Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 456 Thought the queen was terminally ill... Xiao Jinyu begged for forgiveness online after d

Chapter 456 Thought the queen was terminally ill... Xiao Jinyu begged for forgiveness online after drinking the fragment
The emperor took a few steps back in fright, and shouted angrily: Who are you?How dare you play tricks in front of me? "

Although many palace lanterns were lit in Fengyi Palace, the light was still very dim, and it was no wonder that he was frightened when he suddenly saw a blackened face.

The queen was originally lying on the imperial concubine's couch, and when she thought of the cream Shen Chuwei gave her, she wanted to take a look at it, but when she stood up, she saw the dog emperor coming, as if she had seen a ghost.

I was thinking of saluting, but now?It's not bad without hands.

"What does the emperor mean by this? Can't even the courtiers recognize him?"

It is reminded in the instruction manual that facial movements should not be too large, as it is easy to deepen the nasolabial folds, which means that when the queen speaks, she pronounces with her throat.

Even so, the emperor recognized that the voice belonged to the empress.

"Are you the queen?" The emperor stared at the blackened face, terrified, and shouted outside the door: "Quickly send the imperial doctor."

With such an anxious voice, Eunuch Li guessed that something serious must have happened, and hurriedly turned to call the imperial doctor.

The emperor's roar made the queen stunned at the scene.

The emperor stepped forward quickly, hugged the queen into his arms, and comforted him: "Queen, don't be afraid, the imperial doctor will come later, everything will be fine."

Queen: "..." What kind of madness is this?

The queen didn't know what she looked like after applying the black mask, which frightened the dog emperor, but the dog emperor's reaction really shocked her.

Being hugged by the Dog Emperor, a piece of black was rubbed against the bright yellow robe.

The empress was so distressed when she saw it, half of her face was wiped off with just a little mask... She hurriedly pushed the dog emperor away, "The emperor, let go."

The emperor thought that the queen was afraid, and instead of letting go of the queen, he hugged her even tighter. He vowed: "I am not afraid, even if it is an infectious disease, I am not afraid, and the queen does not have to be afraid, I am by your side."

The queen stopped pushing and shoving. The dog emperor thought he had an infectious disease?

On the day of her birthday, if there is no gift on her birthday, forget it, and she is said to be sick?

The imperial doctor was dragged all the way by Eunuch Li because he thought the imperial doctor walked too slowly.

"Your Majesty, the imperial doctor is here." Eunuch Li gasped after finishing speaking.

The imperial doctor was dragged all the way, and his old bones almost fell apart. He saluted tremblingly, "Your Majesty, Empress."

When the emperor heard the footsteps, he took a handkerchief beside him and tied it around the queen's face, trying to hide her dark face.

How much the queen loves this face, he knows better than anyone else, if others see this face, how can the queen accept it?

The queen was dumbfounded.

The emperor urgently ordered: "Quickly check the queen's pulse."

"Yes yes yes." The imperial doctor said yes three times, then walked in with the medicine box.

The queen was led by the emperor to sit down on the couch, and then took out her hand to give the imperial doctor a pulse.

The imperial doctor took out a square handkerchief step by step and put it on the queen's exposed white wrist.

As soon as the pulse was checked, the queen stood up and walked to the washbasin, because it was time to wash her face.

The emperor asked anxiously: "Doctor, how is the queen?"

The imperial doctor bowed and replied: "Back to the emperor, the queen is in good health and there is no serious problem."

The emperor asked: "Why did the queen's face become like that?"

The imperial doctor hesitated for a long time without saying a word.

After washing her face, the queen came to the dressing table, picked up the cream, opened the cover, dipped a little on the belly of her finger, and spread it evenly on her cheeks.

The emperor stared at the queen without blinking for a long time, his face, which was dark just now, will become very pale.

Could it be that my eyes were blurred just now?
After the imperial doctor left, the emperor got up and came to the empress's side, staring down at her face for a long time.

"Ling'er, why was your face black just now?"

"Because the concubine put on a mask." The queen took out the mask Shen Chuwei gave to the emperor to see.

When the emperor opened the lid, he saw something black. Is this what the empress just wiped on her face?

He thought he was disfigured...

The queen looked in the mirror, touched her face, and found that it was much smoother and more delicate, and it seemed that the effect was good.

The emperor closed the lid and put the mask back in place, and took out an exquisite box from his arms. Usually rewarding concubines is just a matter of a word, but giving gifts to the queen would be inexplicably nervous.

After hesitating for a long time, he handed the box to the queen, and said in a gentle voice, "This is a birthday gift I prepared for you."

The queen looked at the box in front of her with some surprise. It was a dark black box, and the gilded dark pattern on the box body could be seen faintly under the light.

The dog emperor actually prepared a birthday gift?

She took it over, the box was a bit heavy, and she didn't know what was inside?The left is nothing but those precious jewelry.

She opened the box without expecting, and saw a wooden hairpin lying inside the box, and this wooden hairpin was exactly the same as the one given by the Dog Emperor on his 15th birthday.

She picked up the wooden hairpin and looked at it carefully. The body of the hairpin was polished very smooth, and the plum blossoms were lifelike.

The queen held the hairpin and raised her head to look at the emperor, "Why does the emperor think of giving hairpins to his concubines?"

"I just want to try to carve out the exact same hairpin after so many years. How does Ling'er think this hairpin compares to the previous one?"

The emperor looked at the empress expectantly. The reason why he carved this wooden hairpin was because he hadn't seen the empress wear it for a year, so he wanted to give another one.

The queen looked down at the hairpin in her hand, it was very similar to the previous one, but different, it might have something to do with her state of mind.

At the age of 15, when she was in love, she was not short of silver or gold. She received a wooden hairpin, which was carved by Xiao Qi himself. Naturally, she was happier than getting jewelry.


The queen raised her head and asked back, "Does the emperor think this hairpin is the same as the previous one?"

The emperor held the queen's hand holding the hairpin, and said slowly, "Naturally they are different. They are both birthday gifts, with the same intentions, but different meanings."

The queen replied very shamelessly: "Isn't it all for the sake of courtiers and concubines?"

Uh!The emperor who had his thoughts pierced was a little embarrassed.

"Does Ling'er still like it?"

"It's okay." The queen played with the hairpin. She didn't bring the hairpin back to the palace, but locked it in the jewelry box in Fuyaoju. To prove that she had put it down, the dog emperor gave it to him again I got an identical hairpin.

Although this answer was a bit perfunctory, the emperor was very happy.

During the rest, the queen lay on the bed, watching the dog emperor take off his clothes slowly and go to bed, every time she rubbed against the bed relying on herself as the emperor.

When the bed curtain was drawn, the queen closed her eyes and went to sleep. She felt a warm body pressed against her back, and her hot and humid breath gushed out, pressing against the back of her neck. She flinched a bit.

The emperor posted it shamelessly, "Ling'er, it's been a year, are you still angry with me?"

"The concubine dare not." The body behind her was close to each other, and she could clearly feel the temperature gradually rising. She moved inside, trying to stay away from the person behind her.

It's just that she just moved a little inside, and the person behind her came up again, this time directly hugging her waist.

"Ling'er, don't you miss me?"

The queen grabbed the restless hand, but she was not as strong as the dog emperor, so she let him succeed.

I haven't had sex for a long time, how can I stand such teasing by the dog emperor?

After a while, the queen reacted instinctively, and her body quickly softened.

"Ling'er." The emperor buried her neck, calling the queen's boudoir name in a low voice.

"Your majesty..." The queen resisted and wanted to push the dog emperor away, but she was not as strong as the dog emperor.

The Queen almost blurted out the phrase "Dog Emperor".

The emperor hadn't had intercourse with the queen for a long time, and he couldn't help himself when he was excited.

In the middle of the night, the queen wondered if it was dawn, and the dog emperor didn't want to rest?
The emperor leaned close to the queen's ear, and said in a hoarse voice: "I haven't slept with them these few years, and I won't in the future."

Concubine He, who has been favored the most in recent years, is only in name only.

Concubine Ning, who was the most favored before, also drank a few more glasses because of her anger with the queen, so Concubine Ning took the opportunity to sleep and get pregnant.

Xiao Jinyu was drunk the day before yesterday, and even drank fragments. He was clearly sober when he returned to Qiancheng Palace, and he became drunk all of a sudden after taking a bath, which also shows that the alcohol has a lot of stamina.

Of course, Xiao Jinyu in the isolated film didn't know that the dignified man was crying so sadly when he hugged Miss Han and cried.

The next day, Miss Han saw that Xiao Jinyu had forgotten, so she didn't mention it again.

In fact, when Xiao Jinyu was drunk, sometimes he really looked like a child, but when he was on the bed, he was like a little wolf dog.

Xiao Jinyu led Ms. Han on the way back. He forgot that he had already confessed after being drunk. He had been looking for an opportunity to confess to Ms. Han for the past two days, but he couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

Miss Han raised her head and looked at Xiao Jinyu, "What are you doing in the Royal Garden?"

Xiao Jinyu replied with a guilty conscience: "Let's not go to the Royal Garden, let's go home."

Miss Han glanced at the road in front of her, "Then take a look, go that way now."

Xiao Jinyu stopped, raised his eyes and looked forward, and with the help of the palace lanterns on both sides, he realized that it was the road leading to the imperial garden.

He withdrew his gaze and looked at Miss Han with some embarrassment, "It's too dark, I didn't see the way clearly."

Miss Han didn't expose him, "Go back."

Xiao Jinyu nodded, "Yes."

At this moment, the cold wind came, carrying snowflakes.

Xiao Jinyu stopped suddenly, "Wait a minute."

Miss Han asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Jinyu didn't speak, he came to him with both hands and untied the fox fur, and then put it on Miss Han.

In the past three years, Xiao Jinyu's height has grown by leaps and bounds, and she is already much taller than Miss Han. Wearing fox fur can be said to be an easy task.

Xiao Jinyu looked at himself standing on the fox fur he tied with his own hands, and said proudly: "When I first met you, I was not as tall as you. Now, I am taller than you."

Miss Han raised her head and looked at the man in front of her. When she first met him, he was still a teenager, but now he has grown up.

She took the initiative to hold Xiao Jinyu's hand, "Go back, it's cold outside."

Xiao Jinyu struggled for a long time, but decided to confess to Miss Han now.

"Miss Han, I have something to tell you."

Miss Han stopped, raised her head and looked at Xiao Jinyu, "What are you talking about?"

When Xiao Jinyu was about to speak, he was interrupted by a female voice.

"King Yu."

Wan Xin walked over with a lantern, saw Xiao Jinyu, stepped forward and blessed her body.

Xiao Jinyu turned his head and saw Wanxin standing in the cold wind holding a lantern, "Miss Wanxin, you are so late, why are you here?"

Wan Xin said softly: "The daughter of the people went to the imperial hospital, happened to pass by, and came over when she saw King Yu."

Xiao Jinyu thought that he just wanted to confess, and Wanxin appeared.

In front of Miss Han, she happened to talk about this matter, and Miss Han might not be so angry.

"Miss Wanxin, you came just in time."


Babies, the son is asking for monthly ticket support online! ! ! (draw key points)

 good night!

  Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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