Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 458 Aren't You Afraid Your Concubine Can't Stand The Loneliness?If you don't

Chapter 458 Aren't You Afraid Your Concubine Can't Stand The Loneliness?If you don't come again, I want to get married.

Xiao Jinyan paused, looking at Xiao Jiu who was lying on top of him, his beautiful eyes were as bright as crystal against the night pearl.

Eyes full of anticipation.

"Bei Mo has a long journey, and the military camp is no better than the imperial palace. I don't want you to suffer that crime."

Shen Chuwei said: "The concubine naturally knows that the imperial palace is well-clothed and the life in the military camp is miserable, but with His Highness here, those are not problems."

Xiao Jinyan didn't want to say more about how hard the life in the military camp was.

"Be obedient, obediently wait for Ben Gong to come back in the palace." The comforting tone carried an undeniable majesty.

Shen Chuwei withdrew his hand from Xiao Jinyan's waist, hugged his neck instead, and played with a lock of black hair on his chest.

"Your Highness, is it safe to let the concubine alone in the palace? I'm not afraid that the concubine can't stand the loneliness..."

Xiao Jinyan's eyes darkened, "How dare you?"

Shen Chuwei paused his playful movements, curled his lips, and simply laid down on Xiao Jinyan's chest, with his ears just touching Xiao Jinyan's chest, his strong heartbeat overwhelmed him.

Is this heartbeat faster?
She reached out and touched Xiao Jinyan's heart.

In the next second, the world was spinning, and Shen Chuwei found herself under Xiao Jinyan's body, and her long black hair fell from her shoulders, brushing her pink cheeks, as smooth as satin.

A faint fragrance spread from the tip of her nose, it was the fragrance she was familiar with.

The light yellow shirt on his body also fell apart because of the action just now, revealing a large expanse of fair skin.

The firm and full chest muscles are the most eye-catching.

Xiao Jinyan looked at the person below him firmly, and called out in a low voice: "Xiao Jiu..."

Putting one hand on his firm and full chest muscles, he paused the rest of his words.

Xiao Jinyan lowered his eyes, he knew better than anyone how soft that hand was.

Shen Chuwei couldn't help sighing in his heart, no matter how many times he touched it, it still felt very good.

The slender fingers untied the belt, and when it was untied, one could see the firm abdominal muscles with smooth and distinct lines.

She poked that abdominal muscle with her finger, well, it was very strong.

Xiao Jinyan's throat tightened, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Xiao Jiu."

Shen Chuwei put his arms around Xiao Jinyan's neck and kissed him, "Your Highness."

Xiao Jinyan changed from passive to active, he reached for her belt indiscriminately, and pulled it hard.

At the critical moment, there was a soft and soft voice of milk coming from outside the door.

"Father, hug..."

This voice is known to be a crisp voice.

Xiao Jinyan was patient to the limit, so he gave birth to a daughter and came to disturb him at this time.

Tonight Xiao Jinyan asked the slaves who were watching the night to retreat, so there were no outsiders at the door at this time.

There was a knock on the door, and Nuo Nuo's voice was about to cry, "Father, Father, hug the baby..."

Xiao Jinyan lowered his head powerlessly, "I'll go and see Susu."

Then he got up and lifted the curtain of the bed, put on his middle coat and went out.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan's leaving back, it was really uncomfortable that such a handsome husband couldn't eat.

Xiao Jinyan opened the door, and saw her daughter standing outside the door with a small cloak in her arms. In such a cold day, the tip of the little guy's nose turned red from the cold after a while.

Xiaobai stood beside Susu closely, using his fluffy fur to keep Susu warm.

Xiao Jinyan was angry and distressed, he bent down and hugged his daughter into his arms, then closed the door and walked in.

Xiaobai stood guard at the door with no intention of leaving.

Xiao Jinyan came to the bedside with his daughter in his arms.

Seeing Shen Chuwei, Susu excitedly stretched out her hand to hug her, "Ma Ma, hug me."

When Shen Chuwei saw her daughter's comparable appearance, how could she be willing to refuse?She carried her daughter over and placed her in the middle of the bed.

Susu lay happily in the middle,
"Susu, why didn't you sleep and came here?"

Susu blinked her beautiful big eyes twice, and said in a childish voice, "I want to sleep with Ma Mafu Wang."

Since Susu could walk and talk, she ran over to rub the bed from time to time.

Xiao Jinyan lifted the quilt and lay down under the quilt, looking at his daughter sleeping in the middle, he taught righteously: "You are over one year old, you should sleep by yourself."

Susu said straightforwardly, "The nest is still a baby."

Shen Chuwei: "..."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

The emperor and the empress call Susu baby every day now, they are so spoiled, Susu is also very smart, she knows that she is a baby at a young age, and she has to be pampered.

It is impossible to throw my daughter out now, so I can only put her to sleep and do other things.

Xiao Jinyan said softly, "Go to sleep."

Susu has not been noisy since she was a child, and she will sleep obediently as long as she is full.

After a while, the little guy fell asleep.

Seeing that his daughter was asleep, Xiao Jinyan picked her up and put her inside.

Shen Chuwei looked at Xiao Jinyan's actions suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

After Xiao Jinyan covered her daughter with the quilt, she turned around and hugged Shen Chuwei into her arms, tugging at her belt indiscriminately, and whispered in her ear, "Continue with what you haven't done just now."

"...But Susu is here." Shen Chu looked sideways at her daughter, for fear that she would wake up suddenly.

"My daughter is sleeping." Xiao Jinyan put his hand on Xiao Jiu's cheek, turned her face away, bowed his head and kissed her.

Shen Chuwei wrapped his arms around Xiao Jinyan's neck, and cooperated with him while responding.

"Father, the baby needs to be kissed too."

The sudden soft and waxy voice made people pause, and at the same time looked sideways into the bed, only to see the baby girl looking at them with her eyes open.

The two looked at each other, suddenly embarrassed.

Susu got up from the bed, walked two steps to come to them, held Xiao Jinyan's face and took a bite.

"Father, Ann."

Shen Chuwei would often say good night and good morning to Susu. Susu learned quickly.

Then he held Shen Chuwei's face and said, "Ma Ma, An An."

After doing all this, Susu went back to the quilt, covered the quilt, patted her chest with her little hand, and then closed her eyes to sleep.

That sensible and well-behaved appearance is very attractive.

Xiao Jinyan withdrew his gaze, looked at the person in his arms, his face was flushed, and he said hoarsely: "Let's continue."

Shen Chuwei glanced at his daughter nervously, "What if my daughter wakes up again?"

"I'll be gentle." Xiao Jinyan said and kissed her.

In the end, Shen Chuwei used his last ounce of strength to complain, "I really can't believe what a man says!"

The reason was that Xiao Jinyan carried her out of bed and went straight to the concubine's couch~
The next day, Shen Chuwei, who was sleeping with the quilt in her arms, suddenly felt suffocated. When she felt that she was about to suffocate, she opened her eyes suddenly, and saw Susu pinching her nose seriously.

The nose is pinched, so it's no wonder that I can't breathe.

"Susu, what are you doing?"

Susu saw that the concubine mother was awake, and happily grabbed her hand, "Ma Ma, the next meal is spicy."

Shen Chuwei said weakly: "Honey, do you know when my mother slept last night?"

Susu tilted her head, stared at Concubine Mu suspiciously, then shook her head.

"Last night, your father was really annoying..." Shen Chuwei thought for a long time before he thought of using the word hate to describe Xiao Jinyan's behavior after losing control last night~

Susu opened her bright eyes, staring at the concubine mother full of doubts.

Shen Chuwei looked at her daughter's innocent face, and thought to herself, what are you talking about with her?My daughter doesn't understand...

Chun Xi walked in at this time, saw Su Su, smiled and said: "When the little master had breakfast, he kept yelling that the master hadn't eaten yet, and after finishing the meal, he couldn't wait to come and ask the master to eat."

Shen Chuwei looked at her daughter, it was true that her daughter was a caring little padded jacket, it would be better if she didn't rub the bed when she and Xiao Jinyan were in love.

"But I'm really hungry." In fact, I was hungry last night, because I was too tired and went to bed directly, otherwise I would have to eat before going to bed.

"The servant waits for the master to change and wash." Chunxi smiled and came over with the clothes.

Seeing that her mother and concubine had gotten up, Susu ran out with two short legs.

Xiaobai followed up.

Since Taotao often ran to the study room and destroyed many famous paintings, Xiao Jinyan prepared a small study room for his son alone, and asked Song Qing to teach Taotao how to read and write.

Susu came to her brother's small study room, held the door frame with both hands and looked inside, "Guokuo."

Taotao heard his sister calling him, raised his head to look at the door, and saw his sister lying on the door frame looking at him, he put down the pen in his hand, got up and walked over.

Taotao, who is only over one year old, is not much better than Susu in terms of speaking and comprehension.

When he walked over, the first thing he did was to hold his sister's hand and lead her into the study.

Song Qing looked at the two brothers and sisters, she liked them from the bottom of her heart, they were sensible and smart.

After Shen Chuwei finished his breakfast, he continued to pack the supplies.

At this time, Concubine Xu came, waving a small handkerchief, not as happy as in the past, but a little more sad.

"Princess, I'm leaving the palace."

"So soon?" Shen Chuwei was a little surprised. In fact, she knew that Concubine Xu was going to leave the palace, but on this day, she still couldn't bear it.

"His Royal Highness is about to leave the palace to lead the army to fight."

"My mother wants to leave the palace as soon as possible. She said that it is not good to stay in the palace for a long time. Let me go back and find a good man to marry as soon as possible." Concubine Xu put her chin in her hands. She was with her family, but she was reluctant to leave the palace, and she was even more afraid that Jun Wuxian would come back, not knowing that she had returned to the General's Mansion.

Shen Chuwei stared at Concubine Xu for a long time. Originally, Concubine Xu belonged to a sensual beauty, but in the past six months, she has almost become a skinny beauty.

"I found that you have lost a lot of weight recently."

"Is there?" Concubine Xu touched her face. She used to pay attention to her fatness and thinness, but she didn't pay attention to it later.

Shen Chuwei even wanted to weigh her with an electronic scale.

"You've lost a lot of weight."

Concubine Xu sighed, "What's the use of being thin, and no one will look at it."

Shen Chuwei asked: "Who do you want to see?"

"Of course it is..." Concubine Xu almost said Jun WuXian, she hadn't seen him for almost half a year, and probably forgot about her.

Seeing Concubine Xu hesitate to speak, she guessed: "Is it the man in black?"

Concubine Xu nodded, "I haven't seen him for almost half a year."

Shen Chuwei asked suspiciously: "Didn't he come and go freely in the palace? Why didn't he come to see you?"

"He went to find his sister. He said that when he found her, he might come to see me."

"What if I get married?"

In the end, Concubine Xu spoke very lightly, as if she was talking to herself.


Babies, ask for monthly ticket support!
 Good evening, babies!

  Roll around like a baby and ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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