Shock!The prince will read my mind and turn over my sign every night

Chapter 466 It's too explosive...there is no such store in this village

Chapter 466 It's too explosive...there is no such store in this village
After reading the first two sentences, Song Qing thought it was a landscape work, but after reading the first page, he realized it was a tragic story.

When he saw the heroine being forced to love her when she was reborn, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Song Qing was reading the books of sages and sages, where did she read such an explosive article?

He blushed, closed the book, and stared at the candle for a long time in a daze.

Did Tao Liangyuan take the wrong book?

But this book was indeed given to him by Tao Liangyuan.

Tao Liangyuan reads this kind of book?
Song Qing's eyes widened... He glanced at the cover, and there was a carved window on it, with three characters written on the right side, Yanchun Gui.

He thought he might have made a mistake, how could Tao Liangyuan know such a book?There is nothing wrong with the title of the book.

Song Qing put the book back on the table, then pulled up the quilt to sleep, and closed her eyes to see the picture of the emperor kissing the concubine in the book...

Song Qing, who had never experienced love before, saw such a detailed description, and Bai Jing's cheeks turned red again.

Song Qing is 19 years old this year. Although she has never experienced it, it doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.

At the age of 19, I still don't understand, so I must be pretending.

It's just that Song Qing thinks that a man should start a career first and then start a family. If he is thinking about his career, then this aspect will be ignored.

Suddenly seeing such an exciting passage, it is inevitable that I will be a little excited.

That night, Song Qing didn't sleep well.

After getting dressed, he looked down at the copy of Yan Chun Gui, picked it up and planned to return it to Tao Liangyuan.

But thinking about the content in the book, if she makes a mistake, will Tao Liangyuan be embarrassed?
After thinking for a long time, he put the book on the innermost shelf, and then entered the palace in a carriage.

In the spring after the rain, the buds on the wicker grow fast.

Holding a section of wicker in her hand, Susu wobbled to the door of Guoguo, and found that Guoguo hadn't gotten up yet, so she wobbled to the door of Xiaoguokuo again.

When Yuan Bao came out with the washbasin in his hand, he saw the little princess in the garden and was about to go forward to salute, but when he saw the tiger behind the little princess, his legs gave way in fright.

"...Old, Tiger."

Yuan Bao is a newcomer, and he doesn't know that the princess's pet is a tiger. When he first saw such a ferocious beast, he would inevitably be paralyzed by fright.

Susu looked sideways at the white tiger, thinking that Yin'er wanted to snatch her white tiger, she hurriedly stretched out her arms around the white tiger to swear the right to possess it.

"It's Huhu, Wo's Huhu."

Yuan Bao looked at the little princess hugging the white tiger and his heart almost stopped beating. He opened his eyes wide and found that the white tiger didn't show a vicious expression, nor did he want to eat people.

It's just that seeing the white tiger is still a little frightening.

Susu didn't know that Yuan Bao couldn't say a word because she was afraid of the white tiger. Seeing that Yuan Bao ignored her, she let go of the white tiger and walked in with two short legs.

When she came to the door, Susu held onto the door frame and looked inside, and saw Xiao Guoguo sitting at the dining table eating, and she could even smell the fragrance standing at the door.

"Small pot."

Chen Ling looked sideways in a warm voice, and saw the little princess standing at the door, followed by the white tiger behind her, he quickly stood up, "Little princess."

When he came to the door, he reached out to hold Susu's hand and led her in.

Susu followed Xiao Guoguo to the dining table, looked at the plate of meat buns on the table on tiptoe, and said in a childish voice: "Xiao Guoguo, I want a bun."

Chen Ling was stunned when he heard the words, bag?He glanced at the meat buns and found that the little princess was staring at the buns, so he picked up the crispy buns and put them on the chair, then picked up the chopsticks, picked up a meat bun, put it in a dish, and placed it in front of the little princess.

"Small pot of crab and crab." After thanking Susu, she picked up the meat bun and put it into her mouth to take a bite. The skin of the meat bun was thin and filled with meat, and she frowned happily when she ate the meat inside.

Chu Lingfeng found that the little princess liked to smile very much, her smile was clean, and she held it in her arms like a ball of cotton candy, soft and sweet.

Chu Lingfeng froze for a moment, then sat down and ate slowly.

Susu puffed her cheeks, pointed to the meat buns on the plate and said, "Small pot, it's also a bun."

"Yeah." Chu Lingfeng picked up a meat bun and put it in his mouth, took a small bite, and began to eat slowly.

Seeing that Xiaoguokuo also ate, Susu happily continued to eat the meat buns in her hand.

Outside the door, Baihu was lying at the door, looking around vigilantly with light blue eyes.

Yuan Bao held the washbasin and looked at the white tiger so frightened that he dared not move.

Since Xiao Jinyan left, the time for Shen Chuwei to sleep until she woke up naturally was earlier, because no one bothered her at night.

After washing up, she came to the dining table, only saw Taotao sitting there without seeing Susu, doubts flashed in her eyes.

"Peach, where's your sister?"

Taotao shook her head, "Wo doesn't know either."

Susu is gluttonous, he is more active than anyone else in every meal, and there is no reason to be late.

Did you go out to eat and drink?
"Little rabbit, go out and look for it, see if it is playing somewhere."

"Here." The little rabbit withdrew to find someone.

Shen Chuwei was about to go out when he saw Chu Lingfeng walking in with Susu, who was holding a meat bun in his hand, eating with relish.

Chu Lingfeng took two steps forward to salute, "I greet the Crown Princess."

Shen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, "Get up."

Susu trotted over and threw herself into the arms of the concubine mother, "Ma Ma, there is a bag, it's not meaty."

Shen Chuwei looked at her precious daughter's greasy hands, and helplessly hugged her to the dining chair, "I knew you must have run out to eat and drink."

Susu frowned, "Xiao Guo Guo Nani."

Shen Chu slightly raised his head to look at Chu Lingfeng, and asked in a gentle voice, "Does Master Chu want to eat some more?"

Chu Lingfeng lowered his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes: "Thank you, Crown Princess, I'm already full."

"Then sit down and talk."

"Thank you, princess."

Shen Chuwei was already hungry by now, she picked up the meat bun in front of her, stuffed it into her mouth and took a bite, the soup was rich and delicious.

Chu Lingfeng sat on a chair beside him, watching the princess take the meat bun with her hand and gnaw it directly, that's right, she gnawed it, and took a big bite, which didn't suit the princess's temperament at all.

He was startled.

Looking at the grandson of the emperor again, he saw that he was holding the meat buns in both hands, and was eating slowly in small bites.

Then he looked at the little princess again, grabbed the meat bun with one hand, and gnawed it directly, his behavior was very much like a princess.

The scene in front of him was completely different from what he had imagined.

When Tao Liangyuan came, Chu Lingfeng had already taken Taotao to study in the bedroom next door.

Susu learned to ride a horse in the yard, but she was actually riding on the white tiger. She didn't have to walk wherever there was a white tiger on her back. She was very lazy like Shen Chuwei.

Seeing Tao Liangyuan's smiling face, Shen Chuwei asked curiously, "What happy event did you meet?"

"No happy event, just curious about Mr. Song's reaction today." Tao Liangyuan just imagined Song Qing's innocent handsome face, and couldn't help laughing again.

Shen Chuwei was confused, "Mr. Song's reaction? What reaction?"

Tao Liangyuan leaned close to Shen Chuwei's ear and whispered, "I gave Yan Chungui to him yesterday, let him go back and have a look."

"Goose spring returns!"

Shen Chu's eyes widened slightly, "Isn't that a book about forced love? Men don't like to read this~"

Tao Liangyuan suppressed a smile and said, "Of course I know that men don't like to read them. Song Qing is all about reading sage books. It's good to refresh her mind once in a while for a change of taste."

Shen Chuwei has met Song Qing countless times. When getting along, he feels that Song Qing is a very gentle and polite man. His gestures and gestures are full of scholarly atmosphere.

"A Tanhualang who only reads sage books, if you show him such a blunt book, aren't you afraid that he will become angry from embarrassment?"

Tao Liangyuan was stunned when she heard the words. She didn't think about it that much at the time, she just wanted to tease Song Qing.

"I don't know either. If I get angry, I'll say I took it by mistake. However, Song Qing is a man, so he should be more able to accept it than us."

Shen Chuwei: "..." Song Qing is a pure ancient even if he is a man, and he is also a literati who only reads sage books. If he is a dude, he is really nothing.

Compared with a certain spring picture, Yan Chungui is insignificant, and Yan Chungui has only passed the edge.

Tao Liangyuan hugged Shen Chuwei's arm, "Crown Princess, let's go see Song Qing and see how he reacts."

Shen Chuwei was also a little curious, so she nodded, "Okay."

Shen Chuwei and Tao Liangyuan came to the study next door, and they heard Song Qing's gentle voice from a distance.

Tao Liangyuan stood outside the door, looking inside, the first thing she saw was Song Qing, who was wearing a blue brocade robe today, with a moon-white girdle around his waist.

Zhilan Yushu, gentle and elegant, is most suitable for Song Qing.

Shen Chu took a few glances inside, and asked Tao Liangyuan in a low voice, "Is Song Qing very handsome?"

Tao Liangyuan replied without thinking, "Well, to be a Tanhua with a natural and handsome appearance is just a little innocent."

When it comes to innocence, I think about the innocence of Concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan at the beginning, but she misleads them in the end.

The culprit is the bunch of romance novels.

Otherwise, how can concubine Xu and Tao Liangyuan think so unrestrained~

Shen Chuwei said: "Like Song Qing, who is educated and rich, with a handsome appearance, he is the best candidate to be a son-in-law."

Tao Liangyuan was a little aggrieved: "The emperor's sisters are getting old, isn't that old cow eating young grass?"

Shen Chuwei said with some regret: "So it's a pity that the emperor didn't give birth to a princess."

"Fortunately, no princess was born."

Tao Liangyuan spoke in a low voice, but Shen Chuwei still heard her.

If there is a princess under the emperor's knees, Song Qing, the son-in-law, cannot escape.

Shen Chuwei said again: "I heard that the Prime Minister Shang Shu and the Minister of Rites want to recruit Song Qing as his son-in-law."

Tao Liangyuan couldn't help clenching the handkerchief in her hand when she heard the words. It's hard for a man as good as Song Qing not to become a favorite.

She sighed secretly: "...then it will be even more difficult to chase."

Shen Chuwei heard the words as if he had discovered some explosive news, and came over with a gossip face, "Did you fall in love with Song Qing?"

Tao Liangyuan blushed, and looked back at Shen Chuwei. This secret can only be shared with Shen Chuwei.

She nodded shyly.

When she saw Song Qing for the first time, she had a good impression of her, so Concubine Xu asked her to leave the palace. It's not that she didn't think about it, but she didn't want to leave the palace for the time being.

Because it is not so easy to see Song Qing often when I go out of the palace.

As a modern person, Shen Chuwei's first reaction was, "Then what are you waiting for? Chase, if it's too late, there will be no chance."

 Good evening babies!

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(End of this chapter)

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