu brought up the matter of marrying a concubine again, and the emperor agreed, but he asked him to marry Miss Han and Wanxin together as side concubines.

 Good evening babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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