Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 455 I Cried After Confessing, A Surprising Gift

Chapter 455 I Cried After Confessing, A Surprising Gift

Miss Han fastened Xiao Jinyu's clothes, raised her cold eyes and looked at him, seeing that he was staring at her without speaking, she reached out to caress that handsome face, which was a little red after just taking a bath.

"What are you dazed for?"

Xiao Jinyu came back to his senses, took Miss Han's hand guiltily, walked to the bed and sat down, then pulled her into his arms.

Miss Han took advantage of the situation and sat on his lap. Xiao Jinyu was a little strange tonight, her eyes dodged and she didn't dare to look at herself. The usual Xiao Jinyu was very clingy to her.

She looked down at Xiao Jinyu, and held his handsome face in both hands, "Did something happen to you?"

Xiao Jinyu looked away guiltily, put his arms around her slender waist, buried his head into her neck, smelled the seductive fragrance, and suddenly felt a little dry.

"You smell so good."

Miss Han has heard Xiao Jinyu say that she has a fragrance on her body several times, but she can't smell it.

She looked down at the man on her body and found that the back of his neck was also red.

"How much wine did you drink last night?"

"Not much, you see that I'm still awake." Xiao Jinyu raised his head and kissed Miss Han's lips, and his hands began to be dishonest.

Miss Han noticed Xiao Jinyu's impatience, and she could clearly feel his hot skin through the thin material.

He was obviously drunk, but he still said he wasn't drunk...

"I'm going to marry someone else, I know you will be angry." Xiao Jinyu buried her neck again, not daring to look up at her.

Miss Han's eyes froze, thinking that she had misheard, she asked: "What did you just say?"

Xiao Jinyu repeated sullenly: "I can't do what I promised you. I want someone else when I marry you."

Miss Han heard clearly this time, Xiao Jinyu wanted someone else, and agreed to only marry her, but now she wants to marry someone else?
"Who do you want to marry?"

"Grandma Huang wanted me to marry Wanxin, but I didn't do what I promised you." Xiao Jinyu cried as she spoke, feeling extremely wronged.

Miss Han frowned when she heard Wanxin, and suddenly thought of what Wanxin said when she was hunting in Qiuwei.

At this moment, she felt wet on her shoulders, and then heard Xiao Jinyu say: "Miss Han, what should I do?"

Miss Han: "..." Shouldn't she be the one who should cry and make trouble?What do you mean by making trouble?
Xiao Jinyu cried extremely sadly, "I don't want to marry Wanxin."

Miss Han was so sad when she heard Xiao Jinyu cry, she couldn't bear it, she patted him on the back and comforted him: "Then don't marry."

"But if you don't marry, my grandmother may be mad at me." Xiao Jinyu hugged Miss Han tightly, so sad that the tears never stopped.

Miss Han has figured it out now, she is old enough to force Xiao Jinyu to marry Wanxin, just like Xiao Jinyu's temperament, if she doesn't want to marry voluntarily, no one will be able to ignore him.

But the old one is Xiao Jinyu's grandma, who has loved Xiao Jinyu since she was a child. He has a kind heart, so how could he ignore grandma's safety?

"Then marry."

Xiao Jinyu's heart ached when he heard the sad words. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Miss Han, "How can you let me marry another woman? You should point at my nose, scold me, and not allow me to marry someone else."

Miss Han looked at Xiao Jinyu who was crying and had red eyes, sad like a child, she took out a handkerchief and wiped his tears.

"If I don't let you marry, can you not marry?"

Xiao Jinyu paused when she heard the words, feeling as if a big stone was blocked in her heart, "Grandma Huang, if something happens if I don't marry Grandma Huang, I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life. But if I marry Wanxin, I can't forgive myself either."

Miss Han stopped wiping, and she sneered: "Then I want you to leave the queen mother alone, can you do it?"

Xiao Jinyu cried and said: "I can't do it, Grandma Huang loved me very much when I was young."

Miss Han stared at Xiao Jinyu, seeing his red eyes from crying, she was the one who was wronged and should cry, but he was more sad than herself.

Xiao Jinyu panicked when she saw that Miss Han didn't speak, "You have to marry me."

Miss Han's voice was cold, "Then we will marry together."

Xiao Jinyu said aggrievedly: "But I don't want to marry a woman I don't like into the mansion, won't that disturb our world?"

Miss Han: "..."

Miss Han's silence made Xiao Jinyu panic again. He took Miss Han's hand to his chest, and his voice was still aggrieved: "It's so uncomfortable here, don't you feel sad?"

Miss Han looked at Xiao Jinyu's aggrieved appearance. After all, she was a person who grew up in a greenhouse. The simplicity made people feel helpless, and she still felt sorry for him.

"I'm the one who should be sad."

It's okay not to mention it, but it's even sadder to mention Xiao Jinyu.

"I don't think you are sad at all. You don't cry or make trouble. On the contrary, it's me who is very sad."

Miss Han sneered: "If I make a scene, people will die."

Hearing this, Xiao Jinyu grabbed Miss Han's hand, "You don't mean to kill Wanxin, do you?"

Miss Han asked back: "If you don't kill her, will you kill the Queen Mother?"

Xiao Jinyu hurriedly covered Miss Han's mouth, "You can't talk nonsense, Grandma Huang can't move, and Wan Xin, she is also forced to do nothing, the queen mother treats her kindly, she can only obey."

Miss Han raised her eyebrows: "You protect her before you go through the door?"

Xiao Jinyu hurriedly explained: "I didn't protect her, and it is very painful to marry someone I don't like."

Miss Han: "...You should take pity on yourself."

Xiao Jinyu hugged her into his arms again, and said close to her ear: "I have you, how can I be pitiful?"

Miss Han said coolly: "But you want to marry someone else."

Xiao Jinyu felt uncomfortable and wronged again, "So I'm so sad, and you don't comfort me."

Miss Han couldn't help reminding, "You are a man."

Xiao Jinyu said: "Aren't men worthy of being sad? Marrying someone you don't like is already a great grievance."

Miss Han: "..."

Xiao Jinyu raised his head and hugged her and rolled into the bed together, looked down at the person under him, and said seriously: "Will you give me a baby? Your baby must be as cute as Susu."

Miss Han paused when she heard the words, and seeing Xiao Jinyu's expectant face, she asked: "...What if you can't give birth?"

Xiao Jinyu asked suspiciously: "Why can't you give birth?"

Miss Han didn't answer, she took the initiative to put her arms around Xiao Jinyu's neck, raised her head and kissed his lips.

Xiao Jinyu was a little emotional, and he freed his hand to put down the bed curtain to cover the lights in the house and at the same time cover the beautiful scenery inside the bed.

The emperor thought that the queen's birthday was coming, and he also planned to prepare a gift for her. He wanted to send a special gift to the queen.

On the queen's birthday, the emperor held a grand birthday banquet.

Shen Chuwei brought a birthday gift and followed Xiao Jinyan's family of four to the birthday banquet.

As soon as they entered the main hall, the two little fellows were holding Shoutao in their hands, and ran towards the dragon chair independently.

When the emperor and queen saw the babies coming and found that they were still holding birthday peaches in their arms, they immediately showed happy smiles.

Just when they opened their arms to welcome the two little guys, they saw them approaching, so they knelt down on the ground with a plop, and then kowtowed in style.

"Grandpa, Nana, An'an."

The sudden greeting made the emperor and the empress stunned for a moment. It was the first time they had seen a child in his early one year old saying hello.

The two young masters are well-educated and very attractive.

The emperor Longyan was very happy, and waved to them, "Taotao, Susu, come to the emperor's grandfather."

Taotaosusu got up from the ground and walked in front of the emperor and empress with two short legs.

Susu raised the Taotao in her hand and gave it to the queen, "Taotao."

"Nanai." Taotao also sent the longevity peach in her hand to the queen.

The queen looked at the two longevity peaches in her hand, they were gifts from her precious grandchildren,

It was Chunxi who taught me how to say hello, and it took many days of teaching before the babies could roughly make the gesture of saying hello.

At the beginning, Susu held the birthday peach and thought it was her own. No matter how Chunxi taught her, she was reluctant to take out the birthday peach. Not only that, Susu held the birthday peach and gave it to her mouth.

In order for Susu to successfully send out the birthday peaches, Chunxi also took great pains. Susu loves to eat it, so she can only smear the birthday peaches with lemon.

After taking a bite of Susu, I never ate it again.

Shoutao is made of chocolate.

Seeing the behavior of the two babies, Concubine Yun Gui knew how to make the emperor happy when she was only a little old, and she will be able to do it when she grows up?

The emperor picked up Susu, and boasted in front of everyone: "Taotaosusu is the smartest, and at such a young age, he knows how to greet the emperor's grandpa and grandma."

Concubine Yun Gui and Concubine De Gui looked at each other, but didn't answer, wishing to be invisible so that no one would discover their existence.

Because their grandson didn't know anything when he was one year old, let alone please.

When it came time to give the birthday gift, when it was Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan's turn, she left the banquet with the birthday gift and came to the hall.

Say the congratulatory speech that has already been prepared, and then send out the congratulatory gift under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Qingying took the congratulatory gift from Shen Chuwei and came to the queen's side, opened the box and showed the queen a look.

The gifts in front were all precious jewelry or novelty and precious gadgets, but the things Shen Chuwei gave were very different.

The queen asked Shen Chuwei curiously, "Crown Princess, what are these?"

Shen Chuwei explained: "After returning to my mother, there are mask and cream inside, which can improve the dark yellow of the skin and improve the signs of aging with age. After using it, I will be several years younger."

The queen was very happy when she heard this, because this was what she lacked. She asked Qingying to put it away and take a closer look when she got back.

The concubines sitting here all suspected that the crown princess gave these useless things to please the queen, and only the queen regarded those things as treasures.

Two months later, the concubines were shocked when they saw the queen, as if they were several years younger, and begged the queen for some facial masks.

Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan returned to their seats after delivering the congratulatory gifts.

After the birthday banquet was over, the queen returned to Fengyi Palace and couldn't wait to open the congratulatory gift from Shen Chuwei.

Shen Chuwei, a skin care product, wrote detailed usage methods and effects.

The queen picked up a box with a mask written on it, and opened it.Inside is a bottle and a piece of paper.

After reading the method of use and the effect, the queen couldn't wait to try it.

"Qingying, go get some water, I need to wash my face."

"Here." Not long after Qingying withdrew, she came over with water.

The queen washed her face under the service of Qingying, then picked up the mask and opened it, and saw the paste-like thing inside, which was black, making people wonder if it could be used on the face?
Out of trust in Shen Chuwei, the queen asked Qingying to apply the black mask on her cheeks, leaving only her eyes and mouth.

Qingying also saw the effect of using it. After applying it, she suppressed a smile and went to prepare water.

The emperor came to Fengyi Palace with carefully prepared gifts. When he opened the door and walked in, he was really shocked when he saw a dark face.


ps: Ask for monthly ticket support (draw the key points)

There are also Baozi who are taking the high school entrance examination. I wish you all can be admitted to the ideal high school.

 Good night babies!
  Ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support!
(End of this chapter)

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