Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 464 Too pampered... Bullying Tanhua is too honest...

Chapter 464 Too pampered... Bullying Tanhua is too honest...

Taotao was eating diced fruit on the couch, when he saw Grandpa Huang and his younger sister coming in, he quickly got off the couch to salute.

"Grandpa, Jin An."

Since Song Qing began to teach Taotao, etiquette was the first thing, because the royal family paid the most attention to etiquette and rules.

The emperor sat down on the couch with Susu in his arms, and watched Taotao salute in a dignified manner. The serious appearance was seven or eight points similar to that of the prince when he was a child.

"Peach, get up and come to me.

Taotao came to Grandpa Huang with two short legs.

Seeing the diced dessert fruit on the low table, Susu got down from Grandpa Huang, sat on the couch, picked up a piece of jujube cake with her little hand, put it into her mouth and took a bite.

The emperor often hugged Susu, but this grandson rarely hugged Susu, because every time he hugged Susu, there was no room for him. This time, Susu was not in his arms, so he made room.

"Come on, grandpa hug."

When the emperor hugged Taotao, he was stunned for a moment.

Because Taotao is the elder brother, he should be heavier than Susu, but he finds that Taotao is lighter than Susu.

He turned his head to look at Susu, and saw that she was holding a jujube paste cake in one hand and a spoon in the other, taking one mouthful after another, her mouth hadn't stopped since she sat down.

It's so edible, it's not impossible to weigh more than my brother...

Shen Chuwei followed the emperor into the room, and saw the emperor holding Taotao, and Susu, a snack foodie, was eating pastries.

Chu Lingfeng then came in and stood in an inconspicuous position, trying to make people ignore him.

The emperor raised his head and glanced at Chu Lingfeng, and stood quietly in the corner, calm in dealing with things, with a sense of nobility on his body, worthy of being the eldest son of King Chu Nan.

"Princess Concubine, this is the eldest son of King Chu Nan, Chu Lingfeng, son of Chu, and he will start reading with Taotao today."

Shen Chu turned his head slightly to look at Chu Lingfeng. It turned out to be the son of Chu, no wonder he had a cool and noble air, the key was to be beautiful.

"It's inevitable that Taotao will be lonely studying alone, and the emperor's arrangement is very appropriate."

Chu Lingfeng looked at the little princess and the grandson of the emperor. Are you still lonely with such a cute little sister?

What Chu Lingfeng didn't know was that the empress doted on Susu, it didn't matter whether she was talented or not, the important thing was that Susu was happy, and it didn't matter if she wanted to learn or not.

It's not too late to learn when she is older.

As a salted fish, Shen Chuwei naturally wouldn't force her daughter to be proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and it's not bad to be a little salted fish.

The emperor hugged Taotao for a while, then put Taotao back on the couch and continued to eat diced fruit.

Susu supported the low table and stood up, holding a piece of jujube paste cake in each of her two small hands, and handing it to the emperor's grandfather's mouth, she said in a childish voice: "Grandpa, this cake."

The emperor looked at the pastry in front of him, he reached out to take it, raised his head to look at Susu, and smiled dotingly, "The baby still knows how to give the emperor grandpa something to eat."

After delivering the cakes, Susu got off the couch neatly, and came to Chu Lingfeng with the jujube paste cakes, and held the cakes in his hand in front of him.

"Small pot, bad time, good time."

Chu Lingfeng looked at the jujube cake in front of him, and then saw the little princess looking at him with a smile on his face, but he didn't dare to pick it up.

At this time, the stomach let out a growl.

Chu Lingfeng was very embarrassed.

Shen Chu reminded in a warm voice: "Chu Shizi, Susu's hands are almost sore."

Chu Lingfeng raised his head and glanced at the princess, and then took the cake from the little princess.

Seeing that Chu Lingfeng picked it up, Susu threw herself into Grandpa Huang's arms happily, "Grandpa, hold the baby."

Susu is usually very good at climbing on the couch to eat, but today the emperor's grandfather is here, so she is too lazy to climb on her own.

Every time the emperor heard his precious granddaughter talk about holding the baby, his heart softened. He smiled and picked up Susu and put it on the couch.

"Grandpa Crab." After Susu sat down, she couldn't wait to continue eating the diced fruit.

The emperor didn't stay for long, and left after playing with Susu for a while.

As Taotao's reading companion, Chu Lingfeng originally didn't need to live in Hehuan Hall. For convenience, he stayed in Hehuan Hall just like Yin'er's companion reading before.

Shen Chuwei asked someone to tidy up a room, and the bedding and everything were new.

Chu Lingfeng followed Shen Chuwei into his new residence, and was still taken aback when he saw the brand new bedding inside.

Shen Chu glanced at the room slightly, it was not much different from Taotao's room, and the furnishings were similar.

It was the first time for Chu Lingfeng to come here. She was very unfamiliar and reserved, but she understood it better.

"Chu Shizi, if you need anything, you can go directly to Chunxi, and she will prepare it for you."

Chu Lingfeng came back to his senses, raised his head to look at the Crown Princess, and then remembered to salute, "Thank you, Crown Princess."

Shen Chuwei said again: "Where's your entourage? I'll ask someone to take him to the side room, and get acquainted with the environment by the way."

Chen Lingfeng paused when he heard the words, and it took him a long time to reply: "I'm no longer here."

Shen Chu was slightly taken aback, isn't there?
It was only later that I realized that the person was gone.

Seeing that Chu Lingfeng didn't want to say more, she didn't ask any more.

"I'll make arrangements for you later. You can choose a suitable follower yourself. As the prince of Chu, you can't live without a follower who takes care of your daily life."

Chu Lingfeng nodded his thanks.

Shen Chuwei stared at Chu Lingfeng for a while, then turned and walked out.

After walking far away, Shen Chuwei ordered: "Chunxi, you go to the House of Internal Affairs later and ask them to send a few people over so that Prince Chu has already picked one."

Chunxi nodded and said, "Your maidservant is going to the House of Internal Affairs."

Shen Chuwei ordered again: "Also, Chu Shizi just arrived, he must be a little cautious, you take the initiative to ask about daily needs."

Chunxi nodded, "The servant has written it down."

Not long after Chunxi went to the House of Internal Affairs, Grandpa Quan brought three young eunuchs who were about 15 years old.

Eunuch Quan smiled slightly: "Young Master Chu, they all just entered the palace, they are obedient, you can choose for yourself."

Chu Shizi glanced at the three people in front of him, they were of different heights, and his eyes finally fell on the little eunuch on the far right. He was thin and handsome.

He raised his hand and pointed: "It's just you."

The selected eunuch was Yuan Bao, who didn't expect to be selected, and was stunned for a moment.

On the way here, both of them were afraid that Prince Chu would choose him, because Prince Chu was just a proton with no future to speak of.

Everyone said he was lucky, he was so thin, he would definitely not be selected.

"What are you doing in a daze? Are you sorry to greet Prince Chu?"

After Yuan Bao came to his senses, he immediately knelt on the ground to recognize his master, "Slave Yuan Bao pays respects to master."

Chu Lingfeng said lightly: "Get up."

"The miscellaneous family will go back first." Eunuch Quan brought them back with a smile.

The two who were not selected were secretly relieved. Fortunately, they were not chosen, otherwise they would have no bright future.

Seeing that Prince Chu had chosen, Chunxi turned and left.

Shen Chuwei was sitting on the couch knocking melon seeds when she saw Chunxi walk in, "How's it going?"

"Master, Prince Chu has already selected his followers." Chunxi said as she walked over, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, and placed it in front of Shen Chuwei.

"Master, Chu Shizi doesn't seem to like talking very much."

Shen Chuwei picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, "Maybe it's introverted, plus you just came to a strange place, it will get better after a long time."

Chunxi smiled and nodded, "That's right, but this way, Taotao will have company when she is studying."

"Crown Princess." Tao Liangyuan walked in slowly with a smile.

After Concubine Xu left the palace, Tao Liangyuan came here very frequently, almost every day.

Shen Chuwei waved to Tao Liangyuan, "Tao Liangyuan, come eat melon seeds."

After Tao Liangyuan sat down, she grabbed her paw and knocked, "Crown Princess, I heard that Taotao has a companion to read, is it true?"

Shen Chu nodded slightly, "It's Prince Chu, a very beautiful boy."

Tao Liangyuan asked gossipingly, "How pretty?"

Describing the little boy, Shen Chuwei couldn't describe it for a while, she thought for a while and said: "The appearance is on par with Taotao, but he is thinner than Taotao, he is a very polite boy."

"You say that, I'm a little curious." Tao Liangyuan knocked a melon seed, and looked at Shen Chuwei with a smile, "Crown Princess, let's go and have a look together."

Shen Chuwei readily agreed, "Okay."

Putting down the melon seeds, the two went to the prince's bedroom next door together.

As soon as he approached the study, he heard Song Qing's gentle voice.

"Chu Shizi, this poem is not bad."

"Mr. Song is overrated."

"Peach is also very good."

Tao Liangyuan walked to the door, looked inside, and saw Song Qing wearing a moon-white robe, with a white jade belt around his waist, making him slender and thin.

Shen Chuwei also leaned over, his eyes fell on Chu Lingfeng, and he elbowed Tao Liangyuan's arm, "See, that beautiful young man is Chu Shizi."

"Oh." Tao Liangyuan came to her senses, and her eyes shifted from Song Qing to the young man in front of him. The young man was only eight or nine years old, with a thin side, but his immature face was very beautiful.

"I see, she is very beautiful." Tao Liangyuan said, looking at Song Qing again.

Song Qing put down the book in his hand and said, "Chu Shizi, take the emperor grandson out to play for a while, rest for a while, and then continue."

"Yes, Mr. Song." Chu Lingfeng walked out with Taotao, and when he saw the Crown Princess, he stepped forward to salute, "I send my greetings to the Crown Princess."

Tao Tao threw herself into Shen Chuwei's arms happily, "Mother Concubine."

"Taotao." Shen Chuwei squatted down in front of his son, seeing his white and tender hands stained with ink, "Mother, I will take you to wash your hands and eat."

She held her son's hand and stood up, looking down at Chu Lingfeng, "Chu Shizi, go wash your hands and eat something together."

Chu Lingfeng nodded, and followed the princess to wash her hands.

Before leaving, Shen Chuwei said to Tao Liangyuan, "You play for a while, I'll be right back."

Tao Liangyuan said: "Go and do your work, don't worry about me."

After Shen Chuwei and the others walked away, Tao Liangyuan looked into the study room. Song Qing was sitting in front of the desk reading a book, and she walked in.

"Tanhualang, what book are you reading?"

Hearing this, Song Qing raised his head and saw Tao Liangyuan. He hurriedly put down the book in his hand, stood up and saluted, "Tao Liangyuan."

Tao Liangyuan walked over slowly, picked up the book Song Qing had just read, glanced at the contents, and suddenly raised the corners of her lips when she thought of the book she was reading.

"Tanhualang, I have a book here, do you want to read it?"

Song Qing lowered her head and narrowed her eyes: "I like reading books. If I haven't read it, I naturally want to read it."

 good night!

  Spoiler alert, there will be a little more supporting roles in these two days, because there will be leading roles behind. (The heroine will leave the palace to reveal her life experience)
  The latest updates are two chapters a day, about [-] words per chapter, no laziness, compared to others, [-] words a day is already much more.

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(End of this chapter)

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