Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 457 Big Marriage Staying Alone in the Empty Room, Leading the Army for Bao Daxia in person,

Chapter 457 Big Marriage Staying Alone in the Empty Room, Leading the Army for Bao Daxia in person, Shen Chuwei begged for it

Wanxin glanced at Miss Han beside Xiao Jinyu, and when she looked at Xiao Jinyu again, her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Did King Yu have something to talk to Minnv?"

Xiao Jinyu finally plucked up the courage to confess, "Miss Han, Grandma Huang asked me to marry Miss Wanxin."

Miss Han said indifferently: "And then?"

Xiao Jinyu froze for a moment, why was Miss Han's reaction so flat?Shouldn't you be angry?

"This king was forced, and so was Wan Xin, Miss Han, are you not angry?"

Miss Han glanced at Wanxin coldly, and she raised the corners of her lips: "Why should I be angry?"

Before confessing, Xiao Jinyu thought about the reactions of countless Han girls after learning the truth. Some of them left in anger, some threw things, even slapped him, called him not a man, and agreed to marry her alone.

After thinking so much, she never thought Miss Han would be so calm.

This is not a care?
Wanxin was a little surprised to hear Miss Han's words. That's not what Miss Han said when she was hunting in Qiuwei.

She raised the corners of her lips and smiled slightly: "Miss Han is a reasonable woman. In the future, you and I will marry into the East Palace together so that we can serve King Yu better."

Miss Han stared at Wan Xin with cold eyes, "King Yu said you were forced, why am I so happy to see you?"

Wanxin raised her eyes to look at Xiao Jinyu, smiled and said, "The Empress Dowager graciously proposed marriage to King Yu for the daughter of the people. King Yu has both ability and political integrity. It is the daughter of the people who is promoted, shouldn't she be happy?"

Miss Han's eyes turned cold, she was so eloquent.

"I still wronged Miss Wanxin." Xiao Jinyu actually wanted to say that he was also wronged...

Miss Han looked back at Xiao Jinyu, "It's time to go back."

It was freezing cold outside, and Xiao Jinyu also felt that it was time to go back.

"Miss Wanxin, I'm going back first." After Xiao Jinyu finished speaking, he took Miss Han's hand and walked back.

Wanxin stood in the cold wind with a lantern in her hand, watching Xiao Jinyu take Miss Han's hand and slowly leave, her eyes fell on the fox fur on Miss Han's body, if she guessed right, it was Xiao Jinyu's fox fur.

Xiao Jinyu also treats Miss Han very well. After marrying him, I don't know if Xiao Jinyu will treat herself like this?

In any case, it is wiser to marry Xiao Jinyu than Xiao Jinyan.

As soon as he returned to Qiancheng Hall, Xiao Jinyu took Miss Han back to the bedroom, untied the fox fur belt and said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you not angry at all?"

Miss Han asked back: "What's the use of being angry?"

Xiao Jinyu's hands paused, and seeing Miss Han's calm and calm performance, she was obviously afraid that she would be angry, but she would not be angry now, but she was very angry instead...

"Do you not want to marry me?"

Miss Han put her arms around Xiao Jinyu's neck and kissed him actively, "Don't think about it, wash and rest."

Xiao Jinyu sighed, if you give me some reaction, I won't be thinking wildly.

Xiao Jinyu's wedding date was set at the beginning of next month, and the wedding date was approaching in a blink of an eye, and the Qiancheng Hall was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the gongs and drums were blaring.

Xiao Jinyu married two side concubines at the same time, because both of them were folk women, which saved a lot of process.

At the same time, because she is not a concubine, the etiquette is much less.

Sitting on the throne, the emperor and the empress were also very happy to see their son marrying the side concubine.

Shen Chuwei and Xiao Jinyan went to the wedding banquet together, and they also sat in the front seats.

Seeing Xiao Jinyu wearing a red wedding dress, holding red silk in his hand, one of them was wearing a light red wedding dress.

Xiao Jinyu looked sideways at Miss Han. Although it was just a ceremony, she was still married.

After the ceremony, the two side concubines were supported by their personal maids and returned to their rooms.

Xiao Jinyu also followed Miss Han into her room.

Looking at Miss Han sitting on the bed, wearing a light red wedding dress, with a hijab covering her head, sitting there quietly, waiting for him to remove the red hijab.

Xiao Jinyu took the title from the handmaiden, lifted the hipa, and saw Miss Han in her wedding gown, her cheeks with a little makeup added a bit of femininity.

"Ayan, you look so good today."

Miss Han raised her head, and saw Xiao Jinyu, who was wearing a red wedding dress, was extraordinarily handsome and handsome, with joy in his eyes.

"By the way, there is also Heji wine."

Xiao Jinyu turned around and came to the round table, lifted the jug and poured two glasses of wine, and then came to Miss Han.

Although she is a side concubine, in Xiao Jinyu's eyes, Ah Yan is the main concubine.

Miss Han took the wine glass and drank the wine with Xiao Jinyu.

Xiao Jinyu raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one sip, looked down at Miss Han, and said after a while: "After drinking the Hebei wine, we are husband and wife."

Miss Han nodded, "Yes."

After drinking the wine, Xiao Jinyu took the wine glass from her hand and put it on the table, then turned around and sat down in front of the bed, reaching out to untie her wedding dress.

It's not the first time to take off her clothes, but this time it's a wedding dress, and it feels different from taking off ordinary clothes.

After taking off the wedding dress, only the red obscene clothes are left.

Xiao Jinyu suddenly felt a little dry mouth.

Seeing Xiao Jinyu's actions, Miss Han raised the corners of her lips slightly, and took the initiative to undo his girdle. Her hands and feet were quick, and she took off Xiao Jinyu's clothes in a short while.

Xiao Jinyu put down the bed curtain and lay on the bed with her in his arms.

At this time in another room, Wan Xin was sitting quietly on the bed in her wedding dress, waiting for Xiao Jinyu to lift her hijab.

Cuiping, the personal maid, came over, a little aggrieved: "The prince has already gone to rest at Concubine Han's place, no matter what, the prince should come over and take off his hijab."

Wanxin took off the hijab by herself, revealing a beautiful face, she sighed: "The prince and Concubine Han have been together for so long, the relationship is naturally deeper, how can I compare?"

"Ma'am, don't think like this. Ma'am is not inferior to Concubine Han in beauty. She might be tired of being with the prince for so long. By then, the prince will definitely notice Madam." Cuiping comforted.

"I hope so." Wan Xin looked down at the red hijab in her hand, and naturally thought so in her heart.

It's March in Yangchun, but it's a bit colder than usual.

Shen Chuwei hugged Mrs. Tang, eating freshly cooked meat dumplings.

Xiaobai, who was six months old, was already very big. Susu sat on Xiaobai's body and rode a horse. When she saw Shen Chuwei eating, no matter how fun riding a horse was, she lost interest.

Susu got off Xiaobai neatly and trotted over.

"Ma Ma, I want the nest too."

Shen Chu slightly lowered his head and looked at his daughter with a greedy expression on her face, her saliva almost flowed out, she is not a stingy person~
"You can only eat a little."

Shen Chuwei handed the zongzi to her daughter's mouth, but Susu grabbed the zongzi with her two little hands and ran away.

Shen Chuwei: "..." How could there be a daughter who robbed her mother for food?

Susu grabbed the zongzi and ran to the door, and slammed into Xiao Jinyan's arms. Fortunately, Xiao Jinyan helped her in time so that her daughter did not fall.

Looking at the zongzi in his daughter's hand, he frowned.

Susu raised her head to look at Xiao Jinyan, and happily stretched out her arms to hug her, calling out in a childish voice, "Father, hug me."

Xiao Jinyan looked at her daughter's sticky little hands, pushed her to a distance of one meter, and said: "Nurse, take the princess down to wash your hands and face."

The disgusted Susu was a little sad, "Father, hug me."

Xiao Jinyan pinched her little face, "I'll hug you after you wash it off."

At this time, the nanny came in, led Susu and walked out.

Susu held the nanny in one hand and grabbed the rice dumpling in the other, and took a big bite to soothe her injured weak heart.

Xiaobai looked up at Shen Chuwei, and finally went out with Susu.

Ever since Xuetuan often led Susu out, Shen Chuwei let Xuetuan follow Taotao.

In this way, Susu wanted to sneak out without the snow ball leading the way, so she couldn't run far.

Shen Chuwei still couldn't believe it, "Susu actually competed with me for food."

Xiao Jinyan is no longer surprised, "You only give her a small bite every time you eat, she has learned to be smart this time."

Shen Chuwei argued hard, "Isn't the concubine afraid that she will not digest if she eats too much?"

Xiao Jinyan found that her daughter was becoming more and more like Xiaojiu, especially when it comes to food, as long as there is food, she can talk about anything.

"Don't eat in front of your daughter in the future."

Shen Chuwei thought it made sense, so he would eat it secretly next time.

"Aren't you busy today, Your Highness?"

Xiao Jin said: "I have something to tell you when I come back. The Xueyue Kingdom and the Fengqi Kingdom have joined forces to invade the border of Daxia. Father wants me to lead the army to go out."

A few years ago, Xueyue was defeated in the battle, and she has been refusing to admit defeat. In fact, she has been secretly thinking about how to avenge her past humiliation.

It's just that the Xueyue National Congress disregarded Princess Xueyan's safety and colluded with Fengqi Kingdom to carve up Great Xia.

It's just idiotic dreams.

Shen Chuwei was stunned when he heard the words, thinking that when he was pregnant, Xiao Jinyan led the army for half a year and had to be separated for half a year... Isn't that the same as a long-distance relationship?

"How long will your Highness be going?"

Xiao Jin said: "I'm not sure yet, maybe about half a year."

He also didn't want to be separated from Xiao Jiu for so long, but because of the safety of Daxia, he had to lead the army.

"Oh." Shen Chu lowered her head slightly, she was unhappy at the thought of starting a long-distance relationship.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Xiao Jinyu comforted her, "I will come back as soon as possible."

Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at Xiao Jinyan, thinking of the countless large and small wounds on his body when he came back last time, he couldn't help but start to worry.

"Then Your Highness must pay attention to safety, and don't let yourself get hurt."

Xiao Jin said: "On the battlefield, injuries are inevitable. I promise you that I will protect myself well."

Shen Chuwei knew how cruel and bloody the war was without thinking about it, and it was because of this that she was more worried about Xiao Jinyan.

After confirming that the day to lead the army was three days later, Shen Chuwei began to prepare first-aid supplies, and she even prepared a lot of biscuits.

Emergency medicine, amoxicillin is an essential medicine.

Lying on the bed at night, Shen Chuwei was still wondering if there was anything missing.

Xiao Jinyan put down the curtain of the bed, then hugged Shen Chuwei, and rubbed shoulders with her. After being separated for such a long time, of course he had to make some love before he left.

After much deliberation, Shen Chuwei decided on one thing, although the military camp is not as comfortable as the palace, but compared to Xiao Jinyan's safety is the most important thing.

She hugged Xiao Jinyan, "Your Highness, why don't you take your concubine with you?"


ps: Babies, the unveiling of the heroine's identity has begun to pave the way.

Roll around like a baby and ask for monthly ticket support! ! !
 Good night babies!
  Ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support! !

(End of this chapter)

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