Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 453 I really don't want this pet name... Is it okay to piss off the empress dowager?

Chapter 453 I really don't want this pet name... Is it okay to piss off the empress dowager?

When Shen Chu raised his head slightly, he saw Xiao Jinyu's face was a bit unsightly. He was obviously angry. When he sat down on the couch, he didn't even lift the hem of his clothes, and let him be pressed under his buttocks.

She found that only Xiao Jinyan and Xiao Jinyu did not inherit the emperor's affection, but were very dedicated.

Susu was playing with Xiaobai in her arms, and when she saw Uncle Huang coming, she ran over happily and hugged his thigh, "Xiaohuang, give me a hug."

Xiaohuang's uncle's uncle pronunciation is a little difficult, so every time I see Xiao Jinyu, I call Xiao Huang directly.

Xiao Jinyu treated his two nephews very well, so the two babies were very close to him.

Xiao Jinyu bent down to pick up Susu, and corrected: "Susu, it's Xiao Huangshu, not Xiao Huang."

Why do you know that Susu is calling Xiaohuang, you have to start with a little yellow dog.

Every time Xiao Jinyu called the babies Xiao Huangshu, Ke Susu called Xiao Huang every time, he thought it was Huang.

Until he pointed to the dog and told Susu that it was a little yellow dog.

Susu said: "You are also Xiao Huang."

Xiao Jinyu: "..."

Susu repeated it seriously: "Xiao Huang, Su."

Xiao Jinyu gave up directly, "I'll correct you when you grow up a bit."

In fact, Xiao Jinyan already knew that his younger brother wanted to marry Miss Han and Wanxin at the same time. It was Grandma Huang's request to his father. It happened that he had the ability to read minds and learned about it in advance.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Xiao Jinyu said indignantly: "Of course I won't marry Wanxin. I promised Miss Han that I would only marry her alone. I can't break my promise."

Xiao Jinyan asked back: "What if you don't want to marry the father?"

"I don't want to marry, I want to marry him and marry myself. I don't know how to marry anyway, and I don't have the blessing to marry two at once. I don't have the blessing to accept it." Xiao Jinyu spoke harshly, how can anyone force someone to marry a wife? ?
Xiao Jinyan replied succinctly, "Father will never marry."

Xiao Jinyu snorted, "Are there still not enough women in his harem? There are too many teenage women, and there is no shortage of Wan Xin."

"Father won't accept concubines anymore." Xiao Jinyan looked down at his son's handwriting, he taught them to be relatively simple, even so, it was very difficult for a one-year-old child.

Xiao Jinyu sneered: "Father doesn't dare anymore. If I were the queen mother, I would let Father know the truth that you can't have both."

Xiao Jinyan's eyes froze, why didn't the queen mother know this truth?It's just that in a high position, I can't help myself.

Xiao Jinyu crossed Erlang's legs and watched Susu playing with the tassels on his hairband, "Brother, I have made up my mind, if my father forces me to marry Wanxin, I will elope with Miss Han and make him regret going. "

Xiao Jinyan raised his head to look at his younger brother, which was somewhat similar to his mother's empress, who thought about leaving the palace countless times, and finally ran away once after the baby was full moon.

"Avoiding is not the solution to problems."

"Isn't there a solution for me? I can only elope. Miss Han won't mind anyway." Xiao Jinyu said confidently.

Xiao Jinyan replied calmly: "If you hire, you will be a wife, and if Ben is a concubine, you want Miss Han to be your concubine?"

Xiao Jinyu was stunned when he heard the words, because he didn't expect this problem, and he eloped to anger his father and let him make decisions.

Of course he would not let Miss Han be his concubine. If he wanted her to be his concubine, he would have taken her as his concubine a long time ago, and he would not wait until now.

"I won't let Miss Han be my concubine."

Susu held Xiao Jinyu's face in her little hands, and shouted, "Xiao Huang."

Xiao Jinyu couldn't help but corrected again: "I'm Uncle Xiao Huang, not Xiao Huang, Xiao Huang is a dog, you know?"

Susu tilted her head, thought for a while, and said in a childish voice, "Xiao Huang... yes, a dog."

No matter how you listen to it, Xiao Jinyu feels crispy. Besides, he is a dog~
In the next few days, Xiao Jinyu would go to the imperial study to harass the emperor every day.

"Father, my son will not marry Wanxin as a side concubine, but only marry Miss Han as the main concubine."

The emperor has been very busy these two days, Xueyue Kingdom has been a little restless recently, he hasn't come up with a good countermeasure yet, but his son still comes to bother him every day.

"Marrying one is also marrying, and marrying two is also marrying, and you have nothing to lose."

Xiao Jinyu resisted the urge to release the memorial, "Father, I have suffered a great loss. If I marry two, I will have less chance to accompany Miss Han, and I will waste time and energy dealing with other women. I am also a prince after all. , how can you have so much free time?"

The emperor had no choice but to raise his head to look at his son, seeing that he looked anxious, exactly like the empress.

Thinking of the queen, he sighed again. Although the relationship has eased a little, the queen still doesn't let him get close. He has been a monk for almost a year.

"Are you still ashamed to say that you are a prince? Have you come to you every morning? Have you taken a look at your fiefdom? I'm afraid you don't know how many real estate deeds you have under your name?"

Xiao Jinyu blinked his pretty peach eyes twice, because he needed to get up early in the morning, and he was too lazy to go, anyway, he was working as a casual job.

And what the father said, he really didn't know anything~
The emperor asked again: "Are you busy with me?"

Xiao Jinyu was stunned.

Seeing that his son had nothing to say, the emperor snorted, "Since you don't, why don't you have time to spend with Miss Han?"

Xiao Jinyu's wrongdoing doesn't mean he dare not refute.

"My son can't be hugged by my father and the emperor. My son only wants Miss Han, and Miss Han must be the right concubine."

"You are getting more and more courageous, and you still compare me with you? Go out, I still have business to do." The emperor didn't want to waste time with his son, he also wanted to finish his work early and go to the queen.

Xiao Jinyu stood straight in front of the dragon case, not intending to leave, but said solemnly: "Father, I only want to marry Miss Han."

The emperor was annoyed by the quarrel, so he had to point out a bright way for his son, "It is the queen mother who wants you to marry Wanxin. If you can persuade the queen mother, I will force you."

"Okay, my son will leave." Xiao Jinyu turned around happily and left.

The emperor stopped him again, "The empress dowager is old and in poor health, so be careful when you speak."

"I know." Xiao Jinyu hurried to the Palace of Compassion and Ning after speaking.

At this time in the Palace of Compassion, the Empress Dowager was lying on the couch, enjoying Wanxin's service, the older ones often had sore legs, it would be better if they were beaten.

Xiao Jinyu strode in, stepped forward to salute, "Grandson pays respects to Grandma Huang."

Wanxin saw Xiao Jinyu coming, got up and blessed Xiao Jinyu, "King Yu."

The queen mother saw Xiao Jinyu, smiled and waved to him. "Yu'er is here."

Wan Xin turned around to go to the side hall to make tea, but when she passed by Xiao Jinyu, she walked out shyly and timidly.

Xiao Jinyu didn't notice Wanxin, he went straight to the Queen Mother, "Grandma Huang, grandson came this time to tell you that grandson doesn't want to marry Miss Wanxin."

The queen mother was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect her grandson to come here for this matter, she asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Is Miss Wanxin okay?"

Xiao Jinyu said very seriously: "Miss Wanxin is very nice, but no matter how good my grandson is, I can't marry her. My grandson only wants to marry Miss Han."

The queen mother hated iron for being weak, "You child, how can Miss Han have a good heart?
Xiao Jinyu said: "Grandma Huang, in the eyes of my grandson, Miss Han is the best, a thousand times better than Wanxin."

Empress Dowager Nexin persuaded: "You have been with Miss Han for so long, so you naturally think so. If you marry Wanxin and get along with each other for a long time, you will know that Wanxin is more than a thousand times better than Miss Han."

Xiao Jinyu couldn't stand Miss Han being said to be inferior to others. The person in front of her was his grandma. If it was another person, his roof would be knocked off.

What the emperor said was right, Xiao Jinyu's temperament is very much like the queen of the year.

"Don't Grandma Huang like Wanxin? Why are you willing to let Wanxin marry? If you like it, you have to stay by your side."

The queen mother was a little unhappy when she heard the words, she should be angry.

"How do you talk, child? Wanxin, a girl is going to marry someone. Such a good girl let you marry because of her family. Can her family hurt you?"

Xiao Jinyu retorted softly: "The grandson will not harm you either."

The queen mother is old, how can she be refuted every sentence?

"Anyway, Wanxin, you must marry. What's so good about that girl Han? A woman is so tall, and Aijia wonders if she has some hidden disease."

Xiao Jinyu was a little angry when she heard the words, "Grandma Huang, how can you say that about Miss Han? Miss Han is very good. Anyway, my grandson likes Miss Han, and I don't want to marry other women."

"You, you..." The queen mother clutched her chest, looking uncomfortable.

Xiao Jinyu was too scared, "Grandma Huang, what's wrong with you?"

The next second, the queen mother fainted.

Seeing this, Xiao Jinyu hurriedly yelled, "Hurry up, go to the imperial doctor, Grandma Huang has fainted."

Nanny Yu at the door hastily invited the imperial doctor, and after a pulse check,

Xiao Jinyu was too nervous.

The emperor and queen rushed over after hearing the news, and when they saw Xiao Jinyu, they were given a lesson.

"Didn't I tell you to be careful when speaking? Why did the Queen Mother faint?"

"Father, I don't know, I said a few words casually, and I don't know Grandma Huang is so fragile." Xiao Jinyu lowered his head, feeling so guilty that he had already controlled himself, but he didn't expect Grandma Huang to accept it. The ability is so poor.

The emperor was so angry, "I'll settle the score with you later."

After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked to the bedside to check on the Queen Mother's condition.

The queen pulled her son aside and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Jinyu was very guilty at this time, and he lacked confidence in speaking, "My son is just expressing his attitude."

The queen saw that her son Tiexin only wanted to marry Miss Han, just like her elder son, she only wanted Shen Chuwei, and she gave birth to two sons, neither of whom looked like a dog emperor.

After being diagnosed by the imperial doctor, the queen mother was irritated and stimulated, so she fainted.

"The Empress Dowager is too old to be stimulated. She has to go ahead with everything. If there is a next time, I'm afraid her life will be in danger." said the imperial doctor.

Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan heard this sentence when they came, and they knew the seriousness of the matter.

Xiao Jinyu regretted hearing the imperial doctor's words, and knew that he would hold back.

When the queen mother woke up, she saw so many people around the bed, she said slowly: "Ai's family is getting old, and his body is useless."

Sitting on the bed, Xiao Jinyu took the initiative to admit his mistake: "Grandma Huang, it's my grandson's fault. I shouldn't have said so many things to make you unhappy."


ps: The relationship between the man in black and Concubine Xu will be written, and there will be obvious progress
 Good night spicy!

  Babies, ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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