Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 465 Tanhua was stunned after reading the romance novel...

Chapter 465 Tanhua was stunned after reading the romance novel...

Song Qing is well educated, has read all kinds of books, and also loves reading, so she didn't think much about it.

Tao Liangyuan looked at Song Qing and lowered her head again, but hearing his tone should be looking forward to it.

"When I come to play tomorrow, I will bring the book with me."

Song Qing said: "Then thank you Tao Liangyuan."

Tao Liangyuan imagined that if Song Qing knew it was a storybook, would she still be looking forward to it?

May be shocked and feel absurd?

Just thinking about Song Qing's reaction, she couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Song, how about you teach me how to write?"

Song Qing was terrified when she heard the words, "Tao Liangyuan, I'm afraid this is inappropriate."

Tao Liangyuan pretended to be innocent, "What's wrong?"

Song Qing pressed her head even lower, "It's really inappropriate for men and women to be different."

Tao Liangyuan laughed when she heard the words, "Mr. Song is knowledgeable and courteous, there is indeed something wrong, I was too hasty."

Song Qing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Tao Liangyuan is also eager to study, if you really want to learn, you can find another husband."

Tao Liangyuan said with some distress: "I just want to learn Mr. Song's characters because I like them. If I change people, I don't want to learn them anymore."

Uh!Song Qing: "..."

Tao Liangyuan was not embarrassing him anymore, she looked down at the book Song Qing had just read.

The next day, Tao Liangyuan brought her favorite book to Hehuan Hall, and went to Song Qing alone because it was unreasonable, so she took Shen Chuwei to see Taotao and went to the prince's bedroom.

Song Qing is a gentle and elegant Tanhualang, with a strong book breath on her body, and she is also very honest.

Tao Liangyuan spent money to inquire a lot about Tanhualang. He heard that before he went to Beijing to rush for the exam, there were many people who came to be matchmakers, but he was so absorbed in the book that he wanted to test his fame.

Entering the top three and becoming a prostitute, there are countless people who come to matchmaking, but they feel that they are still young and are not in a hurry to start a family.

Even Shangshu wanted to marry his daughter to him, but he declined.

Tao Liangyuan is also curious about what kind of woman he likes?
Seeing that it was Tao Liangyuan who came in, Song Qing stepped forward and saluted, "Tao Liangyuan."

Tao Liangyuan handed the storybook to Song Qing, "This is my favorite book, take a look."

"Thank you Tao Liangyuan." Song Qing stretched out both hands to take the book in Tao Liangyuan's hand, but accidentally touched a warm and soft hand, so scared that he quickly withdrew his hand, causing the book to fall to the ground.

Tao Liangyuan pretended to be frightened, "Mr. Song, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." Song Qing didn't dare to look at Tao Liangyuan, bent down to pick up the book on the floor, patted the dust on the book, and wiped off the invisible tiny dust with her sleeve.

Tao Liangyuan saw that Song Qing's ears were blushing, she was stunned for a long time, it was the first time she saw such an innocent man.

It may be because I have read too many scripts, and my thoughts have changed a lot.

Looking at his actions, one can tell at a glance that he is a man who cherishes books. Just touching his hand just now scared him like that. Could it be that he has never touched a woman?

After wiping the book clean, Song Qing saluted again, "Thank you Tao Liangyuan, I will read it carefully and return the book to Tao Liangyuan."

Tao Liangyuan said indifferently: "Mr. Song, if you like, you can keep it for yourself, and read it when you go back. After reading it, tell me what is written in it."

Song Qing loves reading as well as collecting. If he likes it, it's good to keep it.

"Then thank you Tao Liangyuan."

"Mr. Song is too polite." Tao Liangyuan looked at Song Qing's loving expression, and looked forward to his reaction after seeing the content, wondering if he would be frightened~
Shen Chuwei brought his son back, saw Song Qing and Tao Liangyuan in the study, and put a plate of grilled chicken wings in front of them without thinking too much.

"This is Coca-Cola Chicken Wings, you guys have a try."

When Shen Chuwei came in, Tao Liangyuan smelled the fragrance, and now she saw the origin of the fragrance, and felt a little greedy.

"It smells so good." As he said that, he picked up the oiled paper politely, and then picked up the chicken wings with the oiled paper, so that his hands would not be dirty.

She put it into her mouth and took a bite, boasting without hesitation: "Crown Princess, this is delicious."

Shen Chuwei was quite proud, "Of course, it's one of my favorite delicacies."

While speaking, she picked up oiled paper and wrapped one for her daughter, then another for her son, and then gave it to Chu Lingfeng.

Chu Lingfeng hesitated for a while, but still took it and took a small bite.

Seeing Song Qing standing still, Tao Liangyuan reminded: "Mr. Song, you can eat too."

Song Qing watched them eat with gusto, and was also a little curious about the taste of the coke chicken wings, but she hadn't forgotten her identity.

"...This is unreasonable."

"Is there anything that suits you? Try it. It would be a pity if you don't eat the delicacies made by the princess." Tao Liangyuan said and wrapped one in oiled paper for Song Qing.

When they were stuffed into Song Qing's hands, their hands touched again, this time not because of shock, but because of embarrassment.

Unsurprisingly, the ears are red again~
I saw Tao Liangyuan, such a shy man is really rare.

Shen Chuwei also took a bite of a coke chicken wing, the meat was tender and delicious.

A group of people gathered around the desk and ate Coke chicken wings. After a while, a plate of chicken wings was gone.

It was the first time for Song Qing to eat like this, it was a little unsightly, but when he saw the Crown Princess, Tao Liangyuan and Prince Chu all eating like this, did it seem normal?
Chu Lingfeng was often hungry in the past, so he was not surprised to stand and eat with his hands like this, but got used to it.

After eating the Coca-Cola chicken wings, Susu took Chu Lingfeng's hand, "Xiaoguopuo, let's play together."

Chu Lingfeng is now in the East Palace, Xiaojun wants him to accompany him, so naturally he will not refuse.

"What are you going to play?"

Susu pointed to the little ball next to Xiaobai, "Play with the ball."

Chu Lingfeng raised his head and looked at Baihu, only to see Baihu walking towards him, he subconsciously wanted to back away.

Even if the tiger does not show its power, it is very scary.

Chu Lingfeng was still a nine-year-old child, so it was impossible for him not to be afraid.

He really didn't understand why the emperor and the princess would give the white tiger to the little princess as a pet?
Susu happily waved at the white tiger, "Hoo hoo."

Seeing Susu waving, Baihu ran over excitedly.

Chen Lingfeng subconsciously took several steps back.

Susu looked up at Chu Lingfeng suspiciously, "Xiaoguopuo, don't you want to play with Wo?"

Chu Lingfeng still hesitated when he saw Baihu, "I'll accompany you."

Susu held Chu Lingfeng's hand again, and after seeing the white tiger approaching, she patted the white tiger, "Hoo hoo."

Chu Lingfeng looked at the white tiger standing docilely in front of the little princess, allowing her to touch him. He only hoped that the white tiger would always be so obedient.

If he went crazy, he couldn't save the little princess, and even his own life would be at stake.

Chen Lingfeng played ball with the little princess for a while in fear. Every time he saw the white tiger running towards him, he was in danger of being thrown to the ground by the white tiger in a second.

Susu had a great time, and when she laughed, she was sweeter than cotton candy.

Chu Lingfeng stared at Susu's smile for a few seconds.

dead of night

Song Qing, who had been busy all day, sat down by the bed after taking a bath. Thinking of the books Tao Liangyuan gave him, it would happen that he would not be sleepy, so he got up and sat on the bedside to read a few books.

Inside the house, a few candles were burning, but the light was still dim.

He lit another one and placed it beside the bed, then sat on the bed, picked up the book and opened it to read.

The content on the first page is very different from the books he has read, it seems to be a story.

He continued to read with curiosity, and after reading a few pages, he found that something was wrong, a bit like a folk script, but it was different from a script.

The story is more attractive, he continued to read, and found that the atmosphere was getting worse and worse...

 Good night spicy!Ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets for support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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